

【毎週月曜0時配信】 「ゲームなんとか」はこへい・HARU・Danの3人がとにかくゲームの話をするポッドキャスト番組。うまくもなければ、くわしいわけでもない。でもゲームは好き。そんなパーソナリティがただひたすらにゲームの話をします。 番組HPは https://gamenantoka.com/ 番組宛のメッセージは番組HPのおたよりフォーム、または gamenantoka@gmail.com へメールをお送りください。 ◎ApplePodcasts「2018年に最もダウンロードされた新番組」に選出されました。 ◎JAPAN PODCAST AWARDS 2020「推薦作品」に選出されました。 ◎ApplePodcasts「2022年ベスト番組」内「カルチャー通になれる番組」に選出されました。 ◎TOKYO INDIE GAMES SUMMIT(2023年開催)にメディアパートナーとして参加しました。 ◎東京ゲームショウ2023にインフルエンサー・クリエイターとして登録いただき参加しました。 https://listen.style/p/gamenantoka?3O60qqzB

Bright Bit Brothers



Game Scoop!


IGN.com shoots a week’s worth of gaming news straight into your ear!


シュナイダー & オヤスミ

ゲームの最新ニュースを「ざっくり」と紹介するゲーム系ポッドキャスト! 気になったゲームは好き勝手トークします! 週刊ゲームななめよみは毎週配信中! #ゲーなな お便りや感想はこちらからどうぞ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSePdoWwvIF2AZabT7LZKH6lPe2IjJiJHg3gMe72g30zF5DtBg/viewform 文字起こしサイトListenでの https://listen.style/p/game7me?tnYuXhGT



「ゆるいゲーム雑談を肴に美味しいお酒でまったりと」をコンセプトにパーソナリティ3人が好き勝手に喋りあうという番組です。 ※そのような趣旨のため、内容に誤りや誇大表現が含まれることがありますがご理解下さい。 聴いてくださった方の感想やご意見などございましたら以下のお便りフォームまたはメールアドレスまで是非ともお願いします!Twitterで#へべげー での呟きもお待ちしております。 お便りフォーム(匿名でも結構です!お気軽に!) https://form.run/@heberekegame-1626691842 メールアドレス heberekegame@gmail.com Twitterアカウント まっつん(https://twitter.com/heberekegame) OMC(https://twitter.com/omochiXIII) パイセン(https://twitter.com/Hebereke_Paisen)

PS I Love You XOXO: PlayStation Podcast by Kinda Funny

Kinda Funny

The podcast for PlayStation fans. We’re giving PlayStation-focused insight on PlayStation news, we're reveling in nostalgia, and we're making predictions about the future. Hosted by Greg “GameOverGreggy” Miller and Blessing Adeoye Jr.

テレビゲームの中林 - ALFAポッドキャスト





ゲームが好きなパーソナリティ、アルマがゲームの話をするポッドキャストです。 不定期更新です。 自分がゲームをより楽しく遊ぶために話します。 番組の感想、ご意見、問い合わせ、皆さんのゲーム話などは以下からお願いします。 <メッセージ投稿フォーム> https://forms.gle/BkTRvEBxxFYYQzRB8 <メールアドレス> game.hanashi.sasetekure@gmail.com お気軽にメッセージを送っていただけるととてもうれしいです。 Xの公式アカウントは以下です。 https://twitter.com/g_hanasasete ハッシュタグは #ゲーバナ を使用しています。 「LISTEN」にも登録しています。 https://listen.style/p/game_bana?6DBkxXfT 自動文字起こしされているので、テキストで読めます。精度はわかりません。 =利用楽曲= 週刊ゲームななめよみ様 DOVA-SYNDROMEより Khaim様(https://www.khaimmusic.com/) yuhei komatsu様 Ryo Lion様 しゃろう様

The Insert Credit Show

insert credit

A relentlessly on topic smorgasbord of hard hitting video game questions as addressed by a panel of experts. Featuring Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, Brandon Sheffield, and a rotating group of special guests. Hosted by Alex Jaffe. Edited by Esper Quinn. Original music by Kurt Feldman.

