




事故物件清掃の「関西クリーンサービス」が全面協力でお届けする怖くて奇妙な物件の話。 進行はジャーナリスト・丸山ゴンザレスと放送作家・トダセルク。 ※この作品は一部センシティブな内容が含まれている可能性があります。


宇津呂 鹿太郎(Created by knock'x Media)

この番組では、怪談作家の宇津呂 鹿太郎が集めた体験者が語る「怪談話」と 怪談売買所の主人である彼独自の視点で語られる「怪談解説」をお楽しみいただけます。 あなたが体験した階段をオンラインで買い取っています。 詳細のリンクからご応募ください。 https://forms.gle/yZFM9kEFabCJgGSW6 感想は#100円怪談 を付けてお待ちしております。 ポッドキャストの文字起こしサービス『LISTEN』を試験導入中 https://listen.style/p/100enkaidan?IP1TF3qn





Zodiac Media

「事件解明」というポッドキャストチャンネルをご紹介いたします。このチャンネルは、犯罪や世界中で有名な事件に特化したコンテンツをお届けしています。 「事件解明」は、真実を明らかにし、未解決の謎を解決することに情熱を持つ人々によって運営されています。私たちは、徹底的な調査と信頼性のある情報源を通じて、世界各地で起こった興味深い事件や秘密を紐解いています。 このポッドキャストでは、未解決事件、有名なシリアルキラー、巧妙な詐欺師など、様々なテーマを取り上げています。 「事件解明」は、聴衆の知識を深め、興味を刺激することを目指しています。私たちは、真実を解き明かす旅にあなたを連れて行きます。そして、事件の謎を解くことによって、社会に対する理解を深め、ヒューマンドラマを通じて共感を生み出すことを願っています。 ぜひ、「事件解明」をお楽しみください。犯罪や事件に興味がある方、真実を明らかにする情熱を持っている方にとって、このポッドキャストは必聴の一本となることでしょう。私たちのチャンネルで、世界中の事件の解明に近づいていきましょう。



【毎週金曜夜更新】世界の殺人鬼を毎週一人ピックアップして紹介する反面教師番組です。(※このポッドキャストには一部暴力的なシーンやグロテスクな表現があります) Twitter⇒@soratobujelly Mail⇒sp6seats@hotmail.com 過去音源⇒https://note.mu/soratobujelly



【怖ちゃん】は、様々なジャンルの「怖い話」を朗読している怪談朗読ちゃんねるでございます🙂 「怖い話」を朗読している「ちゃんねる」の 略語として名前を付けさせていただきました☺ (センスが無く申し訳ありません🙇‍♂️) 各エピソードの説明欄に、朗読後の感想も書かせていただいているので お時間があればお読みいただけると幸いです☺ 「作業用BGM」や「睡眠用BGM」としてご活用いただけたらと思います😊 <シーズン説明> シーズン1(1話~31話)/初代マイク(音質ややクリア) シーズン2(32話~51話)/2代目マイク(音質ややクリア) シーズン3(52話~)/3代目マイク(音質クリア) <更新スケジュール> 月火水木金土 → 21:00/22:00 月末最終日&日 → お休み ※5ch使用許諾申請済 <ハッシュタグ> #怖い話 #怪談 #ホラー #オカルト #心霊 #朗読 #作業用bgm #睡眠用bgm #短い #短編 #ゆっくり #奇々怪々 #洒落怖 #2ch #都市伝説


Zodiac Media

「犯罪の網」は、犯罪と世界中で有名な事件に特化したポッドキャストチャンネルです。この番組では、歴史上の犯罪や未解決事件、シリアルキラーなど、驚くべき犯罪に関する情報を提供します。 「犯罪の網」は、世界中の犯罪の背後にある心理や動機を探求することも目指しています。豊富な情報と専門知識により、事件の舞台裏に潜む謎や犯罪者の心理を明らかにします。また、警察や捜査機関がどのように犯罪者を追い詰め、正義を実現するのかについても深く掘り下げます。 このポッドキャストでは、各エピソードで異なる事件に焦点を当てます。また、未解決事件や新たに発覚した事実についても積極的に報道し、リスナーに最新の情報を提供します。 「犯罪の網」は、犯罪に興味を持つ方や真実を追求する情熱を持つ方々にとっての必聴ポッドキャストです。ぜひ、この番組を通じて、世界中の犯罪の闇に一緒に踏み込んでみませんか?

Crime Junkie


If you can never get enough true crime... Congratulations, you’ve found your people.



「罪の追究」は、世界中で起こった驚くべき犯罪と有名な事件に焦点を当てたポッドキャストチャンネルです。このチャンネルでは、あらゆる種類の犯罪、未解決の謎、そして刑事事件に関する深い洞察が提供されます。私たちは、真実を追求し、事件の背後にある心理や動機に迫り、リスナーに驚きと洞察をもたらします。 毎回、我々は新たなケースや事件を取り上げ、真実の探求者としての役割を果たします。我々の目標は、聴衆に深い洞察と興奮を提供し、犯罪と正義の追求に対する理解を深めることです。 「罪の追究」を通じて、犯罪に興味があるあなたに、驚きと洞察に満ちた世界への扉を開きます。ぜひ、我々のポッドキャストをお楽しみください。


Zodiac Media

「殺人追跡」は、犯罪と世界中で有名な事件に特化したポッドキャストチャンネルです。この番組では、歴史上の犯罪や未解決事件、シリアルキラーなど、驚くべき犯罪に関する情報を提供します。 「殺人追跡」は、世界中の犯罪の背後にある心理や動機を探求することも目指しています。豊富な情報と専門知識により、事件の舞台裏に潜む謎や犯罪者の心理を明らかにします。また、警察や捜査機関がどのように犯罪者を追い詰め、正義を実現するのかについても深く掘り下げます。 このポッドキャストでは、各エピソードで異なる事件に焦点を当てます。また、未解決事件や新たに発覚した事実についても積極的に報道し、リスナーに最新の情報を提供します。 「殺人追跡」は、犯罪に興味を持つ方や真実を追求する情熱を持つ方々にとっての必聴ポッドキャストです。ぜひ、この番組を通じて、世界中の犯罪の闇に一緒に踏み込んでみませんか?

