『ナニワ記者 永田町に猫パンチ!』
MBS東京報道部はたった3人。普段は国会や霞が関を右往左往しながら取材中。 東京の大手メディアに比べたら弱小集団です。でも勢いだけは負けません! 大阪ならではの視点で永田町に切り込み「猫パンチ!」を繰り出します!! ▼出演 大八木友之 東京報道部長&解説委員&元パリ支局長 政治取材はもはや趣味!管理職とは思えない動きで、足を使い汗をかいて情報収集に努めています。 石田敦子 記者。MBSではバラエティー番組関連の仕事が多かったため「永遠のペーペー記者」を自認。素人の疑問はみんなの疑問と信じて日々取材中。 尾藤貴裕 記者。28歳、若いエネルギーを強みに、国政、大阪府政、万博などなどなんでもフットワーク軽く精力的に取材。いま仕事が楽しくて仕方がない。 ★この番組へのご感想はこちらまで! https://entry.mbs.jp/form/bc09abc1-91cc-452e-a13f-db5914afd4a9
TBSラジオのradikoライブ配信、番組表、Podcastはこちらから↓↓↓ https://www.tbsradio.jp/live/ 【毎週月曜17時配信!】TBSラジオ記者澤田大樹と選挙ライター宮原ジェフリーがお送りする「政治を道楽として楽しむ」番組。 「なんとかしてもう少し国民に元気を付けて、そうして政治の趣味を付けることが急務である。」 ーーーーーーーこれは内閣総理大臣を務めた大隈重信の言葉だ。 特撮好きが特撮を語るように、K-POP好きがK-POPを語るように、必ずしもタメになるわけではないけどおもしろい、趣味・道楽としての政治(あるいは世事)をマニア的な視点に取材・リサーチの成果を織り交ぜて語ります。 メール:sd-tbsradio@tbs.co.jp Twitter:@sd_tbsradio HP:https://www.tbsradio.jp/sd/ 番組ハッシュタグ:#セイジドウラク カバーアート:松田奈緒子 TBS Podcast:https://www.tbsradio.jp/podcast/ ▼出演 <澤田大樹(TBSラジオ国会担当記者)> TBSラジオ『荻上チキ・Session』『アシタノカレッジ』などに出演。取材範囲は政府、国会、省庁のほか、新型コロナ、東日本大震災、高校演劇など。 <宮原ジェフリー(選挙ライター・キュレーター)> 大学職員、美術館学芸員、専門学校講師などを経て現在フリーランスで選挙と現代美術を中心にライター、コメンテーターとして活動。
NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt
Lester Holt, NBC News
Listen to "NBC Nightly News," providing reports and analysis of the day's most newsworthy national and international events. This audio podcast, updated each evening, brings you the day's show in its entirety. For more from "Nightly News", visit NBCNightlyNews.com.
聞けば、2024年最大の政治イベント・アメリカ大統領選挙が分かる! TBSワシントン支局の特派員が大統領選の最新情勢や仕組み・争点・用語をイチから詳しく解説。 「日本語で一番、アメリカ大統領選を詳しく取り上げる番組」を目指しています。 ときどきアメリカ政治に詳しいゲストもお迎えして、毎週土曜日にお届けします。 ご意見・ご質問投稿フォームはこちら https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1BTgf5_1HC7v3EOVs1j0E-dWd1ywFoAYLC2BbXCczz7A/edit メール:usa-tbs@tbs.co.jp X(旧Twitter)では「TBS NEWS アメリカ」というアカウントで情報発信しています。 https://twitter.com/TBSNEWS_US 番組ハッシュタグ:#TBSアメリカ大統領選 出演: 樫元照幸(TBSワシントン支局長) 2021年からワシントン支局長。留学・ニューヨーク特派員でアメリカ在住歴は通算8年。全米50州のうち40州を訪問。海外取材はイラク・北朝鮮など計30か国。趣味はパラグライダー・野球・アメフト観戦・アメリカの歴史探訪・裏庭に出没する野うさぎ「あまぐり」(愛称)の観察。 涌井文晶(TBSワシントン特派員) 2023年からワシントン特派員。今回の駐在が初めての海外生活。日本では首相官邸・経産省・日本銀行などの取材を担当。アメリカのカルチャーにも強い関心があり、東京でファレル・ウイリアムスの取材をしたことも。アメリカ各地でクラフトビールを開拓中。 TBS Podcast:https://www.tbsradio.jp/podcast/
The Rest Is Politics: US
In a pivotal year for the United States, democracy and global affairs, Britain's biggest podcast, The Rest Is Politics, launches stateside with Katty Kay and Anthony Scaramucci. The Rest Is Politics: US uncovers the secrets from inside the Biden and Trump inner circles, as well as taking a wider look at the intricacies of US society and how they shape the world's most important economy. New episodes released every Friday. The Rest Is Politics: UK, with Rory Stewart and Alastair Campbell, is released twice-weekly.