Fallout Lorecast - The Fallout Video Game & TV Lore Podcast

Robots Radio

In the top 0.5% of podcasts globally and the most popular Fallout podcast, this series fills in all the details about the Fallout world beginning with the Great War in 2077 and progressing through major world events, factions, creatures, technology, and each vault. We'll explore what we know, and speculate about what might be. This show begins as a solo production, detailing specific topics, and grows into so much more. Get awesome rewards & support the show: patreon.com/falloutlorecast Watch live at youtube.com/c/robotsradio Advertise with us & business inquiries: robotsnetwork@gmail.com

Retro Game Play Report


【※ネタバレ注意!】 【ゲームを遊んだ感想を話しているのでエンディングなどのネタバレが含まれます!】 この番組は「Bright Bit Brothers」でのエンディングコーナー レトロゲームを遊んでその感想を話す「レトロゲームプレイレポート」を タイトル毎に1本に再編集したものです。 本編の「Bright Bit Brothers」では他にもたくさんのレトロゲームについて話しています。 「レトロゲームプレイレポート」を聴いて気に入って頂けたなら 本編の「Bright Bit Brothers」も聴いて頂けると嬉しいです。 それではBONUS STAGE START!! 「Bright Bit Brothers」(ブライトビットブラザーズ)は かつてゲーム少年だった1Pカワサキと2Pハセガワの2人が ゲームにまつわる様々な話題で故きを温ねて新しきを知る番組です。 番組内で使用しているBGMは【TECHNOTRAIN】(@technotrain)さんの楽曲です。 また、無料で使えるテキスト読み上げソフトウェア【VOICEVOX】(@voicevox_pj)も使用しております。



このラジオは、日々のゲーム体験から「楽しみ」を見つけ出していく番組です。 あなたのゲームライフがより豊かになるヒントをお届けします。 【ご感想フォーム】 https://forms.gle/G1kbn9PMfoSg7Ye49 YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@kumu_game (基本毎日配信) Links https://lnkfi.re/kumu_game

Podcast Beyond - IGN's PlayStation Show

IGN Staff

Beyond is IGN’s flagship PlayStation show, the place where we break down all the latest Sony news and announcements, share our impressions on what we’re playing - new and old - but most importantly, celebrate the fun and camaraderie of gaming.

IGN UK Podcast

IGN Staff

Hear the magic that happens when all members of the IGN UK team run head first at each other to chat about video games, movies, TV shows and weird things they've put in their mouths.

What's Good Games: A Video Game Podcast

What's Good Games

Join Andrea Rene, Brittney Brombacher and Riana Manuel-Peña as they analyze the week's video game news, give hands-on impressions of upcoming titles, discuss your questions, and have a little bit of "off-topic" conversation. With over 30 years of video game industry experience, the conversation is sure to be insightful and passionate, but never takes itself too seriously.



DL同人ゲームクリエイター達が集うci-en(DLsite傘下のパトロンサイトかつブログ)で見掛けた面白い話題について喋ることが多いと思う。 111ちゃんツィッター: https://twitter.com/becomegame AIで文字起こししてくれるLISTEN: https://listen.style/p/douzin-game?YPGSTstx

WULFF DEN Podcast - Weekly Gaming Recap


Video Games news and opinions from WULFF DEN's own Bob Wulff. Joined by his brother Will (and sometimes guests!) this is the hard hitting, often accidentally uninformed podcast you're looking for. New episodes every Wednesday.

Real Time Strategy


Real Time Strategy is a biweekly podcast examining the gaming industry through the lens of public relations. We touch on everything from pitches to PlayStations, sharing our tricks of the trade and identifying PR in your everyday gaming. Real Time Strategy is produced by TriplePoint, the leading PR and influencer marketing agency in video games.



主にビデオゲームのゲームデザインについて、ゲストと語るポッドキャストです。 ハッシュタグ #ゲームデザインの話









Podcast from DAVID JAFFE GAMES from Game Designer David Jaffe.

