12/07 TOP NEWS|发改委:经济长期稳定发展/首座第四代核电站商运投产/黄金价格创新高


NEWS ON 12/061. CHINA ACHIEVES SOLID ECONOMIC GROWTH:NDRC国家发改委:有信心更有能力实现经济长期稳定发展2. WORLD'S FIRST 4TH-GENERATION NUCLEAR POWER PLANT BEGINS OPERATION IN CHINA全球首座第四代核电站商运投产3. GOLD PRICE REACHES NEW HIGH, AFFECTED BY US ECONOMIC SENTIMENT美国经济数据糟糕 黄金价格屡创新高-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. CHINA ACHIEVES SOLID ECONOMIC GROWTH:NDRC国家发改委:有信心更有能力实现经济长期稳定发展China's top economic planner said today that China's economy has shown strong resilience【恢复力】during the year. And the long-term positive fundamentals of the country's economy have not changed.The National Development and Reform Commission said that China's economic recovery is a "wave-like" and tortuous【曲折的】 process. It reported that in the first three quarters of 2023, China's GDP grew by 5.2 percent year-on-year, the conusmer inflation during the first ten months edged up by 0.4 percent. The NDRC also added that the economy will further recover in the fourth quarter and contribute more than 30 percent of global growth this year.国家发改委今天(12/06)表示,中国经济在今年表现出强劲的韧性。中国经济长期向好的基本面没有改变。国家发改委还表示,中国经济复苏是一个“波浪式”的曲折过程。据报道,2023年前三季度,中国国内生产总值同比增长5.2%,前10个月的消费膨胀率小幅上升0.4%。国家发改委补充说,经济将在第四季度进一步复苏,今年对全球经济增长的贡献将超过30%。2. WORLD'S FIRST 4TH-GENERATION NUCLEAR POWER PLANT BEGINS OPERATION IN CHINA全球首座第四代核电站商运投产The Shidaowan high-temperature, gas-cooled nuclear power plant, officially went into commercial operation in Rongcheng County, Shandong Province today.山东荣成的华能石岛湾高温气冷堆核电站于今日(12/06)正式投入商业运行。The facility is considered to be the world's first fourth generation nuclear power plant. The technology behind it was developed domestically by the China Hua'neng Group, Tsinghua University and China National Nuclear Corporation. The power plant has an installed capacity of 200,000 kilowatts. After passing a 168-hour stable operation test, the project was officially put into commercial operation to continuously deliver clean and stable power to the grid【网格】. 该核电站被认为是世界上第一座第四代核电站,由中国华能集团、清华大学和中国核工业集团公司共同开发。电站装机容量为20万千瓦。在通过168小时稳定运行测试后,该项目正式投入商业运营,持续向电网输送清洁稳定的电力。3. GOLD PRICE REACHES NEW HIGH, AFFECTED BY US ECONOMIC SENTIMENT美国经济数据糟糕 黄金价格屡创新高Prices of gold futures set new record this Monday at exchanges around the world, driving retail gold prices to a new highs as well. That's dampening the usual consumption surge at the end of the year, as Lei Shuran reports...本周一,黄金期货价格在全球交易所创下新纪录,带动黄金零售价格也创下新高,这抑制了年底通常会出现的消费激增,记者雷舒然带来报道。In-store records show that since the beginning of September, the price of gold has been above 600 yuan per gram. In November, the price was again on the upswing, and this week it reached a new high of 627 yuan per gram. Many customers who had planned to buy large quantities of gold jewelry have changed their minds. 店内记录显示,自9月初以来,黄金价格一直在每克600元以上。进入11月,金价再次上扬,本周更是创下了每克627元的新高。许多原本计划大量购买黄金首饰的顾客改变了主意。上海市民“I'm planning to buy only 50 to 60 grams. The price has risen to more than 600 yuan per gram, it's too high.”“准备买五六十克的吧 现在600多(元一克)了 太厉害了”Experts say that gold prices may rise further on a possible slowdown in the US economy as well as anticipated US rate cuts early next year, which could pave the way for an upward trend in gold prices and gold-related equities. Spot gold crossed 2,100 dollars per ounce to hit a record high in early Asian trade on Monday, and stood above 2,000 dollars per ounce today. 专家称,由于美国经济可能放缓,以及预计明年初美国降息,金价可能会进一步上涨,这可能会为金价和黄金相关股票的上涨趋势铺平道路。周一亚洲市场早盘,现货黄金突破每盎司2100美元,创下历史新高,今天又突破每盎司2000美元。Liu Shiyao, Researcher ZJTF Futures Research Institute刘诗瑶紫金天风期货研究所贵金属研究员“Monday's sharp rise was also a continuation of last week's negative view about the U.S. market. Excessive pessimism【悲观】 about the U.S. economy caused gold prices to reach new highs.”“周一的大幅度上涨也是延续了上周 对于(美国)市场相当悲观的这样一个情形 对于美国经济的过于悲观 使得金价达到了新高”Despite the price rises, experts believe that gold demand will continue to increase in China as economic and geopolitical uncertainties may drive up purchases of safe-haven assets.   尽管价格上涨,但专家认为,中国的黄金需求将继续增加,因为经济和地缘政治的不确定性可能会推动人们购买避险资产。#热词加油站resilience /rɪˈzɪliəns/【恢复力】tortuous /ˈtɔːtʃuəs/【曲折的】grid /ɡrɪd/【网格】pessimism /ˈpesɪmɪzəm/【悲观】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~

12/07 TOP NEWS|发改委:经济长期稳定发展/首座第四代核电站商运投产/黄金价格创新高

12/07 TOP NEWS|发改委:经济长期稳定发展/首座第四代核电站商运投产/黄金价格创新高
