194 // Doing this ONE thing will kick home decorating comparison to the curb

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Do you struggle with comparing your home to others? 
WHY do their homes look SO good...like, seriously, all the time? Where is their clutter? How can they afford those things? 
We can choose to give in to comparison of fight back! I'm choosing to fight back and I want you to also! In this episode we're talking about the main root of comparison and how it might be keeping you stuck in inaction and then WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT!!! 
Walk away feeling inspired to take action, to JUST START, even if the starting is small. Because small leads to growing confidence. Growing confidence exercises your design decision muscles and pretty soon, you're off to the races! 
Share how you're kicking comparison to the curb and how you are JUST STARTING inside the Facebook Community: https://bit.ly/design101group
And, if JUST STARTING means you're finally ready to say yes to Home Design 101 - you can so that here, where you receive support along the journey: https://figandfarmathome.com/home-design-101
// Links mentioned in show: //
Email: hello@figandfarmathome.com
Wesbite: https://figandfarmathome.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/figandfarm/
Facebook Community: https://bit.ly/design101group
Home Design 101: https://figandfarmathome.com/home-design-101
Renewed Conference 2023: https://findyourcalling--herrenewedstrength.thrivecart.com/2023-renewed-conference/
Happy styling!

194 // Doing this ONE thing will kick home decorating comparison to the curb

194 // Doing this ONE thing will kick home decorating comparison to the curb
Release Date
