

総再生回数300万回突破! Voicyでも配信開始! https://voicy.jp/channel/3381 ヒトの思考、意識、感情、行動を本気で科学する「超リアルな行動心理学」。 日常に潜むヒトのナゾを紐解き、あなたの観察力と洞察力を最大限に引き出すエピソードを地上波では語れない本音トークでお届けします。 『内向型人間が声と話し方でソンしない本』の著者であり、言語学、発声法の専門家テノール齋藤と、『心を動かす音の心理学』の著者であり、音楽心理学、行動心理学の専門家フェルモンド齋藤がそれぞれのリアルな体験を元に分かりやすくお伝えしています。 2009年から継続している大人のコミュニケーションスキルが学べる「音色塾」ではさらに濃い内容でお届けしています。 https://www.neirojuku.com/

ReTACTION Radio ~知とビジネスと仏教の交差点~

龍谷大学 × Chronicle

「自省利他」という行動哲学を打ち出し、社会に貢献できる人や活動を生み出す「仏教SDGs」を掲げる龍谷大学。そこに蓄積された研究は、多くの場面で社会やビジネス・経済に実装されている。研究は実社会をどのように変えているのか、研究から見える近未来の像とは。知的好奇心を喚起させるトークセッションの中から、導き出す。MCは元NewsPicks編集長でノンフィクションライターの泉秀一。毎週火曜日配信。 ▼番組ハッシュタグ:#リタクションラジオ ▼番組への感想、MCへのメッセージは以下までお寄せください: retaction@ad.ryukoku.ac.jp ▼龍谷大学公式サイト https://www.ryukoku.ac.jp/ ▼ReTACTION|みんなの仏教SDGsウェブマガジン https://retaction-ryukoku.com/ ▼MC: 泉 秀一(ノンフィクションライター) ▼ディレクター: 関岡 憲彦 ▼プロデューサー: 野村 高文 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://twitter.com/nmrtkfm⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ▼制作: Podcast Studio Chronicle ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://chronicle-inc.net/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ▼カバーデザイン: 國弘 朋佳

早稲田大学Podcasts 博士一歩前


この番組は、早稲田大学の研究者たちが日々の研究活動を通じて得た深い世界や、社会を理解する視点を広く伝えることを目的としています。 人文科学系、社会科学系の領域を中心に、「知の扉」の手前から扉の向こうへの一歩前進を後押しする、「入門一歩前」を探求します。 学びへの意欲を持続させる社会人、大学院進学を検討する学生、第一線で活躍する研究者など知への好奇心に溢れた方々に向けて、異分野のアプローチから得られる「ひらめき」「セレンディピティ」を通じて、学問や世の中への関心を深めるきっかけを提供します。

a scope ~リベラルアーツで世界を視る目が変わる~


COTEN代表の深井龍之介さんがホストを務め、第一線で活躍する研究者を招待。リベラルアーツについて語っていきながら、私たちが生きる「この世界」を捉え直していく、NewsPicks制作の音声企画。 ▼出演: 深井龍之介(COTEN) https://twitter.com/CotenFukai 野村高文(NewsPicks) https://twitter.com/nmrtkfm ▼音声編集: 樋口聖典(BOOK) https://twitter.com/HiguchiKi 西山直也(FUBI) https://twitter.com/nastynaoya ▼デザイン: 國弘朋佳(NewsPicks) ▼プロデューサー: 樋口聖典、野村高文

Hidden Brain

Hidden Brain, Shankar Vedantam

Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.

AEA Research Highlights

American Economic Association

A podcast featuring interviews with economists whose work appears in journals published by the American Economic Association.



人類学者による企業「合同会社メッシュワーク」のPodcastです 感想は、#メッシュワークラジオ #人類学者の目をインストールする で投稿してください。お待ちしています。 https://meshwork.jp/ お問合せ:https://forms.gle/7iyvVoSbov3NM1X9A

The Psychology Podcast


In each episode, we talk with inspiring scientists, thinkers, and other self-actualized individuals who will give you a greater understanding of yourself, others, and the world we live in. Scott Barry Kaufman explores the depths of human potential and tries to get a glimpse into human possibility in every episode.

