Pick A Fight

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If you follow Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, the co-founders of 37signals, anywhere online, you know they aren’t afraid to speak their minds and stand up for what they believe in.  Today, Jason and David sit down to discuss how embracing their viewpoint has led them to go toe-to-toe with some of the industry's biggest behemoths. They’ll walk us through some of their biggest battles and what it took to stand their ground while positively impacting the world. They’ll also share tips for when, and how, picking a fight with a competitor can work to your advantage. Plus, more insight from the chapter called "Pick A Fight" in their book, Rework.Show Notes:  [00:41] - Jason shares the reasoning behind their tendency to take a stand online.[01:27] - Broken business models: the awkwardness of companies who statistically lose money trying to sell business software. [02:49] - David describes how having strong principles and standing firmly behind them puts you in direct competition with companies that run on polar opposite business principles.[04:01] - Using the underdog advantage in your marketing = highlighting the things that resonate with the target audience you are trying to reach (and make you look good). [05:43] - Don't be afraid of picking on goliath-sized competitors, but be sure you are punching up. [07:02] - Be careful of coming off as crass. If you're the market leader, ensure you act like it. [08:13] - The story of the industry heavyweight that considered taking a run at squashing Basecamp.   [09:21] - The big conflict with Apple and the resulting “rocket to the moon” free marketing [12:03] - Jason explains the difference between ignoring your competition and picking a fight with them. [12:43] - Be aware (but not too aware) so you don't compete in a field you'll never win in as a small business. [13:28] - David explains why having confidence in your unique and creative ideas can give small companies a significant strategic advantage.[15:07] - It’s important to remember a company's public image is just a sliver of its reality; follow accordingly and stick with being original. [17:42] - Why you need to keep your "pick a fight" campaigns organic, and NOT strategic, to keep them from appearing contrived. [21:25] - How knowing who you are and what you stand for as a company helps you handle the detractors. [23:15] - Picking a fight needs courage and humanity; injecting your principles into your marketing isn’t for the faint of heart. [25:31] - Do you have a question for Jason and David? Leave us a voicemail at 708-628-7850, and we might answer your question on an upcoming show.  Links and Resources:Do you have a question for Jason and David? Leave us a voicemail at 708-628-7850Rework HEY World | HEY Dev.37signalsSign Up for 30-day FREE trial at Basecamp.com37signals on YouTubeThe REWORK podcastThe 37signals Dev Blog@reworkpodcast on Twitter@37signals on Twitter 

Pick A Fight

Pick A Fight
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