Gardening with the RHS

Royal Horticultural Society

'Gardening with the RHS' offers seasonal advice, inspiration and practical solutions to gardening problems. Trusted gardening professionals give you the latest horticultural advice, scientific research and tried and tested techniques to bring out the best in your garden. Topics covered include: growing your own vegetables, flowers, garden design, lawn care and gardening with children. Plus expert masterclasses in topics ranging from cottage garden plants, growing orchids, to pest control and eco-friendly gardening. Plus we’ll have behind the scenes reports from the country’s most prestigious flower shows. There’s something in these podcasts to interest every gardener, whatever your level of expertise. For more info see A Pixiu production.

grow, cook, eat, arrange with Sarah Raven & friends

Sarah Raven

Welcome to grow, cook, eat, arrange, the weekly podcast from gardener, writer, teacher,and cook, Sarah Raven. Over the last two decades, Sarah has led the way by introducing a new kind of productive gardening which places emphasis on intense colour, sophistication, and achievability. Recorded at the beautiful Perch Hill Farm in Sussex, Sarah talks with special guests from across garden design, floristry, food, ecology, conservation, and more. Brimming with top tips and helpful hints, listen and learn how to create your most productive garden ever. You can find out more about the products discussed in each episode or get in touch by visiting the website:



家庭菜園について語るポッドキャスト番組。 野菜づくり、土づくり、いかな暮らし、環境などなど。 Twitter:#家庭菜園ラジオ #カテラジ






ラジオ日本「佐藤満春in休憩室」Season#4 ~愛されて丸十年/トイレの明日を考える~ 出演:佐藤満春(どきどきキャンプ)、トイレ情報ナレーション:宮川賢 製作協力:株式会社アメニティ、有限会社浜岡 ラジオ日本で、毎週土曜日深夜3時30分から放送中! メールをお寄せください。宛先は、 ドシドシ待ってます!

Garden House

Andrea Burke and Ashley Kirnan

Two friends discussing gardens, old houses, and the messy life in between.


井上泉 (melissa)、福井一恵 (いちえ)

夏至生まれの二人 香草スタイリスト 井上泉 アナウンスハウス松山代表 福井一恵 が、ハーブのある暮らしの愉しみ方や、素敵だと思う人のこと、本や映画や音楽や旅、便利なツールなど、楽しいと思うことをゆる〜くご紹介します。

Sustainable Minimalists


Creating eco-minimalist, non-toxic homes (without the extra work). Although minimalism has experienced a rebirth in recent years, the "less is more" movement has been around for centuries. Yet today's minimalist influencers have resurrected minimalism with a decidedly consumerist spin, as modern minimalism is nearly synonymous with decluttering. While there's a lot of chatter about tidying, it's radio silence and crickets when it comes to sustainability. The result? Aspiring minimalists find themselves on an endless hamster wheel of buying, decluttering, buying more, and purging again. Overemphasizing decluttering and underemphasizing the reasons why we overbuy in the first place is thoroughly inconsistent with slow living as a movement; consumption without intention is terrible for the planet, too. Your host, Stephanie Seferian, is a stay-at-home/podcast-from-home mom and author who believes that minimalism, eco-friendliness, and non-toxic living are intrinsically intertwined. She's here to explore the topics of conscious consumerism, sustainability, and environmentally-friendly parenting practices with like-minded women; she's here, too, to show you how to curate eco-friendly, decluttered homes (without the extra work). 

The Plant Based Podcast

Michael Perry & Ellen Mary

More people than ever are appreciating the importance of plants in our day to day lives. Whether it's a plant-based diet, clothes made from plants, the wellbeing qualities of plants, or simply a fun shelf of cacti and succulents! The Plant Based Podcast is about anything that can be traced back to plants… with subjects ranging from foraging for medicinal plants and baking with edible flowers, to plant-based body builders and clothes made from bamboo... This is not just another gardening podcast.. this is The Plant Based Podcast!


COCOスペース 西岡/フルーツ部長

知ってるようで知らなかったフルーツ情報が満載! フルーツ大好きフルーツ部長が美味しい食べ方、選び方など豆知識をたっぷり教えてくれます。 身近なフルーツがもっと美味しく楽しめる番組。毎回楽しいゲストも登場! 札幌市で収録しています。地元のフルーツ情報もたびたび登場します! 聞き手:今野純子 (COCOスペース西岡) #おしゃべりフルーツラジオ #おしゃフル ご質問、ご感想、取り上げて欲しいフルーツなど、ぜひお寄せください!



自分でデザインする家事リスト【リセッターリスト®】の山本香織が、家事や暮らしをテーマにお届けする番組です。家事をしながら、家事の合間に、聞いてもらえたら嬉しいです。毎週木曜朝6時に更新!番組への感想、質問、トークテーマなどは、こちらのおたよりフォームからお願いします 📮



北海道は札幌の山奥で、笑顔あふれる自給自足生活を家族全員で実践しているパーマカルチャー研究所・代表の三栗祐己が、幸せなセミリタイア生活の知恵をお届けする番組です。 遊び・暮らし・仕事・学びが一体化した「遊暮働学(ゆうぼどうがく)」のライフスタイルで、人間関係・時間・お金の縛りから解放された、穏やかで心地良い暮らし方をお伝えしています。 パーマカルチャー研究所HP:

Frugal Friends Podcast

iHeartPodcasts and Jen Smith & Jill Sirianni

Controlling your spending is hard to do. On every episode of Frugal Friends, we'll try to help you gain a little more control on one aspect of the countless directions your money is being pulled toward through frugality and a few laughs. If you're trying to save money, spend less, adopt minimalism, pay off debt or reach financial independence, we think you'll like the show.