La Cartouche


Le magazine audio du jeu vidéo d'aujourd'hui. Deux voix pour interroger l'actualité, tester de nouveaux jeux, et explorer cette culture.

The Block Party (A Minecraft Podcast)

The Block Party

FAMILY FRIENDLY The Block Party, hosted by Bearded Sloth & Little c, is a weekly podcast on all things Minecraft. HolyBookworm has joined the network with The Noob Corner a show for beginners. We cover Minecraft topics, listener comments, current change-logs, and even take listener questions! Email: contact@theblockpartymc.com https://theblockpartymc.com Get exclusive access to our off-topic After Hours Show and ALL of our previous podcast episodes by subscribing: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-official-block-party/subscribe


にしらぎ / ふみ

《毎週日曜0時配信》 ぼくらは子どもの頃から『ゲームバカ』だった。 大人になったからなんだ。良いじゃないか、ゲームの話ばかりしてたって。 ビデオゲームについて語りたい、『ゲームバカ』の二人が贈るポッドキャスト番組。 《番組へのおたより》 ゲームに関すること、出演者への質問や番組の感想まで幅広く募集しております! ・おたよりフォームは ( https://forms.gle/2dr3HTpLrLX5wgpLA ) ・メールアドレスは (supergamebaka@gmail.com) まで 《SNS》 番組ハッシュタグは #スーパーゲームバカ 感想を投稿してくださるととても喜びます。 フォローもお忘れなく! https://twitter.com/SUPER_GAME_BAKA

Nintendo Voice Chat


IGN editors discuss all things Nintendo. Now you're playing with power!



初心者の「ことり」が先輩の「DAIGO」とファイナルファンタジー14の事をリンクシエル(電話)で雑談する番組。 お便りはこちらから kotori14141414@gmail.com Twitter https://twitter.com/kotori14141414 質問、感想、やって欲しい企画などお気軽にお寄せくださーーーい‪⸜‪‪‪‪🐣⸝‬‪‪ FF14 FF14PODCAST #FF14 FFXIV ファイルファンタジー14 Finalfantasy14

Friends Per Second

Friends Per Second

Four nerds. Four microphones. Zero clue what we're talking about.

Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast

Last Stand Media & Studio71

Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast is the internet's premiere weekly PlayStation show dedicated to coverage of PS5, PS4, PSVR2, and Sony's deep gaming legacy stretching back to the mid-'90s. Join 20+ year gaming industry veteran and PlayStation brand expert Colin Moriarty -- along with his co-hosts comedian Chris Ray Gun and producer Dustin Furman -- as they go through the news of the week, highlight the best recent games, and interact with their incredibly loyal audience, all without taking anything too seriously. New episodes post each and every Monday. To get early access to each episode, join thousands and thousands of your fellow listeners by supporting the show on Patreon at patreon.com/laststandmedia We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4  For advertising opportunities please email PodcastPartnerships@Studio71us.com    Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy



Hi! Ich bin Craft und rede gern über die Lore von World of Warcraft. Früher im Loretalk, auf Youtube und Twitch - Nun auch hier im LoreLoad Podcast. Angefangen hat meine Begeisterung damals mit simplen Fragen: Mit wem queste ich hier eigentlich und warum? Mittlerweile habe ich alle Bücher, Comics und vermutlich auch Questtexte gelesen, theoretisiere über die Welt und analysiere Sequenzen. Auch hier quatsche ich über die Warcraft Geschichte, ordne Ereignisse ein und versuche, Ausblicke in die Zukunft zu geben.

Nothin' But A FUT Thing (NBAFT)


Your home for FC Ultimate Team news, discussions and hot takes. New episodes every Wednesday and Saturday! Whenever this game gets you down just remember: it ain't nothin' but a FUT thing baby.

Fireteam Chat: IGN's Destiny Podcast


IGN's Destiny addicts convene to talk about the joys, trials, and tribulations of life as a Guardian.