BBC News
The daily news podcast from the BBC, Newscast dives into the day's big stories so you're never out of your depth. Newscast picks the brains of BBC News experts so you're ready if someone picks yours, covering the latest developments in politics in Westminster and beyond. Follow the new Labour government led by Sir Keir Starmer. Who will win the race to lead the Conservative Party? Newscast will give you all the best insights from BBC News so you're across all the day's top stories. Newscast is hosted by trusted journalists including Adam Fleming, BBC Political Editor Chris Mason, Laura Kuenssberg and Paddy O'Connell. You can now listen to Newscast on a smart speaker. If you want to listen, just say "Ask BBC Sounds to play Newscast”. It works on most smart speakers. Catch Newscast seven-days a week and watch on BBC One at 23:40 on Thursday night or later on BBC iPlayer. GET IN TOUCH: You can join our Newscast online community here: https://tinyurl.com/newscastcommunityhere Send us a message or voicenote via WhatsApp to 03301239480 Email Newscast@bbc.co.uk Or us #Newscast Newscast is part of the BBC News Podcasts family of podcasts. The team that makes Newscast also makes lots of other podcasts, including The Global Story, The Today Podcast, and of course Americast and Ukrainecast. If you enjoy Newscast (and if you're reading this then you hopefully do), then we think that you will enjoy some of our other pods too. See links below. The Global Story: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/w13xtvsd The Today Podcast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/p0gg4k6r Americast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/p07h19zz Ukrainecast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/p0bqztzm
This Morning With Gordon Deal
Compass Media Networks
Wake-up with America's first news - Host Gordon Deal goes beyond the headlines with the day's first look at news and business news from the U.S. and around the world; bringing a lively blend of intelligent information, humor, and expert analysis to morning radio.
The Fox News Rundown
FOX News Radio
The FOX News Rundown is the place to find in-depth reporting on the news that impacts you. Each morning, Mike Emanuel, Dave Anthony, Lisa Brady, Jessica Rosenthal, and Chris Foster take a deep dive into the major and controversial stories of the day, tapping into the massive reporting resources of FOX News to provide a full picture of the news. Plus, every night, The FOX News Rundown: Evening Edition brings you even more coverage of the day's biggest stories and on the weekend, you’ll hear everything that’s going on in the beltway with The FOX News Rundown: From Washington and special uncut, unedited interviews with The FOX News Rundown: Extra. Each day The FOX News Rundown features insight from top newsmakers, along with FOX News reporters and contributors, plus a daily commentary on a significant issue of the day. Check us out twice a day, every day.
