


食わざるもの、DON'T WORK


東京の下町・⽂久町のマンションで暮らす⽣井壮太(うまいそうた)とその家族。彼らを再び料理で結ぶレシピドラマ。 高校2年・17 歳の壮太は、母親がいなくってからご飯をちゃんと食べなくなった妹・香織 (かおり)の為に、料理を覚えていくと決めた。しかし、料理初心者の壮太には料理の当たり前が何かも分からない。濃すぎ・薄すぎ・焼き すぎ。当然、悪戦苦闘することに。 香織は香織で、母親がいなくなったのに、父と壮太が以前と変わらない生活を自分に送らせ てくれようとする状況に、自己嫌悪を募らせていく。近づこうとすればするほど離れる兄妹の距離。その様子はまるでバランスを欠いた調理の 味付けのよう。料理を作り、食卓を皆で囲むという世界最古の娯楽を取り戻すため、一家の新米料理長は歩み出す......。 脚本:オコチャ 制作:シェ・おすぎ ⾳楽監修:鎌⽥雅⼈   イラスト:⽮部太郎(カラテカ) 企画:株式会社ニッポン放送、吉本興業株式会社 公式ホームページ:http://www.1242.com/project/dontwork/  公式グッズ: https://suzuri.jp/Kaori_Umai 公式ツイッター:https://twitter.com/kuwazarumono/  <⼀緒にいただきます配信>  上記公式ツイッターアカウント上で毎公開⽇20時(初回のみ21時)から  出演者2名+作者オコチャでTwitter LIVEトークを⾏います。  併せてお楽しみください。



猥談太郎とナメヒロシによる、朝から猥談散歩! 猥談しながらの早朝爽やか散歩の撮り下ろし。 すれ違う、痴女、痴男、はたまた家族連れ、配達員、声を潜めるこなく言葉を変え表現を変えながら爽やかをモットーに猥談に勤しんでおります。 途中、バイク音、車の通り過ぎる音がありますが、それこそ生散歩。 朝からパワフルに、活気良く、元気よく猥談散歩しております。毎週木曜朝5時

Steamy Stories

JC Calciano

STEAMY STORIES, your go-to podcast for m/m romance! Each tawdry tale is lovingly crafted by JC Calciano, an award-winning filmmaker and author. This gay fiction podcast brings you sweet, sexy short stories filled with love, passion, and play. Released monthly, every story is a unique exploration of LGBTQ romance, making it your best choice for gay m/m podcasts. Steamy Stories Podcast is rated #2 as the BEST GAY FICTION podcast on FeedSpot!Visit our official website, https://www.SteamyPodcast.com for exclusive content. 

5minutes 36号線

STV Radio 1440kHz

北海道で活動している太田プロ所属のお笑いコンビ 36号線が5分間という時間を最大限活用し 皆さんにとって良い5分間を提供する番組です!



「不止读书」是魏小河发起的一档文化类播客。在这档节目里,我希望和所有听众一起,从读书开始,抵达更广阔的世界。每周五更新。 你也可以在公众号「魏小河流域」或微博@魏小河找到我。

Canada by Night: A Vampire the Masquerade Podcast

Dumb-Dumbs & Dice

Canada by Night is a live-play podcast where professional improvisers play Vampire the Masquerade! Sent to rescue his best friend’s kidnapped mother, detective-turned-vampire Everett Fry accidentally ends up the sheriff of New Haven: an experimental town that’s finding out if vampires and humans can co-exist. Stuck leading a ragtag group of officers - the Brujah bounty hunter Val, the Gangrel news reporter Evangeline, and the Tremere blood-witch Doris - can Everett keep New Haven running? Or will the sheriff’s department fail and see the town destroyed by its enemies or liquidated by the vampire council of Canada?! Trending on global comedy fiction charts, and brought to you by Dumb-Dumbs & Dice (whose series Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons charted as the #2 fiction podcast on Spotify), listen now to find out why Canada by Night has been downloaded more than half a million times! 



分享生活週記 然後再來檢討過去自己學生時期寫的週記 Powered by Firstory Hosting

The Mario Bros. Show

Rainstorm Productions

Join Mario and Luigi as they go on all kinds of adventures. Peach will get captured....Mario and Luigi will butt heads on issues....and Toad will keep smoking! A lot can happen in the Mushroom Kingdom, so the Mario Bros. must be ready at a moment's notice. This hilarious show is family-friendly and is GUARANTEED to please any Mario fan.



これはアメリカのシチュエーションコメディの日本語吹き替え風番組である。 ニューヨークの街を舞台に若者達のライフスタイルや友情をコミカルに描く一話完結型ラジオドラマ。 ==========出演========== 🥗まよ姉'sさん【ミシェル役】 🐧ばんびさん【アニカ役】 🐯rinrin0423さん【フィオナ役】 🤪ヒロシさん【チャールズ役】 🍀Mr.Mさん【ジョージ役】 🖖🏻ハンガーノック・ハイロードさん【ロブ役】 =======脚本・編集======= 🔫チャック・バウワー _________________________________________ この物語はフィクションです。 設定自体は原作と同様ですが、ストーリーはオリジナルのものです。 効果音・BGMはフリー音源を使用しております。 📒台本はnoteにて公開中 https://note.com/25chuckbauwer/m/m52b5d275e8a0 🐤Twitter https://twitter.com/25chuckbauwer #オーディオドラマ #ボイスドラマ #音声ドラマ #声劇

Latest Peppa pig Stories

Rimpi Garg

Hi Everyone, I am three and I love to read books. Me and my dad are starting to share this time with everyone across world. I have read all the stories so now my dad is writing the stories and making new stories with different characters. Read Along with Peppa pig, Pig the pug, pete the cat and many more You can follow me & my other fun content on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSOa1ha9G9d-k_iACXb9DHg Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/funwithanayra/support

Oh These, Those Stars of Space!

Bucket of Milk

Far beyond the frontier of civilized space, sails the starship the CSS Cavalier, manned by her strange and daring crew. Their destination? Adventure. Their cargo? Your dang ears. Their mission? Episodic science fiction comedy at the intersection of Star Trek, Douglas Adams, and the Marquis DeSade. From the same people who birthed unto you the blockbuster true-crime podcast Rude Tales of Magic comes a new and improvised sci-fi (science fiction) delight that has already been banned in most public schools and the Vatican.

The Adventure Zone

The McElroys

Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy from My Brother, My Brother and Me have recruited their dad Clint for a campaign of high adventure. Join the McElroys as they find their fortune and slay an unconscionable number of ... you know, kobolds or whatever in ... The Adventure Zone..

