#101~ Kakao, women, body image, nutrition & health with Makenzie McPherson: a delicious & heart-centered conversation

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Join us for this beautiful conversation with Makenzie McPherson, the Founder of KAKAO Ceremonial Drinking Chocolate, which was one of the first to bring true ceremonial-grade cacao to the western world over 6 years ago. In the last 6 years, Makenzie alongside her husband Michael have facilitated hundreds of cacao ceremonies in person and online, and led thousands of people across the globe to connect more deeply to their heart, to their soul’s purpose, to the Earth and to others through the use of the sacred plant medicine, cacao. Makenzie is the author of How To Lead A Badass Business From Your Heart. She has been featured on dozens of podcasts, including the Lori Harder Podcast, Sacred Sons Podcast, Dayluna Podcast, Adam Roa Podcast and more. Last but not least, Makenzie and her venture Delighted By Hummus has been featured on ABC’s Shark Tank, LIVE With Kelly, and hundreds of media outlets including Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, Food&Wine, New York Times, Washington Post and more. Connect with Makenzie @kakaodrinkingchocolate In this heart-centered conversation, Makenzie shares her story finding cacao and Kakao with a K, her opinion on the true meaning of the word embodiment, what she sees as the biggest mistakes women make with their health, weight, and nutrition, the amazing lens that German New Medicine (GNM) or Germanishche Heilkunde offers for our symptoms, and... ... last but not least, what Makenzie would do if she could change ONE THING in the world with a magic wand, along with an EXCLUSIVE announcement about an exciting new project she's planning on birthing into the world very soon! Enjoy the listen! With much love, Aglaée 

#101~ Kakao, women, body image, nutrition & health with Makenzie McPherson: a delicious & heart-centered conversation

#101~ Kakao, women, body image, nutrition & health with Makenzie McPherson: a delicious & heart-centered conversation
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