Dateline NBC

NBC News

Current and classic episodes, featuring compelling true-crime mysteries, powerful documentaries and in-depth investigations. Follow now to get the latest episodes of Dateline NBC completely free, or subscribe to Dateline Premium for ad-free listening and exclusive bonus content: DatelinePremium.com

デスラジオ 聞いたらいつか死ぬラジオ


古今東西の不幸・悲惨・残酷、負のダイバーシティ溢れる興味深いニュースをMCのITとCATがピック・アップし、お届けします。偏った情報等をエンタメ的に捉えて頂ける方だけ聴いて下さい。 amazonのaudibleでも有料版のトゥルークライム・デスラジオセレクションが聴けます。 リンク ↓ https://linktr.ee/Deathradio #デスラジオ #デスポッド #ホラー #オカルト# 殺人事件 #犯罪 #トゥルークライム #シリアルキラー #都市伝説 #フォークロア #アーバンレジェンド #怪談 #不思議 #心霊現象 #超常現象 #サブカル #アンダーグラウンド #凶悪犯罪 #猟奇殺人#カンニバリズム #奇形 #フリークス #奇祭 #闇英語 #恐い話 #検索してはいけない #恐いポッドキャスト #バイオレンス #恐怖



国内外の死刑囚の話が多めですが、極悪事件のみならず、恐ろしい事故の話や時々オカルト、不思議な話も。 話が重くなりすぎないように敢えて別の話に展開して楽しく終わる事もありますが、これらは決して深刻な内容に対しての笑いではありませんので予めご了承下さい。恐ろしい話を風化させないためにも、またそれらのネガティブを教訓にするためにも皆さんに聞いていただきたいです。 配信先、メール宛先等↓ https://linktr.ee/wakachikoden ご登録宜しくお願いします! Appleでご視聴の方はiTunesレビューも頂けたら嬉しいです❤ メール宛先 showa.happy.chiku@gmail.com(姉妹番組「昭和はっぴー地区」と兼用)


ヤマネコ ギン

怪談と民話の語り部ヤマネコギンが、 雲谷斎様主宰のウェブサイト「怪談 逢魔が時物語」に寄せられた読者投稿の中から、 特に怖くて不思議なお話を朗読させていただいております。 リアルな現代の恐怖・怪異譚をどうぞお楽しみください。




The Price of Paradise


Rotten Mango

Stephanie Soo & Ramble

Rotten but still a little sweet! Rotten Mango is a true crime + all things spooky podcast. We love doing deep dives into the darkest crimes and we tend to not leave out any details - which can get a little rotten at times. If you want deep dives in the psychology of killers, no holding back storytelling of crimes, and stories of lesser known criminals from around the world this is the place for you. Welcome to Rotten Mango but don’t worry it all comes with a seasoning of comedy/sweetness.

MrBallen Podcast: Strange, Dark & Mysterious Stories

Ballen Studios

The Strange, Dark & Mysterious delivered in podcast format. Follow the MrBallen Podcast on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes publish twice a week—every Monday and Thursday. Prime members can listen to new episodes 1-month early and all episodes ad-free on Amazon Music. Wondery+ subscribers can listen ad-free in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts.

The Commune

Stuff Audio

A 12-part documentary podcast about the notorious free-love commune, Centrepoint. There are crimes. But this isn’t a whodunnit. It’s a whydunnit.






《TSP怪奇档案》(The Strange Profile)是一档集合了科幻 / 野史 / 中外神话 / 都市传说 等题材于一身的强趣味,强科普性质的脱口秀节目。由《凹凸电波》原班人马共同打造,希望在带给你冷门科普的同时,让你获得更多有趣的谈资。 本节目由播客厂牌——凹凸宇宙出品 weibo:凹凸电波 攻种号:凹凸电波 商务联系:aotu_hezuo@163.com

ニュースのプロが検証 SNS詐欺事件

PitPa, Inc.

日本とアメリカ両方で報道番組の現場取材をしてきた竹村由紀子が、SNS上で話題になっている詐欺まがいの事件・トラブルを調査し、被害者の声を交えながら何が起こっているのかを検証していきます。 番組では調査してもらいたい事件・トラブルも募集しております。調査依頼については下記URLよりご投稿ください。 https://forms.gle/mDMK9nWKH1RRKfSW7 Presented by PitPa(ピトパ) http://pitpa.jp





Wondery | RedHanded

RedHanded the podcast jumps head first into all manner of macabre madness. We cover everything from big time serial killers (and those you may never have heard of), to hauntings, possessions, disturbing mysteries, bizarre whodunits and basically anything that tickles our creepy fancy. So, join us, plug in, sit back and prepare for scares.

Beyond All Repair


Imagine you're accused of something horrific. You swear you didn't do it, but someone says they witnessed it: your own brother. Sophia Johnson was newly married with a baby on the way when she became the prime suspect in her mother-in-law's brutal murder. WBUR's Amory Sivertson reexamines a case unsolved, a family torn apart, and the woman who wasn't believed.

Evaporated: Gone with the Gods

Campside Media / Sony Music Entertainment

What if someone close to you just … vanished one day? That happens to tens of thousands of families a year in Japan, and it happened to Jake Adelstein, too, back in 2018 — when his accountant disappeared, just before tax day. Adelstein, the author of Tokyo Vice, and co-host Shoko Plambeck go in search of that missing accountant, and take us on a journey into the fascinating and bizarre world of Japan’s johatsu, or “evaporated” people. Want the full story? Unlock all episodes of The Evaporated: Gone with the Gods ad-free right now by subscribing to The Binge – All Episodes. All at Once. Plus, you’ll unlock brand new stories, dropping every month—that’s all episodes, all at once, all ad-free. Just click ‘Subscribe’ on the top of The Evaporated: Gone with the Gods show page on Apple Podcasts or visit GetTheBinge.com to get access wherever you listen. A Campside Media & Sony Music Entertainment production. Find out more about The Binge and other podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at sonymusic.com/podcasts and follow us @sonypodcasts.


Tanaka Takumi

"罪の告白"(Tsumi no Kokuhaku)は、犯罪と世界中で有名な事件に特化したスリリングで魅力的なポッドキャストチャンネルです。私たちはあなたを犯罪の闇深い世界に引き込み、歴史に深い足跡を残したいくつかの悪名高い犯罪事件の裏に隠された謎、秘密、複雑な要素を明らかにします。未解決の失踪事件から恐ろしい殺人事件、国際的な強盗から轟然としたスキャンダルまで、私たちは証拠を探求し、専門家の意見を聞き、さまざまな理論を探求する旅に参加していただきたいと考えています。 あなたが経験豊富な刑事であるか、単なる好奇心旺盛な魂であるかに関係なく、「罪の告白」は世界で最も悪名高い犯罪の闇に足を踏み入れる際に魅了し、教育し、そして時折、恐れさせることを約束します。今すぐ登録して、エピソードをお見逃しなく。


PitPa, Inc.