みんラボ 〜みんなの才能研究所〜


【毎週金曜日/朝5時放送】異色な3人が、才能について語り合うラジオ、みんなの才能研究所「みんラボ」。 このラジオは、才能の魅力に取り憑かれてしまった僕らが才能について研究し、新しい生き方を模索する番組です。 ■サポーターになる https://www.min-lab.space/ ■出演&Twitter - 才能博士 たかちん  @takachiiiiii3(https://twitter.com/takachiiiiii3) - 株式会社COTEN 深井龍之介  @CotenFukai(https://twitter.com/CotenFukai) - 株式会社YOUTURN 中村義之 ■みんラボメンバーへのお便り info@min-lab.space ■感想 「#みんラボ」でツイートお待ちしてます! https://twitter.com/search?q=%23%E3%81%BF%E3%82%93%E3%83%A9%E3%83%9C&src=typed_query

地の果てで人文科学する ─大学と研究についての幾らか知的な雑談─


高知大学で人文科学する方々と、授業や研究、関心事などについて雑談するポッドキャストです。 四国山地を越えた「地の果て」で「人文科学─人間についての科学的知識を広げ深める営み─」に勤しむ人々と交わした雑談をお届けします。 毎月0の付く日(10・20・30日)に配信します。 人文科学コースに属する考古学担当教員(宮里)が個人的にやっています(ご連絡は配信者個人宛にお願いします)。 「地の果て」は、高知県の歴史・地理的環境に対する、すこしエッジを効かせた表現です。 ※参考「高知県は四国の太平洋岸に面し、古代文化のルートであった瀬戸内とは四国山地を挟んで隔離される、いわば文化果てる僻遠の地なのである」(岡本健児編著『日本の古代遺跡39 高知』保育社、1989年、215頁) 番組 Instagram @chinohatejinbun も併せてご覧ください。

Stanford Psychology Podcast

Stanford Psychology

The student-led Stanford Psychology Podcast invites leading psychologists to talk about what’s on their mind lately. Join Eric Neumann, Anjie Cao, Kate Petrova, Bella Fascendini,  Joseph Outa and Julia Rathmann-Bloch as they chat with their guests about their latest exciting work. Every week, an episode will bring you new findings from psychological science and how they can be applied to everyday life. The opinions and views expressed in this podcast represent those of the speaker and not necessarily Stanford's. Subscribe at stanfordpsypod.substack.com. Let us hear your thoughts at stanfordpsychpodcast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter @StanfordPsyPod. Visit our website https://stanfordpsychologypodcast.com. Soundtrack: Corey Zhou (UCSD). Logo: Sarah Wu (Stanford)

New Books in Sociology

New Books Network

Interviews with Sociologists about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/sociology

Amateur Psychology - Tay mơ học đời bằng Tâm lý học

Nguyen Doan Minh Thu

Amateur Psychology là một podcast về khoa học xã hội, bằng cách sử dụng tâm lý học qua các nghiên cứu và lý thuyết được chứng minh bằng các thí nghiệm khoa học, Amateur Psychology sẽ giải mã những hiện tượng tâm lý học trong đời sống hằng ngày một cách khoa học và dễ dàng ứng dụng vào cuộc sống. Thông qua sự hiểu biết về tâm lý học, giúp các bạn có thể hiểu để tận hưởng một cuộc sống vui vẻ. Mua sách Hành tinh của một kẻ nghĩ nhiều: https://shope.ee/6zsvhicPg4 Mua sách Chúng ta ai cũng cần những dịu dàng: https://shope.ee/qIdGRjnwf Website: https://amateurpsychologytaymohocdoibangtamlyhoc.com/



農業から世界を見て、考察して、語るラジオ。農家ではないパーソナリティが農業視点で歴史・世界情勢・科学・ビジネス・カルチャー等を深掘りします。 毎週金曜日更新。 パーソナリティー ワタナベミヤ/キャリアコンサルタント(フリー)/Facebook https://www.facebook.com/miya.watanabe.94 村瀬/KMコンサルティング シノダジュンイチ/株式会社リニア X(Twitter ) @linear_inc 株式会社リニア:https://www.lnr.co.jp