Pod Save America
Crooked Media
Pod Save America is a no-bullshit conversation about politics hosted by former Obama aides Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer, and Tommy Vietor. It cuts through the noise to break down the week’s news and helps people figure out what matters and how they can help. They’re regularly joined by journalists, activists, politicians, entertainers, and world leaders. You can watch on YouTube or listen to new episodes every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Ad-Free Pod Save America episodes available NOW through Friends of the Pod subscription. Head to crooked.com/friends to join today! For a transcript of an episode of Pod Save America, please email transcripts@crooked.com (edited)
正論ポッドキャストでは政治部出身ベテラン記者が、他社が報じないニュースに独自の視点で斬り込みます。偏向報道に慣らされている皆さんの目からウロコを落とし、健全な民主主義、偏らない世論の形成に寄与します。 ■番組のフォロー、評価をお願いします! ※下記文中のリンクが機能しない場合は、各エピソードの概要欄をご利用ください。同文・同リンクを掲載しています。 ■月刊正論のお求めは 雑誌のオンライン書店 fujisan.co.jp(リンク) ■産経Podcast おすすめの番組 ①『注目の記事から』産経新聞社のWEB「産経ニュース」から、アクセスの多かった記事を短くコンパクトに紹介するニュース番組。 ・Spotifyで聴く(リンク) ・ApplePodcastで聴く(リンク) ・Amazon Musicで聴く(リンク) ②『戦後史開封』戦後日本の政治史、外交史、エンタメ・服飾芸能史など様々な出来事を再取材、現代の観点で再構成するドキュメンタリー番組。 ・Spotifyで聴く(リンク) ・ApplePodcastで聴く(リンク) ・Amazon Musicで聴く(リンク) ■番組SNSでは最新情報をお届け ・X(旧Twitter) ■産経Podcast 公式ウェブサイト ・https://sankeipodcast.com/ ■産経Podcastとは 新聞紙面では伝えきれない情報を、産経新聞社の記者陣が厳選。 ニュース解説、ドキュメンタリー、歴史、エンタメ、インタビューなどオリジナル音声コンテンツをお楽しみください。 ■アンケートフォームはこちら(リンク)
The Foreign Affairs Interview
Foreign Affairs Magazine
Foreign Affairs invites you to join its editor, Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, as he talks to influential thinkers and policymakers about the forces shaping the world. Whether the topic is the war in Ukraine, the United States’ competition with China, or the future of globalization, Foreign Affairs’ biweekly podcast offers the kind of authoritative commentary and analysis that you can find in the magazine and on the website.
The NPR Politics Podcast
Every weekday, NPR's best political reporters are there to explain the big news coming out of Washington and the campaign trail. They don't just tell you what happened. They tell you why it matters. Every afternoon.Political wonks - get wonkier with The NPR Politics Podcast+. Your subscription supports the podcast and unlocks a sponsor-free feed. Learn more at plus.npr.org/politics
The Rest Is Politics
Two men who’ve been at the heart of the political world - former Downing Street Director of Communications and Strategy Alastair Campbell and cabinet minister Rory Stewart - join forces from across the political divide. The Rest Is Politics lifts the lid on the secrets of Westminster, offering an insider’s view on politics at home and abroad, while bringing back the lost art of disagreeing agreeably. October Election Tour - buy tickets: www.aegpresents.co.uk/event/the-rest-is-politics Twitter: @RestIsPolitics Instagram: @restispolitics Email: restispolitics@gmail.com
Fox News Sunday Audio
Fox News Sunday Audio Podcast
From the policy debates to the political fights, today's top newsmakers on Fox News Sunday, which airs weekly on Fox News Channel.
The Bulwark Podcast
The Bulwark Podcast
Tim Miller and guests discuss the latest political news for the flagship podcast of the Never Trump movement and the reality-based community. Every weekday we provide insightful analysis, political hot-takes, an unabashed defense of liberal democracy and long-form interviews that cut through the "both-sides" BS. Plus a few laughs to help you wash down the crazy. Bulwark+ members can get a totally ad-free version of the show delivered right to their favorite podcast player.
The Lincoln Project
The Lincoln Project
The Lincoln Project was formed in 2019 to defend American democracy from Donald Trump and those who identify (publicly or privately) as MAGA supporters. Creators of the most successful and poignant viral ads in the political sphere, the Lincoln Project has a reputation for saying the things others are afraid to say. For nearly five years, the Lincoln Project has waged a relentless campaign of targeted attacks on Trump and his deranged ilk, armed with the most watched and talked-about ad content on the internet. At the helm of this organization is the host of the LP Podcast, Rick Wilson, a veteran political strategist and former Republican operative who left the party in 2016 after it became clear that Republicans were on a destructive path that would endanger America's institutions. The Lincoln Project podcast features a range of special guests, from the leading political minds to pop-culture icons. Sitting down with noteworthy experts and significant voices of our time, The Lincoln Project podcast discusses various topics, from current events of the week to in-depth conversations about the genesis of a special guest’s career – and everything in between. Broadening out the subject matter beyond just politics and making the conversation more relatable to everyone, The Lincoln Project podcast’s mission is to reignite the political flame in every American and to break down the biggest topics of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
The Home Front
Reed Galen
Our nation is at an inflection point and American democracy is at stake. This podcast is hosted by Reed Galen and features conversations about today’s political challenges, our vision for the future, and how all Americans can be a part of the pro-democracy movement. Guests include political experts, thought leaders, journalists, authors, and activists. Reed Galen is author of “The Home Front” on Substack, co-founder of the Lincoln Project, and President of JoinTheUnion.us, a pro-democracy coalition dedicated to defending American democracy and defeating authoritarian candidates.
