あなたにQQQ ~ありがとうを伝えたい~


アオイヤマダが日々の生活の中で芽生えた"ありがとう"を伝えるPodcast。 伝えたかった"ありがとう" そういえば"ありがとう" 心に残っている"ありがとう" 今だから言える"ありがとう" たくさんのありがとうを伝えていきます。 ありがとうを伝えて、幸せと、楽しいが広がりますように。 番組へのメッセージはこちらへ https://forms.gle/qhVSaPX6MmJBZWtj9



仕事や目の前のことから一旦離れて、無目的に過ごす午後のひととき。 音楽に耳を傾けたり、映画やドラマを見たり、大好きな友達とおしゃべりしたり… そんな「余白の時間」を、広瀬すずといっしょに過ごしてみませんか?

ベルク presents 日向坂46の余計な事までやりましょう


日向坂46のラジオ番組! ラジオならではのトークはもちろん、「やらなくてもよい!?」余計なことまでやってみる!…がコンセプト。 今は余計に感じることでも決して無駄じゃない! 今後のアーティスト活動、タレント活動に、全てがつながる…そんな未来を見据えたラジオ番組です。 (メインパーソナリティ 日向坂46 丹生明里/金村美玖)


ホワイエ Podcast

豊田エリーが『演劇』と『ライフスタイル』をメインテーマにお送りするPodcast番組。 リスナーの方々からのお便りなどを頼りに、独り言の様でいて、リスナーの人たちとの対話でもある様なそんな番組作りをしていきます。 ⚫︎お便り、質問、トークテーマなど、番組へのメッセージはこちらまで。 番組のメールアドレス : et.hitorigotalk@gmail.com Google form : ⚫︎豊田エリーのSNS Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ellie_toyota/ ⚫︎ご感想や、ご意見は、「#ひとりごとーく」を付けてつぶやいてください!

yes!~明日への便り~ presented by ホクトプレミアム 霜降りひらたけ


『自分にyes!と言えるのは、自分だけです』 今週あなたは、自分を褒めてあげましたか? 古今東西の先人が「明日へのyes!」を勝ち取った命の闘いを知る事で、週末の ひとときをプレミアムな時間に変えてください。 あなたの「yes!」のために。



ミュージカル好きの2人が、幕間のロビーの隅っこで気ままにおしゃべりする『わたしのミュージカル・ノート』。 往年の名作から近頃話題の新作について、様々な切り口でミュージカルの魅力をお届けします。 ミュージカルが大好きな方やこれから触れてみたい方、どんな方にも楽しんでいただける番組作りを目指しています! 私たちと一緒に、ミュージカルの世界を覗いてみませんか?







The Moth

The Moth

Since its launch in 1997, The Moth has presented thousands of true stories, told live and without notes, to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. Moth storytellers stand alone, under a spotlight, with only a microphone and a roomful of strangers. The storyteller and the audience embark on a high-wire act of shared experience which is both terrifying and exhilarating. Since 2008, The Moth podcast has featured many of our favorite stories told live on Moth stages around the country. For information on all of our programs and live events, visit themoth.org.


ai sato




仕事のこと、友達のこと、大好きな音楽のこと… 俳優・鈴鹿央士が自分のコトバでゆったり語りかける25分。 ちょっと寄り道するくらいの気持ちでお聴き下さい。

Rakugo - Japanese traditional style comedy -


Japanese traditional style comedy~is a program featuring Shinoharu Tatekawa,a famous Rakugo performer. He will introduce to us what Rakugo is, the history, and how to enjoy it. Once in a while he will even perform us a Rakugo episode. RAKUGO ~Japanese traditional style comedy~は、落語家立川志の春さんが日本の伝統的な大衆芸能である『落語』の歴史、魅力、楽しみ方、などを紹介する番組です。ときには、英語で落語も披露します。



※本节目由播客厂牌【凹凸宇宙】出品※ 喂?贝贝! 《呼叫仙贝》是一档关于吃喝玩乐的生活方式类节目,挖掘身边有趣玩法,希望可以给业余课余的单调生活增添一些惊喜因子。 生活不仅有忙碌,更有值得探索的快乐,和呼叫仙贝一起玩耍吧!

James Corden in conversation

National Theatre

The Trap Set with Joe Wong

Joe Wong

Each Episode, Joe Wong speaks to a different musician about life.

Hot Ones: The Classic Interviews

Complex Networks

On the popular YouTube show, ‘Hot Ones,’ host Sean Evans interviews celebrities as they eat increasingly spicy chicken wings. The podcast version, ‘Hot Ones, The Classic Interviews’ looks back at Hot Ones history to unearth extended cuts of some of our favorite hot sauce-fueled interviews of all time.You can expect to hear from names like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Tyra Banks, Ricky Gervais, and more. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


TACT(TAkasaki Community Theater)


The Archers Omnibus

BBC Radio 4

The week's events in Ambridge



「大内密谈Midnightalks」是一档由“深夜谈谈Midnight Network”出品的播客节目。密而不宣,无所不谈。



If you like The Moth, This American Life or Snap Judgment, take a walk on the wilder side with RISK! Your colorful host Kevin Allison (of the legendary comedy group The State) helms this surprisingly uncensored show where people tell jaw-dropping true stories they never thought they'd dare to share in public. RISK! is hilarious, heart-wrenching and remarkably real. Think you've heard it all? Fasten your seatbelt.