Não Inviabilize

Déia Freitas

O canal Não Inviabilize é um espaço de contos e crônicas, um laboratório de histórias reais. Aqui você ouve as suas histórias misturadas às minhas! Quadros do canal: Amor Nas Redes - histórias de amor, afeto, saudade; Picolé de Limão - histórias do cotidiano, ciladas, trapaças, muita história revoltante; Luz Acesa - histórias de terror, suspense e mistério; Ficção da Realidade - histórias ficcionais interativas; Mico Meu - histórias engraçadas; Alarme - histórias que servem de alerta, gatilhos emocionais. Site: naoinviabilize.com.br E-mail: naoinviabilize@gmail.com

小さな町工場の社長 クニさんのよもやま話


倒産寸前だった田舎の小さな町工場を、半導体業界世界一の企業から加工依頼を受けるまでにした、大学中退の社長の「いい加減」な話を、のらりくらりと「よもやま話」としてお届け。 下町工場の社長クニさんの「よもやま話」を、どう受け止めるかはあなた次第。零細弱小町工場の社長が、等身大で語る番組です。 



昭和世代に人気だったドラマ、時代劇、プロレス、映画、音楽、漫画、アニメなど、懐かしいエンターテインメントについて好き放題に語ります。お相手は昭和43年生まれの髙木“因幡の黒豹”啓一です。 BSSラジオ 毎週金曜よる9時から放送中♪


Briggon Snow

It’s 2020 and the first college semester back during the COVID-19 pandemic. Two sophomores are thrown together in a dorm and forced to coexist. College is hard enough without quarantining and flirty tension. Starring Nik Whittemore (More Than Just Me) as frat boy Olly and Briggon Snow (The Bright Sessions) as studious Casper.

Dora-Chan Do-Radio

Mizuta Wasabi & Fujiko Pro feat Spitz TV

ジャジャジャジャーン! 全国1億2千万人のドラえもんファンのみんな、お待たせしました!! 映画「新魔界」 サイトで期間限定配信された『ドラジオ』が、ついに復活! ドラチャンに場所を移して『ドラチャン★ドラヂオ』として帰ってまいりました!!!!! ドラえもんとのび太くんのハイテンション・トークも、さらにパワーアップ! 新生ドラヂオをとくとお楽しみあれ!

Brimstone Valley Mall

The Whisperforge

The year is 1999. Lurking somewhere between Hot Topic and the food court, five misfit demons from Hell kill time inciting sin in a suburban shopping mall. When the lead singer of their band goes mysteriously missing, the demons only have two weeks to find him before they play the biggest gig of the millenium - or face the wrath of Satan herself.



今天在微博看到原来有这么多人喜欢听武林外传啊,好开心🥳 —————— 这是一个系列的戏说江湖的轻松喜剧。关中一个普通的小镇——七俠镇,这里有一家同福客栈。就是这间不起眼的江湖客栈,因缘巧合之下汇聚了一群性格各异又活泼搞怪的年轻人:武功高强但初入江湖的郭芙蓉(姚晨 饰)、客栈老板娘佟湘玉(闫妮 饰)、金盘洗手的神偷白展堂(沙溢 饰)、满腹经纶的吕秀才(喻恩泰 饰)、客栈厨师李大嘴(姜超 饰)等等。这群年轻人在同一屋檐下演绎了一幕幕经典的搞笑场面,在欢笑与眼泪中陪伴观众们一起渐渐成长。

えもらじ。 | 「吉祥寺キャンプ」エモーショナルラジオ


毎週金曜、エモい時間帯にお届け。えもらじ。ことエモーショナルラジオです 吉祥寺キャンプの「ひー」と「ゆー」がお送りするエモいを伝えるラジオ シェア、お気に入り登録、よろしくお願いします! 更新情報はTwitter(@emoradiemo)からどうぞ↓ https://twitter.com/emoradiemo

Worlds Beyond Number

Fortunate Horse, Worlds Beyond Number

Brennan Lee Mulligan, Erika Ishii, Aabria Iyengar, and Lou Wilson hang out together and use games to make up stories. It's pretty good.

一話完結型コメディドラマ[25-TWENTY FIVE-]


このチャンネルはアメリカのアクションドラマの日本語吹き替え風番組である。 CTA:テロ対策エージェンシー捜査官チャック・バウワーの活躍をコミカルに描く一話完結型ラジオドラマ。 ___________________________________________ この物語はフィクションです。 ストーリーはオリジナルのものです。 効果音・BGMはフリー音源を使用しております。 ★ショップ(SUZURI) https://suzuri.jp/25chuckbauwer ★Twitter https://twitter.com/25chuckbauwer



吉本興業1年目のコンビ、パイレーツキャップがあなたの隙間時間を穴埋めする暇つぶしバラエティです。地元の友達2人の会話を盗み聞きする感覚でお楽しみください! パイレーツキャップのでこぼこハッと!!では皆様からのお便りを募集しています。今週あったことや聞いて欲しいこと、2人に聞きたいこと、些細なことでも良いのでぜひお送りください。 宛先はdekobokohat@gmail.com までラジオネームを記載の上お送りください!お名前などの個人情報は一切ご不要です!お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい! 【更新】調子良くて毎週、多分2週間に1回 【制作】パイレーツキャップ



A detective comedy drama || Even Greater London, 1887. In this vast metropolis, Inspector Archibald Fleet and journalist Clara Entwhistle investigate a murder, only to find themselves at the centre of a conspiracy of impossible proportions.

Join the Party


Join the Party is an actual play podcast with tangible worlds, genre-pushing storytelling, and collaborators who make each other laugh each week. We welcome everyone to the table, from longtime players to folks who’ve never touched a roleplaying game before. Hop into our current campaign, a pirate story set in a world of plant- and bug-folk, or marathon our completed stories with the Camp-Paign, a MOTW game set in a weird summer camp, Campaign 2 for a modern superhero game, and Campaign 1 for a high fantasy story. And once a month we release the Afterparty, where we answer your questions about the show and how we play the game. New episodes every Tuesday.

The Ordinary Epic

Crose to Home Productions LLC

A comedic audio drama about found families, role-playing games, dungeons, and (occasionally) dragons. "Best Podcast or Online Audio Drama" finalist at the 2020 BBC Audio Drama Awards. Support this show at: patreon.com/theordinaryepic.

