Giant Barrel Sponge : Methuselah on the Reef

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The Giant Barrel Sponge: one of the simpler animals on Earth yet grows to enormous size over a crazily long life, exerts a big influence on reef ecosystems and, unlike a great many animals in our oceans, seems to be thriving ... Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at Subscribe to the show to make sure you don't miss any future Wild Episodes, and e-mail your comments, corrections, suggestions or feedback to help make those future episodes better! You can also follow the show on Facebook or Twitter. To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you. Music Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from CC BY 3.0. Modified versions of: Equatorial Complex by Kevin Macleod (, CC BY 4.0; Short Song 011123, Short Song 011023 and Short Song 011323 by Chris Zabriskie, CC BY 4.0.

Giant Barrel Sponge : Methuselah on the Reef

Cuvier's Beaked Whale : Maximum Dive
Release Date
