
日本経済新聞社 マネーのまなび



元証券マン 投資アドバイザー しんさん












投資・お金の不安を0にする「いろはにマネー」で働く大学生インターンが、NISAやiDeCoなど様々な話題について配信。 通勤や家事などのスキマ時間に「ながら学習」しましょう! -- ★いろはにマネーへの会員登録で、NISAの始め方やあなたにおすすめの投資方法が無料で分かります! 詳しくは「いろはにマネー」で検索★ -- produced by Investment Bridge

楽天証券PRESENTS 先取り★マーケットレビュー










今年1月から大きく制度がリニューアルした「NISA」について、より実践的な考え方や投資手法などをコンパクトに解説していきます。 コメンテーター:井出真吾(ニッセイ基礎研究所 金融研究部 主席研究員 チーフ株式ストラテジスト) 聞き手:元田芳






この番組では、副業アカデミー 小林学長が様々なゲストを迎え、副業に関するトークをお届けします。1日5分で取り組める簡単な副業から老後のための資産運用まで、収入を増やすためのノウハウが満載です。会社員の方もフリーランスの方も、副業に興味のある方はぜひお聞きください。 ★番組は毎週火曜日と金曜日更新です。 \あなたにぴったりな副業が見つかる/ 👇LINEで1分【無料】副業診断はこちら👇 🎁副業スタートアップ2大特典プレゼント🎁 🍀副業が体験できる!無料オンラインセミナー毎日実施中🍀 20種類の副業を経験して副業収入が1億円になった 【副業アカデミー小林学長】ってこんな人です🔥👇 🏫副業アカデミーとは🏫 副業アカデミーは「⽇本初の副業の専⾨スクール」です。2017年設立以来、のべ3,000名以上の方にご受講いただいております。様々な分野にわたる17種類の副業講座から、仕事や家庭環境にあわせ最適な副業をお選びいただけます。現役で活躍中の一流の講師のノウハウを学び、副収入の柱を一緒に作りましょう! 【公式HP】






不動産エコノミスト吉崎 誠二氏がお送りするREIT・インフラ市場に特化したマーケット情報番組。 パーソナリティ:吉崎誠二(エコノミスト) アシスタント:井上綾夏



《知行小酒馆》是有知有行出品的一档分享投资与生活的播客节目。我们关注投资理财,更关注怎样更好地生活。在我们看来,投资成功,是我们变成一个更好的人之后,自然的结果。 如果你对节目有任何建议,或者有推荐的嘉宾,或者想来小酒馆做客,欢迎在公众号「有知有行」、即刻或微博@知行小酒馆 给我们留言。有任何问题,也可以给我们发邮件,来信请寄: 如果你有长期投资的需求,非常欢迎下载「有知有行」App,里面有你一定能读懂的好课程《投资第一课》,也有专业的投资观察《知行黑板报》,更有我们全员持有的好产品「长钱账户」「稳钱账户」「海外长钱」,人称「长稳海三兄弟」。



BS12 トゥエルビで放送中の人気番組『マーケット・アナライズ CONNECT』から、スピンオフ・ラジオ版が誕生。週末の海外マーケットの最新情報や前場市況、テレビでは聴けないラジオならではの話など、耳より情報満載!






超カンタン! 投資のキホン


【解説者(財務省近畿財務局より)】(第1シーズン・聴けばわかるお金のこと) 三浦北登 様(令和2年度入省) 糸井悠貴 様(令和3年度入省) 【解説者(財務省近畿財務局より)】(第2シーズン・超カンタン 投資のキホン) 中川勝俊 様(理財部) 西出あすか 様(理財部) 【聞き手】 山口暢彦(産経新聞大阪本社経済部) ※所属は収録当時のものです ■この番組は 産経新聞が送る金融教育のポッドキャスト。 学習指導要領の改訂で、高校では本格的な金融教育が始まりました。成人年齢の18歳引き下げで新成人や若年層への詐欺被害やトラブルの増加も懸念されます。そこで産経新聞は近畿財務局とタッグを組み、高校生も大人も金融について簡単に楽しく理解できるようお伝えします。WEB記事で読む(産経ニュースへリンク) ■産経Podcastとは 新聞紙面では伝えきれない情報を、産経新聞社の精鋭記者陣が厳選。 インタビュー、ドキュメンタリー、歴史、エンタメなど、20タイトル以上のオリジナル音声コンテンツをお楽しみください。


Financial Times & Pushkin Industries

Ethan Wu, Katie Martin and other markets nerds at the Financial Times explain the big ideas behind what’s happening in finance right now. Every Tuesday and Thursday. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mad Money w/ Jim Cramer


“Mad Money” takes viewers inside the mind of one of Wall Street’s most respected and successful money managers for free. Cramer is listeners’ personal guide through the confusing jungle of Wall Street investing, navigating through opportunities and pitfalls with one goal in mind—to help you make money. “Mad Money” features the unmatched, fiery opinions of Jim Cramer and the popular Lightning Round, in which he gives his buy, sell and hold opinions on stocks to callers.

CNBC's "Fast Money"


Hosted by Melissa Lee and a roundtable of top traders, “Fast Money” breaks through the noise of the day, to deliver the actionable news that matters most to investors. Fast Money airs weeknights at 5p ET on CNBC. Visit for additional information.