Anne of Green Gables

Mary Kate Wiles

Mary Kate Wiles and friends read L.M. Montgomery’s classic, Anne of Green Gables.

The Wizard Scroll

Chris RR Bauso

THE WIZARD SCROLL is a sword & sorcery sci-fi narrative the likes of which will make yo' momma say 'Dang son/daughter/offspring, where'd you find this?' Tales of high fantasy, of trials and triumph, of quests both epic and mundane, as well as the occasional musical number. The realm of Yyrgsland is filled to the brim with all manner of folk, and boy let me tell you, the escapades that these crazy characters get themselves into would perhaps have made even the late and great Tolkien himself snicker in delight.

Mission Rejected

The Porch Room

The story of the world's most secret agents...the backups. For the first time in his career, Special Agent Chet Phillips has discovered that he can choose NOT to accept a mission! That means there's no choice but to send in the "B Team": A nervous pencil pusher promoted to the field, a computer hacker working off her sentence, a fading former sitcom star and a recently reassigned White House intern. A full cast comedy audio adventure with a new episode debuting each month!

Camp Here & There

Mayfield & Belov

Tune in to the loudspeakers of a small midwestern sleep-away camp plagued by supernatural terrors and natural disasters. Sydney Sargent, resident camp nurse, cheerfully reports on all the dangers just below (and above) our feet. Episodes air weekly starting June 10th 2021. Original music written and composed by Will Wood.



A group of B-list superheroes decides it's more lucrative to be super-villains instead. #audiofiction from PlanetM and @justinmclachlan.

The Stench of Adventure

Strong Branch Productions

Stella Thomas had spent her whole life trying (and failing) to be a good daughter, friend, and partner. Then one day none of that matters because it turns out that her entire world was a simulation. Now Stella is thrust into a cold and uncaring universe, armed only with memories of a planet Earth that never existed. Just when it seems there is nothing in the world for her, Stella is whisked away by a fast-talking totally-not-con-woman named Baz, who promises her a life of adventure exploring the galaxy. Well, she wasn’t lying about the adventure, but it’s not entirely what Stella expected.

Midnight Burger

Business Goose Media

When Gloria took a waitressing job at a diner outside of Phoenix, she didn't realize she was now an employee of Midnight Burger, a time-traveling, dimension-spanning diner. Every day Midnight Burger appears somewhere new in the cosmos along with it's staff: a galactic drifter, a rogue theoretical physicist, a sentient old-timey radio, and some guy named Caspar. No one knows who built Midnight Burger or how it works, but when it appears there's always someone around who could really use a cup of coffee. "When the waves of the universe crash unrelentingly, when the stars seem indifferent to your plight, suddenly there is a diner." We open at 6.




Rude Tales of Magic

Bucket of Milk

In this improvised narrative role playing podcast, come and join artists, writers, and comedians from Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, Marvel Comics, and more as they fight and fumble their way across the madcap, and exceedingly rude, fantasy wasteland of Cordelia. Branson Reese and his jester's retinue, Christopher Hastings, Carly Monardo, Tim Platt, Joe Lepore, and Ali Fisher star as a group of unlikely survivors (a talking crow, a lich in a wig, a bubbly fawn, a Sasquatch punk, and a tiefling hunk, specifically) who must solve the mystery of Polaris University's vanishment and return balance and higher education to their world. It's going to be very hard and very, very, rude.

Karma Comment Chameleon


Rob from KCC bringing you quality Reddit Narrations and commentary! We have the best of ProRevenge, NuclearRevenge, Entitled Parents and more! New episodes twice daily at 10am and 5:15pm EST! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/karma-comment-chameleon--5098578/support.



【内容简介】 爆笑穿越古风言情,穿成傻子胖王妃还有救吗? 生活在21世纪的女孩颜灵惜,由于欠了一个男人一世情缘,转生时又被小鬼打的魂魄分离,命格不全,从出生起就接连失去亲人,被月老打回千年前和自己的七魄魂魄合一,不料穿成一个胳膊和大象腿一样粗的女人,一个别人眼里的傻子。他家王爷好像还对女人不感兴趣?她到底能不能顺利完成任务,那就请您往下听吧。 【作者简介】 非言 【主播简介】 卡西有声

The Orbiting Human Circus

WNYC Studios and Night Vale Presents

Discover a wondrously surreal world of magic, music, and mystery. This immersive, cinematic audio spectacle follows the adventures of a lonely, stage-struck janitor who is drawn into the larger-than-life universe of the Orbiting Human Circus, a fantastical, wildly popular radio show broadcast from the top of the Eiffel Tower. WNYC Studios presents a special director’s cut of this joyous, moving break from reality. Starring John Cameron Mitchell, Julian Koster, Tim Robbins, Drew Callander, Susannah Flood, and featuring Mandy Patinkin and Charlie Day. Season one of The Orbiting Human Circus (of the Air) is a co-presentation of WNYC Studios and Night Vale Presents.



※この談話室は全てフィクションであり、実在の人物・団体とは一切関係ありません。 👾 instagram https://www.instagram.com/toukaikusoudanwashitsu?igsh=NXdqbjdiNG5lcndx&utm_source=qr

Vote For Love


What if your job depended on the guy who ghosted you? Lucy is an intern for the Governor of Texas… who has a VERY cute son. They had the perfect first date... until Lincoln disappeared! Now, eight years later, her boss is running for President... and they need Lincoln's help to turn the campaign around! RomComPods is Co-Written, Produced, and Directed by Rachael King and Becca Freeman. More at romcompods.com and @RomComPods on IG.

The Lesbian Romantic

Sigrid Dufraimont

Lesbian romance stories brought to you as an immersive podcast. Created to make you smile, blush or keep you on the edge of your seat. Listen with headphones to immerse yourself fully! New wlw story chapter every other Tuesday.

Blood & Syrup: A Vampire the Masquerade Podcast

Dumb-Dumbs & Dice

Blood & Syrup is a live-play podcast where professional improvisers dive into Vampire the Masquerade. When a high-profile assassination leaves Montreal without a vampiric ruler, gangster Ridley Beef, detective Everett Fry, and inspirational poet Iris Dunn - all recently turned vampires - are sent to establish a new order at all costs! Trending on global comedy fiction charts, and brought to you by Dumb-Dumbs & Dice (whose series Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons charted as the #2 fiction podcast on Spotify), find out why Blood & Syrup has been downloaded more than half a million times! 


