12/12 TOP NEWS|投资者摆脱低迷的通胀数据/达·芬奇及文艺复兴时代作品抵达上海博物馆


NEWS ON 12/111. INVESTORS SHRUG OFF SLUGGISH INFLATION DATA投资者摆脱低迷的通胀数据2. SHANGHAI MUSEUM PRESENTS DA VINCI ALONGSIDE CHINESE ARTISTS OF SAME ERA18幅达·芬奇及文艺复兴时代作品抵达上海博物馆-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. INVESTORS SHRUG OFF SLUGGISH INFLATION DATA投资者摆脱低迷的通胀数据Chinese A-shares rebounded this afternoon, shrugging off weaker economic data published at the weekend. Here's Timothy Pope with a look at the day's trading action.A股今天(12/11)下午出现反弹,摆脱了周末公布的疲软经济数据的影响。记者Timothy Pope带来对今天市场交易情况的分析。Chinese Mainland markets started the day sharply lower as investors reacted to the Saturday's sluggish【行动迟缓的】consumer and producer inflation numbers. But with the CPI falling at the fastest pace in three years, and both measures of inflation coming under increasing pressure, it does boost the case for some form of stimulus measures to come out of the Chinese Government's Central Economic Work Conference. That agenda-setting meeting is expected to be held this week. The Shanghai Composite gained sharply after the lunch time trading break to close 0.7 percent higher. The Shenzhen Component ended the day 0.8 percent higher.投资者对周六消费者和生产者低迷的通胀数据作出了反应,中国内地市场开盘大幅走低。但是,随着消费者物价指数以三年来最快的速度下降,这两项通胀指标都面临着越来越大的压力,有助于中国政府在中央经济工作会议上出台的刺激措施,该会议将于本周召开。上证综指在午间休市后大幅上涨,收盘上涨0.7%。深成指收盘上涨0.8%。Real Estate stocks didn't really participate in the late rally【回升】, and remained the biggest drag on the mainland markets. A sub-index tracking them ended 1.5 percent lower. 房地产股并未真正参与尾盘的反弹,仍然是拖累内地市场的最大因素。房地产股的分指数收盘下跌1.5%。Zhengzhou Coal Mining led gains among energy stocks -- rising 5.7 percent after announcing a 300 to 600 million yuan share buyback plan over the next 12 months. 郑煤机在能源股中涨幅居前——在宣布未来12个月3-6亿元的股票回购计划后,上涨了 5.7%。Hong Kong's markets traded lower all day as consumer and tech shares dragged down the Hang Seng. The main index was off 0.8 percent while the Tech Index was 0.4 percent lower.由于消费股和科技股拖累了恒生指数,香港股市全天走低。恒生指数下跌0.8%,科技股指数下跌0.4%。JD.com was one of the day's biggest decliners, shedding 6.3 percent alongside other tech names including Baidu and Meituan.京东是今天跌幅最大的股票之一,下跌了 6.3%,百度和美团等其他科技股也都下降。Li Ning was the biggest loser on the Hang Seng though, slumping 14.3 percent to a more than 3 and a half year low. Those falls could be related to the company's decision to buy a new Hong Kong headquarters building. The 22-storey commercial and retail building in Hong Kong's North Point is going to cost Li Ning more than 280 million US dollars. 李宁是恒生指数的最大输家,暴跌14.3%,创逾三年半新低。下跌可能与该公司决定购买一座新的香港总部大楼有关。这座位于香港北角的22层商业零售大楼将花费李宁超过2.8亿美元。And in Japan the Nikkei 225 rebounded off Friday's one month low, rising 1.5 percent. The Japanese yen had been at a four month high against the US dollar, which prompted a sell-off of stocks in Tokyo late last week. Today there was a correction【回调】in the yen, slipping back to more than 145.6 per dollar, which was good news for much of the country's export oriented stocks. Nissan added 2.5 percent while Nintendo rose 1.4 percent.在日本市场,日经225指数从上周五的月低点反弹,上涨了1.5%。日元对美元汇率曾创下四个月来的新高,这促使东京股市在上周末出现抛售。今天,日元汇率出现回调,回落到1 美元兑145.6日元以上,这对该国大部分出口导向型股票来说是个好消息。日产汽车上涨了2.5%,任天堂上涨了1.4%。2. SHANGHAI MUSEUM PRESENTS DA VINCI ALONGSIDE CHINESE ARTISTS OF SAME ERA18幅达·芬奇及文艺复兴时代作品抵达上海博物馆Shanghai Museum reopened yesterday after being closed two months for renovations. The "Who is Leonardo da Vinci?" exhibition has quickly attracted attention as it's based on a dialogue between Renaissance masters, led by da Vinci, and Chinese artists from the 15th and 16th centuries. Sun Siqi has more.上海博物馆在闭馆整修两个月后于昨天重新开放。“对话达•芬奇——文艺复兴与东方美学艺术特展”以达-芬奇为首的文艺复兴大师与15、16世纪中国艺术家之间的对话为主题,迅速引起了人们的关注。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。Da Vinci's painting "La Scapigliata", or "The Lady with Disheveled Hair" from the collection of the National Gallery of Parma is unquestionably the exhibition's highlight. The gallery only loans it outside of Italy once every five years. A 2019 exhibition at the Louvre Museum in Paris was the last time it was outside of Italy.