

地球科学を愛する大学院生のミルキー、さばしろが地球とか宇宙についてトークする番組です。 おたよりをお待ちしております! URL: https://forms.gle/E6ySHFpFwwXiyFQA8 Gmail: rageonight@gmail.com 『〇〇オタクの会』 様々なジャンルの地学オタクたちが集い、オタクトークを繰り広げるコーナー 『ジオニュース速報』 ホットな地球惑星科学関連のニュースを紹介! 『一人さびしく語らせてください』 我々がこれまで心に秘めていた、語りたかったけれども語る機会が無かった、そんな話を勝手に語っていきます。 『私は一体どこにいるのー』 あなたは突然、地球上のどこかに飛ばされてしまいました。地形・植生・景観といった手掛かりを基に、自分がどこにいるか推理しよう!



地学を研究し、発信する大学生の私ちーがくんが、リスナーの皆様から募集した地学に関する疑問に対し、地学の魅力を深堀りしてお届けしていきます! =出演者情報= ■ちーがくん (地学コンテンツクリエイター/気象予報士) 地学を研究し、発信する大学院生。高校地学で実感した「地学教育の空洞化」を食い止めるために高校3年生で理転し地学専攻へ。大学1年時から発信を開始。月5.5万PVを超えるブログ「ちーがくんと地学の未来を考える」を運営。X(旧Twitter)では地学ニュースの発信に加え、地学図解を投稿。フォロワーは1.4万人を超える。発信の傍ら、大学4年時には気象予報士試験に合格。現在は大学で気象災害の予測精度向上に関する研究を行っている。 Web:https://spreading-earth-science.com/ X(旧Twitter):@spEarthScience ▼地学の疑問やおたよりはこちらから大募集しています!▼ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScszM0YpwFatwrnqXfPZKtOURhF-KiVRhBdSOWNlwPsp6gCpw/viewform


農業 タノしきラジオ




ナオト博士が地球科学や最近のテクノロジーについて話すPodcastです Youtubeでもエピソード公開中 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDZIILaxaWp54ljz4kYqAhA

Climate Sense

The Brookings Institution

From hurricanes and floods, to wildfires and extreme temperatures, climate change is happening all around us. In this podcast series, energy and climate expert Samantha Gross, director of the Energy Security and Climate Initiative at the Brookings Institution, sheds light on the essentials of climate change and how to deal with it. She talks to other experts in various climate-related areas to help you understand the issue. How serious is climate change and what causes it? How does our energy system work and why do we use fossil fuels anyway? What are potential solutions and are they ready for prime time? Why is it taking so long for the world to act?

The Market Gardener Podcast

JM Fortier

Welcome to The Market Gardener Podcast! Join hosts JM Fortier and Chris Moran as they engage with influential members of the global small-scale farming and organic regenerative agriculture community. Our podcast is your gateway to insightful conversations about farming, food, small businesses, and thought leadership in the world of sustainable agriculture. We're here to shine a positive light on the practices and principles that drive small-scale farming, agroecology, and community building. Tune in for high-level discussions that inspire and empower a new era of positive farming.

Regenerative Agriculture Podcast

John Kempf

This is a show for professional growers and agronomists who want to learn about the science and principles of regenerative agriculture systems to increase quality, yield, and profitability.

The Hydrogen Podcast

Paul Rodden

Welcome to The Hydrogen Podcast! This show is for energy investors and analysts who want to learn about how hydrogen is driving the evolution of energy. We will drill down into the hydrogen market and discuss where capital is being deployed and where financial opportunities are developing. Learn from Paul Rodden, the hydrogen consulting expert that is on the speed dial of billionaire oil magnates and is dialed in to the advances and financial opportunities that hydrogen presents in the energy market. Inside each episode, Paul interviews thought leaders who are invested in the future of energy and driving the hydrogen market to new heights. He also shares his insights on the current opportunities and developments with complete transparency. From overall strategy, to future casting, to lessons learned, Paul will be your guide as you explore the concept of hydrogen as a fuel source, the advancements in the industry (present and future), and the economic opportunities that are available for potential investors.



「私たちの生活、未来のために。あしたからすぐ行動できる身近なアクションのきっかけ作り」をテーマに、青山の「ITOCHU SDGsSTUDIO」からお届けするプログラム 。 新エピソードは、毎月3エピソードの配信になります。 ▼番組HPはこちら https://www.j-wave.co.jp/special/dearfuture/


Kenji Miyajima


NOAA Ocean Podcast

National Ocean Service

From corals to coastal science, connect with NOAA experts in our podcast series that explores questions about the ocean environment.