ゲームdeおはなしは、昭和育ちのシロと、平成育ちの毛in濃すぎの2人がお届けするPodcast番組です 番組公式Twitter https://twitter.com/gd_ohanashi/ おたより・ノベルティ用フォーム http://sumi-zome.com/game/



自分が好きなアニメとかゲームについてひたすら語るチャンネルです 昔プレイしたゲームの思い出とか、アニメで感動したところとかおススメとかです。 ゆるーく、だらーりと聞いていただければと思います。



関西在住のあーちゃんとならならならが ゲームについて脱線しならが好きにしゃべる番組です

Marvel Rivals Showdown

Marvel Rivals Showdown

The one and only (?) podcast dedicated to 6v6 hero shooter Marvel Rivals! Each episode your hosts Xmmar and Gary (A.K.A Shinzo Strange) discuss news, information, theories and anything else related to Marvel Rivals! Find Xmmar on YouTube at : https://www.youtube.com/@Xmmarr and Shinzo on Twitter/X at: https://twitter.com/ClarionComicsJP




The Jeff Gerstmann Show - A Podcast About Video Games

Jeff Gerstmann

Jeff Gerstmann brings his extreme knowledge of video games, the video game industry, and energy drinks to you each and every week.


okun & higemoto

ゲームすっきゃんねんとは、80年代生まれの2人がこれまでにプレイした好きなゲームのことを好き勝手に話し、みなさんにお伝えしてみようという番組です。皆々様のおかげで、祝2周年! 隔週木曜日を目処に更新しております!聞いたよ!などのお声掛けは飛び上がって喜びますので、お気軽のご感想いただけるとありがたいですー! ◆話し手:okun(おっくん)&higemoto(ひげもと)

Incensed! A Pokémon GO Podcast

PoGoMiloUK, Masterful 27 & Ian Waterfall

A lighthearted and energetic ‘down the pub’ style podcast about Pokémon GO and life... Featuring PoGoMiloUK, Masterful 27 & Ian Waterfall. Each week we’ll have honest discussions about every aspect of the game and events past, present & future. Join us and drop an incense! Merch store: https://incensed-podcast.myspreadshop.co.uk/ Contact us: Twitter & Instagram: @IncensedPodcast Email: contact@IncensedPodcast.com



The original classic gaming podcast continues its endless quest to explore the history of video games, one game at a time. Join hosts Jeremy Parish and Bob Mackey each week as they team up with a host of expert guests to chronicle the creations that have paved the way for today's hits. From forgotten black-and-white arcade machines to modern-day remakes, Retronauts spans more than four decades of vintage gaming greatness!

The Easy Allies Podcast

Easy Allies

We discuss the week's headlines, answer listener questions, and keep a running tally of stupid bets.

The Retro Hour (Retro Gaming Podcast)

The Retro Hour (Retro Gaming Podcast)

Your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news and interviews with industry veterans. New episodes released every Friday!

Lured Up - A Pokémon GO Podcast


Lured Up is a weekly podcast dedicated to the game, culture, and community surrounding Pokémon GO. Hosts Ken and Adam offer insight from multiple perspectives in an uncensored format. Lured Up covers topics that are relevant to both casual gamers and hardcore Trainers, while providing a heaping dose of entertainment as well. Lured Up - The Podcast where we take Pokémon GO way more seriously than we do ourselves.

The MinnMax Show


Released every Thursday, The MinnMax Show features former Game Informer employees and beyond talking about the week's most exciting games or game industry news before reading feedback from the Patreon community found at patreon.com/minnmax.

Trailblazer Talk - A Honkai: Star Rail Podcast

Trailblazer Talk

Join us on Trailblazer Talk, the podcast dedicated to exploring the universe of Honkai: Star Rail. From game mechanics to lore and everything in between, we'll take you on a journey through the stars and bring you the latest news and updates on this exciting new addition to the Honkai series.

原由実の○○ラジオ Podcasting


人気声優・原由実をパーソナリティーに迎え、ファミ通.comで配信中のWebラジオ『原由実の○○ラジオ』をpodcastでも配信! ギターの特訓をするコーナーや、スタッフが持ち寄ったお土産を試食するコーナーなど、原が存分に楽しんでいる姿をお届けしていく番組です。ファミ通.com配信版では、期間限定コーナーなどで原の新曲が聴ける回もあるので、そちらも要チェック!!http://www.famitsu.com/blog/haramaru/

99Vidas - Nostalgia e Videogames


Um podcast semanal sobre os grandes momentos que marcaram as nossas infâncias dos anos 80 e 90.

