Hitting v Batting: the choice that dictates the shape of a T20 contest

Release Date:

In the latest episode of the podcast we discuss a fundamental question that underpins a T20 contest: does batting have a place in T20? Are elite batters like Virat Kohli, Babar Azam and Steve Smith good fits in the T20 format - and what metrics  tell us how good a batter or hitter is.
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Talking Points:

The intrinsic logic of T20 - a resource-heavy format with limited time
Who is better? A batter who averages 50 and scores at a strike rate of 150 or one who averages 35 and also scores at a strike rate of 150?
The evolution of T20 - from a game that resembled cricket to a different sport
The problem with picking hitters from an ecosystem that encourages batting
Ways to measure the excellence of a T20 batter/hitter
Why a single in a T20 is vastly different from a single in an ODI
Is there any value in picking an anchor in the top order?
Can a team full of hitters find a way in bowler-friendly conditions?
Chris Gayle v ABdV v Kohli v Babar v Buttler: who is the better T20 pick?
The great T20 hitters - and a formula to rank them

Siddhartha Vaidyanathan (@sidvee)
Kartikeya Date (@cricketingview)
Mahesh Sethuraman (@cornerd)
Ashoka (@ABVan)

An essential point in T20 - Kartikeya Date - - A Cricketing View
Kohli's T20 problem - Kartikeya Date - A Cricketing View
Is a single in T20 the same as a dot ball in ODIs? - Kartikeya Date - ESPNcricinfo
How do batters train for the demands of T20? - Tim Wigmore - The Cricket Monthly
Who is T20s greatest player? - Cricviz

Hitting v Batting: the choice that dictates the shape of a T20 contest

Hitting v Batting: the choice that dictates the shape of a T20 contest
Release Date