Zodiac Media

「隠された証拠」というポッドキャストチャンネルをご紹介いたします。このチャンネルは、犯罪や世界中で話題となった事件に特化した内容をお届けしています。 「隠された証拠」は、真実を追求し、謎を解き明かすことに情熱を持つ人々によって運営されています。私たちは、徹底的な調査と信頼性のある情報源を通じて、世界中の著名な事件についての興味深い事実や秘密を明らかにしています。 このポッドキャストでは、未解決の事件、有名な連続殺人犯、狡猾な詐欺師など、さまざまなテーマについて取り上げています。 「隠された証拠」は、聴取者の知識を深め、興味を刺激することを目指しています。我々は、真実を追い求める旅にあなたを連れて行きます。そして、事件の謎を解き明かすことによって、社会に対する理解を深め、ヒューマンドラマを通じて共感を生み出すことを願っています。 ぜひ、「隠された証拠」をお楽しみください。犯罪や事件に興味がある方、真実を追求する情熱を持っている方にとって、このポッドキャストは必聴の一本となることでしょう。我々のチャンネルで、世界中の隠された真実に迫りましょう。

True Crime Daily: The Podcast

True Crime Daily

"True Crime Daily: The Podcast" goes in-depth on some of the week's biggest true crime stories, as well as the ones you might have missed. Host Ana Garcia is joined by crime experts, police officers, defense attorneys, and other leading authorities in their fields as they cover murders, scams, investigations, and unsolved crimes from across the country. True Crime Daily has the largest and most active true crime digital community in the world, with 4.8 million subscribers on YouTube and more than 3 million fans on Facebook. Join us each week as we take you inside the biggest, most shocking, and most bizarre true crime cases.



ずるずるFMです。オカルトです。 ▼X https://twitter.com/zuruzurufm ▼コメント、感想、要望は下記URLからお願いします。 https://forms.gle/MerUFyaauTrwowq86


Lionsgate Sound

Amanda is a wife. A mother. A blogger. A Christian. A charming, beautiful, bubbly, young woman who lives life to the fullest. But Amanda is dying, with a secret she doesn’t want anyone to know. She starts a blog detailing her cancer journey, and becomes an inspiration, touching and captivating her local community as well as followers all over the world.  Until one day investigative producer Nancy gets an anonymous tip telling her to look at Amanda’s blog, setting Nancy on an unimaginable road to uncover Amanda’s secret.  Award winning journalist Charlie Webster explores this unbelievable and bizarre, but all-too-real tale, of a woman from San Jose, California whose secret ripped a family apart and left a community in shock.   Scamanda is the true story of a woman whose own words held the key to her secret.  Follow Scamanda on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen. Amanda’s blog posts are read by actor Kendall Horn.




To Die For

Tenderfoot TV and iHeartPodcasts

Imagine you were a fly on the wall at a dinner between the mafia, the CIA, and the KGB. That’s where this unprecedented story begins. A journey through the dark world of Russian intelligence where, for the first time, a professed “sex spy” tells her story. All of it.  Host Neil Strauss (Rolling Stone, The New York Times) brings listeners into the dangerous world of sexpionage, where enemies of the State are not the only victims. So too are the spies themselves, brainwashed to believe that their bodies belong to Russia and meticulously trained to become “the perfect weapons.” Who is Aliia Roza? From the creators of the hit podcast series To Live and Die in LA, this is To Die For. Binge all 8 episodes now.

Murder in the Hollywood Hills

NBC News

Kristi Johnson was shopping at a mall in Los Angeles when a man invited her to a photo shoot for the next Bond film. That afternoon, the 21-year-old got into her little white sportscar and drove to the shoot location up in the Hollywood Hills. She was never seen alive again. In Dateline’s latest podcast, Keith Morrison takes us to the city of dreams for the story of a smooth-talking predator who lured young women into a nightmare with promises of fame and fortune. It’s the story of how he evaded justice for years. But most of all, it’s the story of a group of women who banded together to lock him up for good. Beginning Tuesday, March 26th you can listen to the latest episodes of Murder in the Hollywood Hills, completely free. To begin listening now, subscribe to Dateline Premium on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

The Deck


For years, some law enforcement agencies have replaced the faces of traditional playing card decks with images of missing and murdered people and distributed those cards in prisons hoping inmates would come forward with information needed to crack these cold cases wide open. Now, audiochuck is dealing you in. Each week, we will be working with investigators and family members to bring you the details of some of the coldest cases from around the country in hopes that someone listening can finally bring these victims the justice they deserve.

她說犯罪 She Tells True Crime

Lily W

主持人 Lily 和她在乎的議題。 https://www.instagram.com/shetellstruecrime/

案件成癮 Case Addict


「案件成癮Case Addict」是一個關於介紹各種犯罪案件的 podcast,以輕鬆的方式深入探討可怕的案件和謎案。在這個 podcast 中,我會分享一些引人入勝的真實案件,從謀殺到再到神秘失蹤。以一種平易近人的方式講述案件的發生、證據、嫌疑人和最後的結果。如果你是一個犯罪愛好者,或者只是對這些真實的案件感到好奇,那麼這個 podcast 是你不想錯過的節目。現在就訂閱吧! 歡迎到各個不同的Podcast平台收聽喔! YouTube Music /YT channel ⁠Spotify⁠ ⁠Amazon Music ⁠ ⁠Apple Podcast⁠ ⁠CastBox 免責聲明: 我們會講到血腥暴力和其他令人不適的內容。如果您對這些內容感到嚴重不適或心理上受到影響,請您自行斟酌是否繼續收聽。這個Podcast的內容並不適合18歲以下的小孩收, 因此如果你身旁有小孩,請確保在收聽時使用耳機,以避免小孩聽到不適當的內容。講解案件時,可能會有一些個人偏見存在,因為這並非新聞節目,並不需要保持中立。然而,我們絕對尊重受害者. 在這裡所提供的內容僅代表我的個人觀點和意見,並不代表任何機構或組織的立場。我會盡量確保資訊準確性,但無法保證其完全正確、全面或最新。法律和犯罪事件的情況不斷變化,因此建議聽眾在需要法律建議或處理特定犯罪案件時,請尋求合格的專業人士的幫助。


