EP 8:7 How a Top Performing Car Saleswoman Built Her Career to Become an Automotive Group Corporate Executive

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In this week’s episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, Host Sean V. Bradley, CSP interviews Morgan Jeter, a corporate executive at the Germain Automotive Group. They kick off the conversation by discussing the lack of female representation and leadership positions within the Automotive Industry. Morgan and Sean discuss the challenges women face in the industry, such as long hours, poor reputation, and the need for more opportunities/support for women!  Listen in and understand the importance of accountability and holding people to high standards. Morgan shares a powerful story about the impact of selling cars and the need to treat every customer and employee with care. The conversation highlights the need for change and the potential benefits of increasing female representation in the automotive industry. Join Sean and Morgan in this enlightening discussion as they explore these vital topics, aiming to inspire change and drive progress in the automotive industry!   Key Takeaways The automotive industry lacks sufficient female representation, particularly in leadership positions Dealerships need to understand and address the specific challenges and needs of women in order to attract and retain female talent Sales managers play a crucial role in facilitating the flow of the day and helping their team members grow and succeed Training is a key challenge for salespeople in the automotive industry, and continuous learning and development are essential for success Accountability and holding employees to high standards are important for creating a culture of excellence in the dealership Every car deal has the potential to impact someone's life, and treating each customer and employee with care and respect is crucial   "The biggest downfall and the biggest area of opportunity that we have within the dealerships on the floor is training for all situations."   "Accountability is by far the thing that we're missing the most, and accountability and kind candor having being able to have those tough conversations, but also holding people accountable in a kind way."     About Morgan Jeter Morgan Jeter, a seasoned professional in the Automotive Industry, first embarked on her journey to the showroom floor of a quaint small town. Over the past 14 years, she has navigated various facets of the industry, from sales to management and retail development, demonstrating her ability to adapt to the industry's ever-evolving landscape. Her innovative thinking and creative prowess earned her the prestigious "Best Idea" title twice in the 20-group competition. Having honed her skills at Permaplate alongside industry leaders, Morgan now steers the Germain Concierge ship at Germain Automotive Partnership. Her approach combines traditional methods with cutting-edge strategies, reflecting her commitment to driving the industry forward. However, Morgan's story goes beyond her professional achievements. She comes from a family of successful women in sales, and she is on a mission to inspire women within and beyond the dealership. Her aim is to showcase that with passion, determination, and a touch of creativity, there are no limits to what women can achieve in this industry. Beyond the Showroom: Outside of her automotive career, Morgan cherishes family adventures with her husband, James, and their beloved children, Maxwell and Marley. Whether they're cycling, camping, or embracing the great outdoors, they eagerly embrace each adventure. In addition to her automotive endeavors, Morgan has ventured into a new project, having launched a Photo Booth company. The inaugural event, "Kain and Friends," in Lexington, Kentucky, was a resounding success. Her weekends are dedicated to capturing moments, spreading joy, and sharing laughter wherever she goes. Notable Achievements: Morgan boasts the distinction of having won the "Best Idea" accolade twice, and she has successfully established and managed a thriving buy center, acquiring 80-100 cars monthly. She also had the privilege of sharing insights as a speaker on the All Things Used Cars Clubhouse. Her Secret to Success: Morgan's journey is rooted in authenticity, empathy, and kindness. These core values have been the driving force behind her growth in the industry, enabling her to forge deep connections with customers and colleagues alike.     The Importance of Female Representation in the Automotive Industry   Introduction In a recent interview with Morgan Jeter, a corporate executive in the automotive industry, we discussed the lack of female representation in the field and the challenges faced by women in leadership positions. Morgan, who has 14 years of experience in the industry, shared her insights and provided valuable suggestions for increasing female representation and creating a more inclusive environment. In this article, we will delve deeper into the main themes discussed in the interview, using verbatim quotes from the transcript to support our analysis. We will explore the challenges faced by women in the automotive industry, the importance of female representation, the role of sales managers in building successful teams, and the significance of accountability and finding one's "why." Finally, we will discuss the implications of these themes and the future outlook for the industry.   The Lack of Female Representation Morgan highlighted the fact that there is a significant lack of female representation in the automotive industry. She shared her own experience of being the only woman on the sales floor when she started her career at the age of 21. While there has been some progress in increasing female representation, Morgan emphasized that there is still a long way to go. She attributed this lack of representation to various factors, including the industry's poor reputation, long hours, and the challenges faced by women with children and families. Morgan expressed her belief that the automotive industry is a fantastic place for women and that having more female representation would bring a different thought process and new ideas to the table. She emphasized the need for dealerships to understand what is important to women and to create a supportive and inclusive environment that addresses their needs. This could involve offering flexible schedules, providing childcare options, and listening to the input of female employees.   Recruiting and Retaining Female Candidates When discussing how dealerships can proactively seek out female candidates, Morgan suggested starting with the current female employees within the organization. She recommended asking them for referrals and understanding what they like about working in the automotive industry. By involving current female employees in the recruitment process, dealerships can tap into their networks and attract more women to the industry. Morgan also highlighted the importance of reaching out to women's business networking groups and organizations that support female professionals. By attending events and building relationships with these groups, dealerships can connect with potential candidates who are already interested in pursuing a career in the automotive industry. Additionally, partnering with schools and educational institutions can provide access to a pool of talented individuals who may be interested in joining the industry.   