Audrey Freeman

Welcome to SPORTIVÉaf the podcast that takes you behind the scenes of the world of ballet. Join us as Audrey Freeman sits down with current and past ballet stars to hear their untold stories, secrets, and advice. From their earliest days at the barre to the heights of their careers, we'll hear from some of the most accomplished dancers in the world about the triumphs and struggles that have shaped their lives. We'll explore the physical and mental demands of this art form, and the sacrifices that dancers make in order to pursue their passion. Join us every week for fascinating interviews with dancers, choreographers, and other ballet professionals, as we dive deep into the world of ballet and reveal the secrets behind the tutu. Whether you're a lifelong fan of dance or a newcomer to the art form, SPORTIVÉaf has something for everyone.



ミュージカルで産湯に浸かり、学生時代は部活やサークルでミュージカルに青春をかけていた会社員が当時の思い出や、観劇の間奏、社会人ミュージカルへの挑戦、通っているボイトレやなど自由に語る。 🎭🎫感想はこちら🎭🩰 https://forms.gle/Usx68F8FVrXZDoGV6 番組への感想やリクエスト、話題提供、見た舞台の感想などなど、なんでも送ってください!番組内で紹介させていただきます!




The Dance Edit

Dance Media

A weekly podcast, hosted by editors from Dance Media, that breaks down the dance world's news and talks with with the artists who are shaping the headlines.



ドラマチック・リーディングの扉 Ⅱ 世界は 今も うごめいているらしい そんな話 君としてみたい 夜が明けるまで


ホワイエ Podcast

劇団時代から苦楽を共にした池谷のぶえとブルー&スカイがお酒を飲みながらゆったりと話す番組。 劇団の話、ひいては演劇の劇団の歴史の話など、お酒を飲んで飛び出すトークをお楽しみください。 毎週金曜日17時頃に配信 ⚫︎お便り、質問、トークテーマなど、番組へのメッセージはこちらまで。 番組のメールアドレス: nibs.kittoforever@gmail.com Google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNaW-fSfMCIzd9QNp8f7LAUa8KnY84K5d6iiqzHO9JqHY0oQ/viewform ⚫︎ご感想や、ご意見は、Twitterで「#きっとフォーエバー」をつけてつぶやいてください。

羽多野渉と古賀葵 コエ×コエ


この番組は、声優の羽多野渉と古賀葵が、「声」「台詞」「言葉」にフォーカス してお届けしています。 ご紹介する楽曲も“いいコエ”に着目!パーソナリティやリスナーが「格好良いコ エ」「かわいいコエ」など心に残る視点でセレクトし、邦楽・洋楽、アニソン問 わずオールジャンルでお送りします。 声優同士のコラボや、大御所俳優のコエにまつわるエピソード紹介も。 どうぞお楽しみに!


Kamigata Rakugo



ホワイエ Podcast

演劇に纏わる話、日常で異常に気になる事、今気になっている人。 俳優の薬丸翔が自身の神経質でネガティブ性格をポジティブな形で活かす為に、考えすぎながら話す番組です。     毎週火曜日、木曜日、土曜日の17時に配信     ⚫︎お便り、質問、トークテーマなど、番組へのメッセージはこちらまで。 メールアドレス : sy.kangaesugiruhito@gmail.com     ⚫︎薬丸翔のSNS Twitter: https://twitter.com/shoyakumaru Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shoyakumaru_official/?hl=ja     ⚫︎ご感想や、ご意見は、Twitterで「#考えすぎる人」をつけてつぶやいてください。






客席の女Sと客席の女Aがお届けする ゆるゆる宝塚歌劇談♡

NCT DOYOUNG (covers)


A podcast for all of NCT DOYOUNG's song covers. Please don't forget to stream them on NCT MUSIC's Youtube channel as well!



