元NASA・理研の研究員が話す1話完結チャンネル。 スナックをつまむかのように聴くだけで宇宙開発の最先端をすぐにキャッチできます。 NASA、理研で宇宙を研究したリョウが 「明日誰かに話したくなる」 そんな宇宙のハナシを1日10分でお届け! 天文学者、宇宙スタートアップCEOら 最前線で活躍するゲストを定期的に迎えて、 生の声もお届けします。 「宇宙」「宇宙人」「天文学」「宇宙ビジネス」「宇宙開発」 一つでも気になったらまずはおひとつどうぞ。 ★第3回Japan Podcast Awards "Spotify NEXT クリエイター賞"受賞★ ★Apple Podcast日本全体ランキング3位達成★ ★Apple Podcast 科学カテゴリー 日本1位達成★ ★Spotify 日本全体ランキング最高17位★ LISTEN https://listen.style/p/uchu-banashi?aionhdFR
【サイエントークとは?】 おしゃべりな研究者レンと普通のOLエマが科学をエンタメっぽく語るポッドキャストです。 学校では教わらない科学の歴史や日常に潜む「なぜ?」という疑問、個性豊かな研究者のストーリーを深堀り! 世界にあふれる科学の魅力を声で伝えるべく、たまに日常と併せておしゃべりしています。 ▶詳細プロフィールやおたよりは公式サイトへ! → https://scien-talk.com/ 【パーソナリティ】 研究者レン:おしゃべりな野良研究者。話し手と企画担当。趣味は科学者の逸話やクセ強めな研究をネタとして集めること。化学を習得すれば何でも作れるのでは?と考え研究者の道へ。現在は企業の研究職として働く化学博士。 OLエマ:自称普通のOL。番組のイラスト製作と聞き手を担当。学生時代にカナダに留学していた。よく間違えられるが実は理系で、研究室に所属していたこともある。 お問い合わせメールアドレス → scientalkclub@gmail.com サイエントークはAmazonのアソシエイトとして適格販売により収入を得ています。 https://listen.style/p/scientalk?uVGlcu8H
Podcast Station
Science Friday
Science Friday and WNYC Studios
Brain fun for curious people.
sober media lab
とある大学教員が人に話したくなった科学的な知識を紹介します。 主に最近の論文を、専門知識を前提としない形で紹介していきます。生物学、基礎医学が多めだけど、それ以外も。 番組ホストの紹介:心優しいひねくれ者、ぱっとしない科学者 番組やホストについてはこちらまで : https://podscientist.wixsite.com/podscientist 番組への意見、感想、問題点の指摘はこちらへどうぞ! : https://forms.gle/GBnDiL7shtge3mWz8 Twitterアカウント : https://twitter.com/podscientist music: pixabay.com https://listen.style/p/podscientist?cUQgD77g
STEAM NEWS は毎週届くニュースレターです.国内外のSTEAM分野(科学・技術・工学・アート・数学)に関するニュースを面白く解説するほか,おすすめ書籍,TEDトークもお届けします.芸術系や人文系の学生さんや教育関係者の方,古代エジプト好きな方に特におすすめです.
WNYC Studios
Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. We ask deep questions and use investigative journalism to get the answers. A given episode might whirl you through science, legal history, and into the home of someone halfway across the world. The show is known for innovative sound design, smashing information into music. It is hosted by Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser.