Green Radio ワタナベ・ハセベ

※321回以降はVoicyで更新しています 🌱グリーンラジオとは? 2021年11月に配信を開始した観葉植物トークラジオ。観葉植物好きのメンズ2人が語り合っています。サボテンやエケベリアなどの多肉植物、アガベ、パキポディウムなどの塊根植物の話題もたまに話しています。 ⚡️⚡️アーカイブは植物の種類やトークテーマごとに検索できます⚡️⚡️ 🌱観葉植物の話 🌵多肉植物の話 🌳塊根植物の話 🪴植物関連グッズの話 ⛲️園芸店や植物園の話







The Distracted Gardener

Natural Fukui

The Distracted Gardener is a gardening adjacent podcast. Sometimes it's a deep dive into growing a specific crop, while others it might be about the social and moral lessons to be learned from fungus. It's amateur science meets personal story time, and it's always with the goal of inspiring others to interact with and protect the world around them.



こんにちは。真井花(まない・はな)です。 まぐまぐ!社で殿堂入りメールマガジン『システマティックな「ま、いっか」家事術』を発行中。 水星サソリのノラ占星術研究家。音声配信は占星術オンリー。

Gardeners' Question Time

BBC Radio 4

A panel of horticultural experts answer gardening questions from a live audience. Recorded in a different location each week

堆肥のチカラ・新堆肥概論 ~Podcast版~


腐植・フルボ酸のエンザイム株式会社が、堆肥・未利用資源の活用、地域資源循環、環境再生農業などをテーマに不定期配信でお送りしていきます。 <エンザイム株式会社 HP> <ネットショップ Earth Elements> <腐植技術協議会 Facebook>



塊根植物やアガベの楽しさをワイワイ話しながらお伝えする番組です。 また、植物業界に精通している方や作家さん、趣味家さんなどをお呼びし、 最近の植物界隈の動向など深堀していきたいと思っております。 朝の散歩や植替えの時などにお聴き頂けると嬉しいです。 〈お便り〉 〈パーソナリティー〉 ⁠⁠@left_botanical.official⁠⁠ ⁠⁠@pachypopo⁠⁠ ⁠⁠@caudexjapan

聴くボタニ (植物.オーディオドラマ.映画.本)


風よ吹け、日を当てろ、水をやれ!  子株を分けろ、胴を切れ! 天を植えて、地を増やせ!これが私のアガベ道・・・ 難しい話はしません。初心者でもわかるようにお話ししたいと思います 趣味の植物の話をします。あと植物じゃない話をします。 毎回「前半」→「ドラマパート」→「後半」に分かれて、それぞれ全く違う話をする他には無いキメラ番組 笑いが無ければ草じゃないッ! この番組のご意見ご感想は までDMかリプライお願い致します

The Plant Pod

The Plant Pod

The Plant Pod is a podcast where we speak to key industry insiders and leaders in the horticulture industry.

For the Love of Plants

Jack Ellie Charlotte Gaia

Welcome to For the Love of Plants. "If you love plants, you're in the right place!”Subscribe and leave a 5-star rating if you like what you hear! Join Jack, Ellie, Charlotte and Gaia as they discuss all things planty and Horticultural. You can find us individually on social media:- Jack is @growing__man- Ellie is @salviagardening on Instagram and Facebook- Charlotte is @somepotsofplantsor



ラジオ日本の番組「佐藤満春in休憩室」でのコーナー「トイレ情報」はその時々の「トイレ」や「排泄」にまつわる情報やニュースを取り上げてパーソナリティの佐藤満春(どきどきキャンプ)がかみ砕いて紹介する番組ではお馴染みのひととき。ですが、このポッドキャストでは、佐藤さん以外のトイレのプロフェッショナルだと「どう判断し」「どう受け止め」「どう解説する」のだろうか?を考えるものです。佐藤さんも放送では、時間に負けて言葉足らずになっている事もあるやもしれません。そんなかゆいところに手が届くように、敢えてトイレのプロフェッショナルがこの情報に向き合った場合、どのようなディスカッションになるのでしょうか? 極めてディーパーなる番組スピンオフ企画をお楽しみください! 制作:有限会社浜岡(担当:宮川)/協力:株式会社アメニティ 元となる番組:「佐藤満春in休憩室(ラジオ日本)」

All Things Gardening Podcast

Mary Williams Engisch, Charlie Nardozzi

Each week, Charlie Nardozzi joins Vermont Public’s Mary Engisch for a conversation about gardening, and to answer your questions about what you're seeing in the natural world.

Simple Farmhouse Life

Lisa Bass

With over ten years experience making a home, author and mom of eight, Lisa Bass, shares her love for from scratch cooking, natural living and all things handmade. As a full-time blogger and homeschooler, Lisa also mixes in a little mom life and business tips.

Food Garden Life: Helping You Harvest More from Your Edible Garden, Vegetable Garden, and Edible Landscaping

Steven Biggs & Donna Balzer: Horticulturists and edible landscaping experts.

Want to grow your own food but need creative ideas so you can get the most from your space and your growing zone? Our passion is the edible garden. We help people grow food on balconies, in backyards, and beyond—whether it’s edible landscaping, a vegetable garden, container gardens, or a home orchard. There are many ways to approach edible landscaping. Find out how to harvest enough fruit, vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers. Get top tips for exotic crops. And learn how to garden in a way that suits any situation. Since they collaborated to write their 2011 book No Guff Vegetable Gardening, hosts Donna Balzer and Steven Biggs have put a practical and fun spin on food gardening and edible landscaping. Donna is a horticulturist, educator, former CBC Radio host, and award-winning TV host. Her passion is growing and cooking food. Steven was recognized by Garden Making magazine as one of the “green gang” making a difference in horticulture. His home-garden experiments span driveway straw-bale gardens, a rooftop kitchen garden, fruit plantings, and an edible-themed front yard. Get started with one of our fan favourites. Season 6, Episode 10: Big Harvests from a Small Space with a Vertical Vegetable Garden.


