11/29 TOP NEWS|专家建议支原体肺炎早期发现合理用药/中国将加强氢燃料电池产业化发展


NEWS ON 11/291.NATIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION EXPERT OFFERS ADVICE ON TREATING MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIA国家卫健委专家建议支原体肺炎早期发现 合理用药2. CHINA TO STEP UP HYDROGEN FUEL CELLS DEVELOPMENT中国将加强氢燃料电池产业化发展-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.NATIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION EXPERT OFFERS ADVICE ON TREATING MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIA国家卫健委专家建议支原体肺炎早期发现 合理用药Fever clinics in Shanghai are recording a large number of pediatric patients infected with mycoplasma pneumonia. A National Health Commission expert shares suggestions on early detection and medication. Zhang Hong has more.上海的发热门诊记录了大量感染支原体肺炎的儿童患者。国家卫生健康委员会的专家分享了关于早期发现和药物治疗的建议。记者张泓带来更多报道。Lu Quan, a pediatric【小儿科的】 medications consultant for the National Health Commission, said self-test kits may not be accurate for children with mycoplasma pneumonia. 国家卫健委合理用药专家委员会儿科用药顾问陆权说,自我检测试剂盒对支原体肺炎患儿的检测可能并不准确。Lu Quan, Pediatric Medications ConsultantNational Health Commission陆权 国家卫健委合理用药专家委员会抗菌药物专业组委员、儿童用药专业组顾问“Children less than 6 months old may not generate enough antibodies. Children aged 6 months or above may not generate antibodies if they are sick for less than 7 days. For early detection, we suggest a nucleic【核酸】acid test. It is the most effective way to diagnose mycoplasma pneumonia.”  “6月龄以内的孩子抗体产生的能力不够 6 个月或以上的儿童如果生病少于 7 天 可能不会产生抗体 为了及早发现支原体肺炎我们建议进行核酸检测 这是诊断支原体肺炎最有效的方法”Lu said nationwide, the bacterium's resistance rate to the antibiotics【抗生素】erythromycin and azithromycin is around 80%. He suggested clinics do drug resistance tests so that an alternative medication is prescribed as soon as possible.陆权说,全国范围内,该细菌对抗生素红霉素和阿奇霉素的耐药率约为80%。他建议诊所进行耐药性测试,以便尽快开出替代药物。Lu Quan, Pediatric Medications ConsultantNational Health Commission陆权 国家卫健委合理用药专家委员会抗菌药物专业组委员、儿童用药专业组顾问“It has high resistance to erythromycin and azithromycin, but it doesn't have resistance to minocycline and doxycycline. I think hospitals need to do a rapid test of drug resistance gene tests.”“你看它(红霉素、阿奇霉素等)这个是高度耐药的 但是 米诺(环素)和多西(环素)它不耐药 我觉得医院需要做 快速的耐药基因的检测”Lu added that parents should only give their child azithromycin after consulting a doctor. He reminded parents to take their child to hospital if a fever persists for more than 72 hours.陆权补充道,家长应在咨询医生后才给孩子服用阿奇霉素。他提醒家长,如果孩子持续发烧超过72小时,应带孩子去医院就诊。2.CHINA TO STEP UP HYDROGEN FUEL CELLS DEVELOPMENT中国将加强氢燃料电池产业化发展China a nation R&D center aimed at perfecting hydrogen fuel cells - not just for use in cars, but across every industry. Zhang Shixuan has the story.中国成立了一个国家级研发中心,旨在完善氢燃料电池——不仅用于汽车,还用于各行各业。记者张诗旋带来报道。Hydrogen is a clean fuel that can be extracted from water, and when consumed to generate power, water is the only biproduct. No fossil fuels, no pollution. It is regarded as one of the cleanest energy options, with potential for use even in aviation and shipping. But a couple of issues have so far slowed the widespread adoption of hydrogen power. The first is cost.