鈴木 紀之(昆虫生態学者)
自然や生き物が好き! 進化の不思議をもっと知りたい! というみなさんへ.....大学の先生とお勉強中の学生がお届けする、サイエンス・エデュケーション・エンターテイメントなポッドキャスト番組にようこそ!生物は暗記科目でつまらん😐てな方にも、研究や科学のほんとのおもしろさをお伝えできればと思っています😋 生態学・進化学・昆虫学 / Ecology, Evolution, Entomology 🐞🦋🐝🌿🌼 鈴木紀之(高知大学・農林海洋科学部・准教授)
「学び、笑い、出会い」奏でる細胞は「心を開いて相手の話を聞くことで自分の人生に役立てていく」を合言葉にアメリカから楽しく奏でるように配信する科学番組です。 細胞の中にある音楽やリズムの研究に夢中になっているタツさんがリベラルアーツ講師のゆりかさんと人生はもちろん、言語やアメリカの情報について語り合ったり、細胞、老化、物理学、情報学など様々な分野の専門家、ポッドキャスター同士のコラボを通して楽しく学ぶ番組です。誰でも楽しめる身近なサイエンス、「ストリートサイエンス」を心がけながら、栄養学や代謝学などの基礎的な健康情報も発信しています。 タツさん: 細胞学、お笑い好き、樋口塾、魂ラジ国民、 元客員教授、元新聞配達員、SLP、アメリカ歴18年「知的な優しい世界を」 ゆりかさん: 科学教室代表、サービスラーニングひらく開発者&著者、博士、リベラルアーツ講師(アメリカの某大学)、EurekaLLC社長、和歌解説 Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/0xUhOqvpo69YiT7pmYdech 毎月4回更新!! https://forms.gle/Vsx7t9iFwC5VsxTbA ←お便りはこちらフォームから受け付けています Twitter: https://twitter.com/tatsukono
The Science Show
ABC listen
The Science Show gives Australians unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to prime ministerial biorhythms.
A show where curiosity and the natural world collide. We explore science, energy, environmentalism, and reflections on how we think about and depict nature, and always leave time for plenty of goofing off. Outside/In is a production of NHPR. Learn more at outsideinradio.org
DarkHorse Podcast
Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying
The DarkHorse Podcast is hosted by Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying. Bret and Heather both have PhDs in biology, and they seek truth and explore a wide variety of topics with their evolutionary toolkit as society loses its footing. Tune in to infamous spreaders of "Covid Disinformation" Bret and Heather for a podcast—maybe you'll like what you see!
博士号を取ったばかりの駆け出し研究者2人とその先輩でお送りするラジオ📻 ラボ(研究室)からの帰り道のように、研究のことから趣味のことまで、3人でまったりお話ししています🚶♀️🚶🚶♂️ 質問や感想など、お便り📨はこちらまで → https://forms.gle/vHyiWGoPgQECKoNx9
ふたりの女性研究者(博士、生物系)がお届けするポッドキャスト番組です。 5年以上にも及ぶ辛く厳しい大学院でのトレーニング期間を終えて、晴れて博士号を取得した2人。研究者として、ひよっこ教員として、はたまた普通の?アラサー女として日々奮闘中の2人が、研究室での生活や日々考えていることについて語ります。 #大学 #研究者 #理系 #科学 ▽プロフィール ちー◯転勤族。大きい動物の研究者(PhD)。山や海で遊ぶのが好き。既婚、子なし。指揮官:ENTJ-A はち◯関東出身。小さい動物の研究者(PhD)。アニメやドラマが好き。独身、子なし。幹部:ESTJ-T ▽リンクまとめ https://linktr.ee/hiyoken ▽番組に関する感想やお便りもお待ちしています! 匿名お便りフォーム: https://forms.gle/vsRNYgXe7KpS4uAk9 ○SNSから ハッシュタグ #ひよけん #hiyoken Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hiyoken_uni Twitter https://twitter.com/hiyoken_ ○Mail hiyoken.survival@gmail.com
[お知らせ - 2023年の初めを持ちまして更新停止しました。引き続きアーカイブをお楽しみください!] キアヌとナオト(#136まで)が英語を交えつつ科学ニュースをお届けするラジオ番組です。日本とアメリカにバックグラウンドを持つ二人が最新の科学情報をおもしろく語ります。(日本語のみでも内容は理解できます)
Ask a Spaceman!
Paul M. Sutter
What would happen if you fell into a black hole? How big is the universe? Just what the heck is a quasar, anyway? You've got questions, and astrophysicist Paul Sutter has the answers! Submit questions via Twitter using #AskASpaceman or post to facebook.com/PaulMattSutter. Every week you will come closer to COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE OF TIME AND SPACE!
The Reality Check
The Reality Check
Canada's weekly podcast that explores a wide range of controversies and curiosities using science and critical thinking.
バイオステーションポッドキャスト Bio-station Podcast
Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe
A fun-filled discussion of the big, mind-blowing, unanswered questions about the Universe. In each episode, Daniel Whiteson (a Physicist who works at CERN) and Jorge Cham (a popular online cartoonist) discuss some of the simple but profound questions that people have been wondering about for thousands of years, explaining the science in a fun, shorts-wearing and jargon-free way.