Zodiac Media

「真実の探求」は、世界中で有名な犯罪事件に特化したポッドキャストチャンネルです。このチャンネルでは、真実を追求し、犯罪と事件の背後にある謎や真相に迫ります。 「真実の探求」では、リスナーに対して深い洞察と情報を提供します。シリアルキラーや未解決事件、犯罪組織の活動など、様々な犯罪ジャンルに焦点を当て、それらの事件についての興味深い事実や背景を紹介します。 このポッドキャストチャンネルは、犯罪に関心がある人々や真実を求める人々にとって、知識と洞察に満ちた貴重なリソースです。「真実の探求」は、リスナーに対して犯罪の謎や真相に迫る機会を提供し、社会の安全性と正義の重要性について考えるきっかけを与えます。 興味がある方は、「真実の探求」をぜひ聴いてみてください。犯罪と事件の真相の追求の旅に出発し、リスナー自身が真実の探究者となりましょう。




My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark

Exactly Right Media – the original true crime comedy network

My Favorite Murder is a true crime comedy podcast hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark. Each week, Karen and Georgia share compelling true crimes and hometown stories from friends and listeners.  Since MFM launched in January of 2016, Karen and Georgia have shared their lifelong interest in true crime and have covered stories of infamous serial killers like the Night Stalker, mysterious cold cases, captivating cults, incredible survivor stories and important events from history like the Tulsa race massacre of 1921.   My Favorite Murder is part of the Exactly Right podcast network that provides a platform for bold, creative voices to bring to life provocative, entertaining and relatable stories for audiences everywhere. The Exactly Right roster of podcasts covers a variety of topics including historic true crime, comedic interviews and news, science, pop culture and more. Podcasts on the network include Buried Bones with Kate Winkler Dawson and Paul Holes, That's Messed Up: An SVU Podcast, This Podcast Will Kill You, Bananas and more. 

Murder 101


In a small Tennessee town, a local serial killer was caught by the most unlikely investigators: A group of high school students, led by their teacher, Alex Campbell. Throughout the course of one school semester, the class pieced together a 30-year-old mystery and identified the killer behind at least six brutal murders. Shockingly, while the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations publicly agrees with their theory, no charges have been filed against the murderer. While some sleuthing students already have graduated, they, along with a fresh crop of current high schoolers, still want to finish the assignment, once and for all. 



重返那些離奇、轟動的命案現場,跟著有三十三年鑑識生涯的前北市刑事鑑識中心主任謝松善,一一解開撲朔迷離的刑事案件。 影響「阿善師」鑑識生涯的重大懸案是哪件?從死囚到平反的冤案有哪些?到底什麼是真相?什麼是正義? 請聽【阿善師鑑識實錄】! ✉️ 合作邀約➠ ashanshih.podcast@gmail.com 💳 贊助節目➠ https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/3dbafbf8-b792-4fe4-952f-34344933f2e6 🔗節目鏈接➠ https://linktr.ee/ashanshih -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

Ghost Story

Wondery | Pineapple Street Studios

Host Tristan Redman is a seasoned journalist who doesn’t believe in ghosts. But weird things happened in the bedroom he lived in as a teenager. When he discovers years later that subsequent occupants of the same house have been visited by the ghost of a faceless woman, he’s curious. Because it just so happens that Tristan’s childhood home is right next door to the house where his wife’s great grandmother, Naomi Dancy, was murdered in 1937 – killed by two gunshots to the face. Could there be a connection between the ghost and the murder? Tristan decides to investigate and soon finds himself going where no son-in-law should go, deep into his wife’s family history, asking questions no one wants answered. Follow Ghost Story on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Ghost Story ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts.   If you have a really great ghost story or a wild family drama, reach out to us at GhostStory@wondery.com or call us at 1-347-460-9473 to share more details. Please include your best contact info, so we can follow-up if we're interested in learning more. Who knows? Your story could be the basis for Ghost Story season 2.   Disclaimer: Please note, by submitting your idea, you acknowledge Wondery may already have similar ideas, Wondery is not obligated to you in any manner if Wondery obtained such ideas from sources other than yourself and that you are representing that you are the sole author of the material and this material doesn't violate any third party rights. You also acknowledge other terms and conditions may apply.

Murder, Mystery & Makeup

Audioboom Studios

Bailey Sarian, a professional makeup artist and true crime aficionado, is now bringing episodes of her YouTube series “Murder, Mystery & Makeup” to podcast! Covering anything from cannibals to cover-ups. Join us on this journey. It’ll be fun, we promise. Idk. lol.


Initial Studio

Assassinats, trafics de drogue, blanchiment d’argent, terrorisme… Lorsque le crime dépasse les frontières d’un pays, une organisation internationale de police criminelle se lance à la poursuite des coupables. Interpol assure la traque de criminels recherchés à travers le monde, et coordonne les différents services de police. Ses 196 pays membres coopèrent, pour rendre le monde plus sûr Découvrez "Interpol", la nouvelle saison de Criminels, disponible dès le 28 mars.



懸疑案件分析、都市傳說、犯罪案件的真相,睡前故事。 大家好,我是詭靈藝&妮妮 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/guilingyi/support



分享靈異經歷, UFO, 都市傳說, 陰謀論, 邪教組織, 神秘學, 奇案 Instagram: @clubhse_tscf Youtube Channel: 👽靈異事件簿 Email: thestrangefiles21@gmail.com

The Poisoners' Cabinet

The Poisoners' Cabinet

Famous poisoners, vicious Victorians and curious cocktails. Join hosts Nick and Sinead every Friday as they investigate history's greatest poisoners and ridiculous crimes on this comedic true crime show, while quaffing a cocktail inspired by the tale that they tell. Remember, your loved ones ARE trying to kill you... Join the chilling chat on TikTok @thepoisonerscabinet, and find us on Patreon (patreon.com/thepoisonerscabinet) for even more episodes. Written, produced and presented by Sinead Hanna and Nick Gordon Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

出塊True Crime

Yolanda Chiu & Olive Lai

粗口真實犯罪感性談話 / YO質出塊英語教學節目🤘🏻(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)🤘🏻 (大塊雙週上,小塊不定期更新,上架日期如有更動會在社交軟體通知) Yolanda和Olive兩個人對於真實犯罪非常瘋狂,因2020疫情影響長時間待在家,決定一起做真實犯罪節目,以輕鬆的方式講述社會案件,讓沈重的犯罪事件像糖入耳,除此之外,還教你一些普通生活用不到的英文,實在棒棒,一石二鳥摸蛤仔兼洗褲! P.S. 由於我們兩個位在不同州,所以都是靠網路錄音,前三集沒有使用麥克風音質不是很好,建議想試聽又偏好好音質的聽眾可以從第四集開始。 (但是前三集的故事還是好聽棒棒~給他們一個機會~~) ---------------------- 🌱收聽連結:linktr.ee/truecrimetruecrime  🌱合作事宜:truecrimetruecrime@gmail.com  🌱追蹤我們:www.instagram.com/truecrimetruecrime 🌱Tonate大麻錢(出塊商品網站,偏好這個):https://www.truecrimetruecrime.com/product/420 🌱Tonate大麻錢(Paypal-選Send):https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/truecrimetruecrime @ Potcast Network LLC