Politics Weekly America
The Guardian
Every Friday, Guardian columnist and former Washington correspondent, Jonathan Freedland, invites experts to help analyse the latest in American politics. From politicians to journalists covering the White House and beyond, Jonathan and his guests give listeners behind the scenes access to how the American political machine works.
タカオカ目線 ー読売テレビ解説委員長が独自にニュース解説ー
政治や外交、時には生活に関する話題まで独自の目線でニュースを斬る! 読売テレビ高岡解説委員長による「かんさい情報ネットten.」の解説コーナー「タカオカ目線」 読売テレビで月~金夕方4:50放送中 テレビ本編の音声編集の配信となります(週2回) 尚、都合により配信を休止する可能性がございます
Checks and Balance from The Economist
The Economist
Checks and Balance unlocks American politics by taking a big theme each week and digging into the data, the ideas, and the history shaping the country. Join John Prideaux, Charlotte Howard, Idrees Kahloon and Jon Fasman as they talk to politicians, pollsters, academics and people across the country about the great experiment of American democracy. Published every Friday. If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For more information about Economist Podcasts+, including how to get access, please visit our FAQs page here https://myaccount.economist.com/s/article/What-is-Economist-Podcasts.
Power Play
Power Play is POLITICO's new weekly transatlantic podcast hosted by renowned British journalist Anne McElvoy. It takes listeners inside the minds of those who wield power to better understand the choices they face. The show features guests at the top of their fields in government, business, civil society and more — accompanied by the expert analysis of journalists across POLITICO's newsrooms globally, giving listeners the inside take on the most significant issues raised by the guest, as well as the implications. Read our show notes here: https://www.politico.eu/power-play-podcast/
"YOUR WELCOME" with Michael Malice
Michael Malice brings his unique perspective – and plenty of sick burns – as he discusses everything from north Korea to American politics and culture with a bevy of guests.
Bannon`s War Room
WAR ROOM with Stephen K. Bannon.
The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich
Robert Reich
Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich exposes where power lies in our system — and how it's used and abused. robertreich.substack.com
The World Next Week
Council on Foreign Relations
The World Next Week brings a journalist’s perspective to the critical and intriguing stories developing around the globe—from Kyiv, to Pyongyang, to Capitol Hill, to Cannes. TWNW’s hosts have years of experience covering international and Washington news. Before joining CFR, Robert McMahon, managing editor of digital content, reported for the Associated Press and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Carla Anne Robbins, a senior fellow and director of the MIA Program at Baruch College’s Marxe School, was deputy editorial page editor at the New York Times and chief diplomatic correspondent at the Wall Street Journal.
Марк Фейгин
ФЕЙГИН LIVE - это подкасты из подполья, неподцензурный голос о самых главных русских вопросах, "расшифрованный самописец" поколения, разбившегося за два путинских десятилетия.
The Manchester Weekly from The Mill
The Mill
If you live in Greater Manchester and you want to understand your world better, this is the podcast for you. Every week, we tackle a big story in the city region or interview a key figure who provides some new insight into the issues that are shaping this par of the world. It's all produced by the team at The Mill, whose award-winning journalism has won national acclaim and which specialises in in-depth reporting that digs a few levels deeper than regular news. To find out more about The Mill, visit manchestermill.co.uk. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The Run-Up
The New York Times
“The Run-Up” is your guide to understanding the 2024 election. Host Astead W. Herndon talks to the people whose decisions will make the difference. Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp
The Next Level
The Next Level
Sarah Longwell, Tim Miller, and Jonathan V. Last bring their signature political insight and banter to the masses in The Next Level podcast. Tune in to hear them discuss the news of the week, break down campaigns and elections, and wade into pop culture feuds. http://www.thebulwark.com
George Conway Explains It All (To Sarah Longwell)
George Conway Explains It All (To Sarah Longwell)
Sarah Longwell (not a lawyer) needs George Conway (super-lawyer) to explain the ins and outs of Trump's legal cases. With every update, argument, ruling, and procedural twist and turn, listen to George explain what it means and why it matters.