日本の苗字人口ランキングで現在4位の「田中」。 そんな田中姓を持つ声優の田中ちえ美が、日本全国“かなた先”の田中さんと繋がりながら、日本各地の様々な魅力を探し発信していく地域情報バラエティー! 田中さんじゃないあなたも、きっと田中の魅力に気づくはず! 【番組ハッシュタグ】 #たなかのカナタ 【プレミアムコンテンツ】 ・映像生配信あり(不定期) ・隔週金曜日20時更新(生配信アーカイブ、音声) ・プレミアムコンテンツは番組メンバーシッププランでの配信となります。

BLU Time

Radio Blu Italia - Australia

La trasmissione d'intrattenimento condotta da Paolo Puglia su Radio Blu Italia - Australia. Sul lungo mare del mondo, la tua web radio.

sound-scape 音風景 / midunoのブログ

Nature Sound Effect:miduno

sound-scape 音風景 日本各地の環境音をお届けします。

SUZUKI No.1 Factory


俳優・八嶋智人がパーソナリティをつとめる番組『SUZUKI No.1 Factory』 音楽・映画・漫画・アニメ・グルメ・スポーツなど、 様々なジャンルで現在・過去に「No.1」となったトピックを毎日ピックアップ。 その裏にあるエピソードと共に、栄光のNo.1ストーリーや、 明日話したくなるトリビアを紹介していきます。


Team Happy Hill

Team Happy Hillラジオドラマ配信ブログ・・・毎週木曜日配信中! 私はベロニカ(ラジオドラマ配信ブログ)『古書堂の佳人たち』『メディカルホテルLTR』『村のアイドル天海のぞみは・・・』「私はベロニカシリーズ」他 制作:Happy Hill Music 原作・脚本:桂木 亘 (C)2009~2024 Happy Hill Music

長塚圭史がお届けするWEBラジオ RADIO KAAT


2022年よりYouTubeでスタートしたRADIO KAAT。ポッドキャストでもお聴きいただけるようになりました! KAAT神奈川芸術劇場 芸術監督の長塚圭史が毎回素敵なゲストをお迎えし、主催公演の裏話や見どころをお聞きします。

maishintaのLife is Art


maishintaのPodcast 日々の語りと、音楽と、生きていることの不思議。 【HP】 https://www.8thmayrecords.com 【maishinta music】 https://8thmayrecords.bandcamp.com/maishinta-music

Belly Dance Life

Iana Komarnytska

All insights into belly dance lifestyle

Belly Dance Podcast A Little Lighter

Belly Dancer Alicia Free

Get belly dance costume tips, great songs you can dance to, damn sexy dance moves, and feel-good-look-goddess habits that will make you feel A Little Lighter. The “Danceable Rituals” in the show make it easy to dance even when we are busy, and these rituals help us enjoy the magic in the world. In each show we’ll also showcase a delicious whole food to add to our lives and push out the stuff we don’t feel good about eating. Alicia Free has been performing, learning and teaching belly dance in the US, India, Thailand, and Morocco since the year 2000. Alicia has studied with amazing teachers including Tribal Fusion founder Jill Parker, the every-graceful Colleena Shakti, Rajasthani Gypsy dancers Raki and Sunita Sapera, and Flamenco Fusion dancer Anjelica Scannura. Visit AliciaFree.com for dance videos, plant-based recipes, and more.


酒本麻衣 Mai Sakamoto / maishinta

このチャンネルは、maishinta 酒本麻衣が日々のこと、音楽のこと、歌のこと、NFTのこと、オーガニックコスメやフレグランスのこと、旅や子育て、暮らし、おいしい食べ物や飲み物のことなど、だいすきなことについて、思いつくままに、ときに起き抜けにおしゃべりする、声のエッセイRADIOです🎙 maishintaは酒本麻衣と酒本信太による音楽ユニット。 8th MAY Recordは私たちの音楽レーベルです。 これまでの作品はこちらからご覧いただけます。 ☟ https://www.8thmayrecords.com

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Jane Austen

The story is about Elinor and Marianne, two daughters of Mr Dashwood by his second wife. They have a younger sister, Margaret, and an older half-brother named John. When their father dies, the family estate passes to John, and the Dashwood women are left in reduced circumstances. The novel follows the Dashwood sisters to their new home, a cottage on a distant relative's property, where they experience both romance and heartbreak. The contrast between the sisters' characters is eventually resolved as they each find love and lasting happiness. Through the events in the novel, Elinor and Marianne encounter the sense and sensibility of life and love. View our full collection of podcasts at our website: https://www.solgoodmedia.com or YouTube channel: https://www.solgood.org/subscribe Check out our ad free subscription: adfreesounds.com The best audiobooks - Our collection includes memoirs, fiction, non fiction, and more! www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/audiobooks Fairy Tales, Short Stories and More! Listen to a bedtime story tonight! www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/childrens-stories Wanna Listen to Something Funny? Check out our Collection of Best Comedy Podcasts! www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/comedy The best daily podcasts for your morning, afternoon or evening routine! www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/daily-podcasts Explore our Audio Drama Podcasts. You'll love our collection of immersive rich stories. www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/drama The top educational podcasts. Our collection includes Economics, History, Science, Religion and More! http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/educational The Best Fantasy Podcasts that'll take you on an adventure during your next commute http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/fantasy From Thrillers to Science Fiction, Here are some of the best Fiction Podcasts to Binge http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/fiction Top Health & Fitness Podcasts to increase your Vitality, Wellness, and Longevity http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/fiction The Best History Podcasts That Will Help You Remember What You Forgot In School http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/history These Horror Podcasts Will Chill You to the Bone! http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/horror Listen to the world's greatest minds on topics such as spirituality, history, science, and more! http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/lectures The Best Mystery Podcasts to bend your mind and ask "Who did it?!?" http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/mystery-and-suspense Shows that broaden your knowledge, our collection includes topics such as history, business, science, and more! http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/non-fiction Shows that broaden your knowledge, our collection includes topics such as history, business, science, and more! http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/philosophy-and-religion Top Philosophy and Religion Podcasts, Our Favorites to have a Deeper Understanding of our World http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/plays Experience Live Theatre From the Comfort of your Home! - Top Plays & Dramatic Reading Podcasts http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/romance Top Romance Podcasts for Snuggling http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/romance Top Science Fiction Podcasts That are Out of This World! http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/science-fiction The Best Self-Help Podcasts For Overall Wellness www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/self-help Expand your horizons with this collection of classic short stories and tales by writers like HG Wells, Edgar Allen Poe, HP Lovecraft, Jules Verne, & more! http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/short-stories Our growing collection of original shows that explore the nature of our human experience. http://www.solgoodmedia.com/categories/sol-good-originals The most popular sounds for improving sleep - Ocean, rain, river, and many more sounds. Perfect for Insomnia, Relaxation,...