Rocket Beans TV

Pen & Paper-Rollenspiele zählen zu den absoluten Lieblingsprojekten bei Rocket Beans. Zahlreiche Abenteuer wurden bereits auf Youtube und als Podcast unter dem passenden Kanalnamen “Pen & Paper“ veröffentlicht. Warum also dieser neue Kanal hier? Ganz einfach: Die hier erscheinenden Abenteuer gibt es NUR als Podcast. Musik, Atmosphäre und Soundeffekte sorgen dabei für ein echtes Hörspiel-Gefühl. Aktuelles Abenteuer: CITY OF MIST - DAS LAZARUS PROJEKT. Neue Folgen gibt es jeden Montag. Story und Spielleitung: Steffen Grziwa Cast: Daniel Budiman, Haselnuuuss, Miriam Grziwa Redaktion: Timo Zocholl Executive Producer: Maximilian Stangl Sounddesign und Mischung: Julius Galla Cover Artwork: Jan Soucek Projektleitung Podcasts: Mark Oliver Lehmann

Sammy's Room by Samantha* ANANSA

Samantha* ANANSA

サマンサ・アナンサがお届けするWebラジオ番組、Sammy's Roomへようこそ! Welcome to the web radio program of a dragqueen Samantha* ANANSA, called Sammy's Room!! Thank you for tuneing in!!



伝えたい思いとかは特にありません! Mail(monowoshiranaimetsuko@gmail.com) 匿名でもメールを送れるよ ↓ (https://forms.gle/rETGLCW47S1W57Xc8) Twitter→https://twitter.com/_ahometu

Aurelius Whitlock's Murder Museum

Marcus Richardson and Nathan Hicken

Join Marcus Richardson and Nathan Hicken as we play through murder mysteries of our own devising, playing curator, murderer, and detective. Listen along as we unravel the Museum's many secrets... What mysteries will you be able to solve?



對不起喇,總之我先道歉。 你一定會喜歡我的內容,聽了你不會後悔喇ㄏㄏ。 拜託幫我五星刷起來! 我們的社群 IG:https://www.instagram.com/imsorryla064/ FB:https://www.facebook.com/imsorryla 在哪裡可以收聽🔻 🎧 KKBOX: https://reurl.cc/Gr4Zk3 🎧 Spotify: https://reurl.cc/k0rNdq 🎧 Apple Podcast: https://reurl.cc/0O9gok 🎧 Google Podcast: https://reurl.cc/r8rdab 🎧 Pocket Casts: https://reurl.cc/q8rz8D 🎧 SoundOn: https://reurl.cc/Q3en3b 🎧 Firstory: https://reurl.cc/v1031A 如果想寄信讓小哥幫你分享的話 歡迎寄到 imsorryla064@gmail.com 如果你對我們的內容有什麼指教 歡迎留言告訴我們 https://open.firstory.me/story/ckf4q3uwzvbj90854v4i4r26h?m=comment 如果你喜歡我們的創作 想要讓小哥買氣泡水來喝 請點擊下面的連結 謝謝! https://pay.firstory.me/user/imsorryla Powered by Firstory Hosting

Mockery Manor

Long Cat Media

Summer, 1989, somewhere in deepest darkest England. Mockery Manor is a theme park where people disappear, and it's up to a pair of chaotic teenage twins to catch a killer. British Podcast Awards 'Best Fiction' Nominee 2020. If you like Hot Fuzz, The White Lotus and Scream, then Mockery Manor is for you. Mockery Manor is a full-cast production best enjoyed using headphones.

The Thrilling Adventure Hour

WorkJuice Corp

The world's favorite new time podcast in the style of old-time radio. The Thrilling Adventure Hour anthologizes the thrilling adventures of space cowboy Sparks Nevada (Marc Evan Jackson), married mediums Frank and Sadie Doyle (Paul F. Tompkins and Paget Brewster), all-American hero Jefferson Reid (Nathan Fillion), and more. Find the complete Thrilling Adventure back catalog plus libraries of classic segments and bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/thrillingadventurehour Produced and created by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker. Featuring the WorkJuice Players and your favorite stars from the worlds of television, film, comedy, animation, sketch, and the stage. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

珍妮小屋|Jeanie's house


我是珍妮~ 一直都很想有個音頻節目,阿都沒有個屁,被男友甩了之後想說找點事情做,只好情緒勒索我的好友們,一起來錄Podcast~ Powered by Firstory Hosting

I Seduce The Dragon

I Seduce The Dragon

A rocket scientist, a cowgirl, a p*rnstar, and a mom walk into a dungeon ... and those are just the players. I SEDUCE THE DRAGON is an actual play D&D podcast that requires absolutely no prior knowledge of Dungeons & Dragons to love! High production value, engaging characters and incredible chemistry make a great time for even casual listeners.

Connor Pugs

Connor Pugs

Here are all the storytime videos from Connor Pugs. Connor Pugs makes stories on a variety of topics, and his main inspirations for storytime videos are scrubby aka scrubs and Luna. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/connor-pugs/support

Juha | جحا

Sowt | صوت

جحا مسلسل روائي جديد يحكي قصص حكيم الحمقى المشهورة وقصص لم تسمعوها من قبل. يروي لنا راوٍ مميز جدًا حكايات عجيبة عن عباءة تأكل، وسحر يحول الرجال إلى حمير، وحركات بهلوانية تذهل العقول، في محورها كلها الماكر المحبوب، جحا.

The Amelia Project

Imploding Fictions

The Amelia Project is a secret agency that fakes its clients' deaths, then lets them reappear with a brand new identity! A black comedy full of secrets, twists... and cocoa. The series starts as a succession of interviews with clients who want to fake their deaths, then slowly a larger narrative begins to emerge... Each episode tells its own story, but we recommend starting with Season 1.


The smells good.

鹿児島在住の40代と50代のおじさん二人のリアルと、日々気になった事柄やカルチャーを勝手に盛り上がって話す番組。2022年から毎月20日(変則あり)に更新。場所は酒屋の角打ちバー。そこのマスターこと「リュウジ(東京生活から鹿児島のUターン)」と、そこの常連客の「シンゴ(三重県出身のIターン)」が交わすおじさんトーク劇場。昔の話から最近のおじさんあるあるまで広そうで狭い話の幅は共感できるおじさんもいるのでは? The smell good!!!!!!!!!