ようこそ"副業ドキュメンタリーラジオ番組"へ📻 当番組では、たくてぃが様々な資産運用と副業に本気で挑戦する過程を追いかけます💴 平凡な27歳の彼がどのようにして資産を増やし、何に苦労し、どんな成功を遂げるのかをリアルタイムで共有します🔥 楽しみながら資産運用を学びたい人、副業で収入を増やしたいと考えている人、たくてぃの旅を応援したいと思っている人、どんなリスナーにも楽しんで頂ける内容をお届けします🎁 毎週木曜日に新エピソードを配信しますので、どうぞお見逃しなく📅たくてぃの資産運用・副業の冒険に一緒に乗り込み、一緒に学びましょう🎧 🔻たくてぃの個別相談LINE 🔻たくてぃへの質問 件名:たくてぃ でお待ちしています📩 🔻高評価お願いします










Thoughts on the Market

Morgan Stanley

Short, thoughtful and regular takes on recent events in the markets from a variety of perspectives and voices within Morgan Stanley.




Tâm Sự Tài Chính

Trịnh Công Hoà

Kênh Podcast chia sẻ kiến thức để học cách độc lập tài chính và quản lý tài sản bền vững. Những tâm sự này của Trịnh Công Hòa xuất phát từ những trải nghiệm chân thật của mình. Hòa hy vọng rằng giúp ích cho các bạn một điều nhỏ nhoi nào đó để các bạn hiểu rõ về tiền bạc, cách sử dụng tiền bạc và làm cho cuộc sống của bạn luôn tốt hơn Chúc các bạn luôn vui vẻ và hành phúc trong cuộc sống. Liên hệ: Zalo: 0944 325 488 Tìm hiểu thêm về Hòa:



「マネー」に関する食わず嫌いありませんか? 結婚、子育て、老後、人生にはお金がかかる。お金に関する心配事は山積みだけど、どうすればいいかわからない。そんな「マネー初心者」のあなたに向けた30分番組。勉強だって楽しくなければ長続きしない!庶民派アイドルふぉ~ゆ~と一緒にこの番組で初歩の初歩から勉強してみませんか?






A Book with Legs

Smead Capital Management

Welcome to A Book with Legs podcast, hosted by Smead Capital Management. In each episode, the folks at Smead Capital Management explore value investing through an entirely unique lens, bringing in authors to discuss books that have directly or indirectly influenced the decisions the Smead team has made on their investments in stocks and equities. The podcast is for the curious-minded looking for worldly wisdom. Investing is the last great liberal art, and the team at Smead wants to learn as much as they can. Any level of investor, business person, or thinker, whether personally or professionally, will be intrigued and engaged by these discussions.





森口 亮

個人投資家で毎日チャート分析の動画をyou tubeに配信している森口と申します! このラジオ番組では、聞いていただいた方が、 「株ってなんだかおもしろそう」 「株には将来性があるね!」 「凹んでいたけど勇気もらえた!」 みたいな、勇気と元気がもらえる番組を目指して、平日お昼にお届けしている音声番組です!

SONOSTA ~投資、金融、経済を楽しみながら考えるポッドキャスト~

End of Ocean

SONOSTAは、 投資、金融、経済を楽しみながら考えるポッドキャストです。SONOSTA、という番組名の由来は、「知ってもお金持ちにはならないが、お金を知ることは楽しい遊び」という言葉の頭文字になっています。パーソナリティは、合同会社エンドオブオーシャン代表で、お金にまつわる人間心理に興味があるまさきと、金融業界で10年以上働いたのち、独立してスタートアップのファイナンス支援をしたり、経済メディアで寄稿をしたりしているしげの2人です。基本は2人の雑談スタイルで、時折ゲストを迎えています。直近は毎月1つのテーマを取り上げて、4週にわたって配信する形を取っています。まず聴くなら、おすすめは、玉樹真一郎さんゲスト回、鷹鳥屋明さん、崔真淑さんのゲスト回です。気になるテーマ、ゲストの回から気軽に聴いてもらえたらと思います。 ・番組ウェブサイト 【各プラットフォームのリンク】 ▼Apple Podcast ▼Spotify ▼Amazon Music ▼Google Podcasts

US Stock Market Press



Capital Allocators – Inside the Institutional Investment Industry

Ted Seides – Allocator and Asset Management Expert

Allocator and asset management expert, Ted Seides, conducts in-depth interviews with leaders in the institutional investing industry. Guests include Chief Investment Officers from leading allocators, asset managers, strategists, thought leaders, and many more. Our mission is to learn, share, and help implement the process of premier investors. Learn more and join our community at

Shipping Matters


Welcome to Shipping Matters. The new podcast from SSY. In each episode, our panel of shipping experts will aim to cut through the market noise and go behind the headlines to tell you what really matters when it comes to shipping. About SSY Established in 1880, SSY has grown to become one of the biggest and most trusted names in broking, operating around the world via its 24 local offices – with over 500 experts covering a range of major markets including Dry Cargo, Tankers, Derivatives, LNG, Sale and Purchase, Offshore, Chemicals, Towage and Ship Finance. SSY has a global reach with offices in Athens, Copenhagen, Dubai, Geneva, Genoa, Hamburg, Hong Kong, Houston, Kristiansand, London, Madrid, Mumbai, New York, Oslo, Rio, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Stamford-USA, Sydney, Tokyo, Vancouver, Varna, Zug. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Barron's Live

Barron's Live

Join Barron’s for an exclusive live conversation with journalists and guests. Our editors and reporters will examine the pandemic and its impact on markets, the economy, companies and individuals. Topics include Managing Your Money, The Future of Health Care, What to Watch in the Markets, Tech Stocks, and more.