Cambridge University

Recorded lectures from the Faculty of Philosophy

懂心理,調出好關係 《Healthy Relationship》


這個節目將會透過「心理學的知識」 深入淺出的來聊聊與人相處上的難題,建立人與人的「好關係」, 「一份好關係」將會帶來與人親近的歸屬感, 尊重彼此的人際界線,保持情緒的穩定輕鬆, 使工作更有效率,增添生活的幸福度。 無論是與伴侶、父母、親子、朋友、同事、上司相處上的點點滴滴, 有任何想聽的,或任何疑問,歡迎您告訴我們, 我們將與您分享,為關係調味加料,找回關係中自在的感受 節目內容有 《美味關係實驗室》, 主持人為姜尚文心理師 將會從心理學的角度切入,透過例子的分享, 探討多元的話題,深入淺出探討關係上的話題, 讓心理的需要不再是問題,一切都能迎刃而解。 回到自在做自己的美好狀態。 節目將會在每周更新。 《心靈元氣廚房》 主持人為朴世光心理師 來一點正能量,甦醒我們的頭腦, 讓我們的心情也變得輕鬆一些, 開始每天的工作和努力。 本節目以生活小故事為食材,用名言佳句來調味, 觸動心靈的味蕾,滿足心靈的胃口。 有個信念來生活,將使人感到更有意義, 工作也更有效率,對自己也更加滿意。 節目將會在每週更新。 懂心理,調出好關係 真摯的想陪伴你,一起面對今天的生活, 歡迎訂閱我們的節目,歡迎您的加入和收聽。謝謝。 更多的好資訊 暖心全人諮商中心的 FB https://reurl.cc/g02jvb 暖心全人諮商中心的 官網 https://humanitarian-love.com/ 暖心全人諮商信箱 warmheart1099@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting

The International Security Podcast

International Security

Leading scholars provide insight on urgent policy debates. Jeff Friedman of Dartmouth College interviews contributors to the premiere peer-reviewed journal of security studies. They offer sophisticated, authoritative analyses of contemporary, theoretical, and historical security issues from the role of China in the world and cyber in international security to the long history of ethnic cleansing in Europe. The podcast is produced at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. International Security is a quarterly journal edited at the Belfer Center and published by MIT Press.

Stanford Psychology Podcast

Stanford Psychology

The student-led Stanford Psychology Podcast invites leading psychologists to talk about what’s on their mind lately. Join Eric Neumann, Anjie Cao, Kate Petrova, Bella Fascendini,  Joseph Outa and Julia Rathmann-Bloch as they chat with their guests about their latest exciting work. Every week, an episode will bring you new findings from psychological science and how they can be applied to everyday life. The opinions and views expressed in this podcast represent those of the speaker and not necessarily Stanford's. Subscribe at stanfordpsypod.substack.com. Let us hear your thoughts at stanfordpsychpodcast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter @StanfordPsyPod. Visit our website https://stanfordpsychologypodcast.com. Soundtrack: Corey Zhou (UCSD). Logo: Sarah Wu (Stanford)



「まわりの人とはちょっと違うことをやってみたい」30代あまのじゃくサラリーマンによる、"はみだしかた" を研究するチャンネル。ときには社会学や哲学の考え方にも触れながら、人生に訪れるいろんなイベントや興味関心について、ゆるく真面目に考察していきます。"大人のOBOG訪問" をコンセプトに、尊敬する "ハミダシモノ" もゲストにお呼びし、挑戦に至った経緯や心が動いた瞬間について議論していきます。 【自己紹介】大学で社会学を専攻した後、日系メーカーで海外営業・マーケティングを経験した後、外資系IT企業に転職しマーケティングのお仕事をしている30代会社員です。妻と共働きをしながら、日々仕事、趣味、家事を充実させるべく試行錯誤しています。趣味はジャズ鑑賞・演奏、旅行、映画、読書です。 ご質問やテーマリクエストは各エピソードの質問機能、匿名お便りコーナーマシュマロ、もしくはTwitterアカウントへお気軽にDMください。チャンネル登録お待ちしております! 匿名お便りコーナー: https://marshmallow-qa.com/hamidashiology?utm_medium=url_text&utm_source=promotion Twitter:https://twitter.com/hamidashiology



心理学の歴史、日常に使える心理学を切り口に思考を深める対話番組。 公認心理師の植木希恵、Voicy「はるラジオ」のoishi haru(ワーママはる)が読み解いていきます。 ご感想は #きえはる心理学ラジオ でTwitterでつぶやいてくれると嬉しいです! https://twitter.com/kieharu_psyc 【出演&Twitter】 きらぼし学舎 植木希恵 https://twitter.com/kiraboshi7_0422 https://kiraboshi.online/ 尾石晴(ワーママはる) https://twitter.com/wa_mamaharu http://haru-oishi.com/ 問い合わせ先:kieharu1981@gmail.com 編集:con https://twitter.com/confeito37 オープニング音源作成:すぷほはる https://twitter.com/springhawk_haru