Castle Super Beast

Super Best Friends Play

Every week, the creators of Super Best Friends Play discuss the best and worst of the videogame industry, pop culture and get excessively hyped about things for no reason.

Завтракаст (Zavtracast)

Завтракаст (Zavtracast)

Завтракаст – это самый популярный подкаст про игры, медиа и технологии в России. Веселые ведущие, свежие новости, советы и обсуждения под хорошую музыку и крутыми гостями. • СТРОГО 18+ • Официальный сайт: https://zavtracast.ru • Twitter: https://twitter.com/zavtracast • Telegram: https://t.me/zavtracast • VK: https://vk.com/zavtracast • YouTube: https://youtube.com/zavtracast • Вопросы и предложения: zavtracast@gmail.com • Поддержать Завтракаст: https://boosty.to/zavtracast • Поддержать Завтракаст: https://patreon.com/zavtracast

Steak & Eggs Podcast


Welcome to Steak & Eggs, a Podcast about gaming, anime, and pop culture 🍳 Hosted by Asmongold, Emiru, and Tectone!

Galinha Viajante

Galinha Viajante

Galinha Viajante é um podcast que é tipo um clube do livro, mas com games! Leon Cleveland e Samuel R. Auras lideram o Galinha Viajante e comentam com profundidade e bom humor videogames retrô, jogos independentes e grandes lançamentos. @galinhaviajante em todas as redes sociais.



【お知らせ】(2024/01/09更新) ゲームのつまみは終了しました。 今までどうもありがとうございました。 _________________________________________ 「ゲームプレイのつまみにしてほしい」 そんな思いのゲーム系ポッドキャスト番組でした。

«Не занесли». Игры, кино, сериалы и книги

Подкаст «Не занесли». Игры, кино, сериалы и книги

В эфире «Не занесли» — самый дурацкий и жизнерадостный подкаст на русском, без которого вы скоро уже не сможете жить. Два бывших игровых журналиста Максим Иванов и Павел Пивоваров каждую неделю плавят микрофоны шутками — и от них вам становится либо очень плохо, либо очень, ОЧЕНЬ хорошо. В любом случае, Макс и Паша не дадут вам скиснуть и приуныть: «Не занесли» это те самые друзья, с которыми хочется выпить пива и поорать. Нам без разницы, о чем шутить и что обсуждать — мы так и так сделаем шоу (без токса и нытья). Но большую часть времени в «Не занесли» обсуждают новые игры, фильмы, сериалы, книги, комиксы и все, что делает вам и нам хорошо

The Pogcast


A podcast dedicated to the poggers things in life, music, video games, content creation, with a heavy focus on the FPS "Escape from Tarkov", hosted by Veritas and JesseKazam!

アマゾンプロダクツ 遊びのラジオ



The Cane and Rinse videogame podcast

Cane and Rinse

Cane and Rinse is a weekly podcast made by passionate videogaming enthusiasts aimed at like-minded listeners. Our ambition is to provide in-depth discussion with help from knowledgeable, articulate guests from the gaming community, the world of games development and beyond.

Kinda Funny Games Daily: Video Games News Podcast

Kinda Funny

The world’s most popular daily video game news podcast hosted by Greg “GameOverGreggy” Miller, Tim Gettys, and Blessing Adeoye Jr, alongside a cast of games industry veterans and guests covering the latest in PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo and all of gaming.