投資を始める前に知っておくべきこと。 社会の仕組みや、ニュースで取り上げられる事象がどのように市場に影響があるか、など分かりやすく解説します。 【プロフィール】 株式会社pafin 代表取締役 斎藤 岳 X(旧Twitter): 12年間、ゴールドマン・サックスの自己勘定投資チーム及びヘッジファンド運用担当者として勤務。 不良債権、プライベートエクイティ、不動産、法的整理、上場株、債券、為替、金利、CDS、デリバティブなど最大800億円のポートフォリオを運用 === 株式会社pafin 代表取締役 アズムデ アミン X(旧Twitter): アメリカのメリーランド州立大学を卒業後、2004年2月にゴールドマン・サックス証券東京支店に入社。 当時、自己勘定部門であったGSPS(株式運用部)のテクノロジー部門に配属され、2005年末にアナリストとして同運用チームに異動。 2007年12月にゴールドマン・サックス・インベストメント・パートナーズに改組。運用担当者として上場株、未上場株、債券、金利スワップ、金利先物、為替、デリバティブの投資を行い、ポートフォリオのリスク管理も兼務。

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

Harry Stebbings

The Twenty Minute VC (20VC) interviews the world's greatest venture capitalists with prior guests including Sequoia's Doug Leone and Benchmark's Bill Gurley. Once per week, 20VC Host, Harry Stebbings is also joined by one of the great founders of our time with prior founder episodes from Spotify's Daniel Ek, Linkedin's Reid Hoffman, and Snowflake's Frank Slootman. If you would like to see more of The Twenty Minute VC (20VC), head to for more information on the podcast, show notes, resources and more.

Stock Market Today With IBD

Investor's Business Daily

A roundup of the most compelling market action each trading day at the closing bell from Investor's Business Daily.

財報狗 - 掌握台股美股時事議題

財報狗 - 台灣最大基本面投資平台

收聽財報狗 Podcast 節目,利用通勤、睡前的閒暇時間,掌握台股、美股重要情報。 財報狗是台灣最大的基本面投資平台,我們的目標是賦予每個人本身更好的投資能力,平等資訊,協助大家做出更好的決策,讓每個人有生活的選擇權! 歡迎來到財報狗 ▶️ Podcast 業務合作信箱 ▶️ Powered by Firstory Hosting

Worldwide Exchange


Worldwide Exchange delivers essential, actionable information and analysis for anyone who wants to be part of the global business conversation. CNBC Anchor Frank Holland takes listeners through top business stories with global significance. Features conversation with key leaders, analysis of business and investor trends, and impact across international markets.

市场透视 Beyond Markets

Julius Baer

“市场透视”是一档专家访谈系列节目。来自全球各地的专家将在节目中分析全球市场动态,并分享他们的重要见解和投资策略。在每一期节目中,我们将针对不断变化的经济和市场格局,穿越迷雾,看透本质,为您带来切实可行的投资建议和宏观研究成果。 本播客节目所含信息属营销资料。所述观点不构成独立的金融/投资研究结果,亦不构成投资建议或瑞士宝盛购买或出售证券的要约。




The Inner Circle Trader Twitter Spaces Archive

Drunk Monkey

This is an archived copy of The Inner Circle Trader twitter spaces broadcasts for those who prefer a different platform for consuming your content. I am _not_ ICT, just one who accepts him as a mentor.

FXトレード | 心とお金の使い方

LUCY | FX Trader

個人FXトレーダーのルーシーです。 ・相場を通して感じたこと、気付き ・お金について ・心の使い方 ・ミニマリズム などを、ゆるりとつぶやきます。 自身の失敗体験をお話することで、悩めるトレーダーさんの背中を押すきっかけになれば幸いです🌷 ○ラジオは、平日17:00 毎日配信 ○FX動画は、YouTubeで毎週末配信 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ▼SNS関連はコチラ

Suze Orman's Women & Money (And Everyone Smart Enough To Listen)

Suze Orman Media

Take a priceless journey into your life and the life of your money with the most recognized personal finance expert in the world today.  Acclaimed for her revolutionary approach to money, Suze Orman has garnered millions of fans whose lives have been transformed by following her unique advice.  In about 30 minutes, you’ll learn how to go within yourself to see why you are doing without and that you cannot fix a financial problem with money.  Suze brings over 40 years of experience to help you be more and therefore have more.   If you don’t have the money you want in your life, subscribe now to one of the most popular podcasts in America and find out why. The choice is up to you. New episodes drop Thursdays and Sundays. Join Suze’s free podcast Community by downloading the Women & Money App on the Apple App Store or Google Play, where you can search past episodes, ask Suze questions (that if chosen will be answered on the podcast) take classes and communicate with each other and possibly Suze herself.

Oil Markets

S&P Global Commodity Insights

S&P Global Commodity Insights analysis of key oil price movements across the globe.

Schwab Market Update Audio

Charles Schwab

The Schwab Market Update podcast delivers our informative summary of each day's trading and financial news, including key stock announcements, federal monetary policy, and market-mover statistics. Podcasts are for informational purposes only. This channel is not monitored by Charles Schwab. Please visit for contact options.