セミラジオ ~生き物とサブカル~
自然を愛するWebエンジニア「せみやま」が生き物やサブカルをメインに色んな事を話すラジオです。 【お便りフォーム】 セミラジオではお便りを募集中です! メールフォームからお気軽にどうぞ↓ https://forms.gle/e356yHPcm8P2Qy2A8 【X(ツイッター)】 Xでラジオの更新情報をお知らせしています。 https://twitter.com/semibloger 【グッズ】 セミラジオのグッズ(ステッカー・Tシャツ) https://suzuri.jp/semiyama 【文字起こし】 Webサービス「LISTEN」による文字起こしです。 https://listen.style/p/semiradio?C7slDUwg
ハーブ農家が考えるPODCAST 略して【はぶかん】 この番組は、マスターハーブのえいちゃんとハーブアロマテラピストのミキティのハーブ農家夫婦が、ハーブを通してあれこれ考えたことを、発信する番組です。 シーズン4のテーマは「ハーブの利用」です。 質問や相談をベースに、どんな問題もマスターハーブのえいちゃんが、人生の香辛料とも言える悩みを、ハーブとスパイスでピリリと手軽に解決! お便りは「habukan2020@gmail.com」または Twitterハッシュタグ #はぶかん までお寄せください。
Whether the topic is popcorn or particle physics, you can count on BrainStuff to explore -- and explain -- the everyday science in the world around us.
Mushroom Revival Podcast
Alex Dorr
A podcast devoted to the wonderful world of fungi. Our eclectic show covers fungi in health & wellness, technology, science, culture and more. Welcome to the Mushroom Revival.
土壌医 ハセ
"ファーマーズサイエンス 土壌医ラジお"は、「自分の畑を、一番知っているのは自分である」と、生産者自らが言うために、土壌医の知見を応用しながら農家の科学をテーマに、お届けする番組となっております。 農家の土壌医 ハセ が番組のお相手をさせていただきます。
What The Duck?!
ABC listen
The show with a mission to explore the mysteries of nature - especially the ones that make you go What the Duck?!
Holosky Podcast
Welcome to the HOLOSKY podcast with your hosts Steve and Kyle, where we cover all things paranormal from aliens, ghosts, missing people, and much much more.
Sasquatch Odyssey
Sasquatch Odyssey-Bigfoot Encounters
In each episode, we bring you riveting interviews with individuals who have had encounters with the elusive Sasquatch. Each one of these stories will leave you wanting more. But that's not all. We go beyond the encounters and explore the realm of Bigfoot research from a critical thinking perspective. We bring you interviews with field researchers who dedicate their lives to unraveling the mysteries surrounding Sasquatch. These dedicated individuals use hard science and rigorous methodologies to investigate the existence of this legendary creature. Through thought-provoking discussions, we aim to shed light on the truth behind the Sasquatch phenomenon. Our show highlights the boots-on-the-ground researchers who tirelessly pursue evidence and employ scientific methods to answer the age-old question: Does Sasquatch truly exist? Join us each week as we embark on a thrilling journey into the unknown, uncovering compelling stories, and examining the scientific evidence that surrounds the mystery of Sasquatch. Get ready to challenge your beliefs and expand your understanding of this captivating subject. If you have had an encounter with Bigfoot or any other cryptid and would like to be on the show, email brian@paranormalworldproductions.com Please make sure to subscribe to or follow the show wherever you listen. If you have the option, turn on those automatic downloads and never miss an episode. Now. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/sasquatch-odyssey--4839697/support.
Oxford Sparks Big Questions
Oxford Sparks
'Will my bacon sandwich kill me?', 'Is vaping better than smoking?', 'How do you become an astronaut?' - just some of the Big Questions we ask some of the brightest minds behind Oxford science. Join us in each podcast as we explore a different area of science.