帕尔马国家美术馆收藏的达-芬奇画作《La Scapigliata》,即《头发飘逸的女子》,无疑是本次展览的亮点。帕尔马国家美术馆每五年才将这幅画借出意大利一次。2019年在巴黎卢浮宫博物馆举办的展览是它最后一次走出意大利。"La Scapigliata" is an unfinished oil painting with umber and white lead pigments【颜料】 on a small poplar wood panel. It is the outline of a young woman, face gently angled downward, disheveled hair flowing behind her with half-closed eyes and ambiguous smile. It's frequently compared to the Mona Lisa.《头发飘逸的女子》是一幅未完成的油画作品,用黄褐色和铅白颜料在橡木板上所绘。其描绘了一位头发飘逸的年轻女性,双目低垂,轻轻颔首,脸上带着一抹若有似无的微笑。这幅画经常被拿来与《蒙娜丽莎》相比较。Italian art historians found a frame for this masterpiece since it didn't originally have a frame to protect it. 意大利艺术史学家为这幅杰作找到了一个画框,因为它原本没有画框保护。Chu Xin, Deputy Director Exhibition Department, SH Museum上海博物馆展览部副主任 褚馨“The frame and the painting were delivered to us separately in two boxes. The frame contains several settings to make sure that the painting can be kept at a perfect temperature and humidity【湿度】. We'll also record the data and send it to the Italian gallery every two weeks to keep them updated. It's the first time for us to exhibit a painting in such a traditional yet professional way. We've learned a lot from the Italian side in terms of how to protect a masterpiece. ”“这个画框是单独和这幅油画一起运过来,运过来之后是分两个箱子画框有多种设置,以确保画作能保持在最佳的温度和湿度下。我们还将记录数据,每两周发送给意大利画廊一次,以便随时更新。这是我们第一次以如此传统而专业的方式展出画作。在如何保护杰作方面,我们从意大利方面学到了很多。”Francesco D'Arelli Exhibition Curato意大利驻沪总领事馆官员、意方策展人 达仁利“This exhibition could be the starting point of a different approach of the cultural dialogue and so Shanghai Museum is a very excellent museum in the eastern China. Shanghai museum could be the door, the window for this new approach in displaying what are the treasures of our both civilizations. ”“上海博物馆是华东地区非常出色的博物馆。上海博物馆可以成为展示我们两种文明瑰宝的新途径的大门和窗口。”The exhibition features 18 treasured Renaissance artworks from Italy, as well as 18 ancient Chinese paintings from Shanghai Museum's collection. Also on display are pieces by other Renaissance masters including two sketches by Michelangelo, and paintings by pupils of da Vinci.展览展出了18件来自意大利的文艺复兴时期珍贵艺术品,以及上海博物馆收藏的18件中国古代绘画作品。此外,还展出了文艺复兴时期其他艺术大师的作品,包括米开朗基罗的两幅素描和达-芬奇学生的画作。Shanghai Museum has selected 18 paintings from its collection of Chinese art as part of an artistic dialogue with the Renaissance masters. The most famous one is arguably Tang Yin's "Lady With Fan in the Autumn Breeze". Also known as Tang Bohu, Tang Yin of the Ming Dynasty is a household name in China, and this painting is regarded as one of his most famous even though it has been 25 years since it was last on public display at the museum.上海博物馆从其中国艺术藏品中精选了18幅画作,作为与文艺复兴大师进行艺术对话的一部分。其中最有名的是唐寅的《秋风纨扇图》。在明代时期,唐寅又名唐伯虎,在中国家喻户晓。这幅画是他最著名的作品之一,它上次在博物馆公开展出已是25年前。Chu Xin, Deputy Director Exhibition Department, SH Museum上海博物馆展览部副主任 褚馨“Our exhibit designer used an arch and traditional Chinese window to break the boundaries between different topics. For example, while visitors are gazing upon da Vinci's painting, they will also be able to see the works of Chinese artists through a window. I think it is quite interesting and full of artistic value, giving people time and space to stop and think. ”“这次设计师用了这个西式的这个拱门和中式的这个花窗与园林的花窗,通过这样的一种布景和这样的一种打破这个空间和空间之间的隔断。比如,参观者在欣赏达芬奇画作的同时,还能透过窗户看到中国艺术家的作品。我认为这非常有趣,充满了艺术价值,让人们有时间和空间停下来思考。”The exhibition includes 11 pages from the Codex Atlanticus, a set of drawings and texts, that are being shown in China for the first time. The manuscript covers a wide range of subjects, including studies and sketches of paintings, mechanics, mathematics, astronomy as well as inventions such as the parachute【降落伞】, war machines and hydraulic pumps.此次展览还包括首次在中国展出的《大西洋古抄本》中的11页手稿,这是一套图画和文字手稿。手稿内容广泛,包括绘画、机械、数学、天文学以及降落伞、战争机器和液压泵等发明的研究和草图。#热词加油站sluggish /ˈslʌɡɪʃ/【行动迟缓的】rally /ˈræli/【回升】correction /kəˈrekʃn/【回调】pigments /ˈpɪɡmənt/【颜料】humidity /hjuːˈmɪdəti/【湿度】parachute /ˈpærəʃuːt/【降落伞】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~

12/12 TOP NEWS|投资者摆脱低迷的通胀数据/达·芬奇及文艺复兴时代作品抵达上海博物馆

12/12 TOP NEWS|投资者摆脱低迷的通胀数据/达·芬奇及文艺复兴时代作品抵达上海博物馆
