08/18 TOP NEWS | 国内发现新毒株EG.5/假期将至 航班预订量激增 /异种移植重大进展


NEWS ON 08/171.DOCTORS ON WHAT TO KNOW ABOUTEG.5 CORONAVIRUS VARIANT国内发现新冠新毒株EG.5!会引发新一轮流行吗?2.FLIGHT BOOKINGS SURGE FOR UPCOMING HOLIDAYS假期将至,航班预订量激增3.PIG KIDNEY TRANSPLANTED INTOHUMAN FUNCTIONS FOR OVER A MONTH异种移植取得重大进展:猪肾在人体内正常工作超一个月----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.DOCTORS ON WHAT TO KNOW ABOUTEG.5 CORONAVIRUS VARIANT国内发现新冠新毒株EG.5!会引发新一轮流行吗?A new variant of the coronavirus called EG.5 has been circulating in dozens of countries. In China, the Foshan Center for Disease Control in Guangdong Province reported the variant is starting to become prevalent. Here's Chen Xuan with a look at its characteristics and risk levels.一种名为EG.5的新冠病毒变异株已在数十个国家流行。中国广东省佛山市疾病控制中心报告该变异株出现蔓延态势。陈璇为您介绍它的特点和风险等级。Foshan’s CDC reported yesterday the city now has EG.5 outbreaks, but added the risks to public health are manageable.佛山市疾控中心昨日(08/16)报告称,EG.5变异株在佛山市流行毒株中逐渐占据优势,但其对公众健康的风险是可控的。EG.5 is a recent variant closely related to the XBB variants that have been circulating for months. It was first reported in February.EG.5是最近出现的一种变异株,于今年二月份被首次报道,与已流行数月的XBB变种密切相关。Global case data show symptoms are the same as other variants with coughs, fever, fatigue and loss of taste or smell.全球病例数据显示,其症状与其他变种相同,包括咳嗽、发烧、疲劳、味觉或嗅觉丧失。Virologists say the strain isn't more dangerous than previous ones, though it contains one mutation that is known to evade some of the immunity one gains after an infection or vaccination. This might have contributed to its faster circulation speed.病毒学家说,该病毒并没有比以前的更危险,但它含有一种变异,众所周知,这种变异可以逃避感染或接种疫苗后形成的免疫力。这可能是导致其传播速度加快的原因之一。The World Health Organization last week upgraded the variant’s tracking status from “variant under monitoring” to “variant of interest”.世界卫生组织上周将该变异株的跟踪状态从“监视下的变异株”升级为“需要留意的变异株”。Worldwide, the percentage of EG.5 infections has grown from 7.6 percent at the end of June to 17.5 percent at the end of July. But doctors say people shouldn’t worry too much.全球范围内,EG.5感染率从6月底的7.6%增长到7月底的17.5%。但医生表示不必过于担心。Ling Yun, Deputy Directorof Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center凌云(音译),上海市公共卫生临床中心副主任“The WHO upgrades a variant when it shows more advanced transmissibility and reaches a certain percentage among total cases. This just tells us we should be watching out for it. This doesn't mean another wave of the pandemic has come.”“世卫组织会在变异株显示出更高的传播性并在病例总数中达到一定比例时将其升级。这只是告诉我们应该注意它,并不意味着另一波大流行已经来临。”Here in Shanghai, multiple hospitals have reported a 10 percent increase in coronavirus cases, but the numbers are still low compared to the first COVID wave in December 2022, and the second one in May.在上海,多家医院报告新冠病毒病例增加了10%,但与2022年12月的第一波感染和5月的第二波感染相比,病例数仍相对较少。Doctors say whether EG.5 results in a bigger wave of infections depends on immunity levels. Given the May wave, they estimate the strain will not result in a significant rise in case counts.医生表明,EG.5是否会导致又一波感染取决于免疫水平。鉴于5月份的感染潮,他们估计该病毒不会导致病例数大幅上升。But they do advise people who have never been infected or those with underlying health conditions to get vaccinated.但他们建议从未感染过的人或有基础疾病的人接种疫苗。Ling Yun, Deputy DirectorofShanghai Public Health Clinical Center凌云,上海市公共卫生临床中心副主任“One always gets lighter symptoms and a shorter duration of illness the second or third time they get infected. Those who were never infected or with underlying conditions could opt for the quadrivalent vaccines. They offer better defense against current strains. Get a full course of the vaccine if you can.”“人在第二次或第三次感染时,症状会减轻,病程也会缩短。从未感染过或有基础疾病的人可以选择接种四价疫苗。它们能更好地抵御当前的毒株。如果可以的话,尽量做到全程接种。”Doctors add that once infected, high-risk groups should try to take antiviral drugs as early as possible. They say when taken promptly, these drugs greatly reduce the risks of developing severe symptoms or experiencing lasting residual symptoms.医生补充说,一旦感染,高危人群应尽量尽早服用抗病毒药物。用药及时可大大降低出现重症或持久性后遗症的风险。2.FLIGHT BOOKINGS SURGE FOR UPCOMING HOLIDAYS假期将至,航班预订量激增Airfares are soaring for flights in late September and early October as many people in Shanghai are planning a trip during this year's combined Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays. Zhang Yue brings us more.今年中秋节和国庆节双节长假期间,许多上海人都计划出游,9月底和10月初的机票价格也随之飙升。本台记者张乐为我们带来更多信息。