Believing the Bizarre: Paranormal Conspiracies & Myths
Tyler and Charlie
Believing the Bizarre is a paranormal podcast that dives into the unknown and the unusual every Tuesday. From UFOs and hauntings to conspiracies and cryptids, we discuss a variety of paranormal topics and decide where they land on our Believability Scale - Believable, Viable, Skeptical, or Unbelievable. We also accept and discuss listener-submitted paranormal encounters. If you love creepy stories and horror content mixed with humor and a keen eye, we are the paranormal podcast for you. Check out Believing the Bizarre - a podcast as bizarre as you are.
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Nik Hunter
First-hand witness encounters of the Strange and unexplained. The host Nik will take you head first down the rabbit hole in a refreshing and different podcast format. Witness accounts from everyday people from all over the world with uninterrupted monologues of their encounters. The phenomena that people experience shared here range from sightings of UFOs to traumatic alien abductions, scary heart stopping stories of ghosts, demons and the Occult. Accounts of crossing paths with Bigfoot, Sasquatches and all manner of dark entities that lurk and dwell in the dark woods and remote areas. Psychic abilities of precognition, premonitions, and the people who have journeyed to the other side with their near-death experiences. The encounters in this podcast will stay with you long after you have finished listening. Want to share your encounter on the show? Email: UFOChronicles@gmail.com Or Fill out Guest Form: https://forms.gle/uGQ8PTVRkcjy4nxS7 Podcast Website: https://ufochroniclespodcast.com Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/ufo-chronicles-podcast--3395068/support.
Climate Connections
Yale Center for Environmental Communication
How is global warming shaping our lives? And what can we do about it? We connect the dots, from fossil fuels to extreme weather, clean energy to public health, and more. Join Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz of Yale University for a daily 90-second podcast about climate change, where we confront reality and share inspiring stories of hope.
Beneath the Surface
Lauren Park-McCann
Beneath the Surface is a Plymouth based podcast where we explore different topics in marine biology and discover the diversity of opportunities and people who work and study in the field. Our aim is to have conversations about current marine science research and tell the stories of people who dedicate their lives to the oceans, all whilst having a laugh along the way!
Astronomy (Audio)
UCTV programs explore astronomy, the physical universe and other space related topics with University of California faculty and experts from around the world.
Biologyを学んで人生を豊かに! Biologyのおもしろさや魅力をみんなに広める活動をしています。 勉強に自分自身に、長期投資して科学的思考力を身に付け人生を変えよう。 教育ビジネスを自分でプロデュースすることを夢見てます。 釣り好き、さかな好き、アウトドア好きな元高校理科教員です。 ポッドキャストの書き起こしサービス「LISTEN」はこちら https://listen.style/p/chobo?By7Jq6wI
Into the Impossible With Brian Keating
Big Bang Productions Inc.
A podcast about how we understand the world, scientifically and as humans. Each conversation brings together visionaries from the worlds of arts, sciences, humanities, and technology discussing the nature of reality and how we collaborate to create the future. Hosted by Dr Brian Keating, Chancellor’s Distinguished Professor of Physics at UC San Diego. For show notes go to: https://briankeating.com/podcast
Editors in Conversation
American Society for Microbiology
Editors in Conversation is the official podcast of the American Society for Microbiology Journals. Editors in Conversation features discussions between ASM Journals Editors, researchers and clinicians working on the most cutting edge issues in the microbial sciences. Topics include laboratory diagnosis and clinical treatment of infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, epidemiology of infections, multidrug-resistant organisms, pharmacology of antimicrobial agents, susceptibility testing, and more. The podcast is directed to microbiologists, infectious diseases clinicians, pharmacists and basic, clinical and translational researchers interested in the microbial sciences. A particular emphasis is on basic, epidemiological and pharmacological aspects of infectious diseases, including antimicrobial resistance and therapeutics.
Sasquatch Chronicles
Sasquatch Chronicles - Bigfoot Encounters
People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this to be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. Additional episodes and exclusive content can be found on our website www.sasquatchchronicles.com. Become a Member today and receive access to additional exclusive shows posted weekly, our full back catalog of episodes, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums. For the latest news, please visit our Blog. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.