Quirks and Quarks


CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks covers the quirks of the expanding universe to the quarks within a single atom... and everything in between.

Rare Earth

BBC Radio 4

New science documentary series for BBC Radio 4

The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens

Nate Hagens

The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens explores money, energy, economy, and the environment with world experts and leaders to understand how everything fits together, and where we go from here.






「地球真好玩」是一档由日谈公园品牌播客厂牌——日有万机和吉尼斯世界纪录共同出品的播客节目。 来自「黑猫侦探社」主播咪仔、「日知录」主播柯紫、「人间布洛芬」主播小T,集结成最勇敢、奇怪的“地球小队”,带你一起探索地球上最奇趣的事与最传奇的人。 我们对一切事物保持好奇,热衷于在单调日常中挖掘独特体验,在多元视角中感受奇妙共鸣。欢迎大家在每周四加入我们的地球探索之旅!



「土や人が築く未来」TSUCHIYAのメッセージをコンセプトにお届けする「J-WAVE SPECIAL TSUCHIYA EARTHOLOGY」のPodcast版。過去に放送された内容を配信中です。

Climate One

Climate One from The Commonwealth Club

We’re living through a climate emergency; addressing this crisis begins by talking about it. Co-Hosts Greg Dalton and Ariana Brocious bring you empowering conversations that connect all aspects of the challenge — the scary and the exciting, the individual and the systemic. Join us. Subscribe to Climate One on Patreon for access to ad-free episodes and the Climate One Discord server.

Fuming | The Environmental Impact of Art

Taylor Moss

Welcome to Fuming! In this podcast we’re going to focus on green art, and not just the color. Each week we’re going to assess the environmental impact of different components of art and how we can be more conscious creators, consumers, and chemists.We'll analyze the chemical compounds and both their short-term and long-term effects, hopefully finding more sustainable alternatives in the process.

AccuWeather Daily


AccuWeather Daily brings you the top trending weather story of the day – every day.

Bionic Planet: Reversing Climate Change by Restoring Nature

Steve Zwick

We've entered a new epoch: the Anthropocene, and nothing is as it was. Not the trees, not the seas – not the forests, farms, or fields – and not the global economy that depends on all of these. What does this mean for your investments, your family's future, and the future of man? Each week, we dive into these issues to help you Navigate the New Reality.

The Sustainability Agenda

Fergal Byrne

The Sustainability Agenda is a weekly podcast exploring today’s biggest sustainability questions. Leading sustainability thinkers offer their views on the biggest sustainability challenges, share the latest thinking, identify what’s working --and what needs to change -- and think about the future of sustainability.

The Uptime Wind Energy Podcast

Allen Hall, Rosemary Barnes, Joel Saxum & Phil Totaro

Uptime is a renewable energy podcast focused on wind energy and energy storage technologies. Experts Allen Hall, Rosemary Barnes, Joel Saxum, and Phil Totaro break down the latest research, tech, and policy.


農業 タノしきラジオ


Principio de Incertidumbre

Canal Extremadura

Te acercamos los avances más destacados de la ciencia, una disciplina necesaria para el desarrollo y bienestar de nuestra sociedad. Con Jorge Solís.

What About Water? with Jay Famiglietti

Jay Famiglietti

"What About Water? with Jay Famiglietti" connects water science with the stories that bring about solutions, adaptation, and action for the world's water realities. Presented by Arizona State University and the University of Saskatchewan, and hosted by ASU Professor and USask Professor Emeritus Jay Famiglietti.

The MapScaping Podcast - GIS, Geospatial, Remote Sensing, earth observation and digital geography


A podcast for the mapping community. Interviews with the people that are shaping the future of GIS, geospatial and the mapping world. This is a podcast for the GIS and geospatial community https://mapscaping.com/

Sustainability, Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Politics, Activism, Biodiversity, Carbon Footprint, Wildlife, Regenerative

Environmental Solutions · One Planet Podcast · Creative Process Original Series

Minds Behind Maps

Maxime Lenormand

Maps Are Everywhere. These are conversations with those building them.





地球にやさしいエネルギー、環境問題や共存する地域作り等について、関西エリアを中心に活動する有識者やキーパーソンをゲストにお招きし、お話を伺います。 未来の地球のために、いま私たちが知っておきたいこと、いますぐにできること、そして、いまやらなくてはいけないこと。 一緒に考えていきましょう。

PFAS Pulse Podcast

HRP Associates Inc.