Trout Fishing Club

生活を、人生を、あるいは自分のことを考えたいひとのための生活思考倶楽部です。 ”ある時はひねくれた心を全開に。またある時は夢に向かってまっすぐに。一寸先にため息つきながらも、21世紀を等身大でまっとうしたい” そう思った方は、フォローボタンをお忘れなきよう! ✓等身大ラジオ通常回 本を読みたくなったり、ごはんをつくりたくなったり、新しい音楽を聴きたくなったりするような。なんだか生活が愉しくなるような。 お耳の隙間時間になじむラジオです。 ✓ゲスト回 ”私的社会編集” 身のまわりの「自分の足で歩いている」素敵なひとに、あれこれ聞いちゃおう、そうしたらきっと、社会がより「面白く」見えるはず・・ そんな思いで、ゲストの気になるあれこれをテーマに深堀りトークします。

A Beautiful Mess Podcast

Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman

Elsie + Emma are sisters and co-founders of the top DIY blog — A Beautiful Mess. They have written over seven thousand blog posts, so it seemed like a good time to start a podcast! The sisters have a lot to say on everything from home and DIY to family life and business. Visit for show notes.

The Chromologist

Farrow & Ball

If you had to choose four key colours that have shaped your life, what would they be? Host Patrick O’Donnell understands how colour works in our homes but also how it works in our heads, our hearts, our identities. As a colour expert for Farrow & Ball he gets to roll his sleeves up and turn people’s colour dreams into realities. So join him for The Chromologist, as he immerses himself in the lives of creatives, designers and performers who share their stories through colour, guided by the Farrow & Ball colour chart. And uncover your own colour story. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Gardeners' Corner

BBC Radio Ulster

The weekly gardening programme for keen gardeners, with the latest advice, news and visits to gardens large and small around the province. Presented by David Maxwell.



พอดแคสต์ที่ควรจะเสวนาเรื่องสถาปัตย์ 🏛 ตึกรามบ้านช่องก็ว่าไป แต่ทำไปทำมาดันลามไปอะไรเยอะแยะนักก็ไม่รู้ ทั้งเศรษฐกิจ วัฒนธรรม สังคม เทคโนโลยี ประวัติศาสตร์ ฯลฯ หยิบมาเล่าด้วยมุมมองจากสถาปนิกและคณะ พบกันทุกวันเสาร์จ้ะ 💜 / พูดคุยกับเราได้ที่ทวิตเตอร์ @saosaosaona ติดตาม สามโคกเรดิโอ👌🏼 ได้ที่ 💬 📓 📸 🎥



この番組は、東京のとある工務店からお送りする、スタッフの日常と本音が聞けるインターネットラジオ。 「未来の家を妄想する回」「子供に戻りたい時は誰にでもある。1日だけ中学生に戻れたら何します...?」など、ゆるい話から真面目な話まで、さまざまなテーマでお喋りします。家も人生も、小さな塵の積み重ね。「私、こんな家に暮らしたかったんだよね」いつかふっと湧くかもしれないその日まで、その小さな塵、一緒にじっくり積もらせていきましょう。 私たちの小話が皆さんの小さな塵になりますように。 毎月金曜日 20:00 配信 -------------- 📮皆さまからのおたよりも募集中です! 番組の感想や質問、お悩みごとなど下記フォームからお気軽にメッセージください! -------------- 🏡「天然住宅」WEBサイト 東京の工務店、天然住宅です。資源・お金・想いが循環する、三方よし(人、環境、未来)の百年つづく家をめざします。 ⁡家づくりや暮らしのブログを毎週更新中。 --------------

Growing Joy with Plants - Wellness Rooted in Nature, Houseplants, Gardening and Plant Care

Maria Failla- Happy Plant Lady and Author of Growing Joy: The Plant Lover's Guide to Cultivating Happiness

Looking for free, natural ways to decrease stress and increase joy and calm in your life? The answer might be simpler than you think: houseplants, gardening and nature. On Growing Joy with Plants, learn alongside Happy Plant Lady, Maria Failla to care for plants, engage with nature, and use them to manage your overwhelm, anxiety and experience happiness and calm you thought was only available on vacation. Plant care is self care. Come grow some joy with us. Follow along on socials @growingjoywithmaria

BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine Podcast

Immediate Media

Discover gardening inspiration and advice from your favourite gardening experts with the BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine team. Join Monty Don, Alan Titchmarsh, Adam Frost, Frances Tophill, Arit Anderson and others to garden for wildlife and wellness, sow and grow flourishing flowers, immerse in the benefits of nature, get the most from your vegetable plot, successfully use colour in the garden, enjoy the beauty of house plants and much, much more. With Sowalongs and Tea Break Tutorials too, we have your gardening needs covered. This month in the BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine podcast - tour a King’s garden with Alan Titchmarsh, enjoy Bridgerton’s floral feasts, visit Griff Rhys-Jones’ formal garden, learn how Adam Frost designs a show garden, create sensational summer borders, peak behind the scenes at the Chelsea Flower Show and discover an award-winning coastal garden. Help us understand how the BBC Gardeners' World Magazine podcast fits into your life by taking part in our latest research. SURVEY LINK: Additionally, you can find advice, chat and information for allotment growing, grow your own flowers, outdoor living, garden design, organic and sustainable ways to tackle pests and solve problems, growing from seed, caring for plants, looking after roses, pruning tips, thrifty/money saving ideas, plant-based eating, preserving and pickling, spending time in nature, winter evergreens, greenhouse knowhow, favourite garden plants, container planting, raised beds, marking a garden look good year round, small garden and tiny spaces, patio gardening, window boxes, supporting urban birds and wildlife, lawn care, hedgerow help, green roofs, biodiversity, benefits of trees, compost and soil health, rewilding, gardening for mental health and wellbeing, gardening for health and fitness, hospital gardens, gardens for healing, green spaces for reflection, plants and trees to aid poor air pollution, taking cuttings, propagating, pruning, plants for free, succeeding with roses, growing soft fruit, tackling weeds organically, growing herbs, planting shrubs, taking hardwood cuttings, caring for houseplants, plants for all seasons, trees for spring blossom, fruit trees, climbing roses, flowering shrubs, coastal gardens, making a show garden, behind the scenes at Chelsea, gardening for time-poor gardeners, allotment life, decoding nature’s secrets, companion planting, the healing power of gardens, gardening with trees, gardening with cancer, downsizing a garden, making a new garden, battling slugs and snails, no mow May, spring bulbs, growing sweet peas, sunflowers, cosmos, nasturtiums, tomatoes, beetroot, dahlias, foxgloves, carrots, parsley, onions, shallots, garlic, cucumbers, chillies, potatoes, beans, French beans and runner beans, cabbage, kale, broccoli, pumpkins, squash, courgettes, spinach, chard, leafy veg, parsnips, strawflowers, Verbascum, basil, echium, rocket, zinnia, camellia, tasty soft fruit, successful wisteria, superfoods, tropical gardens, community gardens, Great Dixter, Knepp. With James Alexander Sinclair, Nick Bailey, Errol Reuben Fernandes, Terry Walton, Rachel de Thame, David Hurrion, Sheila Das, Caroline Quentin, Deliciously Ella, Tristan Gooley, Plant Kween, Nancy Birtwhistle, Matt Biggs, Tom Allen, Ashely Edwards, Joe Lycett, Spicy Moustache, Patrick Gale, Georgina Yates, Griff Rhys Jones, Kate Bradbury, Rekha Mistry, Rich Heathcote, Marchelle Farrell, Tayshan Hayden-Smith, Advolly Richmond, Fergus Garrett, Alistair Griffiths, David Hedges-Gower, John Little, Cel Robertson, Ken Thompson, Charlie Harper, Suzi Turner, Moly Fierheller, Rukmini Iyer, Jamie Johnson, Ingrid Chiu, Ray Mears, Sarah Gerrard-Jones, Jason Williams, Sue Kent, Tom Brown, Sarah Price, Liz Schofield, Kevin Smith, Cat Mansley, Adam Duxbury, Emma Crawforth.



鎌倉・湘南を中心に、注文住宅の設計・施工をして、創業からもうすぐ50年の技拓株式会社。環境を溶け込む家づくりをモットーに、原風景も大切にしながら、2×4木造住宅を建てています。800棟ちかくを建てる中で、はじめて書籍が全国で出版されたり、2代目の活動が本格化するなかで、新しい試み「語り部活動」の一環としてポッドキャストが始まりました。 たまにゲストを呼んだりしながら、暮らしや家づくりのことをテーマに、湘南に住みたくなるような、湘南をしりたくなるようなお話を時々脱線もしながらも、技拓株式会社 代表白鳥ゆり子とナレーターとして株式会社パラドックスの布施太郎が番組をお届けしていきます。 HP URL 住む人 URL オンラインBESE URL Instagram URL プロフィール 白鳥 ゆり子 技拓 株式会社 代表取締役 布施 太朗 株式会社 パラドックス ブランディングプロデューサー・oton+to編集長


Perfect Day Media

Sveriges bästa matskribenter om odling. Vad kan man odla, hur gör man då och vad ska man laga av det man odlat? Matskribenterna Lotta Lundgren och Tove Nilsson möts i ett samtal över en råvara i taget och pratar ut om sina egna erfarenheter, succéer och misslyckanden, från sådd till skörd. Kunnigt och pedagogiskt berättar de hur du förvarar, konserverar och förädlar din egenodlade mat, och delar med sig av sina bästa idéer och recept. En odlingspodd för nybörjare, entusiaster och alla andra som vill äta och laga godare mat.   Poddens recept hittar du på Där finns även Odlingsskolan med sammanfattande artiklar i några av de ämnen som Lotta och Tove pratat om. Vill du också säga något? Ställa en fråga, be om ett förtydligande, önska ett ämne eller bara berätta något som de borde känna till? Skriv till Lotta och Tove på 

Microgreens Podcast

Todd Marsh

The Microgreens Podcast will help you, teach you, and motivate you to grow flavorful and nutritious microgreens in your home. Each podcast is created to be supplement to content published on But in reality each episode is a content-rich source of information on growing microgreens.



ガーデニングライフはWBS和歌山放送で、毎週日曜日、朝10時から放送中の番組です。出演は高岡伸夫、木村恵子、藤岡成介で、毎週楽しいトークと音楽、ためになる園芸やガーデニングのお話を提供しています。 日曜日の朝、穏やかな時間をお楽しみください。季節の花や樹木、家庭菜園、ガーデニングの情報が満載です。

Pioneering Today

Melissa K Norris

Pioneering Today is all about getting back to basics, simple living, and self-sufficiency with old-fashioned skills and wisdom in a modern world. With heirloom gardening, canning, preserving the harvest, from scratch cooking, raising your own food, including livestock (backyard chickens, pigs, and cattle), natural medicine, herbs, DIY like soap making along with living a simple self-sufficient life, no matter where you live. Hosted by 5th generation homesteader, Melissa K. Norris, author of The Made-from-Scratch Life. This podcast brings you the conversation from and The Pioneering Today Academy, with Q&A's, teaching, tutorials, and always giving you practical ways and tips to live the simple and self-sufficient life.