After midnight on July 6th, 2012, three teenage girls walked into the thick Appalachian woods somewhere along the Mason-Dixon line. Hours later, under the glow of a nearly full moon, only two walked out. The very last time Dave and Mary Neese saw their only child Skylar was in a grainy black-and-white video. In it, she's sneaking out of her ground-floor bedroom in the middle of the night, her purse over her shoulder, her brown hair swinging as she hurries across the small parking lot to a waiting car. What happened to Skylar Neese has become gothic American lore: the odd girl out in a vicious teenage triangle. But in the ten years since that fateful night beneath the West Virginia stars, a fuller portrait of what happened has emerged. From award-winning journalists Justine Harman and Holly Millea comes a gripping 10-part series featuring Skylar's family, closest friends, and law enforcement who lived the case—and are still living it.



┃ 用聲音帶您回到命案現場 ┃ Code . K 是一個講述真實案件的節目 喜歡推理或是對真實的案件感到興趣 歡迎大家訂閱並給我們 5 顆星的鼓勵 一起持續挖掘更多的案件! 這些平台都可以收聽我們的節目: Apple Podcast、Google Podcast Firstory、Spotify、SoundOn、Castbox、KKBOX 🎧 https://linktr.ee/code.ktruecrime 👍 按讚追蹤 https://www.facebook.com/Code.Ktruecrime https://www.instagram.com/Code.K_Truecrime 🤝 聯繫我們 Code.Ktruecrime@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting

48 Hours

CBS News

“48 Hours” uncovers the narrative behind crime and justice cases that have left a lasting mark on society. Award-winning CBS News correspondents thoughtfully examine the complexities of each crime by transporting you to the heart of the investigation through key evidence and gripping interviews with critical figures from the case. The unmatched reporting has made a tangible difference in countless lives, leading to the exoneration of wrongly convicted individuals and the reopening — and resolution — of previously closed cold cases. Listen to a new “48 Hours” episode every Monday and then go deeper into the case on Tuesdays with the immersive “Post Mortem” series — producers and correspondents join host Anne-Marie Green to discuss key evidence, dead ends, mishaps, and stranger-than-fiction twists they faced in the field. Plus, every Thursday, we’ll revisit a classic “48 Hours” episode.  Watch “48 Hours” Saturdays 10/9c on CBS and Paramount+. 48 Hours listeners can use discount code "HOURS20" for 20% off all 48 Hours products on ParamountShop.com.

Bedtime Stories

Ballen Studios

From Ballen Studios, welcome to Bedtime Stories. From the paranormal to the supernatural, unsolved mysteries, strange deaths, cryptids, and the most disturbing of true crime, we’ll bring you stories from around the world, all told in a unique and bone-chilling way. New episodes every Wednesday. To submit story ideas, email: bedtime.stories@outlook.com

Casefile True Crime

Casefile Presents

Fact is scarier than fiction. Subscribe to Casefile Premium to receive ad-free episodes released one week early, along with access to bonus Q&A’s, our exclusive show ‘Behind the Files’, and more.

American Greed Podcast


CNBC's longest-running primetime original series, "American Greed" takes you inside the amazing real-life stories of how some people will do anything for money. The award-winning series is narrated by legendary actor Stacy Keach.

Im Visier – Verbrecherjagd in Berlin und Brandenburg

rbb 24 (Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg)

Verbrechen, die Jahre später noch Fragen offenlassen: Uwe Madel nimmt sich im rbb-Crime-Podcast "Im Visier" Kriminalfälle aus Berlin und Brandenburg vor, die heute noch unter die Haut gehen.

NDA: Geschichten, die nicht erzählt werden sollen


NDA ist ein Podcast über Geschichten, die nicht erzählt werden sollen. In Staffel eins recherchieren SPIEGEL-Reporterin Nora Gantenbrink und Investigativjournalistin Maike Backhaus den Fall Kasia Lehnhardt. Abonniert NDA, um die nächste Staffel nicht zu verpassen. ***  NDAs sind »Non-Disclosure-Agreements«, Verschwiegenheitsvereinbarungen. Sie schützen Geheimnisse – in der Welt der Wirtschaft, der Reichen und der Prominenten.  NDAs sind auch: ein Machtinstrument. Denn wer einen NDA unterschreibt, verpflichtet sich zu schweigen. 

Something Was Wrong

Broken Cycle Media | Wondery

Something Was Wrong is an award-winning docuseries about the discovery, trauma, and recovery from crime, shocking life events and abusive relationships.

Casos Reais

Érika Miranda

Casos reais, o podcast, entra de cabeça em todos os tipos de casos criminais. Desde grandes assassinos em série, a assombrações, mistérios perturbadores e basicamente qualquer coisa que desperte nossa fantasia assustadora. Então, junte-se a nós, conecte-se, relaxe e se prepare para sustos.

1001 Crimes

1001 Crimes

1001 Crimes é um podcast sobre crimes reais.

Untitled Case

Salmon Podcast

Untitled Case พอดแคสต์เล่าเรื่องจริงที่ลี้ลับน่ากลัวยิ่งกว่าฟิกชั่น

犯罪閣樓 DACH Crime

恬恬 & 函函

台灣第一個突破語言隔閡,專門講述德語系國家德國、奧地利、瑞士(簡稱DACH)案件的真實犯罪節目。 我們是住在德國的恬恬與奧地利的函函,節目會以雙週更與季的方式更新,歡迎大家一起跟我們在「犯罪閣樓」討論案件! 各大社群平台與收聽平台: linktr.ee/DACHCrime Powered by Firstory Hosting

THEM 他們的故事

Molly X

嗨嗨~我是Molly THEM他們的故事是一個關於真實犯罪的Podcast 想要知道悲劇為什麼會發生? 想要知道壞人為什麼會變成壞人嗎? 快來聽聽Molly講的超細節內容吧! 聯絡信箱: them.theirstory@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting



「案IN司谈」是一档罪案故事类播客节目 城市背光的角落,上演着比悬疑影视剧还曲折离奇的真实案件。 戴上耳机,跟随看了案件不吐不快的司桐一起走入「案IN司谈」。在这里,我将为你讲述真实诡异的离奇案件、罪案故事,还有相关影视剧衔接,解决你的小剧荒~ 「案IN司谈」每周二不定时更新 感谢订阅支持,手动比心~

Status: Untraced

Tenderfoot TV & Audacy

In 2016, survivalist and world traveler Justin Alexander goes missing in the Parvati Valley while on a spiritual trek into the Himalayan Mountains. While the circumstances of his disappearance point to murder, a chilling message he left behind throws everything into question: “I should return mid-September or so. If I’m not back by then, don’t look for me.” Four years later, host and true crime newcomer Liam Luxon is introduced to Justin's story and embarks on an investigation into the mysterious case. "Status-Untraced" is a 10-episode journey that explores the secrets the Valley holds, the stones left unturned, and what really happened to Justin Alexander.