Fire Escape Cast

Fire Escape Cast

Dan Ryckert, Mary Kish, and Mike Mahardy can’t shut down bars while talking about video games like they used to, so they created Fire Escape to keep those chats going from across the country. Support them at fireescapecast.com

Haken: An Animal Crossing Podcast


Welcome to Haken: An Animal Crossing Podcast. If you love Animal Crossing, you've come to the perfect place. Join us every Tuesday to talk about all things Animal Crossing including speculation for Animal Crossing Switch, updates to Pocket Camp, and our own experiences with the game. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/haken-an-animal-crossing-podcast/support

ENTA BAR(エンタメしゃべりBAR)

ENTA BAR(momo8bit・もソラ・オタコン)

エンタメについて語らう場所「エンタメしゃべりBAR」略して「エンタバー」で、マスターのmomo8bit、アルバイトのもソラ、常連客のオタコンが楽しくしゃべるポッドキャスト番組です ゲームの話を中心に、映画、漫画などなどエンターテインメントについて自由に楽しく話させていただきます~ -- お便り・X -- 「エンタバー」では皆様からのお便りをお待ちしております!! ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠entabar.radio@gmail.com ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 番組X(旧Twitter) https://twitter.com/enta_bar 番組で話した内容のアフタートークや関連情報を発信していきますのでフォローしていただければ嬉しいです どうぞよろしくお願いします!! -- 関連コンテンツ -- momo8bit ・X ⁠@momo_8bit⁠ ・YouTube「momo8bit」 ⁠https://youtube.com/@momo8bit⁠ もソラ ・X ⁠@momotarosora⁠ ・Twitch ⁠https://www.twitch.tv/momotarosora⁠ オタコン ・X ⁠@foxhound5533⁠ ・EnterBase(各種アプリ配信中) https://www.enterbase-japan.com/

IGN Game & Entertainment News


IGN is the ultimate gaming and entertainment resource featuring award-winning coverage of video games, movies, TV shows, comics, tech and more.

Triple K.O.

Screenwave Media

A weekly fighting game podcast featuring Matt McMuscles, Maximilian Dood, and Justin Wong


6tan, 硬頸

主持人:6tan/ 硬頸,節目是電子遊戲相關。對節目有任何問題或是想要投稿聊天,歡迎Email 至: 6tan@keroro.keroro.com |業務洽談: business@camelbellystudio.com | twitter:https://twitter.com/6tan

RELOADING - Atualize-se, gamer!

Bruno Carvalho, Edu Aurrai, Felipe Mesquita e Rodrigo Cunha

Bruno Carvalho, Edu Aurrai, Felipe Mesquita e Rodrigo Cunha discutem semanalmente os acontecimentos mais importantes sobre jogos, consoles e curiosidades dos videogames.

Idle Thumbs

Idle Thumbs

Idle Thumbs is a video game podcast full of in-depth discussion and absurdity. Between overly-enthusiastic dissections of their latest media experiences and baffling phonological explorations of Jeff Goldblum's name, the cast has managed to find a regular audience of dedicated readers. Scoop up the latest episode and hear us extol the virtues of whatever we've just watched, played, or read—then attempt to answer reader mail before getting sidetracked about robots.

Internet Box

Internet Box Crew

Michael, Mike, Barbara, Ray, Andrew, Dylon, Lindsay, and Kerry from the Achievement Hunter community talk about various subjects.

Hotline League

Travis Gafford

Call in show about League of Legends Esports hosted by Travis Gafford and Cubbyxx, featuring guests from all across the LCS.

Massively OP Podcast

Justin Olivetti

A weekly discussion of MMORPG adventures, news, and opinions by industry vets Bree and Justin of Massively Overpowered.

Go Nintendo Podcast


There's no other Nintendo podcast quite like this one. The GoNintendo Podcast recaps the biggest and best Nintendo news of the week, all with a heaping helping of silliness. We throw in some pop culture talk, game music trivia, hands-on impressions, and much more! Did we mention there's a robot sidekick as well?! If you want your Nintendo news with a focus on fun, this is the podcast for you!

GG Over EZ


This podcast covers mostly gaming and entertainment with some of our stories and antics thrown in the middle. If you enjoyed this format and episode and would like to see more, make sure to let us know with support! For advertising opportunities please email PodcastPartnerships@Studio71us.com   We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4  Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy


Spawn Wave

Join us as we talk about Video Games and Technology! Spawn Wave is a channel on YouTube that creates content based on Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo Products as well as PC gaming.