Gay Future

Super Normal Media

The year is 2062 and everyone is gay. It’s a conservative’s worst nightmare: a totalitarian government rules over what’s left of North America to spread its insidious gay agenda. Humanity’s only hope for a rebellion rests on the shoulders of a precocious teenage boy who harbors a dark secret: He's straight. A new podcast adaptation of a recently discovered, never released YA novel by Mike Pence.

Creative Processing with Joseph Gordon-Levitt

HITRECORD & Cadence13

On his new ten-episode series, Joseph Gordon-Levitt will get into the nitty-gritty of how a wide variety of creative people do what they do. Listeners’ questions will inspire conversations between Gordon-Levitt and a range of creative guests, from Hollywood notables like Rian Johnson and Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg, to behind-the-scenes heavyweights like casting director Mary Vernieu, and from political visual artist Shepard Fairey to indie sonic songstress, Yuka Honda, and more.

두말하면 잔소리

hemtube 햄튜브

햄튜브의 첫 팟캐스트 도전입니다. 고정게스트 루케씨와 늘 함께합니다.



三人派对,一周一会,周而不比,惠而不费。 聊喜剧,说影视,谈文化,想人生。 每周一更新,及不定期加更。欢迎订阅收听。 进听友群请加:xisiwutiaofm



「森の妖精」深谷正一が、その演劇人生において培ってきた演劇知識を「伊那谷のモーツァルト」吉瀬敬太に伝承していくPodcast。 ほかにも演劇用語・舞台用語解説コーナーや、様々なアーティストによるゲストコーナーも中毒要素。 駆け出し俳優のタメになるPodcast!

Moods & Modes

Alex Skolnick

Traveling from vintage guitar shops in Brooklyn to iconic recording studios and legendary music venues around the world, guitar legend Alex Skolnick explores the work of renowned musicians through commentary, conversation, and live performance. Follow @moodsandmodes on Instagram for updates.

☃️ Snowman

Ayana Syed

New Sounds from WNYC

WNYC Studios

New Sounds is unlike any radio show you've ever heard: a whirlwind tour of new and unusual music from all corners of the globe. New Sounds combs recent recordings for one of the most informative and compelling hours on radio, and aims to make the world smaller. For over 25 years, host John Schaefer has been finding the melody in the rainforest and the rhythm in an orchestra of tin cans. Defying rigid categorization and genre pigeonholing, New Sounds offers new ways to hear the ancient language of song. With guest musicians from David Byrne to Meredith Monk to Ravi Shankar to Philip Glass to Christopher O'Riley to Bang On A Can, Schaefer presents performances (both in-studio and from the New Sounds Live concert series) and premieres new works from the classic and operatic to folk and jazz, and anything else in between. Each show has a theme, ranging from post-rock to klezmer to African blues to minimalism. The variety of cultures and styles explored is boundless. Music you may not have known existed and now can't live without.


噺家 桂あさ吉

桂あさ吉という落語家のひとりしゃべり。 三年間の内弟子中の日記を読み返していく15分くらいの番組。 毎週日曜日に更新。 日記を全て読み終われば終了。

The Jimmy Dore Show

Jimmy Dore

“ Jimmy Dore is outrageous and outraged, bothersome and bothered, a crucial, profane, passionate voice for progressives and freethinkers in 21st century America.” -Patton Oswalt

Snap Judgment

Snap Judgment and PRX

Snap Judgment mixes real stories with killer beats to produce cinematic, dramatic radio. Snap’s raw, musical brand of storytelling dares listeners to see the world through the eyes of another. It's storytelling... with a BEAT.