ABC News

Unforgettable true crime mysteries, exclusive newsmaker interviews, hard-hitting investigative reports and in-depth coverage of high profile stories. Now listen twice weekly, with The 20/20 True Crime Vault each Wednesday.

Deep Cover: The Nameless Man

Pushkin Industries

Deep Cover is a show about people who lead double lives. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jake Halpern reveals webs of deception and dark underworlds, through interviews with federal agents and convicted criminals.  Season four, The Nameless Man, tells the epic tale of two federal agents who investigate a rumor about a murder that supposedly took place 15 years prior.  It is also the story of a family searching for answers about why their brother was killed. These two storylines collide in a courtroom in Philadelphia, where murder, memory, and morality go on trial.      Season three, Never Seen Again, tells the story of two women living on opposite sides of the country, who went missing in the summer of 1999.  Seven years later, their stories collided when a small town detective got a tip and became convinced that if he could solve one mystery, he'd solve the other.  Season two, Mob Land, is about a high-rolling lawyer who joins forces with the feds to try to bring down one of the most powerful criminal syndicates in the country.  Season one, The Drug Wars, tells the story of an FBI agent who goes undercover with a biker gang, and follows a trail of clues that eventually leads to the US invasion of a foreign country. Deep Cover drops on Mondays. To hear all of season four early and ad-free, subscribe to Pushkin+ in Apple Podcasts or at pushkin.fm/plus. iHeartMedia is the exclusive podcast partner of Pushkin Industries.

Killer Queens: A True Crime Podcast

Killer Queens: A Light True Crime Podcast

We could tell you about our show, but in the words of LeVar Burton, "don't take our word for it!" Here is an actual listener's description of the show: "Think Cher Horowitz meets Dolly Parton... create a love child. Then THAT person meets Bill Kurtis.... and two random girls are the product of that.... that's Tyrella and Tori (sisters and hosts). Smart, weird, pretty, blonde, hilarious, southern, and just really okay with being themselves.... even when it is weird. It made me realize [they] became their role models without even meaning to." Give it a try if you like ANY of those people and/or a lighter take on your True Crime!

Dark Asia with Megan

Megan Lee

Hi, true crime fans! You are here for true crime cases and unsolved mysteries of Asia. Binge watch or listen to all the infamous true crime incidents that took place across Asia.

Buried Bones - a historical true crime podcast with Kate Winkler Dawson and Paul Holes

Exactly Right Media – the original true crime comedy network

On Buried Bones, journalist Kate Winkler Dawson and retired investigator Paul Holes dissect some of history’s most compelling true crime cases from centuries ago. Together, they explore these very old cases through a 21st century lens. With their years of expertise and knowledge of modern forensics, they reflect on how far science has come and bring new insight to old mysteries.  Together, Kate and Paul have examined many cases including the 1932 Lindbergh baby kidnapping, the first time fingerprinting was used as evidence in a courtroom and a possible serial killer in 1960s Nashville. They ask, was the right person convicted or was someone wrongfully accused? See pictures, diagrams and evidence from each case on Instagram @buriedbonespod. Buried Bones is part of the Exactly Right podcast network that provides a platform for bold, creative voices to bring to life provocative, entertaining and relatable stories for audiences everywhere. The Exactly Right roster of podcasts covers a variety of topics including true crime, comedic interviews, news, science, pop culture and more. The network is home to My Favorite Murder hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, This Podcast Will Kill You, That's Messed Up: An SVU Podcast, Tenfold More Wicked and more.



リニューアル後より毎週日曜日20:00より配信しております。 怪異を語り怖いを楽しむオカルトエンターテイメントラジオ 実体験怪談師えふのリアルホラーストーリーズ 恐怖体験、不思議体験、人怖体験をゲスト様と一緒にお届けいたします。 DM又はメールにてお便りを募集しております。感想や皆様の恐怖体験、不思議体験、人怖体験などドシドシお送りください。 SNSやメールはこちらのリンクより https://potofu.me/re-ho-st-f /怪談/怖い話/ホラー/オカルト/恐怖体験/心霊/幽霊/オバケ/不思議体験/人怖体験/

They Walk Among Us - UK True Crime

They Walk Among Us

They Walk Among Us is an award-winning weekly UK true crime podcast covering a broad range of cases from the sinister to the surreal. Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/theywalkamongus. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


tokyo sinewave

日本の昔話から怪異に関わる話や怖い話、不思議な話を現代語で朗読するチャンネルです。 現代語への翻訳は意訳を含んでおり正確ではない点をご了承ください。更新は毎週金曜日です。

The Retrievals

Serial Productions & The New York Times

Dozens of women seeking to become mothers came to a fertility clinic at Yale. A (five-part) narrative series about the shocking events that unfolded there. From Serial Productions and The New York Times.


Zodiac Media

「影の謎」は、犯罪と世界中で有名な事件に特化したポッドキャストチャンネルです。このチャンネルでは、過去から現在までの様々な犯罪について詳しく探求しています。リスナーは、刺激的な話題と深い洞察に満ちたエピソードを通じて、犯罪の本質とその影響を理解することができます。 「影の謎」では、世界中の様々な犯罪事件についての興味深い事実や背景を提供しています。有名なシリアルキラーや未解決事件、あらゆる種類の犯罪に焦点を当てています。 このポッドキャストチャンネルは、犯罪に関心がある人々や真実を求める人々にとって、情報と洞察に満ちた貴重なリソースです。「影の謎」は、聴衆に対して犯罪の謎や真相に迫る機会を提供し、社会の安全性と正義の重要性について考えるきっかけを与えます。 興味がある方は、ぜひ「影の謎」を聴いてみてください。真実の追求の旅に出発し、犯罪の闇に一緒に足を踏み入れましょう。

