Connections Are Everything

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Isis Artze-Vega and Oscar Miranda Tapia discuss Connections Are Everything on episode 482 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.

Quotes from the episode

If it's not working for you and you can't maintain a certain level of wellness, then it's not working. No matter what you're seeing happen in your students, it is not working because it cannot happen at the cost of your wellness.
- Isis Artze-Vega

It's about being present.
- Isis Artze-Vega

The relationship that you have with someone does not have to be this long sustained, always impactful kind of relationship. That one short conversation with a student may be the words or the sentence that they need to hear that day.
-Oscar Miranda Tapia


Connections Are Everything: A College Student’s Guide to Relationship-Rich Education, by Peter Felton, Leo M. Lambert, Isis Artze-Vega, and Oscar R. Miranda Tapia
About the Authors
Research Details

Connections Are Everything

Connections Are Everything
Release Date
