Apples are the perfect fruit…for discussing how things were designed to change

Release Date:

The apple gives us several excellent illustrations for understanding biblical genetics. The genetics of the apple tree is super complicated, yet always fascinating. From one domestication event several thousand years ago we now have over 10,000 apple varieties, and this does not include the many wild species of apple-like trees. How does this fit within biblical genetics? Tune in to find out!

Filming location: Raven Rock State Park, Lillington, North Carolina

Notes and links:

Species Designed to change video series:

Part 1 God Deliberately Engineered Life to Change, but How Much Change is Allowed?
Part 2 Speciation and the Limits of Change
Part 3 Classifying the Created Kinds Leads to Fascinating Results
Part 4 The Amazing Braided Baramin Concept is Intrinsic to Creation

Species were designed to change article series:

Part 1 How much change is allowed?
Part 2 Speciation and the limits of change
Part 3 The tangled web of (intrabaraminic) life

Cserhati M, Carter R (2020) Hierarchical clustering complicates baraminological analysis, Journal of Creation 34(3):64–73 (see here).
Terborg, P (2020) The hemizygosity hypothesis—a novel genetic paradigm for baranomes, Journal of Creation 34(2):111–116.
Journal of Creation subscription link
Journal of Creation archives
Qiao et al. 2021 Evolutionary history and pan-genome dynamics of strawberry (Fragaria spp.), PNAS 118(45):e2105431118.

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Apples are the perfect fruit…for discussing how things were designed to change

Apples are the perfect fruit…for discussing how things were designed to change
Release Date