The Besties

Chris Plante, Griffin McElroy, Justin McElroy, Russ Frushtick

It's Game of the Year meets King of the Hill as four of Earth's best friends – Griffin McElroy, Justin McElroy, Chris Plante, and Russ Frushtick – rank and review their favorite video games. Because shouldn't the world's best friends pick the world's best games?

The Rage Select Podcast

Rage Select

The Rage Select Podcast is coming your way every week with news, opinions, and much, much more!

MotherChip - Overloadr

Overloadr & B9

O MotherChip traz os últimos games lançados, opiniões embasadas e nem sempre sérias sobre tudo isso e um tiquinho de carimbó Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Player One Podcast

Player One Podcast

Join ex-game journalists Chris Johnston, Phil Theobald, and Greg Sewart as they talk about console/portable/PC games, raising kids, and the meaning of life.

Deconstructor of Fun

Deconstructor of Fun

Deconstructor of Fun podcast is created by games professionals for games professionals. We explore the business side of the games industry with the goal of bringing listeners content that is relevant, insightful, and entertaining on a weekly basis. Hosts: Michail Katkoff @mkatkoff https://www.linkedin.com/in/michailkatkoff/ Eric Kress @ekress https://www.linkedin.com/in/erickress/ Laura Taranto @laurataranto https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurataranto/ Phillip Black @econosopher https://www.linkedin.com/in/phillip-black-economist/ Jen Donahoe @Jen_Donahoe https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferd Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/deconstructoroffun/support

Shivam And Wheeler Love Magic

Shivam Bhatt / Ben Wheeler

Shivam Bhatt and Ben Wheeler absolutely love Magic: The Gathering, and in this podcast they go through the history of the game set by set, examining each one through the lens of Commander. Join us as two old grognards in the back of the LGS pick up forgotten and beloved cards from the ancient days and reminisce about how awesome our game is!


Second Wind

Windbreaker is Second Wind's premier gaming podcast hosted by Yahtzee Croshaw, Marty Sliva & Sebastian 'Frost' Ruiz. Join the trio (and occasional guests) weekly to discuss everything industry wide from current news, to recent releases and wider trends.  Second Wind is fully independent, employee-owned and fan-funded. Consider supporting us on Patreon for as little as $1/month at patreon.com/SecondWindGroup

Wizard and the Bruiser

The Last Podcast Network

Holden McNeely and Jake Young are your guides on a psychotropic journey into the secret origins of nerd culture. Fill your ears with education each week as the hosts tackle subjects from the worlds of comic books, video games, anime and film. Untold stories, bizarre facts and crazed deconstructions will fly at you at dangerous speeds, do not listen if you are pregnant or nursing. Make no mistake, this IS the sweatiest podcast in human history.

Giant Bombcast

Giant Bomb

The Giant Bomb discusses the latest video game news and new releases, answers listener questions, and sometimes gets wildly off-topic in this weekly podcast. Featuring Jan Ochoa, Jeff Grubb, and Jeff Bakalar.



the florida boys sit down and shoot the shit about how video games are propaganda for the deep state and mostly not great for your brain.

勝手に ポケモンクラブ!!


時間がないため、一旦、無期限でおやすみさせていただきます。 申し訳ありません・・・。 ======= ポケモン生まれ、ポケモン育ちのたこたんが その日ごとのポケットモンスターにまつわる話をします! みなさんとポケモンの魅力を共有出来ればと思います。 ポケモン好きの方はもちろん、 ポケモンについてあまり知らない方にも、楽しんでいただければ幸いです。

The Kinda Funny Podcast

Kinda Funny

Every week 4 best friends Greg “GameOverGreggy” Miller, Tim Gettys, Nick Scarpino, and Andy Cortez hang out to discuss popular culture, the internet, social issues, movies, comic books, video games, and their lives with you and our super cool guests.