A companion piece to HRP’s PFAS Pulse newsletter, this podcast will keep you informed on the latest content from The PFAS Pulse, HRP’s free subscription service for PFAS data, regulation, legislation, and much more. We’ll be breaking down the complex topics you’ll see on the pulse into bite sized podcast episodes, as well as sitting down in conversation with experts in the field to talk about what’s new. PFAS Pulse subscribers, make sure to subscribe to this companion podcast as well to stay on top of the latest!

The Rice Stuff

USA Rice

During each episode, your hosts Michael and Lesley will explore the world of U.S.-grown rice through the eyes of the people who know it best – farmers, millers, researchers, marketers, exporters and end-users. Whether it’s amazing achievements in sustainability and conservation, exciting promotional strategies, or innovative technology, we’ll get deep into the weeds to tell the story of U.S. rice. Whether you’re a seasoned ag industry professional or just looking to learn more about the rice in your pantry, The Rice Stuff has something for everyone.

Deep Seed - Regenerative Agriculture

Raphael Esterhazy

Welcome to the Deep Seed Podcast, your ultimate source for all things regenerative agriculture, soil health, and ecosystem restoration! Join your host, Raphaël, on an exciting journey into the heart of sustainable farming and environmental resilience. The podcast is packed with inspiring conversations with regenerative farmers, cutting-edge innovators, and leading experts who are pioneering the movement towards a more regenerative food system. Whether you’re a passionate advocate for sustainability, a professional in agriculture or environmental science, or just curious about the future of our food systems, the Deep Seed Podcast is your gateway to the vibrant world of regenerative agriculture. Key topics discussed include: Agroecology and its role in creating sustainable food systems The power of agroforestry in boosting biodiversity and productivity How carbon farming can fight climate change while benefiting farmers The benefits of no-till farming for soil health and erosion prevention Holistic grazing practices that restore ecosystems and enhance animal welfare Crop rotation and polyculture for nutrient-rich soils and resilient farms Exploring the potential of food forests and other nature-based solutions The critical link between soil microbiology and plant health Restoration agriculture and the future of land regeneration Climate solutions that leverage regenerative practices to sequester carbon Promoting biodiversity through sustainable farming approaches Insights into the importance of sustainable diets and their environmental impact Rewilding and its role in ecosystem restoration and preservation Produced in partnership with Soil Capital, a leader in supporting regenerative agriculture and rewarding farmers for improving soil health, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in sustainable farming and climate action. Get in touch with me LinkedIn - Raphael Esterhazy Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Folha de S.Paulo

Os seres humanos estão alterando o planeta em um ritmo que os outros seres vivos não estão conseguindo acompanhar. E cientistas acreditam que o grande número de espécies que estão desaparecendo em meio a essas mudanças  indicam que nós estamos provocando uma extinção em massa –a sexta na história da Terra. No Habitat, as jornalistas da Folha Jéssica Maes e Natália Silva viajam o Brasil para contar histórias de espécies ameaçadas, acompanhadas de quem está vendo elas desaparecerem. O podcast tem apoio do Instituto Serrapilheira. 

COP28 - 28th Conference of Parties UN COP 28 UAE

Quiet. Please

The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is taking place from November 30 to December 12, 2023, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is the first COP to be held in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The theme of COP28 is "Accelerating Climate Action for the Sustainable Future." The conference will focus on a number of key issues, including: Mitigation: Reducing greenhouse gas emissionsAdaptation: Helping countries and communities adapt to the impacts of climate changeFinance: Mobilizing climate finance to support developing countriesLoss and damage: Addressing the loss and damage caused by climate changeCollaboration: Promoting cooperation and collaboration among all stakeholdersCOP28 is an important opportunity for the world to come together and take urgent action to address climate change. The conference will provide a platform for countries to negotiate new commitments, share best practices, and mobilize resources to tackle this global challenge. Here are some of the key expectations for COP28: Ambitious new commitments: Countries are expected to announce new and more ambitious commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.Progress on adaptation: Countries are expected to make progress on adapting to the impacts of climate change, particularly in developing countries.Increased climate finance: There is a call for increased climate finance to support developing countries in their efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.Stronger collaboration: There is a need for stronger collaboration among all stakeholders, including governments, businesses, civil society, and indigenous peoples.COP28 is a critical moment in the fight against climate change. The world must come together and take bold action to avert the worst impacts of climate change.


Sustainababble: comedy, nature, climate change.

Sustainababble: a weekly comedy podcast about the environment. Visit us at www.sustainababble.fish, on Twitter @thebabblewagon, or search for 'Sustainababble' on Facebook. Contact at hello@sustainababble.fish.