The Role of Sales Managers One of the key themes discussed in the interview was the role of sales managers in building successful teams. Both Morgan and the host emphasized the importance of sales managers in developing talent and creating a supportive environment for their salespeople. Morgan described her role as a sales manager as "facilitating the flow" of the day, which involves working with clients and salespeople to ensure a smooth and successful sales process. The host added that a sales manager's primary job is to build the most incredible sales team, similar to a coach of a sports team. This involves finding the right players, developing their skills, and identifying and overcoming any obstacles that may compromise their success. The host emphasized the need for sales managers to lead by example and to have a clear philosophy, strategy, and mission. By doing so, sales managers can inspire their team and create a cohesive and high-performing unit.   The Challenges Faced by Salespeople Morgan identified training as one of the biggest challenges faced by salespeople in the automotive industry. She emphasized the need for comprehensive training that goes beyond product knowledge and covers all aspects of the sales process. She highlighted the importance of self-training and continuous learning, as well as the role of sales managers in holding their team accountable for ongoing development. The host added that the market is changing, and salespeople need to adapt to new trends and technologies. He emphasized the need for salespeople to invest time in training and to stay up-to-date with industry best practices. He also highlighted the importance of accountability and the consequences of not meeting minimum expectations.   The Significance of Accountability and Finding One's "Why" Morgan emphasized the importance of accountability and kind candor in the automotive industry. She shared her approach to holding her team accountable, stating, "If they were not doing what I had asked and shown and requested of them, they most certainly would not work for me." She highlighted the need for managers to have the courage to address performance issues and to set a minimum expectation of excellence. The host echoed Morgan's sentiments, emphasizing the need for managers to lead by example and to have a clear mission and strategy. He shared a personal story about the impact of creating a memorable experience for a customer, highlighting the importance of going above and beyond to exceed customer expectations. Morgan also discussed the significance of finding one's "why" in the automotive industry. She encouraged automotive professionals to figure out what is important to them and why they do what they do. She shared her own "why" as helping other people be successful and emphasized the importance of focusing on what truly matters in order to stay motivated and overcome challenges.   Implications and Future Outlook The lack of female representation in the automotive industry has significant implications for both dealerships and the industry as a whole. By increasing female representation and creating a more inclusive environment, dealerships can tap into the immense buying power and influence that women possess. This can lead to increased profitability and success for dealerships. Furthermore, comprehensive training and ongoing development are crucial for the success of salespeople and the industry as a whole. By investing in training and holding salespeople accountable, dealerships can ensure that their teams are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in a changing market. Looking ahead, it is essential for dealerships to prioritize diversity and inclusion and to actively recruit and retain female candidates. By creating a supportive and inclusive environment, dealerships can attract and retain top talent and drive success in the automotive industry.   Conclusion In conclusion, the lack of female representation in the automotive industry is a significant challenge that needs to be addressed. By actively recruiting and retaining female candidates, dealerships can tap into the immense buying power and influence that women possess. Sales managers play a crucial role in building successful teams and developing talent. Comprehensive training and ongoing development are essential for the success of salespeople and the industry as a whole. By prioritizing diversity and inclusion and investing in training, dealerships can drive success and profitability in the automotive industry. The future outlook for the industry is promising, as more and more dealerships recognize the importance of female representation and work towards creating a more inclusive and diverse workforce.     Resources Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm. The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners.  Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today! The Against All Odds Radio Show: Hosting guests that have started from the bottom and rose to the top.  Also, join The Against All Odds Radio Show Guests & Listeners Facebook Group for the podcasted episodes. For more interactivity, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Club on Clubhouse. Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.   The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is Proudly Sponsored By:  Dealer Synergy: The #1 Automotive Sales Training, Consulting, and Accountability Firm in the Automotive Industry! We have been building Internet Departments and BDCs for over two decades! It is this experience that has allowed us to develop the absolute best automotive Internet Sales, BDC, and CRM solutions for car dealerships. We have created the most effective training programs and processes. Phone scripts and rebuttals are our specialties, while CRM action plans, strategies, and templates are our expertise! Dealer Synergy will take both your tools and your people to the next level. Bradley On Demand: Automotive Sales Industry’s #1 Interactive Training, Tracking, Testing and Certification Platform. With over 7,500 training modules, our platform has everything you and your dealership need to sell more cars, more often and more profitably! Money Mind Mapp (M3): Visit MoneyMindMapp.com for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars by tracking, projecting, and forecasting your personal sales goals!

EP 8:7 How a Top Performing Car Saleswoman Built Her Career to Become an Automotive Group Corporate Executive

EP 8:7 How a Top Performing Car Saleswoman Built Her Career to Become an Automotive Group Corporate Executive
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