BBC Radio
Americast is the authoritative US news and politics podcast from the BBC. Each week we provide audiences with the best analysis from across the BBC, with on-the-ground observations and big picture insights about the stories which are defining America right now. The podcast is hosted by trusted BBC journalists including the BBC’s North America editor, Sarah Smith, BBC Radio 4 presenter, Justin Webb, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent, Marianna Spring, and BBC North America correspondent, Anthony Zurcher. As well as political analysis, we also specialise in social media. Each week Marianna Spring brings listeners the latest updates from the BBC’s Undercover Voters, our award-winning investigation into the content that is recommended to US voters on social media. The team is also joined by special guests each week, like CNN anchor, Christiane Amanpour, Emmy Award-winning TV host, Rachel Maddow, and Succession actress, J Smith-Cameron. Podcasts are published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. As well as being a podcast, we are also available every Friday night on BBC Radio 4 and every weekend on the BBC News Channel. Every Monday we answer your questions on Americanswers, with some help from special guests, including Miles Taylor, who was chief of staff at the Department for Homeland Security during the Trump presidency before becoming a whistleblower. Got a question or a comment? Get in touch with us on email at Americast@bbc.co.uk or WhatsApp on +44 330 123 9480. By the way, you can now listen to Americast on a smart speaker. If you want to listen, just say ‘”Ask BBC Sounds to play Americast”. It works on most smart speakers. See ya’ll later…
The Focus Group Podcast
The Focus Group Podcast
Unfiltered, uncompromising, unexpected—The Focus Group is a look into what the average voter thinks about politics, policy, and current events. Sarah Longwell, publisher of The Bulwark, has conducted hundreds of hours of focus groups all across the country. She and a series of special guests will take you behind the glass to hear what real focus group participants have to say. https://www.thebulwark.com/podcast/focus-group/
Autocracy in America
Atlantic Audio
There are authoritarian tactics already at work in the United States. To root them out, you have to know where to look.
The 11th Hour with Stephanie Ruhle
An early look at the stories that will drive tomorrow's conversation.
Deadline: White House
Nicolle Wallace, MSNBC
Drawing on years of experience as communications chief for President George W. Bush and senior advisor for the McCain-Palin campaign, Nicolle Wallace provides political insight and clarity on where the decision-makers stand on complex issues. Join her for analysis and discussion with the key newsmakers every weekday.
Candace Owens
This time it's just Candace. Free and unfiltered.
鈴木哲夫の政治Zoom Up
私たちの暮らしと密接に関わる政治の動きについて、ジャーナリスト・鈴木哲夫が豊富な政界取材をもとに解説します。 ※RKBラジオ『田畑竜介Grooooow Up』(月~木)で毎週月曜あさ7時台に放送したものです。 『田畑竜介 Groooooow Up』 メール gu@rkbr.jp 公式ホームページ https://rkb.jp/radio/gu/ 公式X https://x.com/rkbgu 公式Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rkb.rkbgu/ #田畑竜介 https://x.com/tabacchi_rkb
Hacks On Tap
Hacks On Tap
When David Axelrod and Mike Murphy get together to talk politics, it’s not academic. They speak from the perspective gained through hundreds of campaigns for offices from City Hall to the White House. So if you want to know what’s really going on behind the scenes, where strategic decisions are being made, pull up a stool for Hacks on Tap. Incisive, sometimes uproarious and always entertaining, these political warhorses and their guests will give you insights you’ll only get from folks who have spent a lifetime in the political trenches of both parties.
FiveThirtyEight Politics
ABC News, 538, FiveThirtyEight, Galen Druke
The 538 team covers the latest in politics, tracking the issues and "game-changers" every week.
Inside Europe
The original European current affairs podcast from Germany’s international broadcaster. Bringing you expert analysis and on-the ground reporting from the European capitals and beyond. Join host Kate Laycock and DW’s network of seasoned correspondents for your weekly dose of euro-politics and culture. Published every Thursday.
The Campaign Moment
The Washington Post
“The Campaign Moment” cuts through the noise and connects the dots of political developments with unmatched reporting, expertise and lively conversations. Co-host Aaron Blake is one of The Washington Post’s veteran political reporters and is a constant each Friday as he analyzes and distills the moments that matter. He also writes our Campaign Moment newsletter. He’s joined by rotating colleagues from the Politics team and “Post Reports” co-hosts Martine Powers and Elahe Izadi.