一級建築士による住宅取得に関する建築と不動産の知識をお話しします。 土地探しからの注文住宅、中古住宅など

The Gardener Ben Podcast

Gardener Ben

Tune into the_Gardenerben Gardening Podcast, where we dive into the enchanting world of English Roses, explore the charm of Modern Cottage Gardening, and celebrate all things plants. Join me for inspiring garden projects and expert tips to transform your green spaces into blooming paradises.

Seed Talk with Lisa & Layne

Lisa Mason Ziegler & Layne Angelo

Join Lisa Mason Ziegler and Layne Angelo as they discuss all things related to gardening, flower farming, and growing from seed. Lisa brings over two decades of flower farming experience to the conversation, while Layne offers the perspective of an avid home gardener, seed starter, and engineer. Together, the duo provides an informative and entertaining look into the world of flowers as well as vegetables, bulbs, woodies, and more. From seed starting to harvesting and everything in between, this series is full of practical tips, tricks, and information to get you growing with success.

Le Jardin RTL


Dans "Le Jardin RTL", Pierre Le Cultivateur vous invite à découvrir les secrets du jardinage. Chaque épisode est une immersion dans l’univers verdoyant, où il partage sa passion et ses conseils pratiques pour faire fleurir votre jardin. A retrouver chaque samedi et dimanche dans RTL Matin.

HEBEL HAUS presents「縁ラヂオ」


いい“家”とは?良い“暮らし”とは?そして、“豊かさ”とは? 人々にとってなくてはならない「豊かな暮らし」をテーマに日々表現と向き合うアーティストと長く安心して暮らせる住まいを提供するHEBEL HAUSの社員がお届けする一冊のエッセイを読むかのように言葉と想いを紡ぐPodcast番組HEBEL HAUS presents 「縁ラヂオ」。「家好きのあなた」「住まいづくりに興味のあるあなた」にお届けします。



塊根植物・多肉植物情報発信ポッドキャストです。 趣味で塊根植物を育てる私、りとまんがゆるく植物について発信します。 情報2割、雑談8割のゆるーいポッドキャストですが時間つぶしにどうぞ! Youtube:「天気を気にするひとのビデッオ」 blog:「天気を気にするひとのブロッグ」 Twitter: Instagram: 番組の感想・質問はコチラにお願いします。 (いただいたコメントは番組内で紹介させていただく場合があります)



【自然、田舎暮らしの魅力、そして地方に若い力を‼︎】 Hi,林英汰です🧑🏻‍🌾音楽と農業、スノーボードだけやってます。 自然の楽しさをはじめ、家庭菜園ノウハウや旬のお野菜について、またスノーボード技術や好きな音楽、やってる音楽などなど🌿 『音楽×農業×スノーボード』このうちの1つでも興味をお持ちのアナタは是非お聴きくださいね✨ ________ ◎レタス&ハーブ農家  ‥年間作付け延べ面積3haのレタス農場経営。またハーブを使った香料や化粧品、スパイス製品事業。 ◎スノーボードスクール校長 ‥冬はパルコールつま恋リゾートでスノボ教えてます。テクニカル、カービングの大会にもちらほら出てます。Gray snowboards乗ってます。 ◎アコースティック音楽、弾き語り ‥アコースティックだけで音楽作ってます。まだまだコンテンツ作りたいと思ってます!これから!! その他各メディアは右下アイコンや下記リンクより覗いてみて下さい! ↓ ________

Gartenradio – Der Garten-Podcast

Heike Sicconi |

Das Gartenradio beschäftigt sich mit allen Aspekten des Gartens. Von einzelnen Pflanzen, über berühmte internationale Gärten bis hin zur Faszination Kleingarten finden hier alle Pflanzenfreunde ihr Zuhause. Jeden Sonntag läuft das Gartenradio ab 16 Uhr im Wortstream von

On The Ledge

Jane Perrone

On The Ledge is a podcast all about indoor gardening - helping you to grow everything from Aloe vera to the ZZ plant.  Presenter Jane Perrone has been nuts about houseplants since she was knee high to a Swiss cheese plant. She quizzes the experts, helps you find cool new stuff to grow and figures out how to fix your plant problems. For more information, email or visit

The Beet: A Podcast For Plant Lovers

Kevin Espiritu

The Beet started as the Epic Gardening Podcast, but has grown into a one-stop shop for plant lovers. Five days a week, we explore topics ranging from beginner gardening tips to in-depth discussions with industry and science experts. Here, we’ll open up new gardening horizons, inspire you to greater heights, share new and exciting discoveries in agriculture, and fill your mind with freshly-harvested information you can apply to your own gardening journey!

野菜ラジオ 元気な農家


家庭で野菜を美味しく作っちゃおう!野菜を美味しく食べよう! 札幌市で少量多品種で野菜やお花を作っている、元気な農家の細貝陽子さんに教えてもらいます。 札幌市南区よりお送りいたします。 不定期更新です。 ・番組へのご意見、ご質問 #野菜ラジオ


Jacqueline Watson

Realtor interviews businessAllow me to introduce myself as Jacqueline Watson, a Realtor in the Toronto/GTA area. However, my expertise extends beyond real estate. I am also a Mediator specializing in Labour Relations. My passion lies in more than just selling homes; I strive to transform lives and empower individuals to achieve financial freedom through home ownership. In addition to my real estate endeavors, I am building a thriving community through my podcast, Elementary. This platform allows me to engage with various businesses and share their stories. My career path initially began in Toronto & GTA, coinciding with a successful tenure as a Director of Labour Relations, in healthcare working in the long term care retirement and commune services industry, which I hold dear to my heart. Combining my passions, I feel incredibly fortunate to work as both a Realtor and a Labour Mediator. Each day, I have the privilege of doing what I love, and I am immensely grateful for this opportunity. The journey that has led me here has been remarkable, and I cherish every experience along the way. Furthermore, I recently had the honour of joining the Pilot Place board. Witnessing the incredible impact this organization has on people's lives fills me with gratitude. I am delighted to volunteer my time and contribute in any way possible to support their noble mission.


