Maximizing Efficiency and Growth in Your Woodoworking Business

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“ Add 20% to all of those bills because then that's going to give you margin If you're way too busy and way too swamped, it's because your prices are not high enough.”

-Steve Larosiliere

Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast, we discuss about running a successful woodworking business comes with its fair share of challenges, especially when growth begins to stretch your resources thin. In a recent conversation with Steve, the co-founder of a thriving lumber and furniture business, we delved into the complexities of managing a growing enterprise and how to make the most of your available time and resources. Here's a breakdown of the valuable insights shared during our discussion

Now is the time to listen and hear the whole story!

Elevate Your Positioning:

Steve emphasized the importance of positioning your business effectively. Highlight your unique selling points and create an outstanding customer experience to justify higher prices.

Streamline Quoting and Presentation:

Use professional presentations like PowerPoint to enhance your quotes.

Follow up with potential clients through video presentations or personal calls to provide a personalized experience.

Delegate and Outsource:

Identify tasks that can be delegated or outsourced to free up your time.

Use a CRM (like VMAs) to automate follow-ups, lead generation, and customer management.

Effective Time Management:

Implement strict time blocking to prioritize important tasks.

Don't answer the phone during specific hours; let calls go to voicemail and set expectations for call-back times.

Create Attention-Grabbing Assets:

Allocate time in the morning to create attention-grabbing assets for your business, such as social media posts, emails, and marketing materials.

Focus on High-Impact Activities:

Differentiate between tasks that are merely time-consuming and those that significantly impact your business growth.

“My mornings are all about checking in with my sales team. My afternoons, while mid morning is about reviewing sales calls and numbers and metrics.”

-Steve Larosiliere

Want to get in touch with Steve Larosiliere?

Contact him through:


Woodpreneurlife Instagram:


Acres of Timber Website:

Stoked Website:


Woodpreneurlife YouTube:


Woodpreneurlife Website:

Maximizing Efficiency and Growth in Your Woodoworking Business

Maximizing Efficiency and Growth in Your Woodoworking Business
Release Date