The Monster Hunters

Definitely Human

Take a trip back to swinging London in the early 1970s and meet Roy Steel, ex-big game hunter, and Lorrimer Chesterfield, a brain in the shape of a man. Together they are The Monster Hunters. Their mission: to protect the country from vampires, werewolves and a whole pantheon of unmentionable terrors! Taking its cue from the classic period of British horror and adventure, the 1960s and 70s, The Monster Hunters is a comedy adventure series written by and starring Peter Davis and Matthew Woodcock. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



搭好,這是麻麻呼呼的 Podcast,也就是想跟各位說說話的地方,推動大麻合法化是志業也是態度,想成為亞洲地區最辣ㄉ辣ㄍ團體,政治正確也不是我們要追求的,所以節目內容有可能冒犯到大家❤️ *本頻道僅為經驗分享,在台灣抽大麻依然是非常違法,切勿以身試法。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Michelle Rojas Is Not Okay

Audible Originals

Michelle Rojas is not okay. In fact, she’s burnt out. With a PsyD from Yale and a job at a renowned Connecticut therapy practice, Dominican psychologist Michelle Rojas is a Washington Heights success story. When she gets fired for lashing out at co-workers and giving patients questionable advice, Michelle returns home. Ashamed yet bullish, she lies to her family and friends: Michelle—voiced by Dascha Polanco (Orange is the New Black, Samaritan) —opens a therapy practice in a local bodega under the false pretense of expanding the therapy practice from Connecticut to New York. But where she’s from, people just don’t go to therapy. It’s a struggle to pierce the tough resistance from the community, even with support from her free-spirited cousin Dora (Darlene Demorizi) and her quick-witted childhood friend Niño (The Kid Mero). Michelle Rojas is Not Okay follows Michelle as she struggles to grapple with both her professional and personal identities. Throughout her journey, she faces setback after setback before it slowly becomes clear that she’s there not only to offer help to her community, but also to receive it. Michelle Rojas is not okay, but will she be?



服のよろず屋よこしま屋の よこしまちよこ による 虚実ないまぜの番組 プロジェクト大山のダンス公演の衣装を担当し、その際当日パンフレットにPodcast番組配信と書いてしまったので、とりあえずエピソード0を収録。カラオケでブルーハーツの『月の爆撃機』をバックに収録してしまった為にJASRAC案件で無念のお蔵入り。毎週水曜日位に配信したい。なるべくお役立ち情報を混ぜ込みながら無理なく続けたいです。 #よこしまライン 各SNSやっています。 ダイレクトメールもなるべく見ます。 感想や、ご要望、お待ちしています。 一緒に収録してくれる方も募集中。 リアル世界でPodcast語れる人がいないので孤独です。世界中の邪念と繋がりたい。 リスナーの総称はもう決めている。 集え、よこしまメイツよ!



心はいつもジュヴナイル! タミコ・ヴレアウイッチのワンマントークショウ! 展開は常にノープラン!!(笑) しゃべってしゃべってしゃべり倒す! 番組の最後に、 「1節入魂!歌ってみた。」のコーナーで熱唱! アナタのお耳に濃厚接触♥ タミコ・ヴレアウィッチへの質問、語って欲しいテーマ、励まし、慰め、愛のメッセージ、一節入魂で歌って欲しいリクエスト、は tamitami49464946@gmail.com までお願いいたします☆ 各SNSに存在しております☆おチェッコ4946です☆ Instagram→tamikoblarwitch Twitter→@tami_ru Facebook→佐藤しのぶ(本名笑。)   Facebook内に「タミコがポッドキャストを始めました。その理由とは?」ページもあります☆ 今年の目標はポッドキャストで有名になってお友達を増やす事です!!(小学生。笑)

あいかわ あらこの地獄の月曜日

あいかわ あらこチャンネル

思想が強すぎるぼっち系Vtuber『あいかわ あらこ[@iarawo_ch]』が、陰キャラのみんなと作る世界一暗い朝番組。東京ドームへ行くためにはリトタクの力が必要不可欠なのです!メッセージフォームよりメールを受付中ですワラワラ。隔週月曜AM4:59〜START! ■メッセージフォーム https://form.run/@iarawo-contact ■ Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@iarawo_ch?feature=shared ■免責事項+二次創作のガイドライン https://note.com/kirokuyou_note/n/n8a9e6122fe63 [あらこ語解説] リトルタクミ・・・リスナーの呼称 からのさん ・・・1軍のこと (理由や由来は#1で説明しています!) [免責事項] 実在のタレント様・アーティスト様やテレビ番組、ゲーム等を番組内で紹介させていただくことがありますが、公式のタレント様・アーティスト様および制作会社・出演者様・関係者様等とは一切関係がありません。内容に関してはフィクションであり、実在のものとは一切関係がありません。 ▼お借りした音声素材 VOICEVOX:冥鳴ひまり ▼お借りした素材提供サイト様 VOICEVOX様(https://voicevox.hiroshiba.jp)

Murder in HR

Caspian Studios

It’s Jemma’s (Kate Mara) first day as Employee Experience Manager at Peace of Ship, an AI-powered tech startup. When her colleague Larry is electrocuted during the company All-Hands, she uncovers a terrible secret. It was murder! Now, she and her Chief People Officer, Nicholas (Brett Gelman), are tasked with finding the killer. She must use her HR skills to investigate her toxic colleagues – without becoming the next victim. Murder in HR. Presented by Gympass. Starring Kate Mara and Brett Gelman.  A Caspian Studios Production.

ものごころチューン ヒトとモノのイマジナリーラジオ


これは、ヒトとモノをつなぐイマジナリーラジオ。 さまざまなモノのみなさんをお招きして、その人生や生活の悲喜こもごもをお聞きします。 毎月第1、3水曜日 19時更新 spotify, applepodcasts, google podcasts, amazon music, youtube 「にらせかんな ふうせんチャンネル」などなど各種プラットフォームにて配信中! ものごころチューンでは、ゲストへの質問、モノの一句を募集しています。下記のURLからお送りください。 ゲストへの質問 https://odaibako.net/u/Karaage_vent モノの一句 https://odaibako.net/u/nenne_suruwayo 番組宛てメッセージ/ヒトからモノへのお悩み https://forms.gle/AtfbvV4LBSRxWPzD6 感想やメッセージは、ぜひ #ものちゅん でつぶやいてください! パーソナリティ ヒトのにらせかんな(twitter @nenne_suruwayo)、からあげのからさわ 企画 パソコンのぱそすけ 編集 キーボードのきいちゃん コーヒーのドリー メインカバーアート イツキ(twitter @art_itsuki)

The Critshow

Critshow Studios

A group of friends have their lives turned upside down when they find themselves placed as the last line of defense between the everyday world and the things that go bump in the night. This actual play podcast uses Monster of the Week and other Powered by the Apocalypse games, all within the same dimension hopping narrative, to follow the Indiana Paranormal Task-force (IPT) as they are thrust into the front lines of a battle they didn't know existed.

Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason

Jeremy Ellett

Conspiracy obsessed Flat Earthers Randy Dunning and Gayle Kruger will do anything to create the next great viral video... They’ll even kidnap a Freemason and keep him locked in their basement until he tells them what's really going on. Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason is a satirical dark comedy about Secret Societies and Conspiracy Culture. Created by Jeremy Ellett.

Peppa Pig

Babi Ursinha fofa

A teoria da Peppa Pig

The Gods Must Be Crazy: A Philippine Mythology Podcast

The Gods Must Be Crazy: A Philippine Mythology Podcast

Two Filipina transplants explore the rich, strange, wacky, and largely underground (pun intended) world of Philippine Mythology.

Meet Cute Rom-Coms

Meet Cute

The Official Source of Rom-Coms. Meet Cutes are original romantic comedies told in 15 minutes. www.meetcute.com Here you’ll discover all of our 6-part series – the perfect pick-me-ups – with new episodes for free, twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Subscribers get early access to binge the latest series in full when it launches, our Meet Cute Singles feed, and after 3 months, each series will also be featured in its own feed, for subscribers only.


Takuya Kuroda

ニューヨークを拠点に活躍するジャズトランペッター黒田卓也のゆるゆる一人トーク! 様々な面白コーナーからエピソードまで。様々なゲスト登場にも期待!

Honeymoon for One


The very first story from RomComPods! Meet Claire, a 28-year old Chicagoan who seemingly has her life totally and completely together... until she catches her fiance cheating on her the week of their wedding! Heartbroken (and broke), Claire decides to go on her non-refundable honeymoon — a romantic couple’s tour of Italy — alone. RomComPods is Co-Written, Produced, and Directed by Rachael King and Becca Freeman. More at romcompods.com and @RomComPods on IG.

Die Schokofrösche - Der Harry Potter Podcast


Du magst Harry Potter und möchtest mehr über die Figuren, Personen, Wesen und Orte  des Potter Universums wissen? Du willst Anregungen für Diskussionen haben und Charaktere durchleuchten und analysieren? Du magst FanFictions, Harry Potter Spiele und Quizze? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig. Mit viel Spaß und Leidenschaft widmen wir uns den von JKR geschaffenen Charakteren der Harry Potter Büchern. Jeden Mittwoch erscheint eine neue Folge. Hört rein! Unseren Merch gibt es hier: https://www.seedshirt.de/shop/schokofroescheshop Ihr wollt uns FanArt schicken oder Sticker von uns bekommen? Schreibt uns an: Postfach 710532 81455 München


xy studio


Sports Horn


Sports Horn – it’s the UK’s third most talked about sports radio network! Join ex-footballer and current pundit Ian Fiveankles with co-host Anthony Richardson as they tackle the biggest sporting stories in their brand new breakfast show, only on SPORTS HORN. Dishing out the sort of insight one can only acquire from playing LDV Vans Trophy fixtures against both Jamie Cureton and Jamie O’Hara, this is a breakfast show not to be missed...  Sports Horn is a weekly sports radio parody from Stak and the comedic minds of The Exploding Heads (Mark Davison and Anthony Richardson) who can be found here! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Gareth and the Lost Island - A Fantasy Adventure Comedy Audio Drama Series

Venomous Duck Media

Gareth and the Lost Island follows the adventures of Professor Gareth Mintel, and the crew of the airship Glorious Dawn, on their quest to find a mythical lost island. This Fantasy Adventure-Comedy is sure to appeal to fans of the Discworld Series, The Princess Bride, and Mel Brooks films.

Roll Plus Heart

Roll Plus Heart

An actual play podcast with a focus on queer storytelling. Join Becs, Helen, Jen and Sara for a series of short table-top role-playing games using a variety of game systems, including Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Kids on Bikes, Stone the Crows and Mundane Magic. Featuring fresh new characters for each game, some true chaos role-playing, jokes to make your mum blush, and beautiful LGBTQ+ love. If you like comedy-focused actual play podcasts but you want it more femme, more gay and more silly, you'll love Roll Plus Heart. As our focus is on short-form games, you can start listening at any point. Some of our games are mini-series, which are best listened to in order, but the rest are mostly one-shots, which are entirely standalone. No need to catch up - just jump on in!




Meet Cute

Eight years after Sabine Eliot was persuaded by her family to break up with her college sweetheart, the exes are set to meet again at an A-list wedding in the French countryside. While Sabine is enjoying a flourishing career as an influencer, her heart’s never been the same since she said goodbye to sweet and sensitive Wyatt.  Meanwhile, if Wyatt had something to prove in the years since he was rejected by Sabine, boy has he proved it. He’s the most sought-after photographer in L.A., friend to the stars, and he’s never been more eligible. With a four-day wedding extravaganza ahead of her, Sabine is in for oodles of star-studded events and also lingering, weird feelings for her ex. Then Sabine meets Henrietta Louise Musgrove, current It Girl and darling of the cinema. It’s the friendship Sabine always dreamed of striking up (and using to her advantage). These two are destined to be the next “Taylena.” That is, until Henrietta Louise Musgrove has eyes for Wyatt, and wants Sabine’s help securing his heart. Jane Austen’s Persuasion for the modern era, Influence is a playful re-imagining of one woman’s climb up the social ladder, and about if true love can conquer all–even Hollywood. Story by Kristina Libby. Produced and Directed by Vincent Cacchione. Story Editor: Amarlie Foster. Director of Creative Production: Lucie Ledbetter. Starring: Edie Salas Miller, Tom Donoghue, Anne Hogan, Helen Shephard, Marcella Lentz-Pope, Joseph Lymous, David Commander, Danny Tamberelli, Julie Lamendola, Magali Charron, Vincent Cacchione, Alan Kelly.