Katie Brown 2

This six-part series on baking provides a comprehensive journey through the world of baking, starting with the basics and moving on to more advanced techniques. Viewers will learn essential skills and recipes for breads, cakes, cookies, pies, and tarts, culminating in specialty baking for those looking to challenge themselves. Each episode is packed with expert tips, step-by-step guides, and practical demonstrations, making it perfect for both beginners and seasoned bakers looking to refine their craft.

Gartenpodcast: Alles Möhre, oder was?!

NDR 1 Niedersachsen

Im Natur- und Gartenpodcast von NDR 1 Niedersachsen sind wichtige Gartenthemen von A wie Anbau bis Z wie Zierkürbis leicht verständlich aufbereitet. Es ist gar nicht so schwer, das eigene Glück im Garten zu finden – unser Podcast hilft dabei.

Homemaker Chic

Angela Reed & Shaye Elliott

Rescuing the art of homemaking from the daily grind with red lips (and no jumpers).

The Beginner's Garden with Jill McSheehy

Jill McSheehy

Welcome to the Beginner's Garden Podcast! This is the podcast with easy-to-understand resources, tips, and information to help beginning gardeners get the most out of their gardening adventure -- big or small. When I began gardening in 2013, I scoured books and Internet resources to find all the information I could. Although good information was abundant, I had trouble understanding all the gardening lingo and sifting through the information to figure out what would work for me. In this podcast, my aim is to provide helpful information while explaining the gardening lingo as we go. I want to equip YOU to have the best start ever this gardening season!



子育てと暮らしが笑顔になる「お片付け」についてお伝えします。 オノデラショウコ 湘南を拠点に神奈川・東京・オンラインで活動する片づけのプロ、整理収納アドバイザー・整理収納アドバイザー2級認定講師です。

Le Jardin RTL


Dans "Le Jardin RTL", Pierre Le Cultivateur vous invite à découvrir les secrets du jardinage. Chaque épisode est une immersion dans l’univers verdoyant, où il partage sa passion et ses conseils pratiques pour faire fleurir votre jardin. A retrouver chaque samedi et dimanche dans RTL Matin.

Que Choisir ?

Radio VINCI Autoroutes 107.7

Les conseils consommation avec l'UFC Que Choisir.

The joe gardener Show - Organic Gardening - Vegetable Gardening - Expert Garden Advice From Joe Lamp'l

Joe Lamp'l

This podcast is devoted to all things gardening. National gardening television host, Joe Lamp'l, guides you through each episode with practical tips and information to help you become a better, smarter gardener, no matter where you are on your journey. This series has a strong emphasis on organic gardening and growing food, but covers a diverse range of topics from one of the country's most informed and leading gardening personalities today.



一級建築士による住宅取得に関する建築と不動産の知識をお話しします。 土地探しからの注文住宅、中古住宅など

ボタニカルラジオ ~花や観葉植物を楽しむポッドキャスト~


観葉植物やフラワーのある生活を楽しむコツを声で届けるPodcast番組。HP: ガーデニング・園芸の最新ニュースや育てるコツ、映画や音楽、本、俳句や和歌, 短歌など幅広いジャンルでお伝えします。 HPでは園芸ブログも書いてます。 京都宇治の花屋より配信中! お便りや取材依頼はTwitter「 #ボタニカルラジオ 」もしくはメールにてお待ちしてます。 Twitter: メール:

Garden Talk with Mr. Grow It

Mr. Grow It

Interviewing gardeners from all over the world, both beginners and experts, seeking to learn more about what they know about gardening and how they do things in their garden.

Houseplant Homebody

Holly Muenchow

Your host, Holly, talks about plants, plant care, her experiences with plants and all things plant related! There is also a blog that corresponds with each podcast episode containing all the links and information discussed.

Roots and All - Gardening Podcast

Sarah Wilson

Do you want to know how to grow plants and get the best out of your outdoor space? Do you find traditional gardening media baffling and/or boring? Then you’re in the right place, because the Roots and All podcast is here to dig deep into how to create a successful garden. If you want honest information and insider knowledge about how to get results, join irreverent horticulturist Sarah Wilson as she chats to the best people from the world of plants and gardens. Sarah is on a mission to help you create your own beautiful green environment, with a focus on saving resources and working with nature. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast to make sure you don’t miss an episode.

Röda vita rosen

Jenny Strömstedt & Victoria Skoglund

I böljande samtal om allt från blommor, trädgårdsplanering, kompost och pallkragar till livet i stort och smått får vi följa en växande vänskap. I Röda vita rosen möts en av Sveriges främsta trädgårdsmästare - Victoria Skoglund och en av Sveriges mest entusiastiska nybörjare - Jenny Strömstedt. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

日本一の洗濯屋が教える 間違いだらけの洗濯術

洗濯ブラザーズ 茂木貴史

洗濯の仕方、洗濯機の使い方って、習ったことがありますか? 最新の洗濯機を買ったのだから、手間もかけず、洗剤を入れてボタンを押せば終わりだと考えている人が大半です。 しかし! これだけでは、キレイにはならないんです。 日本一の洗濯屋、茂木貴史が洗濯術についてお伝えいたします。 ◆洗濯ブラザーズ

All The Dirt Gardening, Sustainability and Food

Steve Wood and Deryn Thorpe

Gardening, sustainability, food, organics. Weekly discussion, interviews and tasty garden to kitchen recipes

Einfach natürlich Gärtnern

W. Neudorff GmbH KG

Hier geht es um das praktische und einfache Gärtnern mit der Natur für Gartenanfänger und auch für Fortgeschrittene. Im Gespräch stellen wir einfache Möglichkeiten vor, wie man selbst kompostieren kann, oder wie man am einfachsten ein eigenes Gemüsebeet anlegt. Schritt für Schritt, mit vielen Tipps und Tricks. Das Gärtnern mit der Natur steht dabei im Vordergrund: wie nutze ich die Kräfte der Natur, wie fördere ich die biologische Vielfalt im Garten, und wie gelingt es, vitale, gesunde Pflanzen zu bekommen, und leckeres Gemüse und Obst selbst anzubauen. Wir möchten Mut machen, einfach mal anzufangen mit dem Gärtnern - es ist gar nicht so schwer, und macht einfach Spaß!