Mitch Lasky / Blake Robbins

Gamecraft is a limited series about the modern history of the video game business. Beginning in the early 1990's, the video game business began a radical transformation from a console and PC packaged goods business into the highly complex, online, multi-platform business it is today. Game industry legend Mitch Lasky and game investor Blake Robbins go on a thematic tour of the last 30 years of gaming, exploring the origins of free-to-play, platform-based publishing, casual & mobile gaming, forever games, user-generated content, consoles, virtual reality, and in-game economies across the eight episodes of Season 1. In Season 2, Mitch and Blake are back with a new series analyzing the state of the video game business in 2024. They start with a macro view of the current business, before looking at some hot topics in gaming: the rise of powerful independent game studios, emerging markets for games around the world, how innovations in artificial intelligence will change game creation, and the renewed importance of intellectual property in the game business.

MLB The Show Cast

What The Moose

Your #1 source for MLB The Show Diamond Dynasty news! Market tips, program analysis, & much more!

Game Junk Podcast

Game Junk

A Weekly Podcast About Video Games by the People Who Make Them

Game Mess Mornings


Prolific gaming news expert Jeff Grubb is here to dish out all of the hottest headlines from the around the world of video games!

Горящий бензовоз

Павел Пивоваров, Вадим Елистратов, Иван Талачев

«Горящий бензовоз» — это несущийся прямо на вас поток новостей, мнений и прогнозов о массовой культуре. Рассказываем, что посмотреть и во что поиграть, обсуждаем главные события в индустрии и очень много шутим. Ведущие: Павел Пивоваров («Не занесли»), Иван Талачев («Один дома») и Вадим Елистратов (экс-главред DTF и Кинопоиска).

The Monte & Wolf Show

Last Free Nation

The Monte and Wolf Show is the only weekly League of Legends Champions Korea (LCK) podcast, hosted by Christopher "MonteCristo" Mykles and Wolf Schröder.

8-4 Play

8-4, Ltd.

Every other week, tune into 8-4 Play for talk about Japan, video games, and Japanese video games, straight from the 8-4 offices in beautiful downtown Tokyo.

The Kit & Krysta Podcast

The Kit & Krysta Podcast

The Kit & Krysta Podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by Kit Ellis and Krysta Yang, who previously worked for Nintendo of America for over 10 years each and hosted the hit web show Nintendo Minute. Join us every Thursday for insider behind the scenes stories about what it's like to work for Nintendo, our analysis of breaking news from around the industry and lively discussion of all the great games we've been playing.


Plat Chat LLC

Esports podcast specializing in instalocking Jett and VALORANT.

The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Cozy Snap

Come get your weekly dopamine of Marvel Snap! Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia every week as they chat about the latest topics in the fastest card battler in the Multiverse, Marvel Snap

Game Developer Podcast


Find out how video games get made! The official podcast for GameDeveloper.com brings you illuminating conversation and commentary from brilliant people in the video game industry. Hosted by Game Developer publisher Alissa McAloon and editor-in-chief Danielle Riendeau. Music by Mike Meehan. Published monthly.

Super Gamerside

Super Gamerside

Un #Podcast Jeux vidéo animé par des cons et une meuf bien. Mauvaise foi, approximations et vulgarité depuis 2009.  ☎️ 07 49 19 09 87  ⚠️ SURDOSAGE = DANGER Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Dropped Frames


Dropped Frames is a weekly podcast featuring hosts itmeJP, Ezekiel_III and CohhCarnage where they discuss the on goings of being a full-time streamer and of course video games!


Runa, Jump, Jack

大家好,我們是電玩遊戲專門的podcast節目《GAME話不加醬》 節目以輕鬆且深入方式,探討各種關於電玩遊戲的內容與產業心得, 希望能顛覆每位聽眾對電玩的知識和想像。 我們會盡最大的努力,讓收聽《GAME話不加醬》的幹員們,都能滿載而歸。 活動時間表: 每周三-開放互動之線上 Live Podcast 每周四 / 周日-節目更新! (原則上錄音兩周休一周,偶爾不定期休更) 加入最溫馨的幹員 Discord 社群: https://discord.gg/e87RXSXhjJ 收聽連結與社群平台: https://linktr.ee/gametalkrjj -- Powered by Firstory Hosting Powered by Firstory Hosting
