The Heartland Pod for June 24 2024 - Supreme Court sides with gun control advocates - Missouri polling on Democratic and Republican primaries - Biden and Trump to debate on Thursday and more

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U.S. Supreme Court issues major gun case ruling | Missouri Democratic primary draws major questions | Montana progressive with interesting family ties running for office | 2024 Election Era Rolls On Now with a Pro Biden Fox News Poll!SCOTUS issues major gun case ruling Missouri Race Poll: or False: Missourians might hit a soft reset in 2024Major Missouri Race Poll:“Kehoe’s strength is older voters: 26% of voters over 60 support Kehoe while 18% support Ashcroft. Ashcroft performs best with voters in their 30s, 40s, and 50s: 31% of whom support Ashcroft while 15% support Kehoe,” Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling, said. In the November presidential election, 53% of Missouri voters support former president Donald Trump, 40% support President Joe Biden, and 7% are undecided. With third-party candidates on the ballot, Trump’s support decreases to 50%, and Biden’s to 35%, while 7% support Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and 1% support Cornel West and Jill Stein respectively. Yeah.. NO: Missouri Democratic primary draws major questions of May, Bell has raised more than $65,000 in contributions from donors who normally give to Republicans. They include a former GOP speaker of the Missouri House, the billionaire hedge fund founder Daniel Loeb, and the former finance chair for Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-S.C.) presidential super PAC.“I am pro-life and I will support a constitutional amendment to protect the rights of the unborn,” Byrne told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “I will protect our Second Amendment right to bear arms. … I will increase funding for the border patrol and crack down on employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants.”“It is a little strange to me that this is where you’d be putting your efforts in 2006, when there were a good number of Democrats running for office that needed help and support,” she said. “Friendship is one thing. But empowering friends who have problematic viewpoints to get into positions of power, that’s concerning.”Yeah… YEAH: Montana progressive with interesting family ties running for office ain't no senator’s son, that’s for sure2024 Election Era Rolls OnTrump camp might have asked for help from Missouri senator… or not? Point USA is going to handle the ground game? aiming to ultimately spend $108 million on a get-out-the-vote effort in key battleground states, according to two sources familiar with the plans. The “Chase the Vote” program has built out infrastructures in Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan, all states that Trump won in 2016 but lost to President Joe Biden in 2020. While Trump speaks to the crowd this weekend, the group is planning to sign up more local volunteers as well as pass out job applications to beef up their program, particularly in the Wolverine State.Democratic operatives have mocked Trump’s campaign for their limited hired staff on the ground, as Biden’s team has continued to build out its own massive ground game operation.“You need boots on the ground to win an election,” said one veteran Democratic strategist, who spoke on condition of anonymity to speak candidly. “(The Biden campaign) is far outpacing Trump’s operation on this front.” Money: or Sell: Farmers for… Biden?, not long after, Trump began trade tariffs against many of the US’s international allies.“Our allies retaliated by going after our soft underbelly: our agriculture,” Gibbs says. “When China retaliated by no longer taking our soybeans, I lost 20% of the value of my crop overnight.”Gibbs is among a small but perhaps growing group of US farmers who fear that Trump’s threats of renewed trade wars and immigrant deportations could ruin their businesses should he prevail in the November presidential election Polling From Fox “not toooo good” but again, just one pollWe talked last week about IF the economic indicators would have time to catch voters attentions going into the fall got improved marks on: Economy and ImmigrationThere was also a 4-point shift in the expanded ballot. When other potential candidates are included, Biden tops Trump by 1 point (43%-42%), Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. receives 10% and Cornel West and Jill Stein get 2% each. Last month, Trump was ahead of Biden by 3 points (43%-40%). a previous Fox News poll from May, Trump was leading Biden by one point (49 percent to 48 percent). The former president was also enjoying a five-point lead over Biden in March (50 percent to 45 percent), meaning there has been a significant swing in favor of the Democrat incumbent in the past three monthsFrom the Fox Summary: Three-quarters of voters say it matters "a great deal" to them who wins the presidential election, and they favor Biden over Trump by 5 points. More women than men (by 7 points) feel like the outcome matters a great deal, as do more voters ages 65+ than young voters (+24) — that could be a big help to Biden if it holds.
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The Heartland Pod for June 24 2024 - Supreme Court sides with gun control advocates - Missouri polling on Democratic and Republican primaries - Biden and Trump to debate on Thursday and more

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