True Crime Garage


Hosts Nic and the Captain invite you to grab a chair, grab a beer and join them as they talk some true crime. This is no ordinary garage: it’s a rabbit hole of true crime, with a generous supply of alcohol and banter to lighten the load. From international atrocities to heinous stories on (US) home turf, dive head-first into a different case each week, and enjoy a cold one whilst your there.  If you consider yourself an armchair detective, you’re in the right place, and you’re amongst friends. For the mystery-seeker, True Crime Garage presents an archive of missing persons, unsolved and cold cases, plus accounts of infamous serial killers and chilling solved cases.  True Crime Garage has just one rule: don’t litter. Remember to not take yourself too seriously because if you do, nobody else will.  Missing persons (including): Maura Murray  Brandon Lawson  Asha Degree Wiliam Tyrell Emma Fillipoff Brian Shaffer Jaliek Rainwalker  Madeleine McCann Jennifer Kesse Unsolved cases (including): Mitrice Richardson  Kendrick Johnson JonBenet Ramsey The Delphi murders OJ Simpson The Tylenol Murders  Elisa Lam The Photo: Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon  The West Memphis 3  Amy Mihaljevic Serial killers (including): The Long Island Serial Killer (LISK) Zodiac  Ted Bundy The Backpacker: Ivan Milat  BTK: Dennis Rader John Wayne Gacy  Jeffrey Dahmer  Edmund Kemper Ed Gein Solved cases (including): Chris Watts The Unabomber  John Lennon  Scott Peterson Son of Sam Columbine Room 309: Sidney Teerhuis-Moar Kenneka Jenkins Rae Carruth

Missing & Murdered: Finding Cleo


Where is Cleo? Taken by child welfare workers in the 1970’s and adopted in the U.S., the young Cree girl’s family believes she was raped and murdered while hitchhiking back home to Saskatchewan. CBC news investigative reporter Connie Walker joins the search to find out what really happened to Cleo. For the best in true crime from CBC, ad-free, visit apple.co/cbctruecrime.

Fábrica de Crimes

Mari & Rob

Podcast que te conta alguns dos crimes mais intrigantes do Brasil e do mundo. Novos episódios todo os dias 1º e 15 de cada mês!

In The Dark

The New Yorker

In the Dark, hosted by Madeleine Baran, is an award-winning investigative-journalism podcast that started in 2016. Its first season looked at the mysterious abduction of Jacob Wetterling in rural Minnesota and the lack of accountability that sheriffs face when they fail to solve cases. Season 2 examined the case of Curtis Flowers, who was tried six times for the same crime. In 2020, In the Dark released a special report on the coronavirus pandemic in the Mississippi Delta. In 2023, In the Dark joined The New Yorker and Condé Nast. “The Runaway Princesses,” In the Dark’s first collaboration with a New Yorker staff writer, is a four-part series that asks why the women in Dubai’s royal family keep trying to run away. Season 3 of In the Dark is currently in production.In the Dark is a two-time Peabody Award winner and, in 2019, became the first podcast to win a George Polk Award, one of the top honors in investigative journalism. The program has also received an Edward R. Murrow Award and a Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award.

Ghost in the Machine


Small Town Dicks

Audio 99

Welcome to the home of Small Town Dicks, where we take you behind the scenes of small town crime cases with the real detectives who investigated them. Hosts Yeardley Smith, twin detectives Dan and Dave, and forensic expert Paul Holes ask the essential questions and offer their own insights so the stories always hit close to home. All seasons are available for streaming. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

CreepTime the Podcast

Sylas Dean and Stew

Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/creeptime/subscribe CreepTime the Podcast starring Sylas Dean and Stew. Partnerships: teamsylas@creeptime.com Disclaimer: This podcast contains content that may be upsetting to some listeners. Listener discretion is advised. The views and topics discussed on this podcast are for entertainment and advocacy purposes only and do not necessarily reflect the views of the hosts.



Crime. Investigation. Revelation. Uncover brings you explosive, high-caliber true crime year-round. From CIA mind control to serial abuse, mysterious disappearances to wrongful imprisonment. Each season features a new host who is deeply connected to the story, committed to tracking down the truth. With new episodes weekly, and over twenty seasons to choose from, Uncover represents the best in true crime. For early access to episodes, plus ad-free listening, visit apple.co/cbctruecrime.

The Lazarus Heist

BBC World Service

Hackers, North Korea and billions of dollars. Lazarus returns – in fact, the criminals never went away. Season 2 begins at an ATM, possibly near you. With Jean Lee and Geoff White. Investigators claim a secretive, elite North Korean hacking ring, nicknamed the Lazarus Group, is responsible for the theft of billions of dollars around the globe. Pyongyang denies having anything to do with cybercrimes, saying the United States is making these allegations to try to tarnish its image. Season 1 told the stories of the Lazarus Group's alleged hacks on Sony Pictures Entertainment and Bangladesh Bank and the WannaCry ransomware attack.

Tenfold More Wicked

Exactly Right Media – the original true crime comedy network

Tenfold More Wicked takes listeners on a gruesome trip through history with chilling campfire stories of true crime. It's a unique blend of narrative nonfiction storytelling and investigative journalism. Host Kate Winkler Dawson takes a deep dive into the lives of victims...and killers. And how they made history.  Now in its tenth season, "Entitled" is a historical true crime story that meets a political scandal in the colony of Virginia, ten years before the Revolutionary War. “Entitled” is about the deaths of three men in the 18th century, how they changed history and about protecting the wealthy and the powerful.   Also featured: Wicked Words: a weekly true crime chat show hosted by Kate Winkler Dawson  Host Kate Winkler Dawson interviews a journalist, writer or other professional about their best true crime cases. Explore the story behind some of history's most infamous cases. Past interviews include the filmmaker who investigated the Long Island serial killer, the forensic psychologist who spent years exploring the mind of BTK killer Dennis Rader, the author who makes a compelling case for the owl theory behind Kathleen Peterson’s death and the author who later realized their beloved childhood babysitter was a serial killer.  Tenfold More Wicked and Wicked Words are part of the Exactly Right podcast network that provides a platform for bold, creative voices to bring to life provocative, entertaining and relatable stories for audiences everywhere. The Exactly Right roster of podcasts covers a variety of topics including historic true crime, comedic interviews and news, science, pop culture and more. Podcasts on the network include Buried Bones with Kate Winkler Dawson and Paul Holes, That's Messed Up: An SVU Podcast, This Podcast Will Kill You, Bananas and more.