噺家 桂あさ吉

桂あさ吉という落語家のひとりしゃべり。 三年間の内弟子中の日記を読み返していく15分くらいの番組。 毎週日曜日に更新。 日記を全て読み終われば終了。

Actors in Conversation

National Theatre



成人有声小说 未成年人勿入 Powered by Firstory Hosting

The Magnus Archives

Rusty Quill

“Make your statement, face your fear.” A weekly horror fiction podcast examining what lurks in the archives of the Magnus Institute, an organisation dedicated to researching the esoteric and the weird. Join Jonathan Sims as he explores the archive, but be warned, as he looks into its depths something starts to look back… New episodes every Thursday produced by Rusty Quill, featuring guest actors, short stories, serial plots and more. The Magnus Protocol launches in January 2024. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

ドラマチック・リーディングの扉 ★ Dramatic Reading


役者 北村青子が名作を朗読するポッドキャスト。 「Dramatic Readingとは何か?」の、探求宣言!

NT Talks

National Theatre

Welcome to our collection of conversations recorded live from the National Theatre stages, including interviews with actors, directors and playwrights.

Hello Sunshine

Seema D'souza

Hello Sunshines! This is a show to remind each one of us that we are and we can be the sunshine in someone's life. This podcast will be your companion, infusing your day with a ray of sunshine whenever you need it the most. I'm Seema D'souza, a podcaster, an enthusiastic storyteller and I believe that the power of storytelling and shared wisdom can be a guiding light in our lives. We're all here to spread love and positivity with some heartwarming stories. So, Tune in...new episodes drops every week. Connect with me on Instagram for more updates

Every Musical Ever

Richard Carroll

Each week, host Richard Carroll discusses a different musical with smart and hilarious guests, including Joel Creasey, Lucy Durack, Leigh Sales, David Campbell, Virginia Gay and Julia Zemiro. Each musical gets an in-depth going-over – from deconstructing the minutiae of the plot, to fan-girling over the songs, reminiscing about the impact of the musical on our lives, and interrogating the unanswered questions we’ve always wanted resolved.

National Theatre: What's on

National Theatre

San Francisco Ballet - To The Pointe

San Francisco Ballet Association

Need something to listen to on your way to the theater? Join Jennie Scholick, PhD as she hosts To the Pointe, for an in-depth but light-hearted exploration of an upcoming performance. Learn what to look for, what’s important, and what you need to know to get the most out of your experience.



井上隆吉(INOUE Takayoshi/観世流名誉師範/鹿諷会/兵庫県/1935-2017)の音声記録のごく一部をまとめたポッドキャストです。※テスト中

CUNY TV's Theater Talk

Theater Talk Productions and CUNY TV

Theater Talk focuses on the exciting world of the New York stage. Hosted by series producer Susan Haskins and a revolving team of co-hosts including Jesse Green of The New York Times, Elisabeth Vincentelli of The New Yorker, Adam Feldman of Time Out New York, Donna Hanover of Arts in The City, Michael Musto of NewNowNext.com, Jan Simpson of Broadway and Me and Jason Zinoman of The New York Times, the series (produced at CUNY TV and airing across the country on stations in over 60 urban markets) features interviews with the most interesting artists working in the theater, plus provocative "round tables" with the theater world's most influential critics and reporters discussing what's going on and worth seeing on Broadway, Off Broadway and beyond.

Art + Music + Technology

Darwin Grosse

An interview podcast where we talk to people that are engaged in the connection of art and music to technology. Visual artists, musicians, software developers and other creatives are invited to talk about their background, current work and future vision.



番組公式Xアカウントは、@38westeast ニシでお笑いを見るキシカイセイと、 ヒガシでお笑いを見るまふゆが、 お互いの推しを語り合い、 新たな推しを探しながら、 みなさんと自分たちをお笑いライブへいざないます。 まぁつまりお笑いって最高!ありがとう!って声高に宣言するラジオ番組。 もちろんコントも漫談も諸芸も語らいます。 ※001や002などを配信に約2週間後、 001-1、001-2といった分割版を配信します。 ※フル版と分割版に内容の違いはありません。 1996年早生まれ パーフェクトゆとり世代な2人のSNSは キシ カイセイ (Xはありません) (@kishikaisei8629.bsky.social ) まふゆ (X@yunagawamaa) (@yunagawamaa.bsky.social )


汪世瑋 魏晶琦

兩位恰巧是配音員的水瓶女子 在熱烈聊天中分享 工作 生活 美食 旅遊 各種奇思妙想 音樂-哈卡 小編 後製-本丸 歡迎IG搜尋🔍小智小蘭的閒聊時光 合作邀約請來信📨 wangchiwonderland@gmail.com -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

Snap Judgment Presents: Spooked

Snap Judgment

Spooked features true-life supernatural stories, told firsthand by people who can barely believe it happened themselves. Be afraid. Created in the dark of night, by Snap Judgment Studios, in partnership with KQED & PRX. It is hosted by Glynn Washington.Episodes drop every week on Friday! Spooked is available for free on ALL podcast platforms. Featuring brand NEW stories -- along with episodes previously available only by subscription.For Luminary subscribers, previously released episodes are still on Luminary.