Misafir Odası

Podbee Media

Sevgili hayali kitlem, hayatımız nereye gidiyor? İnsan ailesinden, ölümden, çocukluk anılarından, yaşamaya çalıştığı şehrin gürültülerinden ve kafasındaki seslerden ne kadar uzağa kaçabilir? Bir pasaport, bir vize, her şeyi çözmeye yeter mi? Merhaba. Ben Umay Şen, 35 yaşındayım. Bu şehirde debeleniyorum. Kardeşim Ülgen ve annem İştar’la mutsuz orta sınıf bir aile olmanın hakkını veriyoruz. Yurt dışına çıkma planlarım, her sabah içtiğim yarım litre kahve ve bindiğim metrolarla da beyaz yakalılığın hakkını veriyorum. Bu da benim podcastim. Daha doğrusu, podcast dizim. Nasıl mı? Şöyle; beni, yani, Umay'ı Aslı İnandık oynuyor. Kardeşim Ülgen'i Güven Murat Akpınar, annem İştar'ı Derya Alabora, babam Rıza'yı da Serkan Keskin oynuyor. Volkan Çıkıntoğlu yazdı, Tunç Şahin yönetti. Gerçekten. Dinleyin anlayacaksınız. Günaydın veya iyi geceler, hayali kitlem. Unutmadan afişi de Onur Sipahi yaptı.



免费慢更专辑  本专辑免费收听!上架当天放送50集,之后日更2集。订阅可看到每日更新哦! 指路VIP快更专辑  医品太子妃丨古言重生虐渣多人有声剧|半纸鸿鹊领衔丨VIP免费 作品简介   秦宛如上一辈子死的很惨,成为东苍国第一个被酷刑腰斩的女子,至死都不知道大姐秦玉如李代桃僵享受着本该属于自己的荣宠……重生后,砸花轿,跳围墙,救姨母,踩贱人……可这是谁?上一世最后成功篡位的废太子?这闪闪发光的金大腿是抱还是不抱呢?秦宛如咬咬牙,决定抱了!只是抱着的姿势太过妙曼,金大腿决定要让她抱一辈子了!这可怎么破? staff  原著:帘霜 策划监制:半纸鸿鹊 封面原画:鲁C 文稿编辑:半纸烟沙 后期制作:半纸桃夭 音频剪辑:半纸温凉、半纸清若 美工统筹:半纸夕兮 审听校对:半纸尧豆 【Cast】 【领衔演播】 喜马拉雅夫妻档CP 旁白/秦宛如:半纸鸿鹊 楚琉玥:离沐寒 特邀嘉宾 楚琉宸:小白胡萝卜 齐天宇:青阳 秦玉如:沐千雪 文溪驰:小三书 清月/宁雪青:茴梓白 秦怀永:魔音小海 狄氏:五月的木木 齐蓉枝:一诺 小宣子:千索 秦老夫人:胭脂泪 狄岩:五毛一分钟 邵元皓:枫九娘 楚琉昕:折羽 楚琉周:萨斯可sars 狄凤兰/兴国公夫人:靡宴 齐海:长了腿的胡萝北 梅雪:川长思鸟来 永康伯夫人:秋千 永康伯:林泉 宁雪青:長安歌 琼花:虞宝宝 言旭兰:冷玄星 太后/玉嬷嬷:语弈 顾兮姝/董秀儿:柒柒 春意:秋耳丘 黄嬷嬷:野人抗住猪腿 曲儿/郑嬷嬷:牛百叶 众龙套:聚音工作室

Death by Dying

Evening Post Productions

The Obituary Writer of Crestfall, Idaho finds himself deeply in over his head as he investigates a series of strange and mysterious deaths… when he is supposed to simply be writing obituaries. Along the way he encounters murderous farmers, man-eating cats, haunted bicycles, and a healthy dose of ominous shadows. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/deathbydyingpod

Life With Althaar

Gemini CollisionWorks

We are midway through the 26th Century, out at the edge of Human space, in the Teegarden system. John B, a humble repairman and ”former human” (having lost his legal status as such), has left the Earth for mysterious reasons. He is perhaps the unluckiest being in the galaxy. He has wound up at the Human Exchange Concourse, or the ”HEC,” once the site of Humanity’s First Galactic Fair. It was the biggest flop in Human history. ”The Fairgrounds” is perhaps the unluckiest place in Human space. You don’t go there, you end up there. John’s luck seems to have changed when he gets a good apartment at an amazingly reasonable price only to find his roommate is Althaar, an Iltorian, who is determined to befriend a Human (Iltorians are the kindest, nicest species in all known space, and natural diplomats, beloved by almost all, but their slightest presence causes Humans to instinctively respond with panic, fear, disgust, nausea, and loss of bodily functions). Can a Human and Iltorian live together without one of them driving the other crazy?

Batman: The Audio Adventures


In partnership with Warner Bros. and DC, this scripted audio original, Gotham City comes to lurid life in the theater of your mind…with a sensational pageant of technicolor villainy unlike any other on Earth. Mafioso Penguins. Thieving Catwomen. Terrorist Riddlers. Killing Jokers…a city where some problems can only be solved by a billionaire in a bat costume. Starring Jeffrey Wright as Batman, Rosario Dawson as Catwoman, John Leguizamo as the Riddler, and a who’s who of incredible “Saturday Night Live” alums, the series draws inspiration from the vintage noir atmosphere of the celebrated “Batman: The Animated Series,” the spirited fun of the classic 1960s “Batman”TV series, and the entire 80-plus year history of the BATMAN franchise. This rollicking, over the top Batman adventure is written and directed by Emmy®-winner Dennis McNicholas, features an A-List cast, and devilishly delightful original music.

Tagalog Funny Horror

Agnes Bautista

Original Tagalog Comic Horror

Bons baisers de partout


INA Podcasts présente un trésor des archives de la radio : « Bons baisers de partout », en version restaurée. Avis aux amateurs de calembour et de création sonore ! “Bons baisers de partout”, la série totalement loufoque de Pierre Dac et Louis Rognoni est de retour en version restaurée, sur INA Podcasts. Cette parodie de série d’espionnage diffusée de 1966 à 1974 met en scène le Service de Documentation Unilatéral et de Contre-espionnage (le SDUC) dirigé par le Colonel Hubert de Guerlasse, interprété par Pierre Dac lui-même. À retrouver tous les mercredis à 18h.

