08/31 TOP NEWS |李强会见美商务部长/探访显示器市场 /乌首都遭火箭弹袭击


NEWS ON 08/301.PREMIER LI MEETS U.S. COMMERCE SECRETARY李强会见美国商务部长雷蒙多2.CHINESE PRODUCTION LIGHTS UP THE WORLD DISPLAY MARKET中国制造点亮全球显示器市场3.UKRAINE SAYS TWO KILLED, THREE INJURED IN EARLY MORNING ROCKET ATTACK ON KYIV乌克兰首都基辅遭火箭弹袭击两死三伤----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.PREMIER LI MEETS U.S. COMMERCE SECRETARY李强会见美国商务部长雷蒙多Premier Li Qiang met US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo yesterday in Beijing, calling on both sides to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation.国务院总理李强昨天(08/29)在北京会见了来访的美国商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo),呼吁双方加强互利合作。 Li said a sound and stable China-US relationship benefits both countries and the world, emphasizing that trade relations between China and the United States are mutually beneficial and win-win in nature. Politicizing economic and trade issues and overstretching the concept of national security, Li added, will seriously affect bilateral relations and mutual trust, as well as undermine the interests of companies and people of the two countries, which would have a disastrous impact on the global economy. Li noted the two sides should strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, reduce friction【摩擦】 and confrontation【对抗】, and jointly promote economic recovery and cope with global challenges.李强表示,健康稳定的中美关系有利于两国和世界,强调中美贸易关系是互利共赢的。李克强补充说,将经贸问题政治化,过度扩大国家安全概念,将严重影响双边关系和互信,损害两国企业和人民的利益,对全球经济造成灾难性影响。李克强指出,双方应加强互利合作,减少摩擦和对抗,共同促进经济复苏,应对全球性挑战。 Raimondo said the Biden administration has no intention of containing China's development, does not seek to decouple from China, is willing to maintain communication and normal economic relations, and is willing to promote the steady development of bilateral relations. 雷蒙多表示,拜登政府无意遏制中国发展,不寻求与中国脱钩,愿保持沟通和正常经济关系,愿推动双边关系稳步发展。 2.CHINESE PRODUCTION LIGHTS UP THE WORLD DISPLAY MARKET中国制造点亮全球显示器市场After a revenue spike in 2021 spurred by pandemic-fed demand and rising prices, industrial output in the display industry began to return to earth in 2022. Data from consulting firm Shangpu Group showed that last year, the global display market saw its output value drop more than 20%. Will the year 2023 be the time for it to recover? And what role will China play in that?  Our reporter Zhang Shixuan visited Display Innovation China, an industry fair held in Shanghai to find out the answers. 在经历了2021年新冠疫情刺激下的需求和价格上涨带来的收益高峰后,2022年显示器行业的工业产值回落。咨询公司尚普集团的数据显示,去年全球显示器市场产值下降超过20%。2023年会是显示器复苏元年吗?中国又将在其中扮演怎样的角色?本台记者张诗旋参观了在上海举办的国际显示技术及应用创新展,寻找答案。Liquid crystal, organic light-emitting diodes widely known as OLED and photoresists ... These are now among the most trendy concepts in the display materials industry. Though the market has had its ups and downs in the past 2 years and the competition has been very tough, major developers are constantly coming up with new applicationss as you can see at this show - TV panels, AR and VR displays, and even automobiles.液晶、有机发光二极管(俗称"OLED")、光刻胶......这些都是目前显示材料行业最时髦的概念。尽管过去两年市场起起伏伏,竞争非常激烈,但正如您在本次展会上看到的那样,主要开发商正在不断推出新的应用——电视面板、AR和VR显示屏,甚至是汽车领域。Damien Tuleu, Head of Display Solutions of Merck Electronics达米安·图勒 默克电子公司显示解决方案主管“Right now we are more or less kind of in a cycle where we have seen defeated downturn for the last past two years after the booming of post-COVID requirements, but we expect definitely that cycle, I hope to end by end of this year. What we have seen so far in the market that we have seen definitely a slightly rebound in TV panels, where our customers and the customer for our customers has been rebuilding inventory, which has created some demand in TV partners. What we're hearing right now from the industry is that 2023, we called it as a kind of transition year and we expect 2024 to be defective as a year where we see more recovery in demand and moving forward.”“目前,我们基本正处于一个周期中,在经历了疫情后需求的繁荣之后,过去两年我们已经见证了下滑。,但我们预计这个周期肯定会结束,我希望能在今年年底结束。在市场上,我们已经明显看到电视面板出现了轻微的反弹,我们的客户和我们客户的客户一直在重建库存,这在电视合作伙伴方面创造了一些需求。从行业现在传来的信息是,2023年被视为一个过渡年,我们预计2024年将成为一个复苏需求更强劲的年份,然后向前推进。”Though the global display market witnessed a shrinking in production output last year, data from China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that in 2022 China accounted for 36% of the market share in the global new display industry. Industrial output of display panels in the country accounted for almost half of the world's total. 尽管去年全球显示器市场的产量出现了萎缩,但中国工信部的数据显示,2022年中国在全球新型显示器行业中占据了36%的市场份额。