Three Tips to Help You Avoid Creating an ‘OK’ Home Design

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Hello! It’s not too late to join me on my free online workshops this week, where I’ll be sharing the biggest and top 5 home design mistakes and how to avoid them. 
If you’re listening to this episode at its time of release, then head to and save your free spot. I’d love to see you there.
Now, let’s get on with the podcast. This is Episode 247. 
Something I know from all the years I’ve been in this industry is this: 
No one sets out to renovate and build their future home with this wish: “I want to create an ‘ok’ home.”
Not once have I had that as a brief. Not once have I had a client come to me, when creating their long-term family home, and say “I only want an ‘ok’ home”. 
And yet, all over the suburbs and streets, where people are building and renovating, unknown compromises are being made as people create homes that don’t function well, and don’t feel great. 
Well, not as great as they could, with the same money spent on making different decisions.
All the time I see people ending up with ‘ok’ homes because they don’t know what they don’t know. 
And so, in this episode, I want to take you through three tips to avoid this in your project. So you can be better prepared to visualise and imagine what a functional and feel good home can really be for you.
Remember, if you want to grab a full, free downloadable PDF transcript of this episode, with links to the other resources we discuss, you can access that by heading to
Now, let’s dive in!

If you’re struggling with understanding the overall steps for your project, what you should be focussing on and when, or how to best invest your efforts, energy and money to get a great outcome in your future home, I’ve created something super helpful for you.
Access my free online workshop “Your Project Plan” now >>>
This free workshop will really help you understand the best steps to take wherever you’re at in your project, and how you can avoid some serious and expensive mistakes. 
Plus, I’ll share with you what to focus on and when, so you know you’re getting everything in order for a successful project and beautiful home. And you’ll get access to some great bonuses as well.

For links and resources mentioned in this podcast, head to >>>
Access my free “Your Project Plan” online workshop and awesome bonuses now >>>
Access the support and guidance you need to be confident and empowered when renovating and building your family home inside my flagship online program >>> for privacy information.

Three Tips to Help You Avoid Creating an ‘OK’ Home Design

Three Tips to Help You Avoid Creating an ‘OK’ Home Design
Release Date