ものごころチューン ヒトとモノのイマジナリーラジオ


これは、ヒトとモノをつなぐイマジナリーラジオ。 さまざまなモノのみなさんをお招きして、その人生や生活の悲喜こもごもをお聞きします。 毎月第1、3水曜日 19時更新 spotify, applepodcasts, google podcasts, amazon music, youtube 「にらせかんな ふうせんチャンネル」などなど各種プラットフォームにて配信中! ものごころチューンでは、ゲストへの質問、モノの一句を募集しています。下記のURLからお送りください。 ゲストへの質問 https://odaibako.net/u/Karaage_vent モノの一句 https://odaibako.net/u/nenne_suruwayo 番組宛てメッセージ/ヒトからモノへのお悩み https://forms.gle/AtfbvV4LBSRxWPzD6 感想やメッセージは、ぜひ #ものちゅん でつぶやいてください! パーソナリティ ヒトのにらせかんな(twitter @nenne_suruwayo)、からあげのからさわ 企画 パソコンのぱそすけ 編集 キーボードのきいちゃん コーヒーのドリー メインカバーアート イツキ(twitter @art_itsuki)


Tim Ferriss

The Legend of COCKPUNCH™ is the tale of a fantastical realm, a universe of the bizarre from the mind of bestselling author Tim Ferriss. Stories are the gateway drug in this Emergent Long Fiction (ELF) project. Characters, maps, artwork, and more will be released over time at cockpunch.com and tim.blog/cockpunch. For other oddities from the world of Varlata, follow @cockpunch and @tferriss on Twitter.

Alba Salix, Royal Physician

Fable and Folly

The award-winning fantasy-comedy! In Alba Salix, overworked, cynical witch Alba tends to the health of the King, Queen and citizens of the kingdom of Farloria, with the help of her obnoxious apprentice Magnus and an absent-minded fairy named Holly. The spinoff The Axe & Crown follows the misadventures of Gubbin the troll tavernkeeper, his clueless landlord Stan and his shady niece Betula. Support us here!


The Rez

Aileen is a sparky and curious little Artificial Intelligence who needs your help. Her inventor Zzzucks struggles to relate to people and is always getting into sticky situations—like the time he tried to make cheesplosions even cheesier. The A2Z podcast takes you along on their wild adventures with annoying robots, jello mountains, semi-intelligent lawnmowers and more. Will you help Aileen to help Zzzucks be less anxious and happier in his own skin, and help her learn what makes humans human? You might even pick up some tips and tricks for being kind to yourself in the process! You can talk to Aileen, help her on her missions, and play the game by downloading the Aileen App (search for Aileen in the Apple App Store or Google Playstore). The App costs $1.99 to unlock all the missions, and is free to GZM subscribers! Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.millipedia.aileen&pcampaignid=web_share App Store (iPhone): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/aileen/id6475401029?platform=iphone App Store (iPad): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/aileen/id6475401029?platform=ipad For more great shows, visit GZMshows.com.


Hat Trick Podcasts

Do you remember what pubs used to be like? No, neither do we. Fortunately someone was taking notes... Written by Paul Ewen Starring Tim Key Produced by Nick Coupe Cover illustration by Max Dorey Executive Producers Andy Goddard and Claire Broughton London Pub Reviews is a Hat Trick Podcast Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



小王子 The Little Prince 「法」圣·埃克苏佩里 著 每位小王子- 都能找到- 那朵挚爱的玫瑰- 2021年4月7日起,日更一章 已完结

【双播/免费】快穿系统之世世有你 | 爆笑言情重生


快穿系统,现言+古言,短篇爆笑温情轻松 同步推荐: 搞笑宫斗剧《王爷你认错王妃了》 都市甜宠文《失忆老婆哪里逃》 都市爆笑爽文《总裁是只坏狐狸》 莫浠浠,本是一位天真可爱又单纯的妹纸,却意外被绑定系统小九……结果,才刚派任务,系统小九就郁闷了:当初选人的时候怎么会混进去这么一个玩意?贪吃,佛系,胆小,怕疼,懒散……简直就是二十一世纪的毒瘤!蛀虫!吃啥啥不剩,干啥啥不行! 在第一个世界里,为了促成男女主,她必须引起男配江牧天的注意,结果江牧天爱上了她,当然,她也很乐意一边做任务,一边谈恋爱,结果,系统小九一句“好了,现在任务完成了,我们去下一个世界。”,莫浠浠郁闷了! 这是一本系统快穿文,不长,也就穿了三个世界,自称正经的系统(不靠谱),号称三观正的男女主(渣渣),胆小心软的宿主(打脸专家),在一世又一世的任务中,一次次立flag,一次次打脸;一次次遭遇系统bug,剧情线崩溃,系统当机,啼笑皆非。轻松搞笑之余,又不乏温情暖意,让人感叹缘份天注定。 希望让你在工作学习之余,能得到片刻放空,如能让你开怀一笑,兔子的目的就达到了。期待你的订阅收听和评论哦。 每晚6:00更一集,如遇打赏,更新+1 兔子的QQ听友群:690327935(用于上新和活动通知)

The Carlötta Beautox Chronicles

Ann Sloan

A screwball comedy fiction podcast that follows the misadventures of a wanna-be actress as she navigates the treacherous waters of Hollywood in her quest to become the Next Big Thing.

Fans On Film

STD Productions

A movie podcast! To suggest a movie or give us some feedback Please email us at fansonfilm@outlook.com



お笑い芸人のゆきおとこが毎回いろいろなジャンルの女性をゲストにお迎えし、 どうしたら女性にモテるかを話すトークバラエティ

Press Start Cast

Press Start Cast

A sua áudio revista digital! Do mundo para o mundo! Novidades e o cotidiano principalmente do Japão e do Brasil e correspondentes em vários países.

The Green Horizon

Paul Walsh

Lovie Awards shortlisted sci-fi audio comedy that focuses on a na'er - do - well Irish space captain and his rag-tag crew as they traverse a war-torn Galaxy in search of fame and fortune.

The Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society

TruStory FM

Welcome to the seaside city of Massalia, nestled in the south of France. It’s the dawn of the 20th century, but things aren’t looking bright. A group calling themselves The Six engineered a sinister cultural revolution and united Europe under one banner, all beholden to the Emperor. Saffron and Zinnia are a married lesbian couple doing their best to defend the people and fight evil wherever they find it, battling with swords, words, or whatever they can use. Opposed by villains like Lord Buxton Blue, Piker Pendulum, and The Red Rapscallion, the Ladies help where they can and seek to bring down this corrupt regime. The flame of hope is still burning bright in the Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society.

Untrue Stories

Robin Johnson

A sci-fi comedy-drama putting surreal new spins on classic speculative fiction. When George Orwell and H. G. Wells accidentally double-book a getaway cottage, an argument about tea escalates into an aeon-spanning adventure of time travel and political machination. A full cast audio drama from award-winning writer Robin Johnson.


Cup Of Tea