東京都ハーグ区 〜国際法を語るPodcast〜


⚖️国際法を語るPodcast、「東京都ハーグ区」へようこそ 🎧Spotify(無料)等で毎週土曜日18:00に新Ep公開 🍃Since 6th Jan 2024 【番組概要】 この番組は、「国際法」について、ひろと(話し手)が自由に勉強し、木村(聞き手)との対話を通して自由にアウトプットするPodcastです。話し手は、研究者ではない点、ご了承ください。 また、各種SNSで番組の情報をアップしていますので、フォローしていただければ幸いです。 【Special Thanks】 この番組は、名だたる国際法学者によって積み重ねられた数々の研究、大学のゼミ同期やX(旧Twitter)のフォロワーなどによる国際法の知見に基づくご助言、東中野にあるバー雑談のメンバーとそこに集まる皆様などによるPodcastの知見に基づくご助言、ロゴと音楽を担ってくれた友人、そして何より聴いてくださる皆様の応援によって支えられています。皆様に心より感謝申し上げます。 Member:ひろと(話し手)(X:@hiroto_IL)      木村(聞き手) Logo:FMさん(X:@fufufumimimi_) Music:入江誠志郎さん(Instagram:@irie_sakkyoku) #Podcast #Spotify #学問 #国際法 #国際 #法律 #教育 #教養 #時事 #ニュース

New Books in Political Science

New Books Network

Interviews with Political Scientists about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/political-science


Greg Hancock & Patrick Curran

A podcast dedicated to all things quantitative, ranging from the relevant to the highly irrelevant. Co-hosts Patrick Curran and Greg Hancock talk about serious statistical topics, but without taking themselves too seriously. Think: CarTalk hi-jacked by the two grumpy old guys from the Muppets, grousing about quantitative methods, statistics, and data analysis, all presented to you with the production value of a 6th grade school project. But in a good way.

SAGE Political Science & International Relations

SAGE Publications Ltd.

Welcome to the official free Podcast site from SAGE for Political Science & International Relations. SAGE is a leading international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media for academic, educational, and professional markets with principal offices in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, and Singapore.

Inquiring Minds

Indre Viskontas

Each week we bring you a new, in-depth exploration of the space where science and society collide. We’re committed to the idea that making an effort to understand the world around you though science and critical thinking can benefit everyone—and lead to better decisions. We want to find out what’s true, what’s left to discover, and why it all matters.

Psychology of Love

Charlene Wu

Sharing interesting empirical research on romantic relationships bimonthly.

Ideas of India

Mercatus Center at George Mason University

Through conversations with top thinkers in the social sciences and beyond, economist Shruti Rajagopalan explores the ideas that will propel India forward.


B9, Naruhodo, Ken Fujioka, Altay de Souza

Naruhodo! é o podcast pra quem tem fome de aprender. Ciência, senso comum, curiosidades e muito mais. Com o leigo curioso, Ken Fujioka, e o cientista PhD, Altay de Souza.

The Science of Happiness

PRX and Greater Good Science Center

Learn research-tested strategies for a happier, more meaningful life, drawing on the science of compassion, gratitude, mindfulness, and awe. Hosted by award-winning professor Dacher Keltner. Co-produced by PRX and UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center.

悬疑案件 | 扑朔迷离的案件合集



New Books in Critical Theory

Marshall Poe

Interviews with Scholars of Critical Theory about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/critical-theory


Brian Dunning

The true science behind our most popular urban legends. Historical mysteries, paranormal claims, popular science myths, aliens and UFO reports, conspiracy theories, and worthless alternative medicine schemes... Skeptoid has you covered. From the sublime to the startling, no topic is sacred. Weekly since 2006.

New Books in Anthropology

New Books Network

Interviews with Anthropologists about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/anthropology

New Books in Gender

New Books Network

Interviews with Scholars of Gender about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/gender-studies

Ideas Having Sex

Chris Kaufman

Zephyr Society 热风

Zephyr Society

热风致力于打造一个文化交流空间,让不同背景、关心中国社会运动的朋友们建立联结。原 民主沙龙 A cultural space for people with different backgrounds to discuss social movements in China. Formerly known as Democracy Salon NYC.

The Innovation and Diffusion Podcast

The Innovation and Diffusion Podcast

Our podcast aims to generate easily accessible and engaging academic discussions on innovation and diffusion. We interview the leading thinkers around the world on new technologies and the way they change our world and economy. Hosts: Ruveyda Gozen (@ruveyda_gozen) and John Van Reenen (@johnvanreenen) The Economic and Social Research Council funds this podcast through the Programme on Innovation and Diffusion (POID) at LSE.


Critical Frequency

A true-crime podcast about climate change. Hosted by award-winning investigative journalist Amy Westervelt and reported by a team of climate journalists, Drilled investigates the various obstacles that have kept the world from adequately responding to climate change.

Statistics for the Social Sciences

Dr. Brad R. Fulton

Poverty Research & Policy

Institute for Research on Poverty

The Poverty Research & Policy Podcast is produced by the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) and features interviews with researchers about poverty, inequality, and policy in the United States.