宇宙と素粒子について、ちょっと考えてみるポッドキャストです。 堅苦しくならないようにがんばります。 バックナンバーはこちらから http://cosmo.space-podcast.net/
ZSL Wild Science Podcast
Zoological Society of London
Delve into topical issues in zoology, conservation and the environment, from saving species and protecting the planet, to finding out about the animals living across the globe, including in London’s own river Thames. Learn more about the science behind the conservation work being done by ZSL and others, in this podcast from ZSL’s Institute of Zoology. Hosted previously by Dr Monni Böhm and Ellie Darbey, and now by Harriet McAra.
The Michael Shermer Show
Michael Shermer
The Michael Shermer Show is a series of long-form conversations between Dr. Michael Shermer and leading scientists, philosophers, historians, scholars, writers and thinkers about the most important issues of our time.
Paranormal Mysteries
Nic Ryan Media | Unexplained Supernatural Stories
There are things in this world that cannot be explained. Join me on a weekly journey down the path of high strangeness, as I explore Hauntings, Bizarre Creatures, Extraterrestrials, Folklore, Missing People, and countless other unexplained supernatural phenomena. The unknown awaits you. Share your paranormal experience with me at www.ParanormalMysteriesPodcast.com © Copyright Paranormal Mysteries Podcast
Eons: Surviving Deep Time
Season 2 of the Eons podcast will be a longform exploration of a question we’re often asked in the comments section of our YouTube videos: how long could a human survive if they were dropped into a particular period of the geologic past?
毎回スペシャルなゲストをお迎えし、自然にまつわるトークや音楽をお送りする1時間。 生き物の不思議から、地球規模の環境問題まで幅広く取り上げご紹介しています。 番組公式サイトはこちら #bayfm #ベイエフエム
The Grave Talks | Haunted, Paranormal & Supernatural
Ghost Stores, Haunted, Paranormal & Supernatural Stories
Get ready for a spine-tingling journey into the unknown with The Grave Talks - the weekly paranormal podcast and interview show hosted by the master of horror storytelling, Tony Brueski. Each week, Tony brings in new guests who bravely share their haunting experiences with ghosts and the spirit world, spanning every corner of the paranormal realm, from supernatural encounters to demonic possessions, shadow people, and beyond. You'll be on the edge of your seat with every episode, hanging onto every word as you explore the unexplained, the terrifying, and the unknown. Subscribe now to The Grave Talks and give us a review to help us grow - we're eager to hear your thoughts. For even more exclusive content, including ad-free and advanced episodes, become a Grave Keeper at http://www.patreon.com/thegravetalks and support our show - if you dare. Join us for a journey into the darkness that you'll never forget.
Real Ghost Stories Online
Real Ghost Stories Online | Paranormal, Supernatural & Horror Radio
Get ready to have your spine tingling and your hairs standing on end with the Daily Paranormal Podcast hosted by Tony Brueski. This show is no joke - it's packed with real-life horror stories of ghosts, demons, haunted houses, possessions, shadow people, and all things supernatural that will leave you quivering with fear. Our listeners can't get enough of our bone-chilling tales, describing them as the "best ghost story podcast out there." Don't expect the same old cliché zombies, vampires, witches, and werewolves here - we go way beyond that to deliver a solid, spooky experience that even puts Coast to Coast AM, George Noorey, and Art Bell to shame. Tune in to Real Ghost Stories Online today and experience the ultimate in paranormal storytelling. Got a scary story of your own to share? Call us anytime at 1-855-853-4802 or submit your ghostly encounter via our website at http://www.realghoststoriesonline.com (http://www.realghoststoriesonline.com/) - we're waiting to hear from you, if you dare.
Takashi Toyofuku/Yuki Nagai/Remi Tsubaki
「ススメ!有孔蟲」は、有孔虫研究に情熱を注ぐ科学者たちが、最新の研究成果をタイムリーに、そして時にユーモアを交えながらお届けする科学探求おしゃべり番組です。リスナーの皆さまには、顕微鏡の下で繰り広げられる微細な世界の魅力や、不意に深まる科学研究の舞台裏に迫る、生々しい現場の声を楽しんでいただけたら幸いです。有孔虫という小さな生物から広がる大きな自然科学の世界を、ぜひご一緒に探求しませんか? フォローやメッセージもお待ちしています♫ ※お便りフォームを設置しました(2024-01-10) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeBwD9umtQkbGOpd7vkmMv-1Dit1kEBSA4UgCN--uS061Y9ig/viewform?usp=sf_link 大潮にあたる満月、新月の日に更新しています。
Ö1 Wissen aktuell
Die Ö1 Wissenschaftsinformation in ihrer kompaktesten Form. Fünf Minuten, Montag bis Freitag, zu jüngsten Studienergebnissen, wissenschaftlichen Debatten, Vorträgen und Symposien.
