29 Chapter VIII: From Distant Lands - Knower of the Worlds

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Luang Por and the Western Sangha: Part 5 KNOWER OF THE WORLDS

Although the overwhelming majority of Westerners who entered the monastic life at Wat Pah Pong were male, there were also a small number of Western women who came to train as maechees. Chief amongst these, was an American known by her adopted name Khamfah, who arrived with her husband Paul, after fleeing their home in Laos ahead of the Communist takeover in late 1975. The couple decided to try to stay for five years, with the proviso that, if at any time, both of them wanted to leave, then they would do so; however, in the case that one wanted to go and the other wanted to stay, then they would both carry on and endure through their difficulties. It was challenging for both of them, but they survived the five years.

29 Chapter VIII: From Distant Lands - Knower of the Worlds

29 Chapter VIII: From Distant Lands - Knower of the Worlds
Release Date