Fm yokohama 84.7(FMヨコハマ)

横浜にも日本の伝統文化である「芸者」の文化が、歴史を紡ぎ今もなお残っています。 平成29年、約20年ぶりに横浜芸者を復活させた横浜芸妓組合の芸者たちが、その歴史と文化を紹介するプログラム。

The 10 Minute Jazz Lesson Podcast

The 10 Minute Jazz Lesson Podcast

Welcome to the 10 Minute Jazz Lesson Podcast! Our goal on the show is to give you a quality, concise jazz improvisation lesson each and every week. These podcasts will come complete with audio examples and downloadable PDF files to make sure you get the most out of every lesson. We want all of our listeners to become better improvisers and musicians and we can promise you by listening to the 10 Minute Jazz Lesson Podcast you will do just that. Make sure you find our Facebook page as well by searching for '10 Minute Jazz Lesson.' We hope you will find our supportive community of like minded students helpful and inspiring! Need help on a concept? Post a video and ask for feedback! Want to ask a general question on a concept you're having trouble with? Post it on our wall and start a discussion with other students that might be having the same problems as you! We want to be your one stop jazz education destination. Are you ready to improve one concept per week? Then join 10 Minute Jazz Lesson Nation and start improving your playing today!

Hear Me Out with Lucy Eaton

Hear Me Out: Discussions about Great Theatre and Greater Plays

Hear Me Out puts the audience back in the stalls (or, closer still, the rehearsal room), inviting theatre-loving audiences to re-connect with theatre-makers in a unique celebration of language and performance. Hosted by Lucy Eaton, it's the insider chat that audiences would love to have. The format is simple: Lucy asks 'What is your favourite speech?' From the brilliance of the language to the personal anecdotes behind the choice, it’s part Desert Island Discs, part literary analysis and part post-show chat in the theatre bar. Guests include: Denise Gough, Patricia Hodge and Adrian Lester. Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



这是一档以“你”开头,并以“问号”结尾的音频综艺节目。 你更喜欢猫还是狗? 你会经营自己的朋友圈吗? 你愿意和性转之后的自己在一起吗? 2v2的生活态度碰撞秀,现在开始! 我们将话题聚焦在生活与脑海中的每一件小事上,不争论对错,不判断价值,通过不同选择的碰撞,展现我们独特而多元的生活与思考方式。 每一个问题,都会有不同的选择和答案。 比如,你吃香菜吗? 本节目由日光派对播客联盟出品。


Mathis Grosos

Et si finalement, toi aussi, t'aimais le théâtre ? Parmi les armées de cheveux blancs, parfois bien décidées à fermer la porte derrière elles, des publics plus jeunes se frayent un chemin jusque dans les salles de spectacle. Une génération qui demande du changement, un théâtre en phase avec la société et même pourquoi pas, soyons fou, de la créativité. Le premier lundi du mois, les DramaTea reviendront sur une grande question qui traverse le théâtre. Un mercredi sur deux, les Dramathis vous feront découvrir une pièce (et à travers elle, une problématique pour mieux comprendre le monde du spectacle vivant). Le dernier jour de la semaine ? Il se repose parce que faut pas déconner, merde. Pour plus de recos, retrouvez mes vidéos sur Tik Tok et sur Instagram. Un podcast écrit, incarné, réalisé et mis en musique par Mathis Grosos (car personne ne veut bosser avec lui). Photos de couverture d'Antoine Betillouloux au Théâtre de l'Odéon. Remerciements spéciaux à Camille Emilie pour ses précieux conseils. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

The tonebase Classical Guitar Podcast, with David Steinhardt

David Steinhardt

Classical guitar fanatic? Casual hobbyist? Segovia disciple? Regardless of your diagnosis, the tonebase Classical Guitar Podcast with David Steinhardt has the cure for you! Tune in every other Sunday for in-depth conversations with some of greatest minds in the classical guitar world. Guest artists include Scott Tennant, Judicael Perroy, Bill Kanengiser, Eliot Fisk, and Pepe Romero to list a few. Topics range from pedagogical philosophies, upcoming CD releases and performances, composing, arranging, all hosted by the by the entertaining personality and wit of David Steinhardt.

The Classical Guitar Corner Podcast

Simon Powis

Simon Powis from Classical Guitar Corner explores different ways to approach music practice and teaching through a series of focused and educational sessions. Joining him will be a star studded line up of classical guitar performers and teachers who will discuss their own styles and philosophies on education. From beginner techniques, practice habits, and performance skills to advanced training and pedagogy, Simon will explore a variety of approaches that will be of interest to both students and teachers of the classical guitar.