BirdNote Daily
Escape the daily grind and immerse yourself in the natural world. Rich in imagery, sound, and information, BirdNote inspires you to notice the world around you.
Night Science
Itai Yanai & Martin Lercher
Where do ideas come from? In each episode, scientists Itai Yanai and Martin Lercher explore science's creative side with a leading colleague. New episodes come out every second Monday.
Infectious Disease Puscast
Vincent Racaniello
A review of the infectious diseases literature from the previous two weeks.
Los 25 programas más recientes de CIENCIAES.COM en un solo podcast. Aquí tienen reunidos a: Hablando con Científicos, Ciencia y Genios, Ulises y la Ciencia, La Ciencia Nuestra de Cada Día, Zoo de Fósiles, Vanguardia de la Ciencia, Seis patas tiene la vida, Océanos de Ciencia, Quilo de Ciencia, Ciencia Extrema, El Neutrino, Ciencia Fresca y Cierta Ciencia.
The Stem Cell Podcast
The Stem Cell Podcast
Join Drs. Daylon James and Arun Sharma as they discuss the latest stem cell research, and interview some of the brightest minds in the field. Brought to you by STEMCELL Technologies.
I Know Dino: The Big Dinosaur Podcast
Did you know a new dinosaur is discovered almost every week? Keep up with the latest dinosaur discoveries and science with I Know Dino. Have fun and relax with hosts Garret and Sabrina each week as they explore the latest dinosaur news, chat with paleontology experts, dive deep into a “dinosaur of the day,” go down Oryctodromeus burrows with their fun facts, answer your burning questions, and connect dinosaurs to topics ranging from chocolate to the Titanic and more! Educational and entertaining, I Know Dino is a must listen dinosaur paleontology podcast for experts and newcomers alike. Hosted by dinosaur enthusiasts and science communicators Garret and Sabrina, a husband and wife di-know-it-all team who love dinosaurs so much they had a dino-themed wedding and now all they do is talk about dinosaurs.
Robinson's Podcast
Robinson Erhardt
Robinson Erhardt researches symbolic logic and the foundations of mathematics at Stanford University. Join him in conversations with philosophers, scientists, weightlifters, artists, and everyone in-between. https://linktr.ee/robinsonerhardt Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/robinson-erhardt/support
Naked Scientists NewsFLASH
Dr Chris Smith
Each week we take a look at what's hot in the world of Science.
Origin Stories
The Leakey Foundation
Explore human evolution one story at a time. This award-winning show blends storytelling with science that will change your understanding of who we are.
The Common Descent Podcast
Common Descent
Join David and Will as they explore the paleontologists’ perspective on various topics in life and earth history. Each episode features a main discussion on a topic requested by the listeners, presented as a lighthearted and educational conversation about fossils, evolution, deep time, and more. Before the main discussion, each episode also includes a news segment, covering recent research related to paleontology and evolution. Each episode ends with the answer to a question submitted by subscribers on Patreon. New episodes with new topics every fortnight!
老高与小茉 | 最全专辑 | 修音去尾完美版
Homesteading and Permaculture by Paul Wheaton
paul wheaton
Commentary and interviews on different aspects of permaculture, horticulture, farming, homesteading, eco building, alternative energy and more
Physics (Audio)
Guest speakers, researchers and University of California faculty explore physics to better understand and predict the world around us.
KQED Science News
KQED's award-winning team of science reporters explores climate change, water, energy, toxics, biomedicine, digital health, astronomy and other topics that shape our lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a trusted news source, KQED Science tackles tough questions facing humanity in our time with thoughtful and engaging storytelling.
Talk Nerdy with Cara Santa Maria
Cara Santa Maria
Cara Santa Maria is a science communicator, television host, producer, and journalist. She is excited to present "Talk Nerdy," a place for conversations with interesting people about interesting topics.