Casefile Presents: The Easey Street Murders

iHeartPodcasts & Casefile Presents

Weird Crimes

Ines Anioli, Visa Vie & Studio Bummens

True-Crime-Junkie Visa Vie erzählt von den absurdesten, bizarrsten und unglaublichsten Kriminalfällen. Comedienne Ines Anioli hört sich das an – und legt den Finger in die Wunde des Wahnsinns. Ein neues Podcast-Genre ist geboren: WEIRD CRIMES. Neue Folgen erscheinen jeden zweiten Donnerstag, überall, wo es Podcasts gibt.

Last Podcast On The Left

The Last Podcast Network

The Last Podcast on the Left covers all the horrors our world has to offer, both imagined and real. From demons and slashers to cults and serial killers, The Last Podcast is guaranteed to satisfy your bloodlust.

Trafficked with Mariana van Zeller

National Geographic

The companion podcast to National Geographic’s Trafficked with Mariana van Zeller. In season two, investigative journalist Mariana van Zeller goes deep with masterminds behind black markets and underground economies, including illegal plastic surgery, meth labs fueling America’s addiction crisis, and a global marijuana smuggling empire built by high school surfers. Each episode pulls back the curtain on the player at the center: how they became involved, what it felt like to live in the shadows—and how it all crumbled in the end. Join Mariana in the underground, and don’t miss the TV show Trafficked with Mariana van Zeller on National Geographic and Hulu.

Homegrown: OKC

USG Audio

Dive into a case of domestic terrorism from the past that’s really a warning about the future.  Back in 1995, there was a disaster that should have prepared us for January 6th and the political violence that we’re seeing today: the Oklahoma City Bombing.  Journalist Jeffrey Toobin reveals the story behind Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and right-wing extremism in America - how a decorated army veteran became consumed with rage, how he somehow went underground and built a bomb that damaged fifty blocks in a modern city, and how everything that led to the horror of April 19th, 1995 is still very present in America.  Homegrown: OKC is a USG Audio podcast produced by Western Sound and Esmail Corp. Based on the book “Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Rightwing Extremism” by Jeffrey Toobin.

A Date With Dateline

Kimberly and Katie - ADWDL

Kimberly and Katie are professional true crime TV experts with no formal training but evidence lockers filled with snark and uninformed opinions. Katie watches Dateline in hopes to learn how to prevent her new husband from murdering her for the life insurance money, and Kimberly watches so she’ll know what to say when Keith Morrison interviews her about her best friend Katie’s murder.



微信公众号::春典JARGON 关注后可以投稿、进群聊天,收听大尺度节目《春风大典》和免费的下架节目。 看直播回放: B站:春典JARGON 了解主播日常,关注: 微博:春典JARGON



|聲音直擊真實犯罪現場 |只聊真正經歷過的案件 我是突發記者陳豐德,我在案發現場 🎉Discord群組開張啦!快來加入一起聊天👉🏻https://discord.gg/GZts55RPuF 📢 好康訂閱方案 https://bit.ly/3pYILCc 🤝 邀約合作 podcast@ettoday.net ⭐ Apple求5顆星 https://apple.co/3uAwUtz 📣 抖內鼓勵豐德 https://bit.ly/2SK5P9G 🙋‍♂️ 來ig找我 https://bit.ly/2GCrgE6 🙋‍♂️ FB也有 https://bit.ly/3ePgNCj 📹 YT影音版 https://bit.ly/3pHj2Nn -- Hosting provided by SoundOn





Zodiac Media

「罪と罰」は、犯罪と世界中で有名な事件に特化したポッドキャストチャンネルです。この番組では、歴史上の犯罪や未解決事件、シリアルキラーなど、驚くべき犯罪に関する情報を提供します。 「罪と罰」は、世界中の犯罪の背後にある心理や動機を探求することも目指しています。豊富な情報と専門知識により、事件の舞台裏に潜む謎や犯罪者の心理を明らかにします。また、警察や捜査機関がどのように犯罪者を追い詰め、正義を実現するのかについても深く掘り下げます。 このポッドキャストでは、各エピソードで異なる事件に焦点を当てます。また、未解決事件や新たに発覚した事実についても積極的に報道し、リスナーに最新の情報を提供します。 「罪と罰」は、犯罪に興味を持つ方や真実を追求する情熱を持つ方々にとっての必聴ポッドキャストです。ぜひ、この番組を通じて、世界中の犯罪の闇に一緒に踏み込んでみませんか?

メディアは死んでいた -検証 北朝鮮拉致報道-


あなたは「拉致」をいつ知りましたか? 北朝鮮による日本人拉致を最初に報じたのは産経新聞でした。 40年以上前、若き一人の記者が凶悪かつ理不尽な国家犯罪を暴いたのです。 拉致報道の第一人者による著書「メディアは死んでいた」(阿部雅美著、産経新聞出版)を音声ドキュメント版でお届けします。 番組のフォローと高評価をお願いします! Apple Podcastでは皆様のレビューも募集しています。 ■産経Podcast オススメのドキュメンタリー番組 ・『宮本雅史が語る 特攻隊と女性たちの戦後』:元特攻隊員や遺族、残された妻への取材を20年以上続けている宮本編集委員が、自らの口で語ります。 ・『産経Podcast「猛虎伝」~阪神タイガースの奇跡を振り返る』:阪神が21年ぶりにリーグ優勝した昭和60年。トラ番記者だった田所龍一の目線で、音声ドキュメントとしてよみがえります。 ・『話の肖像画』:デヴィ夫人/女優の河合美智子さん(オーロラ輝子)/検察に立ち向かった元厚生労働事務次官・村木厚子さんの半生をたどります。 ■番組SNSでは最新情報をお届け ・Twitter  ・Facebook ■産経Podcast 公式ウェブサイト ・https://sankeipodcast.com/ ■産経iD 公式ウェブサイト ・https://id.sankei.jp/ ※会員登録(無料)することで、会員限定のPodcastコンテンツを聴くことができます。 ■産経Podcastとは 新聞紙面では伝えきれない情報を、産経新聞社の精鋭記者陣が厳選。 インタビュー、ドキュメンタリー、歴史、エンタメなど、15タイトル以上のオリジナル音声コンテンツをお楽しみください。  ■LISTENで聴くには https://listen.style/p/podcast-10?L8ioupL0

The Bakersfield Three

Casefile Presents

When two friends go missing back-to-back, and in between their disappearances, a third friend is murdered, their mothers begin their own investigation. As the connections between the three cases are explored, the mothers navigate devastating twists and turns, including one revelation that shakes the community to its core. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


Morbid Network | Wondery

It’s a lighthearted nightmare in here, weirdos! Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. Join us for a heavy dose of research with a dash of comedy thrown in for flavor.
