What Nurses can do when they are consumed by FEAR - 3 strategies for dealing with fear INSIDE and OUTSIDE of HEALTHCARE - Pandemics, Vaccine controversy, Political matters, Divisiveness, etc.

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Hey Friend! 
So what do we do when we're consumed with fear? Maybe we don't even realize it's fear, but we're anxious, stressed, panicked, and overwhelmed...about all the things going on around us. It's a lot. In today's episode, I am sharing with you what we can do as nurses that will help us deal with all of the world's heavy stuff right now. I hope this episode finds you right. on. time! 
"I have told you all this so that you may have PEACE in me. Here on earth you will have many trials & sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." -
John 16:33
Jesus understood life would always be stressful, and His promise of PEACE is applicable no matter what century we live in. His Word is our only source of true, lasting peace and relief when we feel stressed out, fearful, depleted and stretched too thin. 
If you're looking for more encouragement, this is a great devotional to read (it was right on time, it was this mornings devo!) - When Stress Relief Is All You Want 
If you haven't had the chance, please FOLLOW the show & give a start rating + written REVIEW on iTunes, this helps the show grow and reach more nurses just like you! 
-Follow along with BriAnne on Instagram @brianne_bell_ for more behind the scenes, reel life, inspiration and encouragement! 
-Join the The Passive Income Nurse Podcast Community on FB, a place to continue the conversation about making money online -- discover how to make money online + make an impact!  
-Website + Wellness Blog: www.briannebell.com
-Email brianne@brainnebell.com 
Do you feel like you were called to nursing, but now you're unfulfilled and wondering what in the world you would do aside from being a nurse? You have a unique set of gifts my friend, it's time for you to step into your purpose- I believe in YOU!!  It's time for you to get CLARITY on your calling!!
Check out Clarify your Calling Course HERE! 

What Nurses can do when they are consumed by FEAR - 3 strategies for dealing with fear INSIDE and OUTSIDE of HEALTHCARE - Pandemics, Vaccine controversy, Political matters, Divisiveness, etc.

What Nurses can do when they are consumed by FEAR - 3 strategies for dealing with fear INSIDE and OUTSIDE of HEALTHCARE - Pandemics, Vaccine controversy, Political matters, Divisiveness, etc.
Release Date