Something You Should Know

Mike Carruthers | OmniCast Media | Cumulus Podcast Network

Sometimes all it takes is one little fact or one little piece of wisdom to change your life forever. That's the purpose and the hope of "Something You Should Know." In each episode, host Mike Carruthers interviews top experts in their field to bring you fascinating information and advice to help you save time and money, advance in your career, become wealthy, improve your relationships and help you simply get more out of life. In addition, Mike uncovers and shares short, engaging pieces of "intel" you can use to make your life better - today. Right now.

Therapist Uncensored Podcast

Sue Marriott LCSW, CGP & Ann Kelley PhD

Two Austin therapists and their world-recognized guest experts break down modern attachment, relational neuroscience and trauma in a challenging but entertaining format designed to keep you off unconscious autopilot and moving towards closer connections. Find us at https://therapistuncensored.com

Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews

Mysterious Radio

Follow Mysterious Radio to immerse yourself in the most captivating subjects beyond your wildest imagination! Engage in thought-provoking discussions with best-selling authors, researchers, and award-winning journalists on topics encompassing sinister hauntings, terrifying alien abductions, unexplained disappearances, tales of time travel, sinister secret societies, shocking conspiracies, unimaginable true crimes, heart-stopping creature encounters, bizarre phenomena, and beyond! By staying true to our mission statement – To inform and empower people through knowledge – we strive everyday toward a vision that seeks mental enlightenment for all who seek it. Are you ready? Listen to hundreds of other episodes by becoming an Apple Subscriber on Apple Podcasts or by joining our community on Patreon now! Mysterious Radio is proudly produced by an independent podcast team.






知名媒体人、专栏作家 「晃然大悟」播客主理人

Somewhere in the Skies

Ryan Sprague/ Entertainment One (eOne)

Somewhere in the Skies is a weekly podcast covering UFOs and the unexplained. New episodes every Monday. Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/somewhere-in-the-skies. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



Unseeable forces control human behavior and shape our ideas, beliefs, and assumptions. Invisibilia—Latin for invisible things—fuses narrative storytelling with science that will make you see your own life differently.

EverydaySpy Podcast

Andrew Bustamante

Hosted by former covert CIA intelligence officers Andrew Bustamante and Jihi Bustamante, the EverydaySpy Podcast gives you practical, powerful spy skills and insights you can use everyday. From parenthood fixes to career shortcuts, business hacks to geopolitical insights, this pod is for you if you are looking for frank, honest, and hilariously relatable truth from two real-world field operatives who have done and seen things they can't talk about (and will never forget).

一口經濟學 bitesize economics

Charles Liao

甚麼是通貨膨脹? 甚麼是公債殖利率? 甚麼是勞動參與率? 新聞裡面的經濟評論是不是越聽越模糊? 來聽Charles老師把經濟觀念變得小口小口bitesize的經濟小故事、時事分析。好吃又容易消化! ******************************************************************************************************* Charles Liao 流浪美國的經濟學家。因為不聰明所以留學經歷很坎坷,到很老才拿到經濟博士。 現任UC經濟系教書匠,加州州政府經濟學家/研究首席,前加州財政部經濟學家。 研究領域雜七雜八,甚麼都聊:國際金融、國際貿易、公共政策、經濟預測、預算編列、美國與加州社會福利制度研究。 流浪過的學校: UCD || UNC-Chapel Hill || Yale || NTU Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/charlesliao/support



卓球をシリアスレジャー(真剣な趣味)として取り組む「ともや」と「ともひろ」が、自身の体験・経験を通じて感じた悩みを語るチャンネルです。 「日知録(にっちろく)」とは、中国の学者「顧炎武」の著であり、読書備忘録の体裁で、経学・史学・文学・政治・社会・地理・風俗など様々な分野について、実証的に論じた書です。 私たちのチャンネルについても、分野を問わず様々な発信していきたいと思っています。

Because Language - a podcast about linguistics, the science of language.

Daniel Midgley, Ben Ainslie, and Hedvig Skirgård

A podcast about linguistics, the science of language.

みんラボ2 〜みんなの才能研究所〜


【毎週金曜日/朝5時放送】異色な3人が、才能について語り合うラジオ、みんなの才能研究所「みんラボ2」。 このラジオは、才能の魅力に取り憑かれてしまった僕らが才能について研究し、新しい生き方を模索する番組です。 ※こちらは「みんラボ」の新しいシリーズ番組です ■みんラボサポーターになる https://www.min-lab.space/ ■出演&Twitter - 才能博士 たかちん @takachiiiiii3(https://twitter.com/takachiiiiii3) - 株式会社COTEN 深井龍之介 @CotenFukai(https://twitter.com/CotenFukai) - よっしー(中村義之) @NYOSIYUK1(https://twitter.com/NYOSIYUK1) ■みんラボメンバーへのお便り info@min-lab.space ■感想 「#みんラボ2」でツイートお待ちしてます!

elsa podcast

English Longitudinal Study of Ageing

A podcast exploring how the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing is used in research, practice and policy to help us to better understand what happens to us as we age and how we can live longer, happier, healthier lives.