This Week with George Stephanopoulos
ABC News
"This Week with George Stephanopoulos" is ABC News’ pre-eminent Sunday morning discussion program, featuring newsmaker interviews and panel discussions and debates on a wide range of global issues and commentary, putting into unique perspective the preceding week’s news, and often setting the stage for the week ahead.
The President’s Inbox
Council on Foreign Relations
A rising China. War in Europe. A warming planet. The United States faces a complex and rapidly changing world. With more than four million downloads, The President’s Inbox goes beyond the headlines as host James M. Lindsay speaks with leading experts about how the United States should respond to global challenges and opportunities that are shaping the future.
Advisory Opinions
The Dispatch
Advisory Opinions is a new podcast from The Dispatch. Hosts David French and Sarah Isgur have a weekly conversation about the law, culture, and why it matters.
Asia Geopolitics
The Diplomat
A weekly discussion of the geopolitical implications of current events in the Asia-Pacific, hosted by Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz from The Diplomat, with regular guests.
Middle East Focus
Middle East Institute
Weekly discussion of Middle East policy, arts, and culture, featuring experts from the Middle East Institute in Washington, D.C.
American Prestige
Daniel Bessner & Derek Davison
A podcast from Daniel Bessner and Derek Davison that provides listeners with everything they need to know about what’s going on in the world. www.americanprestigepod.com
This Is Not A Drill with Gavin Esler
Exploring threats to global stability from Ukraine to China to the Middle East with host Gavin Esler – former BBC News presenter, Washington correspondent and host of Newsnight – plus Ukraine-based war reporter Oz Katerji and independent conflict analyst Emma Beals. This Is Not A Drill dives deep into the dangers, corruption, conflicts, disinformation, rivalries and ruthless realpolitik that are making our world ever more dangerous. Support This Is Not A Drill on Patreon from just £3 per month to get each episode early plus bonus material and exclusive merchandise. From Podmasters, the team behind Oh God, What Now?, Paper Cuts and The Bunker.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
MeidasTouch Network
Ben, Brett and Jordy Meiselas are three brothers with very unique backgrounds! Ben is a top lawyer and Colin Kaepernick’s business partner. Brett is a two-time Emmy award winning video editor from the world of film and television. Jordy, the fan favorite, was an award-winning advertising executive in New York. The brothers' unique approach at covering news by combining hilarious brother banter with an unapologetic support of democracy has earned them millions of supporters in America and across the globe and made them social media icons. The MeidasTouch Podcast combines brotherly love, comedy, news coverage, and deep discussions about supporting our democracy and is the go-to destination for top political leaders who view the podcast as a pivotal stop for their interviews. Join the Meiselas brothers and their loyal following — the self-described MeidasMighty — with new episodes featuring all three brothers released every Tuesday and Friday morning, and breaking news updates every single day! Catch the MeidasTouch Podcast with the brothers LIVE on video every Monday and Thursday night at 8p ET/5p PT on the MeidasTouch YouTube channel!
A világ urai
A Klubrádió ismeretterjesztő sorozata, történelmi precizitással és szakértői segítséggel vizsgálja a jelent. A majdnem egyórás beszélgetések a világ történéseit meghatározó és befolyásoló emberekről, hatalmakról, jelenségekről szólnak. Aki kérdez: Szénási Sándor.
L'édito d'Etienne Gernelle
Chaque matin, du lundi au vendredi, Etienne Gernelle décortique l'actualité politique sur RTL. Avec son expertise des affaires publiques, il analyse les enjeux du moment, mêlant rigueur et impertinence, le tout avec une touche de légèreté. Un rendez-vous incontournable.
Válasz Online
A Válasz Online csapatának podcast csatornája: közéleti-kulturális kibeszélő, időnként meghívott vendégekkel. Új adás minden csütörtökön. Mottó: „Bulvármentes. Propagandamentes. Konzervatív.”
We Live Here Now
The Atlantic
We found out that our new neighbors were supporting January 6 insurrectionists. We knocked on their door. We Live Here Now is about what happened next. Hosted by Lauren Ober and Hanna Rosin. Get more from your favorite Atlantic voices when you subscribe. You’ll enjoy unlimited access to Pulitzer-winning journalism, from clear-eyed analysis and insight on breaking news to fascinating explorations of our world. Subscribe today at TheAtlantic.com/podsub.