GMOクリック証券 presents トレードアイランド学園


人生100年時代。老後資金の必要性などから関心が高まっているのが「投資」。今だからこそ身につけたい“投資の教養”。 投資の始め方やお金の仕組みはもちろん、金融経済の注目ニュース、最新のマーケット動向などを「トレードアイランド学園」という架空の学園のもと、授業スタイルで楽しみながら学びます。 出演:レッド吉田、花奈澪 番組作りの参考のため、以下のアンケートにご協力をお願いいたします。 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcastサイト:

"楽しい投資 Podcast"


賢明なる投資を探求する Podcasting.Presented by 楽しい投資研究所 (

Wealth Being


Chương trình mang đến những kiến thức đầu tư đúng đắn, có giá trị từ các chuyên gia giàu kinh nghiệm giúp người xem xây dựng hành trình đầu tư phù hợp và bền vững.

Pictet Market Talk | ピクテ・ジャパン株式会社


「Pictet Market Talk(ピクテ・マーケット・トーク)」では、株式市場や債券市場をはじめ毎回異なるテーマを取り上げ、投資のプロフェッショナルが対談形式でお伝えします。 出演者が登壇するオンラインセミナー「Pictet Theater LIVE」 ピクテ・ジャパンのYouTubeチャンネル登録 ピクテ・ジャパンのホームページ


新台灣人數位有限公司 -Jeff 與編輯團隊

歡迎來到『閱讀經濟學人』Podcast,你的每周前瞻分析,跟著經濟學人雜誌的腳步,放眼這個世界,掌握世界經濟、政治、環境與商業的關鍵大事。我是主持人Jeff,我和我的團隊會陪伴你一同解讀雜誌主旨,分享我們的閱讀心得與反思,協助你在這個複雜多變的世界中繼續前行。 每周一早上8:00,上架最新集數,我們會帶給你深度的擴展,涵蓋廣泛議題,(其實就是經濟學人團隊決定要刊甚麼,我們當周就要去Study 甚麼) ,從美中貿易戰、歐洲的寒冬、能源與環境的危機、美國大選、到巴西大選,再到創作型 AI 的迫近,議題很廣泛呀。 不論你是經濟學家、財經專業人士,或者單純對於世界如何運作感到興趣,『經濟學人』都有你想要的內容,而『閱讀經濟學人』都會是你最佳的夥伴。 現在,就放輕鬆,和『閱讀經濟學人』一起探索全球經營環境吧! 如果你聽完覺得還想要擁有一份重點筆記PDF ,歡迎點擊右上方的『加入會員』或到嘖嘖平台上經營的閱讀心得講義 ( ),我們會在每周日晚間 8:00 將還沒開播的集數講義先寄到您的電子郵件信箱! 搶先閱讀;想解鎖過去Podcast 單集,請到Firstory加入會員(,無限暢聽! 會員專屬大利多: ①整合Podcast 的逐字稿、英文關鍵單字解析,並將閱讀過程中所整理的資料編列索引,理解更加完整; ② 另有每季一次的常見主題單字整理-趨勢單字™ ;③ 另外尚有年度財經日曆-未來事件簿™等,共三項重要會員專屬權益(文字講義、單字書、財經周曆) 最後我想最重要的,我們與讀者們正在進行的一場奮鬥是甚麼? 我們希望站在巨人的肩膀上,看見這個世界,今天先做閱讀經濟學人、科技一周 (關鍵科技領導人物最新講話解析),未來我們希望做到Foreign Affairs/Foreign Policy 雜誌的封面文章閱讀心得分享。 這些內容除了當期 Podcast 以外,不會以任何形式對外提供販售;多一份認知就能打造不同的未來,這就是我們為什麼在Podcast 之外的內容是採取會員制的原因,因為願意理解世界的人本來就是屬於關鍵的少數人,團隊小小的私心是當我們一起提升自己的眼界的時候,台灣也因而變得更強大,你的訂閱就是讓團隊繼續朝前狂奔的最佳燃料,金感謝! Powered by Firstory Hosting

We Study Billionaires - The Investor’s Podcast Network

The Investor's Podcast Network

We interview and study famous financial billionaires, including Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio, and Howard Marks, and teach you what we learn and how you can apply their investment strategies in the stock market. We Study Billionaires is the largest stock investing podcast show in the world with 150,000,000+ downloads and is hosted by Stig Brodersen, Preston Pysh, William Green, Clay Finck, and Kyle Grieve. This podcast also includes the Richer Wiser Happier series hosted by best-selling author William Green. William regularly interviews legendary investors such as Mohnish Pabrai and Guy Spier, exploring what they can teach us about how to succeed in markets and life. And finally, our Bitcoin Fundamentals series is hosted by Preston Pysh, where he interviews prominent figures in the Bitcoin and macroeconomic space. To learn more about TIP, you can visit or subscribe to our free daily newsletter here. Support our show by becoming a premium member!

Fastmarkets’ Fast Forward podcast


Fast Forward is your ultimate podcast for all things critical minerals and battery raw materials. We’re your go-to experts as we look at what’s ahead in this ever-changing landscape. Hosted by Andrea Hotter, who has a rich background in energy and commodities reporting, including writing for the Wall Street Journal and the Dow Jones.

Eye On The Market

Michael Cembalest

Join Michael Cembalest as he explores a wide variety of investment topics, including the economy, policy and markets.