Everything We Need


Australian communities are already grappling with the impacts of climate change — adapting to food and water insecurity, worsening bushfire and flood risk, intense summer weather and rising energy costs. Hear from people who are taking action at a local level to improve climate resilience, and rethinking what they need to thrive. Take inspiration and ideas for what you can do to make positive change, and help protect the things you love.


Sans Nom

Global climate change can be stopped, or can it?

The SustainUW Podcast

UW-Madison Office of Sustainability

The SustainUW Podcast is created and hosted by student interns from the UW-Madison Office of Sustainability. Each episode explores a different question related to sustainability as it impacts the UW-Madison campus and the broader community. Guests include professors, student activists, campus staff, and other experts who help hosts uncover the complicated story of sustainability. This podcast examines common narratives of environmentalism and questions the status quo, seeking to understand what’s up with sustainability and where we should go from here.

Seven: Disturbing Chronicle Stories of Scary, Paranormal & Horror Tales

Podcast Audio House

Subscribe now to enjoy new editions released every week. You’ll hear true accounts of the most disturbing kind! So that you know, listener discretion is advised.

PlanetGeo: The Geology Podcast

Chris and Jesse

A Geology and Earth Science Podcast. Join Chris, an award-winning geology teacher, and Jesse, a geoscience professor, in discussing the amazing features of our planet and their impact on your everyday life. No prior knowledge required. New episodes coming at you every week. Listen, subscribe, share with someone you know!

Geology On The Rocks

James Hobbs

James the Geologist and Bryan Baggins dive deeper into various geological topics with rock hammers in one hand and a whiskey on the rocks in the other. Grab a drink, take a seat, and enjoy the conversation with our hosts and esteemed guests. Stay cool, tune in, and keep it on the rocks! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/geology-on-the-rocks/support

GEO Podcast

Gary Lewis, GEOetc.com

A place to learn about geology for teachers, students, rock hounds, and geology enthusiasts - that comes out on Fridays!Gary Lewis is an Australian-born geologist who loves to share his passion for all things 'geology'. In the GEO podcast, Gary takes you on a journey to learn about rocks, minerals, earthquakes, volcanoes, glaciers and so much more. It does not matter if you have no experience in geology, Gary will help you to understand the fundamentals of our planet so you can have a greater understanding about when you see when visiting your backyard, your local creek, cliff or beyond. You can also join Gary as he runs Field Adventures (specialist travel experiences) to see parts of the world through the eyes of a passionate Earth scientist.  Find out more at www.geoetc.com.

Pinheads: The GeoGuessr Podcast

DouceRulz Media

If you were dropped in an secret location, somewhere in the world, would you be able to figure out where you are? Would you use what you already know about the landscape and surroundings, or would you freak out and pee yourself? We're gathering people from around the world and virutally dropping them in one place. Who will prove to be the best figuring out where they are and who will forever be lost in a map. Follow along as we find out who can Mission Impossible themselves back to whereever it is they call home and who ends up getting lost in their own neighborhood.

Geographical Thinking from Esri Canada

Esri Canada

Tune in for inspiring stories from thought leaders and GIS users across business, government and education in Canada. Get practical tips for applying geospatial thinking to tackle challenges -- from simple ones encountered in everyday life to the most complex issues our world faces today.




Age of Plastic

Andrea Fox

An environmental podcast with tips on how to live plastic free! Host Andrea Fox tackles big ethical issues with her knowledgeable guests, all in the hope of overcoming the climate change overwhelm and battling the single-use plastic guilt.

Last Drop Africa

Last Drop Africa

The Last Drop Africa Podcast is the first of the behavioural change communication solutions produced under the auspices of Green Journalism Africa (Ltd) to champion, sensitise, demonstrate and promote sustainable, scalable, and practical solutions through creative storytelling. Our mission is simple; counter man-made destruction of our environmental ecosystem. Our goal is to teach Africa’s future generations to value and protect their planet. © Green Journalism Africa (Ltd).

Eat For The Planet with Nil Zacharias

Eat For The Planet

Eat For The Planet features conversations with food industry leaders, health and sustainability experts, as well as entrepreneurs and creative minds who are redefining the future of food.


Minute Earth

From the creators of the popular science show with millions of YouTube subscribers comes the MinuteEarth podcast. Every episode of the show dives deep into a science question you might not even know you had - but once you hear the answer, you’ll want to share it with everyone you know. Our team of scientists digs into the research and breaks it down into a short, entertaining explanation jam-packed with science facts and terrible puns. We’ll tell the incredible story of how monkeys crossed the Atlantic ocean on natural rafts, and we’ll explain why it gets hotter the deeper you dig underground.

