She’ll be comin’ around that mountain when she comes…

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America on 18 Wheels and BTU contributor Ingrid Brown sits in with the guys
Welcome to the Back The Truck Up Podcast, where we share the news and reviews from the trucking and logistics industry. Justin “SuperTrucker” Martin, and James “Rooster” Bowen, are here to bring everyone together and welcome our dear sister, Ingrid Brown from “America on 18 Wheels.”
Ingrid is an over the road veteran with a list of accomplishments a mile long. She is here to talk about her career, her goals, and life on the road. She has her shows “America on 18 Wheels” and “Stopping for 60 seconds, And Then Some” to talk about. 
Just when you thought you were safe, two new safety blitzes
Yes ladies and gentlemen, we have two new safety blitzes going on at the same time. Both FMCSA and NHTSA are at it again with FMCSA holding an “I-81 Unsafe Driving Week” running from June 20th to the 24th. NHTSA is also in on the action, running its own campaign targeting speeders and distracted drivers. That federal agency’s event runs from June 21st until August 14th.  
Abbott Laboratories shuts down again
Just when everyone thought the baby formula struggles were starting to ease up, Abbott Laboratories had a little flooding issue and had to shut down again. Not two weeks after restarting the production lines, Abbott has another fiasco on its hands. With an unknown date for reopening, it is importing more formula from its Germain plant. I wonder how much cost difference there is between the domestic and international product?
Rolling inspections in Savannah? Rear camera catches epic remark
You have to hand it to the man running the dash cam for this golden moment between a dump truck driver and Georgia Motor Carrier Enforcement (MCE). The MCE inspector gave the driver a good reason to check his mudflaps, and his underwear, after calling him out on the P.A. system for a non-functional mudflap. I guess I’d rather get called out publicly than get a ticket. Also, we look at a “homemade” mud flap that might last a few seconds. Things we do to get by in a pinch.
Is it time to invest in a “new to you” truck and trailer?
Truck auction prices are finally falling as demand at the auction block starts to ebb. And if you’re looking for a shiny new trailer, you might better work those phone lines because according to two major builders, their books are still full and are holding off opening the 2023 calendar. Waiting for imported parts is one problem, so why not invest in 3D industrial printers?
(Inhales) Is that burnt peanut butter I smell?
On June 17th, BTU covered the turnover and subsequent fire that engulfed a truck and trailer load of Jif peanut butter. As Rooster lives not too far from the Jif production facility in Albany, Georgia, the accident got his attention. But the question remains, “Will Jif get to claim cargo insurance on the recalled product headed to disposal?”
Embark teaching Texas troopers how to pull over autonomous trucks
Skynet approaches!  The Texas State Patrol is getting lessons from Embark Trucks about how to “properly pull over” the company’s autonomous vehicles that operate along Interstate 10. The question on everyone’s mind is “how do the trucks know the difference between a real cop and a fake one?”
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She’ll be comin’ around that mountain when she comes…

She’ll be comin’ around that mountain when she comes…
Release Date