趣味のお部屋 花・音・犬


ガーデニング と 音楽(主にピアノ)。 ラブラドールのいる暮らし。 現在の生息地:屋内 🌸ガーデニング 自宅のお庭の日常のガーデニングのお話。 ガーデニング歴 約20年 今のお庭は5年目。 <育てている植物の植物🪴たち> ・バラ ・クレマチス ・季節の草花 ・樹木 アオダモ、金木犀、ヤマボウシなど ・果樹 みかん、もも、ブドウ、イチジクなど ・野菜 家庭菜園いろいろ 🌸音楽系 ピアノ演奏(譜読みなども含む)、弾き語り(の練習)ピアノ・ウクレレ クラシックピアノを子供の頃に習っていた人です。 🌸おしゃべり 犬のことなど

Wannabe Clutter Free | Declutter, Organize, Calm the Chaos

Deanna Yates | Professional Organizer, Decluttering Coach, Wannabe Minimalist

Ready to stop the overwhelm and start enjoying your life more? This podcast will help you declutter the piles of stuff, organize the things you want to keep, and learn to let go of the rest with positive mindsets and encouragement. As a busy mom who's been there, done that, I share stories of the crazy - like selling 80% of what we owned to travel with our toddler to the mundane - like having to run a home now that our kiddo's in school. Living with less is not about deprivation - just the opposite! Decluttering can open you up for a life of freedom you never knew was possible. And you won’t hear it just from me - there are amazing guests too! It’s practical, doable, and simple for those of us that wannabe clutter free.

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred

Fred Hoffman

Tips for beginning and experienced gardeners. New episodes arrive every Friday. Fred Hoffman has been a U.C. Certified Master Gardener since 1982 and writes a weekly garden column for the Lodi News-Sentinel in Lodi, CA. A four-decade fixture in Sacramento radio, he hosted three radio shows for Northern California gardeners and farmers: The KFBK Garden Show, Get Growing with Farmer Fred, and the KSTE Farm Hour. Episode Website:

Elsa Billgren och Sofia Wood

Perfect Day Media

Känslan av ett riktigt bra auktionsfynd eller en skön dag i trädgården i poddformat! I Billgren Wood poddar vintage- och tv-profilen Elsa Billgren och kokbokförfattaren och inredningsprofilen Sofia Wood om framtida och samtida trender. Duon djupdyker i mat, konst, inredning, design och mode och delar med sig av personliga tankar och upplevelser. Det här är podden för inspirationstörstande personer med intresse för mat, hem och det goda i livet. Önska ämne på En podcast från Perfect Day Media.

Moving Home with Charlie

Charlie Lamdin

Charlie Lamdin shares his wisdom from 25 years behind the scenes of the moving industry on a mission to make moving easier and help find a home for everyone. Everything bad estate agents don't want you to know (but good agents won't mind you knowing!) to help you get a better chance of securing the home you want. He also shares his unique perspective on what's happening in the housing market and economy. Visit for more. 

Fix It Home Improvement

Fix It Home Improvement

Fix It Home Improvement covers DIY home repair projects, routines and products for home and garden.

House Rules with Myquillyn Smith, The Nester

Myquillyn Smith

No one's born knowing how to style a coffee table, choose a sofa they won't hate tomorrow or pick the perfect rug. Decorating is a skill you can learn, even from a podcast. House Rules  is all about timeless decorating truths that apply to your unique home, style and budget. Learn the rules then break them beautifully.Hosted by New York Times bestselling author, self-proclaimed Imperfectionst and Cozy Minimalist, Myquillyn Smith, The Nester.







片づけ 整理収納 ボイスマガジン



Garden Girls Podcast

The Garden Girls

Listen in on our garden group chat and get a little dirt under your fingernails with us!

Small Ways To Live Well from The Simple Things

The Simple Things

Small Ways to Live Well is a podcast from The Simple Things, a monthly magazine about slowing down, remembering what’s important and making the most of where you live. Hosted by the Editor, Lisa Sykes, in Season 3: Everyday holidays, she’ll be exploring, alongside colleagues and contributors, how to take time off and time out this summer.    It’s often a time of high expectations for the weather, for holidays, for our gardens and life generally but it’s so often not all sunshine and roses. Our routines disappear and it can seem like others are having better rest and recreation time, socialising more and working less. But we believe a good summer is a mindset rather than a destination. Each episode will suggest simple things you can do and make, places to explore on your doorstep and small ways to find both calm and fun. Think high summer, slow living.    Released weekly from 21 July, this six-week companion will be at your side through the summer holiday season to ‘back-to-school’ September.  To subscribe or order a copy of the magazine visit

Season by Season

Season by Season

Self-Sufficiency Made Simple

Jo Flintham

Self-Sufficiency Made Simple podcast is here to share practical tips and hacks helping you overcome confusion about how to grow your own yummy food, keep healthy and happy chickens and even venture into the world of bees. And, do it all in your own backyard. Your host Jo Flintham from SoH Farmlet is all about making things simple, fun and easy in the garden. With many years of food growing experience and lessons, Jo shares how to start where you are with what you have to create your own self-sufficient source of food in any space and enjoy an endless source of homegrown goodness.