催稿拉黑 Philosophically Procrastinating

Yao Lin

Philosophy, Politics, and Whatever Else I Feel Like to Talk About

That UFO Podcast

That UFO Podcast

Bringing you up to date news, interviews and guests from around the world of UFOs, UAP & connected phenomena Hosted by Andy Mcgrillen

Between the Lines

Institute of Development Studies

This podcast series explores books with ideas for positive social and environmental change. Each month we feature a book and an interview with its author. The discussions give an insight on the themes covered in the book, exploring the challenges and discoveries, and why the issues matter for progressive and sustainable development globally. Send your comments and suggestions to betweenthelines@ids.ac.uk Follow IDS on Twitter @IDS_UK #IDSbetweenthelines This podcast is brought to you by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), produced and edited by IDS Communications Gary Edwards and James Andrews Music credit: Around/Shutterstock Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

New Books in Sex, Sexuality, and Sex Work

New Books Network

Interviews with researchers on sex-related issues. 

VoxDev Development Economics


Hear about the cutting edge of development economics from research to practice.

SAGE Sociology

SAGE Publications Ltd.

Welcome to the official free Podcast site from SAGE for Sociology. SAGE is a leading international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media for academic, educational, and professional markets with principal offices in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, and Singapore.

壽司坦丁 Sociostanding:社會科學的迴轉壽司店


你可以在壽司坦丁,用最輕鬆的方式,接收國際上最新、最有趣的社會科學研究發現。 壽司坦丁的計畫正在開始,這是一個跨越各媒體平台的頻道,你可以訂閱壽司坦丁 YouTube 頻道以及 Podcast,有越來越多有趣的科普影音會在這些平台上線。如果你是喜歡文字閱讀的朋友,也可以在 Medium 找到我的身影。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

Mysterious Universe

8th Kind

Always interesting and often hilarious, join hosts Aaron Wright and Benjamin Grundy as they investigate the latest in futurology, weird science, consciousness research, alternative history, cryptozoology, UFOs, and new-age absurdity.

The Kingless Generation

Fergal Schmudlach

A podcast on the deep history of class struggle, paleo-parapolitics, and the demonology of capital. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Social Work Podcast

Jonathan B. Singer, Ph.D., LCSW

The Social Work Podcast provides audio programs on services provided by social workers, including direct practice, human behavior in the social environment, research, policy, field work, and social work education.

Social Work Sorted: The Podcast

Vicki: Social Work Sorted

I'm Vicki Shevlin, and I host Social Work Sorted: The Podcast alongside leading Social Work Sorted Training & Consultancy. Social Work Sorted is an online platform for New Social Workers. I provide advice, support and guidance to help new social workers learn, reflect and grow. Social Work Sorted Training and Consultancy provides training to universities and organisations, and consultancy to social work leaders who want to innovate and inspire their workforce. 


Nonbiri Anthropology

大学院で人類学を学んだ/学んでいるわたしたちが、人類学のおもしろさをのんびり楽しく発信するチャンネルです。 フィールドワークのおもしろさ。 研究や調査を通して/とともに学んだこと。 人類学の視点を通して生きてみると、世界がどう違ってみえるのか、どんな世界があるのか。 論文や書籍からはこぼれてしまいがちな、でも面白いものごとについて、のんびり語っていきます。 これから大学院を志す方、大学で人類学を学んだ方、人類学に興味がある方。この企画を通して、いろんな方々に人類学のおもしろさを伝えていきたいです。 【とくいな分野】 文化人類学、人類学、人文学 【You Tube】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmkPv9tAw7txZyuuqPfHyow 【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/anthro_nnbr 【チャンネルへのご感想、お便りはこちら】 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15hA5JFR3du_XXWbDYqfZHrqUrMk4PTBX_o9qhn4x6s4/edit

Brookings Podcast on Economic Activity

The Brookings Institution

The Brookings Podcast on Economic Activity connects you to cutting edge economic policy research and the renowned economists who create it. On each episode, the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity editors introduce new BPEA research and present a conversation between the author and a Brookings scholar to bridge the divide between economic theory and practical policy solutions.

