11/27 TOP NEWS|世界中国学大会·上海论坛举办/百老汇沉浸式音乐剧“大彗星”降临上海


NEWS ON 11/241.EXPERTS IN CHINA STUDIES GATHER IN SHANGHAI TO DISCUSS CHINA'S PAST & PRESENT世界中国学大会·上海论坛在沪举办2.THE GREAT COMET MUSICAL WILL MAKE ITS ASIAN DEBUT IN SHANGHAI NEXT YEAR亚洲首演!百老汇沉浸式音乐剧《大彗星》明年降临上海----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.EXPERTS IN CHINA STUDIES GATHER IN SHANGHAI TO DISCUSS CHINA'S PAST & PRESENT世界中国学大会·上海论坛在沪举办Around 400 scholars from home and abroad shared their interpretation of China’s past and present at the World Conference on China Studies Shanghai Forum today. Reporter Zhang Hong takes a look.在今天(11/24)举行的世界中国学大会·上海论坛上,400余位海内外知名专家学者分享了他们对中国过去和现在的解读。本台记者张泓带来详细报道。Three scholars were given the Distinguished Contribution to China Studies award at today’s opening ceremony. Canadian historian Timothy Brook was one of them. In addition to serving as the general editor of Harvard University Press “History of Imperial China”, he has published extensively on China in the world with a major focus on the Ming dynasty.在今天的开幕式上,三位学者被授予“中国学贡献奖”。加拿大历史学家卜正民(Timothy Brook)是其中之一。除了担任哈佛大学出版社《哈佛中国史》丛书的总编辑,他还在世界范围内发表了大量关于中国的著作,其中以明朝为主要研究对象。Timothy Brook, Professor Emeritus of Dept. of History, University of British Columbia卜正民 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学历史学荣休教授“I think the importance of getting foreigners to understand Chinese history is to make Chinese history not appear to be something that is far away and strange and different. Whether this has an impact on how we understand each other today, I think it does because if you can reduce the ignorance Chinese have of the world and the world has of China, then you reduce the animosity【敌意】 that can arise between people outside China and Chinese people.”“我认为,让外国人了解中国历史的重要性在于让中国历史不再显得遥远、陌生和与众不同。我认为这会对我们今天如何相互理解产生影响,因为如果能减少中国人对世界和世界对中国的无知,那么就能减少中国以外的人和中国人之间可能产生的敌意。”Academic Zhang Weiwei talked about modern Chinese civilization.学者张维为以“中华文明的现代性”为题发表了主旨演讲。Zhang Weiwei, Distinguished Professor & Dean of China Institute, Fudan University张维为 复旦大学特聘教授、中国研究院院长“It’s the combination of tradition and modernity that makes China rise and China civilization tick. This concept of ‘minben zhuyi’, people’s livelihood first, is very traditional, very Confucius. It’s contained in the ‘Shangshu’, which was 2,500 years ago. We look at China performing today. China has eradicated【根除】 extreme poverty. China has equated world’s largest middle class, 400 million. All these have to do with the government’s policy focusing on people’s livelihood first.”“正是传统与现代的结合,让中国崛起,让中华文明熠熠生辉。民本主义的理念非常传统,非常孔子。它载于 2500 年前的《尚书》。我们看看今天中国的表现。中国消除了极端贫困。中国拥有世界上最大的 4 亿中等收入群体。这一切都与政府民生优先的政策有关。”Rachel Murphy, a professor from the University of Oxford, has been looking at labor migration in China since the late 1990s.牛津大学教授雷切尔·墨菲(Rachel Murphy)自 20 世纪 90 年代末以来一直在研究中国的农民工话题。Rachel Murphy, Professorn of Chinese Development & Society, University of Oxford雷切尔·墨菲 英国牛津大学中国发展与社会研究教授“There’s many aspects of social change and transformation in China that echoes or resonates with experiences in other countries. But then there’s also unique aspects of the Chinese context that affect how this plays out and how this affects people. And that is part of the value of Chinese studies and area studies, because the emphasis is on context, on multifaceted【多层面的】 context, on looking at the society, the culture, the politics, the demography altogether in order to understand what’s going on.”“中国社会变革和转型的许多方面都与其他国家的经验相呼应或产生共鸣。但中国的国情也有其独特之处,影响着这一切的发生,影响着中国人民。这也是中国研究和地区研究的价值所在,因为研究的重点在于背景,在于多方面的背景,在于从社会、文化、政治、人口学等多方面来理解正在发生的事情。”Professor Murphy also noted that in the past, Chinese studies was very dominated by western scholarship, but now she sees more scholars from different parts of the world who are contributing to the English language global dialogue about what China is, how China is changing the world and how the world is changing China.墨菲教授还指出,过去的中国研究主要由西方学者主导,但现在她看到更多来自世界不同地区的学者在用英语开展全球对话,探讨中国是什么、中国如何改变世界以及世界如何改变中国。