Podcast - WBC - Safeguarding Coordinator

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Here on the Ockham podcast, we are proud to have been able to feature many inspiring success stories where utilisation of the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme funding and the introduction of new roles into Primary Care. This week’s is no less thought-provoking. Our guests, GP, and Clinical Director Dr John Stevenson, PCN Development Manager Anna Straker and most importantly, Safeguarding Coordinator Sam Beaumont, talk to Ben about the incredible impact Sam’s role has made on relieving GP workload pressures, establishing and maintaining strong connections with other local systems and providers, and most importantly, ensuring that safeguarding concerns are proactively flagged and managed, to promote safer and more responsive patient care whilst building PCN and wider workforce resilience. Introduction (9 secs) PCN make-up (25 secs) The inception of the Safeguarding Coordinator (51 secs) How was the Safeguarding process managed previously? (1 min 53 secs) Anna’s approach to implementation (2 mins 50 secs) Working out the skills and experienced required (4 mins 37 secs) Sam’s background and what attracted her to the role (5 mins 45 secs) Establishment of the role and Sam’s day to day practice (7 mins 27 secs) Linking back with the clinicians (10 mins 22 secs) How has the role evolved since Sam started in August / September 2021? (12 mins 18 secs) Impact on PCN and practices – from John’s perspective (13 mins 34 secs) Anna’s endorsement (14 mins 51 secs) Lessons learned (16 mins 17 secs) The importance of early critical thinking (18 mins 44 secs) Getting in touch (20 mins 31 secs)   To find out more about the Safeguarding Coordinator, and WBC’s wider approach to embedding their ARRS team members, you can contact John here, or check out the WBC website here.

Podcast - WBC - Safeguarding Coordinator

Podcast - WBC - Safeguarding Coordinator
Release Date