中国的显示面板工业产量几乎占到全球总量的一半。Damien Tuleu, Head of Display Solutions of Merck Electronics达米安·图勒乌 默克显示科技显示解决方案负责人“China is definitely upfront in terms of display manufacturing. And what we are seeing right now is there is definitely a huge focus on gaming, looking at two main factors for gaming. One is response time to be as fast as possible. And second aspect is contrast ratio.”“在显示屏制造方面,中国无疑处于领先地位。我们现在看到的是,中国对游戏领域的关注度非常高,游戏有两个主要因素。一个是响应时间要尽可能快。第二个方面是对比度比率。”The series of innovations in new materials are all about catching up with the market demand here.这一系列新材料的创新都是为了迎合市场需求。“我们是面板厂,我们公司在福建省莆田市。我们就是要找制造成本可以更优化的材料,希望能够达到我们的要求,达到客户质量的要求,成本又能更多控制。”“I’m from a panel manufacturer from the Fujian City of Putian. We want to find a material that can meet the quality requirements set by our clients, and can save costs.”When orders pile up, sufficient production capacity will be another point of competition. Last September, Merck's first OLED materials production site in China began operation in Shanghai's Pudong New Area, with an investment of 9.8 million euros. Its Electronics Technology Center in China has also been completed and began operation in Shanghai, which cost the company another 30 million euros.当订单堆积如山时,充足的产能将成为另一个竞争点。去年9月,默克在中国的首个OLED材料生产基地在上海浦东新区投产,投资额达980万欧元。此外,默克在中国的电子技术中心也已在上海建成并投入运营,该中心耗资3000万欧元。Yu Sui, Managing Director of Merck Electronics China隋郁默克显示科技(中国)总经理“We had a manufacturing site in Jingqiao for the liquid crystal manufacturing and also we have a site in Suzhou for the display photoresist manufacture. So all those product already achieved fully localization. And of course, even the innovation we also have R&D centers, so for new liquid crystals, for a lot of customers in China, several customers already here in this center this time, those material we innovate together with them, we work with them and to develop new mixtures to enable their new devices, new advanced displays.”"我们在金桥有一个液晶生产基地,在苏州也有一个显示器光刻胶生产基地。因此,所有这些产品都已经实现了完全本地化。当然,即使是创新,我们也有研发中心,所以对于新的液晶,对于中国的很多客户,这次已经有几家客户来到了这个中心,我们与他们一起创新这些材料,与他们一起开发新的混合物,以实现他们的新设备、新的先进显示器。"Official data shows that last year China produced and delivered 160 million square meters of display pandels, accounting for almost 70% of the global total, an increase of 5 percentage points from a year ago.官方数据显示,去年中国生产和交付了1.6亿平方米的显示器面板,占全球总量的近70%,比一年前增加了5个百分点。3.UKRAINE SAYS TWO KILLED, THREE INJURED IN EARLY MORNING ROCKET ATTACK ON KYIV乌克兰首都基辅遭火箭弹袭击两死三伤The mayor【市长】 of Kyiv said that the city was attacked in the early hours of this morning. Stephen Rancourt has more.  基辅市长表示,该市在今天(08/30)凌晨遭到袭击。Stephen Rancourt带来详细报道。According to Ukrainian media reports, Kyiv was hit by a rocket attack early this morning, two people were killed and 3 were injured. There has been no response from Russia on the missile strike.据乌克兰媒体报道,基辅今天凌晨遭到火箭弹袭击,造成两人死亡,三人受伤。俄罗斯方面尚未就导弹袭击事件做出回应。A Russian airport in the city of Pskov was hit with a drone strike last night, according to the governor of the region. There were no casualties【伤亡人员】.据普斯科夫州州长称,俄罗斯普斯科夫市的一个机场昨晚遭到无人机袭击。没有人员伤亡。The Biden administration announced yesterday that the United States will send an additional 250 million US dollars in weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.拜登政府昨天宣布,美国将向乌克兰增发2.5亿美元的武器弹药。Karine Jean-Pierre,White House Press Secretary让·皮埃尔白宫发言人It includes additional mine-clearing equipment, missiles for air defense, ammunition for artillery and HIMARS systems, and over three million rounds of arms ammunition.“军援包括额外的地雷清除设备、防空导弹,用于火炮和‘海马斯’系统的弹药,以及300多万发轻武器弹药。”Ukraine has already received more than 43 billion U.S. dollars from the United States since the conflict started in February of last year.自去年2月冲突爆发以来,乌克兰已从美国获得430多亿美元。Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi on September 4. According to TASS, this one-day visit will be largely focused on the Black Sea grain deal.土耳其总统雷杰普-塔伊普-埃尔多安计划于9月4日在索契与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔-普京举行会谈。据塔斯社报道,这次为期一天的访问将主要围绕黑海粮食交易展开。The Russian Foreign Ministry said yesterday that Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will head the Russian delegation at the G20 summit in India next month.俄罗斯外交部昨天表示,外交部长谢尔盖-拉夫罗夫将率领俄罗斯代表团出席下月在印度举行的二十国集团(G20)峰会。#热词加油站friction/ˈfrɪkʃ(ə)n/【摩擦】confrontation/ˌkɒnfrʌnˈteɪʃn/【对抗】mayor/meə(r)/【市长】casualtyˈkæʒuəlti/【伤亡人员】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~

08/31 TOP NEWS |李强会见美商务部长/探访显示器市场 /乌首都遭火箭弹袭击

08/31 TOP NEWS |李强会见美商务部长/探访显示器市场 /乌首都遭火箭弹袭击