GraveYard Tales

Adam Ballinger & Matt Rudolph

We tell the stories and history of haunted places, ghost encounters, cryptid encounters, the paranormal, preternatural, and every oddity imaginable. And we do it with a comedic twist and don't take anything, including ourselves, too seriously! Join your hosts Adam & Matt in their discussions of these topics and email them your thoughts at GraveYardTalesPodcast@gmail.com (mailto:GraveYardTalesPodcast@gmail.com) We thank you for joining us in the GraveYard!

Choiceology with Katy Milkman

Charles Schwab

Can we learn to make smarter choices? Listen in as host Katy Milkman--behavioral scientist, Wharton professor, and author of How to Change--shares stories of high-stakes decisions and what research reveals they can teach us. Choiceology, an original podcast from Charles Schwab, explores the lessons of behavioral economics to help you improve your judgment and change for good. Season 1 of Choiceology was hosted by Dan Heath, bestselling author of Made to Stick and Switch. Podcasts are for informational purposes only. This channel is not monitored by Charles Schwab. Please visit schwab.com/contactus for contact options. (0321-1S88)

Templeton Ideas Podcast

John Templeton Foundation

The Templeton Ideas Podcast is a show about the most awe-inspiring ideas in our world and the people who investigate them. We sit down with thinkers like Gretchen Rubin, Ethan Kross, and David Brooks to explore how their work has transformed their lives — and how it may transform yours. These thoughtful conversations will take listeners on a journey through psychology, philosophy, physics, and more. The Templeton Ideas Podcast is a project of the John Templeton Foundation.

VoxTalks Economics


Learn about groundbreaking new research, commentary and policy ideas from the world's leading economists. Presented by Tim Phillips.

New Things Under the Sun

Matt Clancy

Synthesizing academic research about innovation, science, and creativity.

Psychology - Video

Paul Bloom



弁護士久野実が、皆様のイノベーションにつながる情報を、ラジオパーソナリティーの川本えこさんとわかりやすくお伝えしていく番組です。 毎月第1、第3木曜日に更新予定。

Whiskey & International Relations Theory

Drs. Patrick Thaddeus Jackson & Daniel Nexon

Patrick and Dan work their way through a piece of international-relations scholarship. And drink whiskey.

Behavioral Grooves Podcast

Kurt Nelson, PhD and Tim Houlihan

Stories, science and secrets from the world’s brightest thought-leaders. Behavioral Grooves is the podcast that satisfies your curiosity of why we do what we do. Explanations of human behavior that will improve your relationships, your wellbeing, and your organization by helping you find your groove.

The Perception & Action Podcast

Rob Gray

Exploration of how psychological research can be applied to improving performance, accelerating skill acquisition and designing new technologies in sports and other high performance domains. Hosted by Rob Gray, professor of Human Systems Engineering at Arizona State University, the podcast will review basic concepts and discuss the latest research in these areas.


David Pizarro

Join two psychology professors (Paul Bloom and David Pizarro) as they cover a wide variety of topics about human psychology. Based on Paul Bloom’s new book Psych: The Story of the Human Mind.




World Bank Group │ What Have We Learned? The Evaluation Podcast

World Bank Group / Independent Evaluation Group

Welcome to the evaluation podcast from the World Bank Group’s independent evaluation arm, IEG, where we reflect on the lessons learned from tackling pressing challenges in international development.

The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria

Matt Cicoria

The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria is an interview-based show that features conversations with innovative scientists and practitioners in the field of Behavior Analysis. The podcast covers topics such as Autism, Functional Behavioral Assessment, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Functional Communication Training, Verbal Behavior, and more!


Yale School of Medicine

Podcast de Juan Ramón Rallo

Juan Ramón Rallo

Podcast de Juan Ramón Rallo sobre economía, filosofía, política y liberalismo. Hazte miembro en: https://plus.acast.com/s/juanrallo. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


France Inter

NarSin - Myanmar Podcast

NarSin - Myanmar Podcast

We observe, We talk


Anson Lam

一個屬於香港的法律普及節目 本節目內容不構成法律意見;如有疑問,請向專業人士查詢。 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LegalDefencePodcast ====================================== 法律攻防 Podcast已於各大平台上架 YouTube Channel: https://reurl.cc/WLA7o7 SoundOn Podcast: https://reurl.cc/EzgevA Apple Podcast: https://reurl.cc/j5Qo42 Google Podcast https://reurl.cc/Gr5Oq3: Spotify Podcast: https://reurl.cc/N6b985

ABA on Call


ABA on Call presented by CentralReach, explores the Applied Behavior Analysis/Healthcare Technology industries through thought-provoking conversation. Watch to explore ideas and trends in the field with renowned ABA experts, Rick Kubina Jr., Ph.D, BCBA-D & Doug Kostewicz, Ph.D, BCBA-D. Earn BACB CEUs to support your ongoing certification for Season 4 and future episodes.