Science unscripted
The science stories that will actually change your day — and maybe make you laugh. Science unscripted is a podcast, radio show & YouTube channel driven by listeners. Hello from Germany :)
Terrible Lizards
Iszi Lawrence and David Hone
Terrible Lizards is a podcast about Dinosaurs with Dr David Hone and Iszi Lawrence.
The Confessionals
Merkel Media
The truth is stranger than fiction. The Confessionals Podcast explores the true stories of witnesses to the world of unexplained phenomena. As an interview-based podcast, host Tony Merkel holds conversations with everyday individuals who share their unique experiences crossing paths with the unexplainable and with dedicated researchers diving into realms of high strangeness.
Astronomy (Video)
UCTV programs explore astronomy, the physical universe and other space related topics with University of California faculty and experts from around the world.
MIT News
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
MIT News is dedicated to bringing news from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to the world. We cover research, innovation, teaching, entrepreneurship, and the Institute’s distinctive and quirky culture. We find ourselves educated and amazed by our community of hands-on problem-solvers who are eager to know how things work — and inspired to make them work better. We hope you are amazed, too.
Synapsen – ein Wissenschaftspodcast
NDR Info
Wissenschaft ist mehr als eine Schlagzeile. In diesem Podcast bekommt ihr Fakten und Geschichten aus der Forschung: Seit Corona weiß jeder, was ein PCR-Test ist, was aber macht Long Covid mit Kindern? Hilft veganes Essen wirklich gegen den Klimawandel? Wir fragen Klimaforscher. Alle zwei Woche treffen sich die "Synapsen"-Hosts Maja Bahtijarević und Lucie Kluth mit Journalist*innen, die aktuelle Fragen der Wissenschaft recherchiert haben. In den anderen Wochen präsentieren die beiden Hosts in diesem Kanal unseren Science Slam. Wissenschaftler*innen präsentieren ihre Forschungsthemen in einer knackigen Viertelstunde, unterhaltsam und auf den Punkt.
How Wild
How Wild hits trails around the country, exploring the meaning of wilderness. A century ago, the U.S. set aside the first official wilderness. You'll hear stories from rangers, scientists, hikers, environmentalists, and Tribal leaders as they grapple with the realities of wilderness on a changing planet, and whether the concept of "wilderness" has ever really existed.
The Immunology Podcast
The Immunology Podcast
Join Drs. Brenda Raud and Jason Goldsmith as they discuss the latest in immunology research, and interview some of the greatest minds in the field. Brought to you by STEMCELL Technologies.
さとうささらの二分間サイエンス。一駅で楽しめる楽しい科学の情報を私「さとうささら」が紹介します。 「さとうささら」はCeVIOプロジェクトのキャラクターです。
Laura Erickson's For the Birds
Laura Erickson
"For the Birds" began airing on KUMD in Duluth, MN, in May, 1986, and is the longest continually-running radio program about birds in the U.S. Hundreds more episodes are available for free at http://www.lauraerickson.com/radio/.
The Plant Report- Every Plant Has A Story
Jill Cloutier
Learn about the botanical world one plant at a time. The Plant Report is a new educational podcast from Sustainable World Radio about plants, herbal medicine, heirloom seeds, ethnobotany and the human/plant relationship. Learn from experts and the plants. Thanks for listening to The Plant Report....Because Every Plant Has A Story.
radin radim radio
福岡県筑豊地方のthree-piece farmer 024企画『賢者⭐︎スピ』 Nogami Farm『キャスパー野上』 百冨花園『百冨ドラゴン』
毎週日曜日午後20:00より配信の30分番組 福岡県 筑豊地方の農家3人によるトーク radin radim radio 食のこと、地域のこと、収穫した花や野菜のことなど フランクに時に熱く語り合う 是非お聞きください
你好,我是职业科普人汪诘。科学哪有那么难以亲近?让我帮你打消对科学的距离感,从中获得理性的力量和乐趣。欢迎大家点赞、转发和分享~ 郑重声明:未经授权,禁止搬运;内容授权、演讲邀请、商务合作等,请联系VX右上角【添加朋友】-【企业微信联系人】-【搜索:18908479819】,或发邮件至 info@kexueshengyin.com
Weather Geeks
Weather Group Television
You see it every day. It’s the subject of poetry, literature, art and film. It can inspire spiritual experiences, and it can destroy everything you have ever worked for. It is the weather, and no one knows it better than we do. Join us every week for the agony and the ecstasy of the one story that the entire world participates in and the science behind it. From the people behind The Weather Channel TV network.