うれしい論 たのしい論

谷風作 と 鳩川七海

▼お便り・メッセージはこちら▼ https://forms.gle/x7NYwTSsLKAnHY2Q9 幸せは一日にしてならず――抜群のポジティブ思考で生きてきた谷と鳩川が、ハードモードなこの頃へシェアハピ精神をまきちらす無限肯定トーク番組。 僕たち私たちの「うれしい」と「たのしい」を集めて煮詰めて語り合う。やがてゆるゆると蟻塚のように、そこにひとつの「論」ができるやも。 舌の回ることが、銭ゴマが裸足で逃げる。ひょっと現れた隙間時間に嬉しい楽しい駄弁をどうぞ。 ▼お茶の差し入れはこちら▼ https://suzuri.jp/uretanoron?utm_source=others&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=shop_share

Nostalgic Mystery Radio

Stevie K.

Old time radio mystery programs brought back to life for today's fan of the great shows of yesteryear. Including the classics such as Sherlock Holmes, Sam Spade, Philip Marlowe, and more.

Spoken Label

Andy N

Spoken Label is a podcast series designed to interview and record sessions from authors, poets, artists, musicians etc in North West England and beyond. Formed in 2015 and ran / edited by Andy N, author of ‘Return to Kemptown’ and ‘The End of Summer’,it is always often to submissions from interested artists. Email: aen1mpo@yahoo.co.uk



知らざぁ言って聞かせやしょう、ビオロッカらじお!! この番組はラロッカが聞き手となり、古典芸能オタクのビオレに他ではなかなか聞けない古典芸能の楽しみ方を聴いちゃいます。 🐤ビオロッカらじおのTwitter→@brradio2020 ❔ご感想、ご質問はこちらから→https://peing.net/ja/brradio2020 伝統芸能 演劇 古典 芸能 芸術 舞台芸術 能 狂言 文楽 人形浄瑠璃 歌舞伎 落語 オペラ

おあとがよろしいようで 二ツ目

おあとがよろしいようで 二ツ目


LeVar Burton Reads

LeVar Burton and Stitcher

The best short fiction, handpicked by the best voice in podcasting and presented in 3D immersive audio. In every episode, host LeVar Burton (Roots, Reading Rainbow, Star Trek) invites you to take a break from your daily life, and dive into a great story. LeVar’s narration blends with gorgeous soundscapes to bring stories by Stephen King, Toni Morrison, Nnedi Okorafor, Kurt Vonnegut, Ken Liu and more to life. So, if you’re ready, let’s take a deep breath... Our immersive audio is best with headphones! If you'd prefer to listen without immersive audio, visit levarburtonpodcast.com/mono.

Case Closed! (old time radio)


Crime stories from the golden age. Old Time Radio is filled with cops, robbers, and private investigators...Lets reopen the cases and hear these great stories again!


Allison Raskin and Stitcher

Three unlikely female friends meet each week to drink coffee and share the latest gossip floating around their not-so-traditional suburban town, Golden Acres. From the nosey mind of NY Times best selling author, Allison Raskin, comes the first-ever comedic soap opera (podcast). When the rumors are this juicy, does it even matter if they’re true? Learn more at gossippodcast.com. Binge listen all episodes on Stitcher Premium. For a free month of listening, go to stitcherpremium.com and use promo code 'GOSSIP.'



PANCETTAのポッドキャストです。 ラジオや音声作品を配信いたします。普段は舞台にて作品を発表することが多いです。 PANCETTA 一宮周平によるパフォーマンスユニット。作品ごとにメンバーを集め上演。一つのテーマから派生する様々なシーンをオムニバス形式で展開する新感覚な喜劇を特徴とし、各話はテーマを通じて独特な世界観を作り上げ、観客を誘う。日本特有の文化、言葉を多彩に活用すると共に、ミュージカルや音楽、ダンス、落語、絵画などの芸術分野も作品の構成要素として取り入れ、演劇という枠にとらわれない類を見ない表現を追求している。 第9回せんがわ劇場演劇コンクール グランプリ、オーディエンス賞、俳優賞(2018) 若手演出家コンクール2018 最優秀賞、観客賞 第6回世田谷区芸術アワード“飛翔” 舞台芸術部門(2020) 2023年度ロームシアター京都×京都芸術センターU35創造支援プログラム“KIPPU”選出 HP http://pancettapancetta.com

Voice Over Training | Complete Training, Demo Development & Support

Voice Coaches

Voice Coaches Radio provides advice, motivation, professional perspective, honesty, and humor to aspiring and professional voice actors. Interviews, contests, examples, and insider info, mixed with realistic expert advice, Voice Coaches radio is an invaluable educational resource.

Relic Radio Sci-Fi (old time radio)


Relic Radio Science Fiction brings you old time radio stories from sci-fi's greatest writers, as well as original stories for shows like Dimension X, X Minus 1, 2000 Plus, Beyond Tomorrow, and much more! Travel through space and time as they saw it all those years ago.