Public Health Insight

PHI Media

The Public Health Insight Podcast is a weekly podcast ranked in the top 5% of all podcasts globally. The podcast covers all things public health and global health, from the sustainable development goals to the social determinants of health, as well as interesting dialogues about the diverse career opportunities that exist in the fields. Since its launch in March 2020, the podcast has featured more than 40 high-profile guests and has built an audience in more than 5,000 cities in over 190 countries.

Opinion Science

Andy Luttrell

A show about the psychology of opinions, where they come from, and how they change. Interviews with experts and deep dives into areas of research uncover the basic psychology of persuasion, communication, and public opinion. Hosted by social psychologist, Andy Luttrell.

Under the Cortex


The podcast of the Association for Psychological Science. What does science tell us about the way the think, behave, and learn about the world around us?

Talks On Psychoanalysis

International Psychoanalytical Association

Talks On Psychoanalysis shares topics published in the IPA Society Journals and Congress debates worldwide, brought to you in the voices of the original authors. This podcast is produced by International Psychoanalytical Association

La Suite dans les idées

France Culture



未来の百姓(Ways We Work)は、エコシステムと食文化に関する知識を統合し、田舎と都会の生活に橋をかけ、新しいライフスタイルを提案することを目指すポッドキャストです。 毎回お迎えするゲストの「私(わたし)」的な視点から、オルタナティブなライフスタイルを紹介しています。 都市と田舎が有機的につながることができる、自然環境とより密に繋がる可能性を秘めたライフスタイルを提案していきたい。 そんな想いから、このポッドキャストは生まれました。 昨今のめまぐるしく変化する社会・経済情勢の中であっても、経済的・社会的・環境的にも持続可能なくらしとして、農的ライフスタイルは実現できることを、このポッドキャストを通じて共有していきたいと思っています。 メッセージは mirai.no.hyakusho@gmail.com までお願いいたします。

Ático Primera con Laia Castel


Cada miércoles Laia comenta sus experiencias navegando el mundo. Relaciones, hacerse adulta, quererse a una misma... Una charla relajada de la que salir sintiéndose mejor. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laiascastel/ Youtube: https://youtube.com/@hotgirltalks6115?si=oKwr9qlA88PzsRia

New Books in Law

New Books Network

Interviews with Scholars of the Law about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/law

The Answer Is Transaction Costs

Michael Munger

"The real price of everything is the toil and trouble of acquiring it."  -Adam Smith (WoN, Bk I, Chapter 5) In which the Knower of Important Things shows how transaction costs explain literally everything. Plus TWEJ,  and answers to letters.If YOU have questions, submit them to our email at taitc.email@gmail.com And check out the Facebook page, to leave comments and answer comments from other listeners:  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092342062186Finally, a quick note:  This podcast is NOT for Stacy Hockett. He wanted you to know that.....

The Behavioral View


CentralReach is proud to present its new limited web series, The Behavioral View. Hosted by three CentralReach BCBA-D panelists and featuring a new guest panelist each episode, the series tackles important topics around behavior analysis to engage in forward-thinking ABA conversation.

Filosofía, Psicología, Historias

Hernán Melana

Relatos breves de filosofía, Psicología e Historias varias, con biografías y algunas reflexiones, leyendas y fantasías Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/hernu00e1n-melana/support

NASW Social Work Talks

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

NASW Social Work Talks informs, educates and inspires through conversations with experts and exploring issues that social work professionals care about. Brought to you by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW).

The We Society


Beyond the politics, beyond our geography are the intangible connections that hold us together - The We Society. The We Society podcast is here to tell you about the thousands of ways the Social Sciences can help us understand and enhance this complicated and fascinating human network. What can we do to fix the NHS? How can we better manage climate change? How do we end the cost of living crisis? Brought to you by the Academy of Social Sciences, this podcast tackles the big questions through a social science lens and brings you some of the best ideas to shape the way we live. Join acclaimed journalist and Academy president Will Hutton, as he invites guests from the world of Social Science to explore the stories behind the news and hear their solutions to society’s most pressing problems. Don't want to miss an episode? Follow the show on your favourite podcast platform and you can email us on wesociety@acss.org.uk and tell us who we should be speaking to or follow us on twitter https://twitter.com/thewesocietypod Brought to you by the Academy of Social Sciences: https://acss.org.uk  (https://acss.org.uk%20%20)