How would your life change if you reached Financial Independence and got to the point where working is optional? What actions can you take today to make that not just possible but probable. Jonathan & Brad explore the tactics that the FI community uses to reclaim decades of their lives. They discuss reducing expenses, crushing debt, tax optimization, building passive income streams through online businesses and real estate and how to travel the world for free. Every episode is packed with actionable tips and no topic is too big or small as long as it speeds up the process of reaching financial independence.


株式会社 ABF Capital

第4回 JAPAN PODCAST AWARDS ベストナレッジ賞 ノミネート! ㈱エービーエフキャピタルのメンバーが何気ないテーマから、経営戦略や投資実行等の広くビジネスに生かせる話題まで、戦略コンサルタント、ファイナンスプロ、データアナリストのプロフェッショナルが多角的な視点で語る番組です。毎週火曜日配信です! パーソナリティー: 熊原 充志(代表) 東京大学理学部卒業後、同大学院で宇宙物理学を専攻。 新卒でBCGに入社し、その後株式会社アドバンテッジパートナーズで多様な領域の投資を実行。 伊達 慶明 京都大学農学部卒業後、同大学院で生命科学を専攻。 新卒でBCGに入社し、一貫してビックデータ・地図を扱った戦略の立案を行う。 中野 拓真 東京大学理学部卒業後、同大学院で気象学を専攻。 新卒でBCGに入社し、経営戦略の立案だけでなく、成果の創出までクライアントを幅広く支援。 蔡 亮成 東北大学工学部卒業後、同⼤学院でエネルギーシステムマネジメントを専攻。 新卒でBCGに入社し、事業戦略及び事業計画策定のコンサルティング、マーケティングを⽀援。 プロデュース:サンキャリア カバーアート制作:小野寺玲奈 ABF Capital

DHUnplugged Podcast

Horowitz and Dvorak

This is the unscripted discussions of John C. Dvorak and Andrew Horowitz. Open mic style conversations about the economy, finance and the wacky world of business. Tips and rants are all part of each episode.

Better System Trader

Andrew Swanscott chats with professional traders Larry Williams, Ernest Cha

If you’re looking for inspiration, motivation and practical advice on improving your trading results, Better System Trader delivers every fortnight. Each episode brings you an expert trader who shares their own story, along with the steps, both good and bad, that they've taken on their path to success. With a focus on actionable insights, the tips and tricks used by the experts contain loads of value, providing you with insanely practical tips and tools you can start using TODAY. Improve your trading with Better System Trader.

Equity Mates Investing Podcast

Equity Mates Media

Bryce and Alec bring you Australia's best investing podcast for millennials. Join them, as they breakdown the barriers to investing, to make the markets accessible to everyone. Start your journey now! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Trading Nut | Trader Interviews - Forex, Futures, Stocks (Robots & More)

Cam Hawkins

Since 2015 I’ve been searching the world for the best Forex, Futures, Stock and Cryptocurrency traders to find out what makes them win. In fact, I’ve become so good at interviewing these winning traders, I’m able to unearth “nuggets upon nuggets” of knowledge and money making tips during each and every interview. Without a doubt, this is one of the BEST places to find interviews with successful traders... and I’m sure you’ll love it!



This is MoneyWise, a podcast where host Sam Parr is joined by high-net-worth guests to explore exclusive insights into personal finance and lifestyle tailored for other high-net-worth people, or those on their way. They'll get radically transparent about the numbers, revealing things like their burn rates, portfolios, and spending habits. Who is Sam Parr? Sam is a serial entrepreneur and the co-founder of The Hustle, which he sold to HubSpot in 2021. He's also the co-host of one of the world's top podcasts for entrepreneurs, My First Million. Known for his insightful business acumen and candid communication style, Sam Parr continues to be a prominent figure in the world of media and entrepreneurship. Sam's newest and biggest venture yet is Hampton, which he co-founded in 2022. This podcast was made for the Hampton community, a private, highly-vetted, peer membership community for founders and CEOs of fast-growing, tech-enabled startups.

Sách Nói Chứng khoán

Gà mờ Chứng khoán

Sách hay về Chứng khoán

Investing Experts

Seeking Alpha

Seeking Alpha's investing experts provide deep dive stock analysis and topical takes on the market. Transcripts:

Chip Stock Investor Podcast

Nicholas Rossolillo

Semiconductors are the heart of the modern economy. These small devices that manipulate the flow of electricity run everything from our PCs and smartphones to our cars to manufacturing. The semiconductor industry is at an inflection point of renewed growth, powering new movements like generative AI and electric vehicles. The Chip Stock Investor Podcast explores how semiconductors work, and especially the business of chips. Follow Nicholas and Kasey to learn how chip technology has become the engine of the world, and how to invest in its growth. Support this podcast:

Double Take By Newton

Newton Investment Management North America LLC

Stay up to date on key topics influencing the world of investing. We pair industry experts with Newton’s investigative research professionals to discuss top-of-mind issues shaping the economic landscape.  Learn more at: DisclosuresFor Institutional Clients Only. Issued by Newton Investment Management North America LLC ("NIMNA" or the "Firm"). NIMNA is a registered investment adviser with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (“BNY Mellon”).  The Firm was established in 2021, comprised of equity and multi-asset teams from an affiliate, Mellon Investments Corporation.  The Firm is part of the group of affiliated companies that individually or collectively provide investment advisory services under the brand “Newton” or “Newton Investment Management”.  Newton currently includes NIMNA and Newton Investment Management Ltd. (“NIM”) and Newton Investment Management Japan Limited (NIMJ).Any statements of opinion constitute only current opinions of NIMNA, which are subject to change and which NIMNA does not undertake to update. This publication or any portion thereof may not be copied or distributed without prior written approval from the firm. Statements are correct as of the date of the material only. This document may not be used for the purpose of an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction or in any circumstances in which such offer or solicitation is unlawful or not authorized. The information in this publication is for general information only and is not intended to provide specific investment advice or recommendations for any purchase or sale of any specific security. Some information contained herein has been obtained from third party sources that are believed to be reliable, but the information has not been independently verified by NIMNA. NIMNA makes no representations as to the accuracy or the completeness of such information. No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risk in any market environment and past performance is no indication of future performance. The indices referred to herein are used for comparative and informational purposes only and have been selected because they are generally considered to be representative of certain markets. Comparisons to indices as benchmarks have limitations because indices have volatility and other material characteristics that may differ from the portfolio, investment or hedge to which they are compared. The providers of the indices referred to herein are not affiliated with NIMNA, do not endorse, sponsor, sell or promote the investment strategies or products mentioned herein and they make no representation regarding the advisability of investing in the products and strategies described herein.Double Take was previously published by Mellon Investments Corporation. On September 1, 2021, all of Mellon Investments Corporation’s active equity and multi-asset strategies were transferred to Newton Investment Management North America LLC.

Marketplace Roundtable

Seeking Alpha

The Marketplace Roundtable Podcast features interviews with our Marketplace authors about their investing approach, views on the market today, and some of their favorite investing ideas. The Seeking Alpha Marketplace is a platform for investing services that helps investors take their investing to the next level. Authors provide exclusive ideas, subscriber chat rooms, model portfolios, and one-on-one access with subscribers. In these interviews, you’ll hear how these authors approach their investing and how they try to improve their process and results over time, and hopefully it will give you a few ideas for how to raise your investing game.

White Coat Investor Podcast

Dr. Jim Dahle of the White Coat Investor

Host, Dr. James Dahle, is a practicing emergency physician and founder of the White Coat Investor Blog. Like the blog, the White Coat Investor Podcast, is dedicated to educating medical students, residents, physicians, dentists, and similar high-income professionals about personal finance and building wealth, so they can ultimately be their own financial advisor—or, at least know enough to not get ripped off by a financial advisor! We tackle the hard topics like the best ways to pay off student loans, how to create your own personal financial plan, retirement planning, how to save money, investing in real estate, side hustles, and how everyone can be a millionaire by living WCI principles. Learn more at



【一起聊Money~】 由財經雜誌Money錢月刊編輯團隊企畫製作,「理財資優生」節目專訪各路名人、素人,網羅有精彩人生哲理與實戰案例的達人或民間隱藏高手,帶領聽眾了解他們的故事、理財投資的思考邏輯,幫助聽眾能夠找到一套適合自己的投資方法!複製學習多元知識點與方法,成為你做好人生規劃的好幫手。■投稿、受訪合作 請聯繫 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

Things I Didn't Learn In School

Paul Podolsky

Conversations with guests including FBI Director Jim Comey, hedge fund billionaire Ray Dalio, Congressman Jim Himes, and many others including a Chinese lawyer who survived the Cultural Revolution, a Cuban jazz genius, and a Russian doctor who was on the Covid front lines all sharing the life lessons they didn’t learn in school.Hosted by investor and author Paul Podolsky, author of Raising a Thief and the Things I Didn't Learn in School substack essays. More on

The Cannabis Investing Podcast

Seeking Alpha

On Seeking Alpha's Cannabis Investing Podcast, host Rena Sherbill provides actionable investment insight and the context with which to understand the burgeoning cannabis and psychedelics industries. C-level executives, analysts and sector experts share portfolio picks, highlight industry trends and help you think through your investing approach. Transcripts:

Lead-Lag Live

Michael A. Gayed, CFA

Welcome to the Lead-Lag Live podcast, where we bring you live unscripted conversations with thought leaders in the world of finance, economics, and investing. Hosted through X Spaces by Michael A. Gayed, CFA, Publisher of The Lead-Lag Report (@leadlagreport), each episode dives deep into the minds of industry experts to discuss current market trends, investment strategies, and the global economic landscape.In this exciting series, you'll have the rare opportunity to join Michael A. Gayed as he connects with prominent thought leaders for captivating discussions in real-time. The Lead-Lag Live podcast aims to provide valuable insights, analysis, and actionable advice for investors and financial professionals alike.As a dedicated listener, you can expect to hear from renowned financial experts, best-selling authors, and market strategists as they share their wealth of knowledge and experience. With a focus on topical issues and their potential impact on financial markets, these live unscripted conversations will ensure that you stay informed and ahead of the curve.Subscribe to the Lead-Lag Live podcast and follow @leadlagreport on X to stay updated on upcoming live conversations and to gain exclusive access to a treasure trove of financial wisdom. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn from the best and brightest minds in the business.Join us on this journey as we explore the complex world of finance and investments, one live unscripted conversation at a time. Be sure to like, comment, and share the Lead-Lag Live podcast with your network to help others discover these invaluable insights.Stay tuned for the latest episode of the Lead-Lag Live podcast, and remember to turn on notifications so you never miss a live conversation with your favorite thought leaders. Happy listening!