Carbon Market Conversations: A Podcast by ICAP

The International Carbon Action Partnership

This is Carbon Market Conversations: A Podcast by ICAP, giving insight into all things emissions trading and carbon pricing. Join our host Trevor Laroche-Theune as he meets with climate experts and practitioners in each episode to discuss their views on the latest emissions trading and carbon pricing developments and their impacts. Whether you are new to the conversation or a seasoned carbon pricing practitioner, ICAP's Carbon Market Conversations provides engaging discussions in an easily digestible format. Tune in to be part of the conversation driving positive change for our climate.



みんな同じ地球人。 みんなそれぞれに物語がある。 たまには宇宙の部屋で自由に無重力雑談。👽💜 日々のヒトコマを切り取って勝手に喋る宇宙部屋。 みんなのつぶやき。悩み。相談。気付き。 今日あった出来事や感想等随時大募集中。 SNS等から気軽DMお待ちしております。👽💜 【Instagram】 Cotje:https://www.instagram.com/chillcochannel_cotje/ Marie:https://www.instagram.com/mousouyogini/ 【Twitter】 Cotje:https://twitter.com/chillcochannel Marie:https://twitter.com/mousouyogini 【Cotje/こちゃのYouTube-Chillco Channel】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ4clBxMSrqw9Up3ZKy5wQg


Randall Carlson

All the Randall you can handle

Earth SciShow


New episodes every Tuesday and Saturday! Welcome to the definitive Earth Science podcast where we explore the intricate world around us and beyond through a science lens. Whether you're interested in earthquakes, rocks, climate, volcanoes or evolution.... We have it all!

Plant People

New York Botanical Garden

Plant People explores the ways our relationships with plants are tied to current environmental issues, and how art and culture reflect our connection to the ecosystems we rely on to thrive. Through lively stories and conversations with scientists, gardeners, artists, and experts, join the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) for deep dives into everything from food systems and horticulture to botanical breakthroughs in the lab and the field, and the many ways our daily lives are sustained by plants. Then stay for discussions on how we can return the favor, protecting what we have—and cultivating what we need—to ensure plants and people continue to support each other for future generations. Host Jennifer Bernstein, NYBG’s President & CEO, guides you through the role of humans in caring for our shared planet, whether you’re in your backyard garden, tending a window sill full of houseplants, or finding your love of nature in a concrete jungle. Let NYBG—rooted in NYC’s cultural fabric for over 130 years and a beloved respite in the heart of the Bronx, the city’s greenest borough—be your anchor for understanding how plants make a difference in your life, and our world, every single day—in ways both big and small. Listen and subscribe to Plant People every two weeks starting May 20, 2024.


Ckyler Rodriguez


Bigger Than Us

Nexus PMG

Nexus PMG welcomes you to the Bigger Than Us™ podcast, which we, as energy geeks lovingly refer to as the BTU. Bigger Than Us is a podcast that focuses on ideas that will shape the future of our planet and ultimately, our existence. We will occasionally lean into energy topics because after all, it’s the key to our collective survival, but we’ll also explore other areas that we believe will have an effect that is Bigger Than Us.

Green Tech Today (Audio)


Green Tech Today is the essential show for the eco-minded geek. Brought to you by the TWiT network and hosted by Becky Worley and Dr. Kiki, Green Tech Today covers the technology, news, gadgets, and innovation fueling the green movement! Green Tech Today is fun, informative, and full of ideas! Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy episodes from the TWiT Archives.

Sci & Tell

American Geophysical Union

Welcome to the American Geophysical Union's podcast about doing science & talking about it. These are interviews & first-person stories from scientists, for everyone.

Bedrock: Earth's Earliest History

Dylan Wilmeth

This podcast starts at the beginning of Earth's prehistory and works forward through time. Bedrock will explore the first 90% of Earth’s past, a time known as the Precambrian Era. Before humans, before dinosaurs… there was the Precambrian. The Earth was an incredibly alien world, but not a dead one. Along the way, you will build a mental toolkit to see the world like a geologist. You will never look at a mountain, the moon, or pond scum in quite the same way again. Welcome to Bedrock. For transcripts, visuals, and references, check out https://www.bedrockpodcast.com


Shangwei, MInghao


A Climate Change with Matt Matern

Matt Matern's Environmental Advocacy Podcast

A Climate Change with Matt Matern is a weekly show featuring influential guests from government, business, activism, academia, and culture. The show serves to inform its audience with a focus on environmental and climate issues. Join us as we commit to making "a climate change." Similar to these great podcasts: TED Climate, Reversing Climate Change, Climate One, My Climate Journey, Volts, America Adapts, & A Matter Of Degrees.