Demand has risen for plane tickets to popular tourist destinations such as Japan and South Korea during the National Day holiday and prices have jumped accordingly. The price of a one-way ticket from Shanghai to Tokyo on September 29th reached 5,000 yuan, more than 30% higher compared to the summer travel season. A flight from Shanghai to Bangkok during the National Day holiday can cost up to 10 times more than on a regular day.国庆长假期间,前往日本和韩国等热门旅游目的地的机票需求上升,价格也相应飙升。9月29日从上海飞往东京的单程机票价格达到5000元,比暑期旅游旺季高出30%以上。国庆长假期间从上海飞往曼谷的机票价格也达到了平日的10倍。Zhang Wu'an, Spokesperson of Spring Airlines张武安春秋航空发言人“与2019年疫情发生前相比,出行人数增加了48%。黄金周期间,上海-东京-大阪航线机票已售出80%。9月26日以后的航班,机票价格也在快速上涨”“There has been a 48% increase in travelers compared to before the pandemic in 2019. 80% of tickets have already been sold for the Shanghai - Tokyo - Osaka route during the Golden Week. For flights after September 26th, ticket prices have been rising rapidly.”Although airfares have soared, many still want to travel as the combination of the holidays means 10 straight days off, rather than the usual 3 days for the Mid-Autumn Festival and 7 for National Day.虽然机票价格飙升,但许多人仍然想去旅行,因为假期合并意味着连休 10天,而不是往年的中秋节3天、国庆节7天。Visitors旅客“I went to New Zealand during the May Day holiday and want to go again, but the ticket prices have increased too much. Definitely doubled.”“五一假期我去了新西兰,还想再去一次,但机票价格涨得太多了。肯定翻倍了。”Visitors旅客“I am going to Chengdu and some cities in northern China.”“我要去成都和一些北方城市。”Airlines are adjusting their schedules to meet demand.航空公司正在调整班次,以满足需求。Lou Wenjie, Ground Service Dept. of Southern Airlines Shanghai Branch娄文杰南方航空上海分公司地面服务部“Since August 15th, we have opened a direct flight from Guangzhou to Kashgar, which is the longest domestic route. For international routes, sales of tickets from Shanghai to Osaka and other destinations have continued to be strong. As ticket sales increase, we will adjust the flight schedule and aircraft types in response to changes in passenger flow.”“从8月15日开始,我们开通了广州直飞喀什的航线,该航线为最长的国内航线。国际航线方面,上海至大阪等地的机票销售持续火爆。随着机票销售量的增加,我们将根据客流变化及时调整航班时刻和机型。”As of August 15th, plane ticket sales for the National Day holiday have exceeded 350,000, an increase of nearly 19% compared to a week ago.截至8月15日,国庆假期机票销售量已突破35万张,与一周前相比增长近19%。3.PIG KIDNEY TRANSPLANTED INTOHUMAN FUNCTIONS FOR OVER A MONTH异种移植取得重大进展:猪肾在人体内正常工作超一个月Surgeons in New York transplanted a pig’s kidney into a brain-dead man, and for over a month it has been functioning normally, the transplant is a critical step toward an operation the team hopes to eventually try in patients with actual brain function. Sun Siqi has more.纽约一名外科医生将一只猪的肾脏移植到一名脑死亡的男子体内,一个多月来,猪肾一直在正常工作,这次移植是该团队希望最终在有实际脑功能的病人身上尝试异种移植手术的关键一步。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道。The transplant recipient was 57-year-old man who fell into a coma in July due to a tumor in his brain, and has been kept alive on a ventilator. His family decided to donate his body for the transplant experiment. Doctors said during the operation in July, after replacing the deceased man's own kidneys with a single kidney from a genetically modified pig, they watched it immediately start producing urine. The pig’s kidney has been functioning normally inside a human body for 32 days.接受移植的是一名57岁的男子,今年7月因脑部肿瘤陷入昏迷,一直靠呼吸机维持生命。他的家人决定捐献他的遗体用于移植实验。医生说,在7月份的手术中,他们用转基因猪的一个肾脏替换了死者自己的肾脏后,看到该猪肾脏立即开始产生尿液。这只猪的肾脏在人体内已正常工作了32天。Dr. Robert Montgomery, NYU Langone Health罗伯特·蒙哥马利博士纽约大学朗格尼健康中心“You take the clamps off and the human blood comes into the pig kidney, turns this beautiful pink color, and then a couple of minutes later, urine starts squirting out of the ureter. It's crazy.”“取下夹子,人类的血液进入猪肾脏,肾脏变成美丽的粉红色,几分钟后,尿液开始从输尿管喷出。这太神奇了。”The experiment marks the longest a pig kidney has functioned in a human, albeit a clinically deceased one. It's the latest in a string of experiments renewing hope that animal-to-human transplants might finally be inching toward reality. The process has suffered decades of failure as people’s immune systems instantly attacked the foreign tissue. Researchers are set to track the kidney’s performance for a second month. Currently. more than 100,000 people are on the list to receive an organ transplant in the United States and thousands die each year as they wait.这项实验中猪肾脏在人体内工作的时间为迄今最长,尽管移植受体是一位临床死亡病例。该实验为该领域一系列实验中最新一次,让人们重新燃起对动物器官移植到人体的希望。由于人的免疫系统会立即攻击外来组织,该研究几十年来历经失败。研究人员将对肾脏的状况进行第二个月的跟踪。目前,美国有超过10 万患者在等待接受器官移植,每年有数千人在等待中死亡。#热词加油站订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~

08/18 TOP NEWS | 国内发现新毒株EG.5/假期将至 航班预订量激增 /异种移植重大进展

08/18 TOP NEWS | 国内发现新毒株EG.5/假期将至 航班预订量激增 /异种移植重大进展
