E173: Interview: The Home-buying Adventures of Antwan & Chailee

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From lost wallets to haunted U-hauls, superstitious folks will say that Antwon and Chailee’s Friday the 13th closing date was bound to be full of twists. But, for this amazing couple, it was still one of the best days of their lives as first-time home buyers despite all the surprises. 
Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

Episode Highlights:
[05:33] It’s All About the Support
Finding the right support team is key to having a good home search. For Antwan and Chailee, once they decided they were ready to buy a home, they had several options for realtors, but ultimately they knew they needed someone with a LOT of experience. When they got in touch with a unicorn team, they knew they found the right fit. They learned so much about the process and had all their questions answered during that first meeting, convincing them that they found the Dream Team. 
[10:56] What Happened on the BIG DAY
The closing date was a series of unfortunate events. The movers showed up hours later than they were supposed to, Chailee lost her wallet during the moving process, and then the U-haul started making strange noises. But, some planning ahead did help them prevent some problems. They planned some crossover for the last day in the apartment and the first day in their home just in case. 
[21:12] Read the Fine Print
Antwan and Chailee had a unique situation when it came to figuring out the loan process, but their unicorn was able to guide them to resources who would give them honest feedback. They were encouraged to jump on a great opportunity, but were also advised to read all the details and make sure they viewed it from all angles to make sure that nothing bad would pop up later.

E173: Interview: The Home-buying Adventures of Antwan & Chailee

E173: Interview: The Home-buying Adventures of Antwan & Chailee
Release Date