2.THE GREAT COMET MUSICAL WILL MAKE ITS ASIAN DEBUT IN SHANGHAI NEXT YEAR亚洲首演!百老汇沉浸式音乐剧《大彗星》明年降临上海The Broadway musical “Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812” will make its Asian debut at the New Bund 31 Performing Arts Center in Pudong on January 13th. The shows feature new costume designs highlighting fashion and modernity. Sun Siqi has more.百老汇音乐剧《娜塔莎、皮埃尔和1812年的大彗星》将于1月13日在浦东前滩31演艺中心大剧场开启亚洲首演。演出采用全新的服装设计,突出时尚和现代感。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道。The musical is an adaptation of a 70-page segment from Leo Tolstoy’s 1869 epic novel “War and Peace”, it focuses on Natasha’s romance with Anatole, and Pierre’s search for meaning in his life.音乐剧改编自列夫·托尔斯泰 1869 年的史诗小说《战争与和平》中 70 页的片段,主要讲述娜塔莎与阿纳托尔的爱情,以及皮埃尔寻找人生意义的故事。The cast of consists 28 international performers who were recruited【招募】from auditions held in both Shanghai and New York. Every character has a theme song, and the opening song, titled “Prologue”, introduces the characters.演员阵容集结了28 名从上海和纽约的试演中招募的国际演员,每个角色都有一首主题曲,名为“序幕”的开场曲介绍了各个角色。Or Matias, Music Supervisor of Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812奥尔·马蒂亚斯《大彗星》音乐总监“The other thing that is kind of a cornerstone【基石】of the piece is how the piece incorporates【包含】so many different styles of music. So, there’s classical and Jazz and rock, hip hop, pop, so any kind of possible music that you can imagine made it into the score and that’s what makes it so interesting.”“还有一点也是这部作品的基石,那就是这部作品融合了多种不同的音乐风格。其中有古典音乐、爵士乐、摇滚乐、嘻哈音乐、流行音乐,你能想象到的任何一种音乐都被融入到了乐谱中,这也是(这部作品)如此有趣的原因。”Award-winning South Korean stage designer Pilyoung Oh had 400 seats removed from the theater’s front row, and added four ring-shape audience pools to the stage, turning it into a more immersive space for audiences to watch the Russian court dances.屡获殊荣的韩国舞台设计师吴弼泳(Pilyoung Oh)从剧院前排移走了400个座位,并在舞台上增设了四个环形观众池座,使观众沉浸式观看俄罗斯宫廷舞蹈。Zhou Xiaowei, Co-director of Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812周笑微《大彗星》中方导演“It’s an immersive show performed in a grand theater, which allows the audience to get very close, just like how we’re talking with each other right now. In some segments, performers even invite spectators to join them on stage.”“它其实是沉浸式和大剧场呈现的综合体,这在全世界也是首例这是非常近距离的体验,近到差不多咱们俩之间的距离,甚至有些桥段演员会拉观众们来加入舞会、狂欢,参与到其中。”Unlike other introduced musical productions, “Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812” is not a copy-paste version from Broadway. It’s an updated, localized version that contains many fresh elements.与其他引进的音乐剧不同,《娜塔莎、皮埃尔和 1812 年的大彗星》不是百老汇版本的复制粘贴。它是一个更新的本地化版本,包含了许多新鲜元素。Zhang Xiaoding, General Manager of Shanghai Grand Theater张笑丁上海大剧院总经理“This time it’s us, the Chinese side, that lead the whole production and the Broadway team offered us a lot of help. We’ve spent nearly 20 years to learn and explore, including introducing a lot of original western shows and created a Chinese version. And now, I believe it’s time for us deliver our achievement to the public.”“这次是完全是以我们为主导的,而且百老汇的这样一个团队也是给了我们一个非常大的一个支撑,除了音乐和唱词没有变之外,其他的我们都做了升级版。我们觉得是时候我们来做一个创新融合的作品的时候,那这个过程其实我们用了20多年的时间,那这20多年我们用引进剧目和中文版剧目,包括原创剧目都在是一个学习和探索的过程,现在是要交一份答卷,给大家呈现一个剧目的成果的时候。”The musical “Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812” made its off-Broadway debut in 2012, and hit the Broadway stage in 2016. It was nominated for 12 Tony Awards in 2017, and won two. The show will play at the New Bund 31 Performing Arts Center in Pudong until March 3.音乐剧《娜塔莎、皮埃尔和 1812 年的大彗星》于 2012 年在百老汇外首演,2016 年登上百老汇舞台。该剧在2017年获得托尼奖12项提名,并赢得两项大奖。该剧将在浦东前滩31号演艺中心上演至明年3月3日。#热词加油站animosity/ˌænɪˈmɒsəti/【敌意】eradicate/ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/【根除】multifaceted/ˌmʌltiˈfæsɪtɪd/【多层面的】recruit/rɪˈkruːt/【招募】cornerstone/ˈkɔːnəstəʊn/【基石】incorporate/ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪt/【包含】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~

11/27 TOP NEWS|世界中国学大会·上海论坛举办/百老汇沉浸式音乐剧“大彗星”降临上海

11/27 TOP NEWS|世界中国学大会·上海论坛举办/百老汇沉浸式音乐剧“大彗星”降临上海