Thinking Global
E-International Relations
If you like discussion of heavy questions in a light-hearted atmosphere with the big names from the world of International Relations, join Kieran O’Meara and the E-International Relations podcast team as we put the burning questions you’ve always wanted to have answered to the academics, practitioners and activists you would want to have answer them.
Texas Take
Houston Chronicle
Go behind the headlines for a look at what's really going on at the Texas Capitol and in Washington with the state's #1 political podcast: Texas Take. Join the conversation featuring Scott Braddock, editor of The Quorum Report and Houston Chronicle/San Antonio Express-News political writer Jeremy Wallace.
Polling Plus with Matt Towery and Robert Cahaly
M3 Media Management
Ever wonder how we get those stats we hear so much about in the news? Why 50% of Americans think this or that? Why one candidate is doing far better than another? And what about the politics that influence all of these decisions? That's what political and polling savants, Matt Towery and Robert Cahaly, will explain here in their weekly podcast. Together they will unpack the news that is shaping the decisions of American voters one bow tie and golf club at a time.
International Relations
Radio Pakistan
Pakistan and China enjoy close and friendly relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations in May 1951. Over the years, the relationship has blossomed into an All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership
How It Happened
Elon Musk vs. Twitter: In the fifth season of How it Happened, hosted by Axios business reporter Erica Pandey, Axios reporters cover the collision between Elon Musk and Twitter through conversations with insiders at Twitter and members of Musk’s inner circle. How it Happened is an Axios podcast docu-series featuring instant histories. Each season, Axios reporters bring you behind closed doors to hear the people and decisions shaping the biggest stories of our time. Trump’s Last Stand: In the first season of How it Happened, national political reporter Jonathan Swan reveals the inside story of Donald Trump’s last few months in office. The story starts with his COVID-19 recovery and ends with the insurrection at the Capitol. The Next Astronauts: In the second season of How it Happened, Axios space reporter Miriam Kramer goes behind the scenes at SpaceX and the preparations for the first all-civilian mission into orbit. Trump's Big Deal: In the third season of How it Happened, Axios’ Middle East correspondent Barak Ravid and national political reporter Jonathan Swan will uncover the surprising negotiations that led to the Abraham Accords, the most significant Middle East peace agreement in a generation. Putin's Invasion: In the fourth season of How It Happened, Axios’ World editor David Lawler pulls together analysis and reporting from across the Axios newsroom to explain how the invasion of Ukraine happened in slow motion over 8 years and then all at once.
Deepshikha, Host and Executive Producer
The threat of a devastating nuclear war is greater than it has been in decades; so, what can we do to mitigate the risk? Join us as we discuss diverse issues around nuclear policy and link them with the common thread of legality. NukeVerse is brought to you by the Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, a legacy organization engaged in research and advocacy in support of the global elimination of nuclear weapons and a more just and peaceful world through respect for domestic and international law. The Executive Producer is Dr. Deepshikha Kumari Vijh, the Senior Producer is Miranda Shafer.
The Al Franken Podcast
ASF Productions
A five-time Emmy winning SNL comedy writer/producer, joins a four-time #1 NYT bestselling author, a three-time highest-rated national progressive radio host, a two-time Grammy winning artist, and a former US Senator. So, it gets a little crowded in the booth when Al talks public policy and sometimes political comedy with notable guests. Think “The Daily” without the resources of the NYTimes.
WIRED Politics Lab
Politics has never been stranger – or more online. Each week on WIRED Politics Lab, our reporters guide you through the exciting, challenging and sometimes entertaining vortex of internet extremism, conspiracies, and disinformation. Expect in-depth analysis and conversations based on facts and research. Plus, we’ll give you information you can actually use to lift the fog of disinformation we find ourselves in today.Share your thoughts on WIRED Politics Lab. As a token of our appreciation, you will be eligible to enter a prize drawing up to $1,000 after you complete the survey.https://selfserve.decipherinc.com/survey/selfserve/222b/76152?pin=1&uBRANDLINK=7&uCHANNELLINK=2
All In with Chris Hayes
Chris Hayes, MSNBC
The biggest news and political stories of the day with a commitment to in-depth reporting that consistently seeks to hold our leaders accountable.