Hillbilly Horror Stories Paranormal Podcast
Jerry Paulley
Hillbilly Horror Stories is a mostly paranormal show hosted by stand up comedian Jerry Paulley and his wife Tracy. They touch on all things eerie including true stories behind your favorite horror movies, Rock n Roll and the occult, unsolved mysteries and creepy true crime. Serious enough for the true paranormal fan but funny enough for the skeptics! Proud member of Dark Myths Collective.
Brain Inspired
Paul Middlebrooks
Neuroscience and artificial intelligence work better together. Brain inspired is a celebration and exploration of the ideas driving our progress to understand intelligence. I interview experts about their work at the interface of neuroscience, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, and more: the symbiosis of these overlapping fields, how they inform each other, where they differ, what the past brought us, and what the future brings. Topics include computational neuroscience, supervised machine learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, deep learning, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, decision-making science, AI agents, backpropagation, credit assignment, neuroengineering, neuromorphics, emergence, philosophy of mind, consciousness, general AI, spiking neural networks, data science, and a lot more. The podcast is not produced for a general audience. Instead, it aims to educate, challenge, inspire, and hopefully entertain those interested in learning more about neuroscience and AI.
博士を目指す女子2人と博士のお兄さんがお送りする、毒にも薬にもならないドク女子ラジオ。科学や研究のことだけでなく、趣味や気になっていることなど、たわいもないことについて話していきます。 X→ https://twitter.com/dokujoshi_radio
Blake Smith
MonsterTalk: The Science Show About Monsters is a free audio podcast that critically examines the science behind cryptozoological (and legendary) creatures, such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, or werewolves. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/monstertalk--6267523/support.
神田沙織 がりれでぃ NSlab "しぜんのかがく" feat.玲子先生
GRpc feat.玲子先生
元科学館職員、防災士、農学博士の玲子先生に #がりれでぃ の神田沙織が「自然科学と、自然現象である災害、その防災」を聞き学ぶサイエンス・ポッドキャストです。 土、昆虫、宇宙、食、物理、気象、環境など、自然科学の多彩なテーマを様々な視点でわかりやすく紹介しながら、防災の知識や災害への備えを伝えていきます。produced by A'sf 神田沙織 Girly Radio Podcast(#がりれでぃ) https://saogirlyradio.wixsite.com/koudasaori Powered by Firstory Hosting
The Orbital Mechanics Podcast
David Fourman, Ben Etherington, and Dennis Just
Every week we cover the latest spaceflight news, discuss past, current and future exploration efforts, and take a look at upcoming events. Tune in to hear about how humans get to space, how they stay in space and how unmanned craft reach farther and farther into the universe around us.
Pulse of the Planet Podcast with Jim Metzner | Science | Nature | Environment | Technology
Jim Metzner
Each weekday, Pulse of the Planet provides its listeners with a two-minute sound portrait of Planet Earth, tracking the rhythms of nature, culture and science worldwide and blending interviews and extraordinary natural sound.
Große Fragen in zehn Minuten von MDR Wissen
Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
Es gibt Themen, über die die Menschheit zum Teil seit Jahrhunderten diskutiert - MDR WISSEN-Reporter Karsten Möbius erklärt sie mit Hilfe der Wissenschaft in zehn Minuten!
Paws & Reward Podcast
Marissa Martino, CDBC, CTC
Welcome to the Paws and Reward Podcast, where overwhelmed pet parents transform themselves to support their dogs. Join Marissa Martino, a certified dog behavior consultant (CDBC, CTC) and trained coach. On the show, we stop and reflect on behavior change strategies and share ways to support your relationship with your dog, yourself, and others.
Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo
Bigfoot and Beyond LLC
Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo is a weekly podcast hosted by Cliff Barackman and James "Bobo" Fay of Animal Planet's "Finding Bigfoot".
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