氢气是一种清洁燃料,可以从水中提取,消耗氢气发电时,水是唯一的副产品。没有化石燃料,没有污染。它被认为是最清洁的能源之一,甚至有可能用于航空和航运。但迄今为止,有几个问题阻碍了氢能的广泛应用。首先是成本问题。Lu Bingbing, General Manager  Shanghai Hydrogen Propulsion Technology卢兵兵 上海捷氢科技总经理“The cost for hydrogen fuel cells have been lowered from 20,000 yuan per kilowatt in 2015, to 3,500 yuan now. And the usage cost across the fuel cells' entire lifecycle is still higher than that in fossil fuel and pure electric ones. We should work on both hardware and the cost for hydrogen itself, including the production and transportation of hydrogen. When the cost for hydrogen reaches 25 yuan per kilograms, and the cost for fuel cells reaches 1,000 yuan per kilowatt, it can will be ready for large-scale commercial applications.”“从2015年16年的2万块钱每千瓦,现在已经到了基本上3500块钱每千瓦这个水平。当然我们燃料电池现在全生命周期的使用成本还是比燃油,或者比纯电的要贵一些。我们应该在硬件和氢本身的成本上下功夫,包括氢的生产和运输。当氢气成本达到每公斤 25 元,燃料电池成本达到每千瓦 1000 元时,就可以进行大规模商业应用了。”Lu says, to lower the costs, the industry should work on the key materials in battery stacks. And that will be one of the main tasks for the national level R&D center. 13 companies, institutions and research institutes signed agreements to join the center.卢兵兵说,为了降低成本,产业界应该在电池组的关键材料上下功夫。这将是国家级研发中心的主要任务之一。13家公司、机构和研究机构签署了加入该中心的协议。Sun Shigang, Academician Chinese Academy of Sciences孙世刚 中国科学院院士“The hydrogen fuel cells nowadays require platinum【铂】 as a catalyst. This is a limited resource - 90% of it comes from South Africa. Only 0.4% is found in China. So, it's important for us to develop a new generation of catalysts【催化剂】. China is required to reach its carbon emissions peak and carbon neutrality in a shorter time compared with developed nations. So, we need big changes in our in energy structure. We have to accelerate our development of new technologies and businesses.”“现在的氢燃料电池需要铂作为催化剂。铂是一种有限的资源,其中90%来自南非。只有 0.4%产自中国。因此,开发新一代催化剂对我们来说非常重要。与发达国家相比,中国需要在更短的时间内达到碳排放峰值,实现碳中和。因此,我们需要对能源结构进行重大变革。我们必须加快新技术和新业务的发展。”In 2021, China announced the first batch of demonstration cities for hydrogen powered vehicle development. Cities in the Yangtze River Delta Region including Shanghai, Suzhou, Nantong and Jiaxing were on the list. Shanghai's Jiading District, where the R&D center was announced, has been in the field for more than 2 decades. It created the first fuel cell industry park in China, gathering more than 80 hydrogen energy firms. In 2021, its revenue already topped more than 10 billion yuan.2021年,中国公布了首批氢动力汽车发展示范城市名单。包括上海、苏州、南通和嘉兴在内的长三角地区城市榜上有名。宣布成立研发中心的上海嘉定在这一领域已有20多年的历史。它创建了中国首个燃料电池产业园,聚集了80多家氢能企业。2021年,其营业收入已超过100亿元。#热词加油站pediatric /ˌpi:dɪ'ætrɪk/【小儿科的】nucleic /njuːˈkleɪɪk/【核酸】 antibiotics /ˌæntɪbaɪˈɒtɪks/【抗生素】catalysts /ˈkætəlɪsts/【催化剂】platinum /ˈplætɪnəm/【铂】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~

11/29 TOP NEWS|专家建议支原体肺炎早期发现合理用药/中国将加强氢燃料电池产业化发展

11/29 TOP NEWS|专家建议支原体肺炎早期发现合理用药/中国将加强氢燃料电池产业化发展