The Composter Podcast

Jayne Merner

Welcome to The Composter, a podcast for farmers and composters. I'm your host and fellow composter, Jayne Merner Senecal. Join me in practical conversation between industry professionals and farmers with a passion for producing high-quality compost. We are going to dig deep into the science, technology, and art of compost production so that we as composters can help enliven the world's soils.

Imagining Tomorrow

Emma Newman with Friends of the Earth

It’s hard to imagine a bright future in the face of the climate crisis. This new podcast, from Hugo Award winning podcaster and author Emma Newman,  will take you on a journey from despair to the most radiant, radical hope. Made in partnership with Friends of the Earth, Imagining Tomorrow shows how we can create a future that is good for people and for nature, based on innovations in technology and community action that are already having a positive impact. Join Emma as she pieces together the roadmap to utopia by interviewing amazing inventors, communities and award-winning science fiction authors. We can’t build a better future until we can imagine it, so let’s imagine it together.

Ground Cover

Regenerative Ag Alliance and Southern Cross University

Welcome to Ground Cover. A podcast created for farmers, by farmers. Ground Cover is a uniquely Australian podcast series exploring real life stories of land managers who have undertaken the transition from conventional farming to regenerative agriculture. In this series, we share unique and honest conversations about the challenges and opportunities of regenerative agriculture, so you can make informed decisions about how to best manage your land. Proudly brought to you by The Regenerative Agriculture Alliance and Southern Cross University.

Cities 1.5

University of Toronto Press

Cities 1.5 is a podcast featuring progressive policy conversations with urban leaders taking action to limit global heating to 1.5 degrees. Hosted by David Miller and developed by University of Toronto Press, this podcast serves as a platform to discuss the most pressing policy and underlying economic issues facing cities in their effort to lead on transformational climate action. The podcast is an extension of the Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy (https://jccpe.utpjournals.press), which publishes timely, evidence-based research that contributes to the urban climate agenda and supports governmental policy towards an equitable and resilient world. Join Editor-in-Chief and host David Miller as he speaks with mayors, city policymakers, economists, youth leaders, and scholars, among others, who are implementing and fighting for ambitious, near-term climate action.


Shangwei, MInghao


The Climate Press

The Climate Press

Bridging climate science with public understanding and action. Follow us on Twitter @TheClimatePress

Genome Insider


Stories where genes and genomes are key to solving energy and environmental challenges. Hear diverse voices in science talk about their JGI-supported research to better understand — and harness — the superpowers encoded in plants, fungi, microalgae, environmental viruses, and bacteria to contribute to a more sustainable world. 

GIS Chat Podcast

Jazzmen Wilson

Podcast Host Jazzmen J. Wilson interviews GIS (Geographic Information Systems) professionals who work in utility, conservation, mining, cartography, programming, design, project management, film, and so much more!  GIS is a system that creates, manages, analyzes and maps all types of data. GIS is used broadly across many types of fields as noted above and has an impact on our daily lives.   Jazzmen started conducting personal interviews with people within the GIS community to discover what they do in their roles. She decided that it would be great to share with others who are interested in gaining knowledge about GIS or those who are already in the world of GIS to learn different point of views on how others apply this application in their careers. This GIS Chat platform gives a chance to learn insight from the professionals who apply GIS in their careers but also a personal look on who these people are as individuals by keeping the conversation informal, informative, and honest. 

SCCS podcast

Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage

Climate change demands technological innovation from our brightest minds. Our podcast parks the technobabble and invites scientists from across Europe to share their ideas and hopes for tackling Planet Earth's greatest challenge. Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage is the UK’s largest CCS research group

The Nick Zentner Geology Podcast

Nick Zentner

Geologic stories from the Pacific Northwest.

Nature Connection Radio

Big Blend Radio Network

It’s all about Nature, Wildlife, Science, and the Environment on Big Blend Radio’s NATURE CONNECTION Podcast. Hosts are Nancy J. Reid and Lisa D. Smith, mother-daughter travel team on the Love Your Parks Tour and publishers of Big Blend Magazines, along with frequent guest co-host nature photographer Margot Carrera.

The Environmental Transformation Podcast

Sean Grady

The Environmental Transformation Podcast will bring you interviews with leaders in the Environmental Industry with the goal of providing Environmental, Sustainability and Safety Professionals, as well as and Business leaders with information about industry trends, regulatory changes, digital and software technologies, and service providers that are transforming the industry.

