Buzzcast 100: Trivia, Tech, and Podcaster Dating Tips!

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Send us a Text Message.On this special 100th episode of Buzzcast, the hosts take a trip down memory lane with trivia and a look back at how the show started and progressed over time. They also discuss the latest in podcasting technology with a location-based audio app and creative ways AI can help improve your podcast workflow. And for all the podcasters looking for love, the hosts share some dating advice based on a recent New York Times article. View the DISCUSSION THREAD on Twitter!📣 SOUND-OFF QUESTION: What is the biggest mistake you've ever made in podcasting, and what did you learn from it?To have your response featured on our next episode, leave a voice message at, send a boostagram, or tweet the answer @BuzzcastPodcast!AUTIOLocation-based audio app, Autio, uses GPS to narrate stories of landmarks, cities, and towns. Now, iHeart has partnered with the app, so maybe podcasts will be included in the future?CLIPPED: PODCASTING 2.0Adam Curry called out Alban on a recent Podcasting 2.0 episodeWe loved having our show discussed, but it led to the question: Is it legal to play clips from other podcasts on your podcast?WOULD YOU DATE A PODCAST BRO?The New York Times wrote an article titled "Would You Date a Podcast Bro?". Kevin (38%), Alban (37%), Jordan (17%), Tom (4%), Roger (3%), Travis (<1%) PodMatchPodMatch Automatically Matches Ideal Podcast Guests and Hosts For InterviewsSupport the Show.Contact Buzzcast Send us a Text Message Tweet us at @buzzcastpodcast, @albanbrooke, @kfinn, and @JordanPods Send a "boostagram" through Fountain or Castamatic Email us at Thanks for listening & keep podcasting!

Buzzcast 100: Trivia, Tech, and Podcaster Dating Tips!

Buzzcast 100: Trivia, Tech, and Podcaster Dating Tips!
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