Kodo Heartbeat Radio


普段は感じることのできない舞台メンバーの生の声をお届けしたり、リスナーの皆さんからのメッセージやリクエストにお応えしていったりと、鼓童メンバーと皆さんで楽しい時間を作っていきましょうという番組となっております。 家事をしながら、作業をしながら、ワークアウトしながら…鼓童の音や声で繋がって行けたら嬉しいなと思っております!









皆様こんばんわ、この度は当番組へお越し頂き誠にありがとうございます。 この番組はインターネットラジオ形式で宝塚歌劇団に関する話題をお届けしていきます。 それでは東京タカラヅカ話劇談、今宵も優雅に開幕です。

Keys To The Kingdom

Amanda Lund & Matt Gourley

Keys to the Kingdom is an unprecedented, eight-part docuseries exploring the peculiar backstage life of theme park characters, performers, and fans. Hosted by recovering theme park employees Matt Gourley (Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend, Superego, Drunk History) and Amanda Lund (Earios Co-founder, The Complete Woman, New Girl), each installment promises insider secrets, stories of absurd guest interactions, and fascinating tales of workplace minutiae. Brought to you by Earios in conjunction with Tradecraft Media. Get 8 full-length, bonus companion episodes featuring numerous extended and unheard interviews and more at https://plus.acast.com/s/keystothekingdom. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Lone Ranger | 1938 | OTRWesterns.com

Andrew Rhynes

The Lone Ranger is an American radio and television show created by George W. Trendle and developed by writer Fran Striker. These are all the shows that came out during 1938, each season is broken down to the month they were released.

薫(かおるん)シアトル発 舞踏家 薫のつらつら語り


シアトル在住25年舞踏家兼ITエンジニア。時には🐈‍⬛黒猫に頭突きされつつ…【フリー台本】『カオルのAI工房』 https://note.com/kaoruokumura/ 現在23本公開中です。朗読していただけると嬉しい! 🎭︎2022年シアトルで役者デビュー 【過去収録より】 ☆ドラマ☆ 🐈‍⬛『はじまりの猫』STFドラマ祭 https://tinyurl.com/mr2pdfu8 ラジオ劇『🍷女優と代理人と試みのはじまり①』😺Cumin×🐈‍⬛かおるん https://tinyurl.com/32d45cvw 🍷【ヴァンパイアパーティー】小里♂xかおるん♀ https://tinyurl.com/488vx76k 🍷【ヴァンパイアパーティー】璃斗♂✖︎薫♂ https://tinyurl.com/mws8rac3 ☆朗読・自作☆ 『梟の夜』 (4’16”) https://tinyurl.com/y8a3wfkp 『夏の帰省』(3’48”) https://tinyurl.com/5fs3rhhj ☆朗読・他作☆ 『何が戦後だというのだ』 (5’42”)あかえかふお https://tinyurl.com/3p854hru 『鬼火を追う武士』 (2’35”)田中貢太郎作 https://tinyurl.com/bdhwz65x 『猿蟹合戦』(8’44”) 芥川龍之介 https://tinyurl.com/3kjn8pbp ☆ アメリカ生活☆ 【知らないと危険】ジーンズの後ろポケットにハンカチを入れてはいけない理由!? https://tinyurl.com/mryrz4me ☆ テック ☆ マイク比較【Yamaha🎙️AG01】vs【Blue🎙️Yeti】 https://tinyurl.com/2men3yu4 #AI #AI小説 #ChatGPT #フリー台本 #声優 として関わりたい #海外在住 #アメリカ暮らし #舞踏 #Butoh Kaoru Okumura 奥村薫



演劇体験が生活の中や、人間関係にどのように役立っているのか、対話を通して学んでいく番組です。 演劇を相手とのコミュニケーションや、自分を知るためのツールとしてとらえて、さまざまな発見を語っていきます。 【ご感想】 ツイッター #演劇教育ダイアローグ で投稿をお願いします! 【演劇教育ダイアローグコアメンバー/ツイッターアカウント】 まあさ(パントマイミスト)@maasaTw 金澤洋之(より良く生きる探求者・表現者)@zawaaaaru しゃび(ポッドキャスター)@xavher06 とも(農民役者)@tsukiko1979 ゆっこ(俳優・インプロバイザー)@yukko_otsuka くぼっち(お絵描きカウンセラー)@kubochi___

Hula and Talk


Kauanoeanuhea will Talk about Hula and Hawaiian history in English and Japanese. Hula is not just a dance. It’s about culture, history, and art. I am hoping that I can introduce about the beauty of Hula and Hawaii. KauanoeanuhaがHulaとハワイの歴史について英語と日本語で紹介していきます。Hulaとは単なるダンスではなく、文化、歴史、芸術でもあります。Hulaの美しさについて少しでもご紹介できればと思います。 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kauanoe/support

伦敦有耳丨London Ears

张璐诗 Lucy Cheung