Rethink Talks

Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University

From pandemics to production supply chains: how do we make sense of the complex world we live in? Every month, we bring together the best thinkers and practitioners within resilience thinking and sustainability science, to discuss how we can achieve a sustainable planet that enables well-being for all. Rethink talks provides you with the latest science on global development. Subscribe to our podcast by searching for “Rethink Talks” on Spotify or any of the major podcast platforms. Read more: www.rethink.earth Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Geology Bites

Oliver Strimpel

What moves the continents, creates mountains, swallows up the sea floor, makes volcanoes erupt, triggers earthquakes, and imprints ancient climates into the rocks? Oliver Strimpel, a former astrophysicist and museum director asks leading researchers to divulge what they have discovered and how they did it. To learn more about the series, and see images that support the podcasts, go to geologybites.com. Instagram: @GeologyBites Twitter: @geology_bites Email: geologybitespodcast@gmail.com

Spatial Report from Esri Canada

Esri Canada

Spatial Report connects you with the latest and coolest trends in the world of ArcGIS, Esri’s geographic information system (GIS) technology. If you’re a geogeek, tune in! Join your hosts Maggie Samson and Mark Ho as they unpack what you need to know about ArcGIS today and how it can help you take your mapping and geographic analysis solutions to the next level.

Cutting Carbon

GE Vernova

Climate change is the dialogue of our future. With the “Cutting Carbon” podcast series, GE Vernova joins the conversation in a meaningful way. We provide the basics of decarbonization, the technologies behind and how we can implement them into how we generate electricity in the future. Join our co-hosts Dr. Jeffrey Goldmeer (GE’s fuels guy), Brian Gutknecht, and a roster of very special guests for a robust and lively discussion on Cutting Carbon. Questions or ideas? Email us at cutting.carbon@ge.com.

Green Tech Today (Video)


Green Tech Today is the essential show for the eco-minded geek. Brought to you by the TWiT network and hosted by Becky Worley and Dr. Kiki, Green Tech Today covers the technology, news, gadgets, and innovation fueling the green movement! Green Tech Today is fun, informative, and full of ideas! Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy episodes from the TWiT Archives.

Water We Doing?

David Evans

Discover how our most precious commodity impacts our lives in so many fascinating ways. That's right! We're talking about water, but not like you've ever heard it before. Join us as we explore social, environmental and economic issues around the globe as we ask the questions: what are we doing, and how can we do better? The "Water We Doing?" won the 2022 Canadian Podcasting Award for Outstanding Branded Series. The podcast is a production of the Aquatic Biosphere Project. The podcast is produced and hosted by David Evans (P. Biol), the Project's Director of Conservation. For more info check out www.AquaticBiosphere.ca

State of Seed

Foreign Policy

On State of Seed, you’ll find out how seeds feed and sustain the planet. Though more than half of what we eat comes from seeds, most of us know very little about them—and how the sector contributes to our world and the future of food security. In this four-part series, host Laura Rosbrow-Telem talks to the innovative players advancing this vital resource, including leaders of multinational companies and NGOs, UN and government officials, entrepreneurs, national seed associations, scientists, and of course, farmers. Plus, you’ll hear about the key concerns keeping them up at night. State of Seed is brought to you by the International Seed Federation, with production services from FP Studios.

Crazy Town

Post Carbon Institute: Sustainability, Climate, Collapse, and Dark Humor

With equal parts humor and in-depth analysis, Asher, Rob, and Jason safeguard their sanity while probing crazy-making topics like climate change, overshoot, runaway capitalism, and why we’re all deluding ourselves.

The Mineral Rights Podcast: Mineral Rights | Royalties | Oil and Gas | Matt Sands

Matt Sands

Welcome to The Mineral Rights Podcast! I'm here to help you to make the most out of your oil and gas mineral rights and royalty interests. From the latest mineral rights news to featured guests, get the knowledge and resources you need to manage your minerals and royalties.


Luigi Gaudio


Jen Gale

If you feel like you're drowning in plastic and need to use a small child to jump up and down on top of your black bin each fortnight to get the lid to shut, or you want to save the planet but you're exhausted at the very idea, then this is the podcast for you! Sustianable(ish) isn't about austerity, or deprivation, or needing to live off grid in a yurt (although if that's your bag you're also very welcome!) - it's about you, and me, and the power of our actions. The small tweaks we can make, the baby steps, and how they add up to change the world.

Geology Podcast Network


The Geology Podcast Network is a source for geology news, career highlights, and insights by experts in the field from around the world.

