37 Chapter X: Out of Compassion - First Meetings

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Luang Por and the Lay Community: Part 4 FIRST MEETINGS

One way of understanding Buddhist practice is to conceive of it as a long series of awakenings: some mundane, easily overlooked and only appreciated in retrospect, others more dramatic and memorable. Meeting Luang Por for the first time was the occasion for many awakenings of both kinds. Some people found the experience electric; for others, it signalled the beginning of gradual but inexorable changes in their values and way of life. Listening to Luang Por teach for the first time, a common perception was that his words seemed to articulate truths – far better than they could themselves – that on one level their hearts already sensed, but which they had never been able to make conscious.

37 Chapter X: Out of Compassion - First Meetings

37 Chapter X: Out of Compassion - First Meetings
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