生かされるリスクって知ってました? 人生100年時代と言われてますが、長生きするにも お金はかかる じゃあ、どれくらいの お金があれば心おだやかに 暮らせるか知ってます? 私は知らなかった 今回は気楽に長生きしにくい世の中で生き抜くための 資産形成について まずは何から始めたらいい?の疑問を 初心者向けに詳しくお話しいただきます

Odd Lots


Bloomberg's Joe Weisenthal and Tracy Alloway explore the most interesting topics in finance, markets and economics. Join the conversation every Monday and Thursday.



チャンネル名『みんなのFXスクール〜どぱみんちゃん奮闘記〜』 ▪︎グースgoose / メインパーソナリティ FXファンダの先生👨‍🏫 ファンダ特化型オプチャ 『FX MAIN ROOM』主催者でもある FXファンダリストのグースと申します! 普段はInstagramやオプチャを中心に FXに必要な知識やスキルを配信してます! 特にファンダメンタルの質は高いです。 ファンダをどのようにFXに落とし込むことには かなり定評があります。 このチャンネルは 聞いて学べるFXコンテンツを提供いたします。 勝つためにスキルや知識だけではなく マインドについても配信していきます。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーー ▪︎どぱみんちゃん オプチャにも参加してくれているこの女性は "自称FXギャンブラー"とのこと。 この子を勝手にプロギャンブラーに 育て上げるストーリーもお楽しみください。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーー オプチャへの参加はこちらより 参加条件はございません! オープンチャット「FX MAIN ROOM」



日本初の副業専門スクール”副業アカデミー”のFX講座講師『しょーごくん』と認定講師『きよポン』で、投資に関するおもしろ話をする番組です。投資に興味のある方はぜひお聴きください♪ 「トレード始めてみたい」 「トレードで勝てるようになりたい!」 トレードのお悩み・ご相談、こんな話が聴きたいといったリクエストなど、お気軽にLINEにてご連絡ください^^ きよポンLINEはこちら▼




Money Girl

Laura Adams provides short and friendly personal finance, small business, real estate, and investing tips to help you live a richer life. Whether you're just starting out or are already a savvy investor, Money Girl's advice will point you in the right direction.



マーケット・トレンドがパワーアップ!コモディティ、日経平均先物・・・あなたのポートフォリオにデリバティブ取引をプラスしましょう! 毎週火曜日、専門家の眼で相場の動きを詳しく解説。 デリバティブ投資のポイントがわかる番組です。



財訊 《Wealth》


本頻道由台灣專業財經雜誌《財訊雙週刊》製作。 想知道謝金河社長的趨勢見解,你可以聽《老謝開講》 想聽資深記者群揭密產業故事,請選擇《聽了財知道》 投資人想聊聊台股時事和趨勢,那就是《上流投資術》 另外還有《財訊美股筆記》、《財訊小學堂》、《投資in總經》等深度節目等你來發掘! 在這裡,我們不做股票市場的帶進帶出。 透過我們的聲音,帶你走進採訪現場、聽見故事、發現內幕、洞察趨勢。 ★ 商業合作請洽,或撥專線 (02)2551-2561 #249。 更多《財訊雙週刊》 Youtube : Facebook : Instagram : Website : -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

The Ramsey Show

Ramsey Network

The Ramsey Show believes you can build wealth and take control of your life—no matter what stupid mistakes you've made with money. Join as Dave Ramsey and his team of experts answer your questions on the top problems holding you back. Listen now or ask your question live by calling 888.825.5225 weekdays from 2–5 p.m. ET. Learn more at

Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

Colossus | Investing & Business Podcasts

Conversations with the best investors and business leaders in the world. We explore their ideas, methods, and stories to help you better invest your time and money. Hear stock market and boardroom insights you can't find anywhere else. If you're a professional investor, CEO, entrepreneur, or business strategist, this is for you. Explore all our episodes and learn more at

Bloomberg Intelligence Weekend


Listen to the NEW daily Bloomberg Intelligence podcast here:

Masters in Business


Bloomberg Radio host Barry Ritholtz looks at the people and ideas that shape markets, investing and business.



精选6300万投资者的在线交流社区-雪球站内的优质干货内容, 解读热门个股、热点事件,分享投资理念、方法技巧。 6300万投资者在线交流,一起探索投资的智慧。 上雪球App,和6300万投资者在线交流, 多空观点尽收眼底,陪你踏上财富滚雪球之路。


Teru Tsukamoto

総再生回数2万回!完全聴取率93.3%!ありがとうございます! Season12は毎週水曜日30分のビジネス天気予報 Season13はSpotify限定の雑談配信 パーソナリティ: Teru Tsukamoto ヘッジファンド歴16年、教育歴5年、デープラーニング歴19年 番組の感想やメッセージはこちら X:



お金に関するFP身近なお話。お金を育てるのはお金持ちだけでは無い!シングルマザーの私だから伝えれるお金の話!相談に回答もさせて頂きます! Instagram :

Notes on the Week Ahead

Dr. David Kelly

Listen to the latest insights from Dr. David Kelly, Chief Global Strategist at J.P. Morgan Asset Management to help prepare you for the week ahead.

Barron's Advisor

Barron's Advisor

The Way Forward: insights from top advisors and industry standouts on managing wealth, leading through crisis and planning for the future.