Challenging Climate

Jesse Reynolds and Pete Irvine

Asking tough questions about the science, technology, and politics of climate change, two climate researchers challenge leading experts on one of the defining issues of our age. Every two weeks, they explore how we can fight global warming by cutting greenhouse gas emissions, carbon removal, adaptation and solar geoengineering. Dr. Jesse Reynolds and Dr. Pete Irvine consider the roles of computer models and persuasive narratives, economics and public policy, and renewable energy and national security in the climate debate, and look beyond to issues such as biotechnology and international development. Support us at Patreon. Questions or comments? Email info@challengingclimate.org or tweet @ChalClimate See more information on Jesse Reynolds and Pete Irvine. Subscribe for email updates. music by Peter Danilchuk @clambgramb (IG/Twitter).

Zrównoważony Rozwój

Paweł Pudło

Zmiany klimatu to prawdopodobnie największe wyzwanie z jakim kiedykolwiek musiała się zmierzyć ludzka cywilizacja. By skutecznie na nie odpowiedzieć, nie możemy się jednak ograniczyć do prostych postulatów z rodzaju „just stop oil” czy „keep it in the ground”. Potrzebne są dużo głębsze zmiany obejmujące nie tylko energetykę, ale też gospodarkę, systemy opieki społecznej, przyjęty model globalizacji czy kształt współczesnego kapitalizmu. Co dokładnie musi się zmienić i jak do tego doprowadzić? O tym wszystkim usłyszysz w podcaście Zrównoważony Rozwój.

Sustainable Asia

Sustainable Asia

Stories about Asia and the environment...that you probably haven’t heard yet.  A new perspective on how different countries in Asia are tackling a changing planet. 

Backyard Geology


Like it or not, geology is everywhere. Whether it be deep on the ocean floor, high in the Andes, or in your backyard. As field geologists, we often pine for expeditions in remote places and foreign countries. But there is often amazing geology right in our backyards. Don’t let the Kentucky Bluegrass and your mother’s geraniums fool you. There is exciting geology even in your backyard. In this podcast we explore the amazing discoveries and geologic events that happened right in someone’s backyard.




100 Climate Conversations


As Australia’s most ambitious climate-focused cultural project, 100 Climate Conversations aims to inspire action by presenting an evidence-based and empowering vision of the future. The program showcases 100 visionary Australians, taking effective action to respond to the most critical issue of our time, climate change. Featuring Mike Cannon-Brookes, Victor Steffensen, Ronni Kahn, Clover Moore, Rebecca Huntley, Grace Vegesana, Ross Garnaut and Ketan Joshi in conversation with some of the nation’s most respected journalists. 100climateconversations.com

Food waste


Food waste

For the love of weather

Gemma Plumb & Aisling Creevey

Meet Gemma and Aisling. They have worked in the UK as meteorologists for over fifteen years. Gemma came up with the idea that maybe others might like to listen to the non stop conversations they still have all these years later about the weather. Over the years they have forecast for festivals, farming, road, rail, energy, media, aviation and even the humble ice cream demand forecast and so much more. They have gone through job changes, life changes and delved in and out of many hobbies and somehow the weather still weaves in and out of their lives. So this podcast is for anyone who would like to join our weather conversations and wherever the jet stream may take us! We hope you join us for our bi weekly chat and leave each episode loving the weather just that little bit more.

Geografia em Meia Hora

Educação em Meia Hora

Geografia em Meia Hora é um podcast educativo feito pelo professor Vitor Augusto. O objetivo é ser a porta de entrada para os amantes e os futuro-amantes da Geografia, Atualidades e Ciências da Terra em geral.

Deep Convection

Deep Convection

Deep Convection is a podcast featuring real conversations between climate scientists (or sometimes those working in areas adjacent to climate science). The goal is to capture what it is like to work in our field at this moment in history. We talk about our lives, how we came to do what we do, what the work means to us, and how that is changing, or isn’t – and sometimes about science. Our top priority is to capture good conversations, but if some learning happens that’s fine too.

Real Organic Podcast

Real Organic Project

Farmers interview scientists, activists, politicians, and authors engaged in protecting USDA organic food against an active corporate takeover. Real Organic Project released its add-on food label in stores and markets in 2021,  and is focused on introducing eaters across the United States to our movement and its allies. In this podcast series, you'll meet the best organic and regenerative farmers around, as well as journalists, climate experts, policy makers and chefs (Dr. Vandana Shiva, Paul Hawken, Leah Penniman, Bill Mckibben, Alice Waters, Dan Barber, and Eliot Coleman - to name a few!) who support our mission and have lent their voices and insights to explaining the importance of keeping corporate cheaters out of the real food movement. As bad players aim to redefine what food is for the sake of their own profits, we believe there is too much at stake for both human and planetary health today and into the future. Feed the soil, not the plant!! 