The Gardening with Joey & Holly radio show Podcast/Garden talk radio show (heard across the country)

The Gardening with Joey & Holly radio show (The Wisconsin vegetable gardener)

The Gardening with Joey and Holly Radio show, Formally named "The Wisconsin Vegetable Gardener" is a Podcast and Radio show that teaches people how to grow their own food. The show originates out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but is heard on a number of radio station across the U.S. The content applies to gardeners world wide!

神戸ファッションマートpresents マイホーム・マイライフ


◆毎週金曜日17時50分ごろ更新 日頃みなさんの生活の中で生じる素朴な疑問や、あこがれのライフスタイルなどについて、ラジオ関西アナウンサー春名優輝とシンガーソングライター近藤夏子が楽しくお伝えする番組です。 紹介した内容は、ラジオ関西のニュースサイト「ラジトピ」で記事掲載。Podcastと合わせてお楽しみください。 パーソナリティ:春名優輝(ラジオ関西アナウンサー)、近藤夏子(シンガーソングライター) 制作:ラジオ関西

The Organic Gardening Podcast

Garden Organic

Inspiration to help you garden the organic way, with advice, tips and interviews from the UK's leading organic gardening organisation, Garden Organic. Hosted by Fiona Taylor and Chris Collins.

The Interior Design Podcast


A podcast for the starting designers. Learn from top designers as they walk you through their year one ups, downs, lessons, and mistakes.


株式会社 天然住宅

「森を守って健康長持ち」をコンセプトに家づくりを行う東京の工務店、「天然住宅」の代表田中と、設計の小野寺、広報の井上がお届けするトーク番組です。 ⁡ 「自然素材建築」を社会のあたりまえの選択肢に!そんな熱い想いを持っている私たちが、家づくりや暮らしについて、時に偏愛も交えながら真面目に楽しく語ります。 🎙️シーズン2「ちりも積もれば家となる」が2023年12月にスタート。 ぜひフォローしてお楽しみください。 ⁡ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ⁡ 📮皆さまからのお便りを募集中です ⁡ 感想や質問、家づくりのお悩みや取り上げてほしいテーマなどありましたら、こちらのリンクからお寄せください✉️ ⁡ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ⁡ 🏡「天然住宅」のウェブサイト ⁡ 日本の木と自然素材を使った家づくりを行う東京都西東京市の工務店です。 ⁡ 新築、リノベーションをはじめ、保育園や助産院などの施設、賃貸物件などを設計から手がけています。 ⁡ ウェブサイトでは、家づくりや暮らしにまつわる読みもの、建てもの写真を多数掲載しています。 ぜひ一度のぞいてみてくださいね🌿

Girl Flower Podcast

Jessica Naish & Victoria Vaught

Welcome to Girl Flower Podcast. We will be having conversations and inspirational chin wags with florists and growers. We will keep you company in your workspaces, in your car, in your van, with a cuppa or wherever you would like to listen.We hope to help you along on your own floral journey.

The Permaculture Podcast

Scott Mann

Discover the breadth and depth of permaculture through interviews with world-renowned teachers, experts, and authors as well as regional and local practitioners.


Quiet. Please

The six-part series "Furniture" explores the rich history and intricate craftsmanship of furniture design, delving into various styles, techniques, and materials. It highlights the evolution of furniture from ancient times to modern day, the role of furniture in interior design, and the impact of sustainability on the industry. Each episode features insights from experts, artisans, and designers, offering listeners a comprehensive understanding of furniture's past, present, and future.

You Bet Your Garden

Lehigh Valley Public Media

“You Bet Your Garden” touted as an hour of “chemical-free horticultural hijinks,” is a weekly, nationally syndicated broadcast hosted by Mike McGrath. It is produced in the studios of PBS39 in Bethlehem, PA. This weekly call-in program offers ‘fiercely organic’ advice to gardeners far and wide.

Queen Bees with Jane Horrocks and Esther Coles

Hat Trick Podcasts

Bee-keeping and a good old catch up, as Jane Horrocks calls up her friend Esther Coles; actress, writer and bee-keeper, to have a weekly chat checking in on Esther's bees as well as each other. Sometimes they might even allow a guest to join the fun! Follow the pod on Instagram @queenbeespod for more pictures and videos from the hive. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Best to the Nest with Margery & Elizabeth

myTalk 107.1 | Hubbard Radio

When Elizabeth Ries and Margery Punnett hosted a myTalk 107.1 radio show together, they joked that their most personal conversations happened during the commercial breaks. During one of these pauses, Margery shared an important family principle: bringing your best self to your home. Being an urban farmer with a flock of chickens, Elizabeth quipped, "Bring your best to the nest!" The outside world shouldn't get the smiling happy version of you while your family gets the crabby and exhausted one. On "Best To The Nest," Margery & Elizabeth explore the simple concept of creating strong, comforting, beautiful nests that prepare us to fly.

Gardening Simplified

Newsradio WOOD 1300 and 106.9 FM (WOOD-AM)

Introducing Gardening Simplified, a new radio show and podcast from Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs. Hosted by life-long gardeners Rick Vuyst and Stacey Hirvela, the Gardening Simplified show is designed to share our love of plants and gardening. Whatever your skill or experience level, you’ll find something interesting, useful, and just plain fascinating in every episode.

Garden Variety

Iowa Public Radio

Whether you're a master gardener, just getting started or somewhere in between - there's always something new to learn in your garden and landscape. On each episode we'll talk with horticulturists, foresters and other experts. We'll learn about vegetable gardens, lawns, native plants, trees and more. Garden Variety is the podcast for all the things you'd like to grow or grow better. Garden Variety is a horticulture podcast from Iowa Public Radio and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

Real Simple Tips

Real Simple

Real Simple Tips is your daily news update featuring smart, practical solutions for everyday life, from cleaning and organizing to cooking and home decor.