Millennial Investing - The Investor’s Podcast Network

The Investor's Podcast Network

Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network is hosted by Patrick Donley and Kyle Grieve.  Millennial Investing is one of the top-ranked investing podcasts in the world geared to the millennial generation. Here’s what we do: - We have conversations with the world’s best investors, entrepreneurs, authors, and thinkers and explore their ideas, methods, and stories to help YOU better invest your time and money. - Think of us as your research team who finds the most interesting and profitable investing and business insights that you'd normally have to pay for. Except it’s free! - Our mission is to improve people’s financial literacy and business savvy to help in making better investment decisions with their time and money. Start listening. Master the best of what other people have already figured out so you can use their lessons in your life to learn how to invest and build wealth. Follow Patrick on Twitter at @JPatrickDonley, and Kyle on Twitter @IrrationalMrkts. Support our show by becoming a premium member!



【お金は増やしたいけど、何をしたらいいかわからない】 【物価は上がってるけど年収は上がらなくて困っている】 そのような悩みを抱えている方へ、 現役銀行員が『最新の経済、金融知識』をわかりやすく 発信していきます。 お金で損したくない方はフォローをおすすめ。フォローはご自由に。 ✅自己紹介 note『私が銀行員になった理由』 ✅経歴 父親が病気で倒れる→貧乏学生(経済学部)→銀行に就職 銀行員8年目(対面営業6年、リモート営業2年)経験 金融専門誌に掲載歴あり(日本金融通信社) CSアンケート(覆面調査)全店1位🥇経験あり 銀行では1000人以上の資産運用相談に乗ってきました。 ◼️保有資格 FP2級 /証券外務員一種など ✅受賞歴🥇 SMBC日興証券が運営するFROGGYでコンテスト受賞‼️ (note公式コンテスト) 賞金獲得💰 『noteで良かったこと』 ✅メンバーシップ(月額900円)について ・誰かのおすすめではなく自分で銘柄選択出来るようになる ・金融リテラシー向上(最新の金融知識が学べる) ・お得情報のシェアなど(ポイ活など) •日経新聞読み合わせ(最新の経済を学ぶ) •おすすめ本の紹介 「お金や経済に関する疑問をみんなで共有したり、助け合うささやかな場所」を目指してます。 難解な経済用語や金融知識を現役銀行員がわかりやすく解説します。 運用経験豊富な方、資産運用初心者の方ともに使えるお金の知識を学びます。 注意:投資は自己責任でお願いします。 ✅LIVE配信 ■LIVE開催時間  ・平日22時〜24時の間が多め ・土日祝 時間帯はバラバラ ✅趣味:資産運用、猫、本、ポケモンが好き ✅SNS ■note ■楽天ルーム 楽天ルームではおすすめ本をまとめてます。

Earn Your Leisure

EYL Network

Welcome to The Earn Your Leisure Podcast. Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings will be your host. Earn Your Leisure will be giving you behind the scenes financial views into the entertainment and sports industries as well as highlighting back stories of entrepreneurs. We will also be breaking down business models and examining the latest trends in finance. Earn Your Leisure is a college business class mixed with pop culture. We blend the two together for a unique and exciting look into the world of business. Let’s go!! #earnyourleisurepodcast

Motley Fool Money

The Motley Fool

Join hosts Dylan Lewis, Deidre Woollard, Ricky Mulvey, and Mary Long as they cover the day’s top business news and financial headlines with the Motley Fool's team of investment analysts. Tune in on weekends for the greatest investing classes you never got the chance to take in school and perspectives from special guests helping to shape the future.

Real Estate News: Real Estate Investing Podcast

Kathy Fettke / RealWealth

Don’t get caught off guard by market crashes that can take all your money down with them. And don’t miss out on markets where you can build wealth practically overnight. Real Estate News for Investors with Kathy Fettke is the premiere source for savvy real estate investors who want to stay up-to-date on new laws, regulations, and economic events that affect real estate. Topics include: market trends, economic analysis that affects housing prices, updates on the best rental markets for investing in single-family rentals or multi-unit rentals, turn-key housing standards, the fate of the highly revered 1031 exchange and other tax law affecting investors, self-directed IRA investing and 401k changes, where rents and property values are rising or falling, flipping risks, new Dodd-Frank rules regarding private lending and financing standards, areas with job losses vs job growth, areas that are overbuilt or over-supplied versus areas with low supply and high demand, and how to avoid real estate scams. We'll bring you the latest reports from organizations like the National Association of Realtors, Realty Trac, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Zillow, Trulia, Redfin, Rent Range, Property Radar, the Norris Group, Peter Schiff, Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Suse Orman, Bigger Pockets, Dave Ramsey and more. And we'll help you interpret the data in terms that make sense for your real estate goals, and portfolio. Grow and protect your wealth by staying on the forefront of economic data analysis, expert opinions, innovative investing strategies and profitable investment opportunities. We'll share all the top real estate news stories and the best trade secrets investors should know, so you can stay ahead of the curve and make fully informed real estate decisions. Host Kathy Fettke is Co-CEO of the Real Wealth Network, author of Retire Rich with Rentals and host of the Real Wealth Show on iTunes. She brings decades of media and real estate investing experience, offers her own viewpoints on particular topics, and taps into her network of real estate experts for real world news updates created just for investors like you. Get the real news on real estate on Real Estate News For Investors podcast! Like what you hear? Don't forget to subscribe! Love what you hear? Please leave us a review! Thanks for listening!