Political Fix
Financial Times
The Financial Times takes you into the corridors of power to unwrap, analyse and debate British politics with a regular lineup of FT correspondents and informed commentators. New episodes available every Friday. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Pod Save the World
Crooked Media
“Pod Save America” cohost Tommy Vietor thought foreign policy was boring and complicated until he got the education of a lifetime working for President Obama’s National Security Council. On “Pod Save the World,” he and former deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes break down the latest global developments and bring you behind the scenes with the people who were there. New episodes every Wednesday. To get access to extended ad-free Pod Save The World episodes, sign up to be a Friends of the Pod member at crooked.com/friends
Stay Tuned with Preet
Join former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara as he breaks down legal topics in the news and engages thought leaders in a podcast about power, policy, and justice. From CAFE and the Vox Media Podcast Network.
The Rachman Review
Financial Times
Gideon Rachman, the Financial Times chief foreign affairs columnist talks to the decision-makers and thinkers who are shaping world affairs. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The Political Scene | The New Yorker
WNYC Studios and The New Yorker
Join The New Yorker’s writers and editors for reporting, insight, and analysis of the most pressing political issues of our time. On Mondays, David Remnick, the editor of The New Yorker, presents conversations and feature stories about current events. On Wednesdays, the senior editor Tyler Foggatt goes deep on a consequential political story via far-reaching interviews with staff writers and outside experts. And, on Fridays, the staff writers Susan B. Glasser, Jane Mayer, and Evan Osnos discuss the latest developments in Washington and beyond, offering an encompassing understanding of this moment in American politics.Share your thoughts on The Political Scene. As a token of our appreciation, you will be eligible to enter a prize drawing up to $1,000 after you complete the survey.https://selfserve.decipherinc.com/survey/selfserve/222b/76152?pin=1&uBRANDLINK=4&uCHANNELLINK=2
HIROAKIと申します。 ご視聴いただきありがとうございます!!. このラジオでは毎営業日の株式マーケットの内容をお伝えしていきます。 フォロー、いいねしていただけると嬉しいです☺ あと、こちらでも情報を発信しております。 ◆株とびら Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@kabunotobira 個別銘柄の分析動画を投稿しています!ぜひご覧ください。 ◆ラジオ株とびら Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHH0Lha0PLv8yj4gBdU4uWw このラジオで流した動画版になります! もし「動画」でも見てみたいという人はぜひ😃 ◆Twitter https://twitter.com/kabunotobira 毎営業日夕方に情報を発信しています! フォローよろしくお願いいたします☺ ◆NOTE https://note.com/kabunotobira/ このラジオで流した記事版になります!
Bad Faith
Briahna Joy Gray
America's only podcast. // with Briahna Joy Gray, former National Press Secretary for Bernie Sanders' Presidential campaign // Subscribe for exclusive premium episodes at patreon.com/badfaithpodcast / @badfaithpod / badfaithpodcast at gmail dot com
The Source with Kaitlan Collins
Kaitlan Collins goes straight to the source and chases the facts so you can get the very latest on The Source with Kaitlan Collins.
The Beat with Ari Melber
Ari Melber, MSNBC
Ari Melber delivers the biggest political and news stories of the day, with interviews and original reporting from around the nation. An Emmy-winning journalist, attorney and former Senate staffer, Melber cuts through the spin and the noise to tell you what's really happening. Real news, every night.
Texas Standard
Texas Standard
Texas Standard delivers up-to-the-moment coverage of politics, lifestyle, the environment, technology, innovation and money from a uniquely Texas perspective. The program airs Monday through Friday on more than 30 public radio stations across Texas. Visit texasstandard.org/listen to find when it airs where you are.
Politicon brings the brilliant team of political and legal masterminds together for Politicon's #SistersInLaw. Joyce Vance, Jill Wine-Banks, Barb McQuade, and Kimberly Atkins Stohr will pull back the curtain on how our government actually works, take on the corrupt, share their wisdom and give us their rulings on the latest in politics, law, and culture.
The Tom Woods Show
Tom Woods
Join New York Times bestselling author Tom Woods for your daily serving of liberty education! Guests include Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, David Stockman, and hundreds more, with topics like war, the Federal Reserve, net neutrality, the FDA, Austrian economics, and many other subjects of interest to libertarians. Join us!
Political Currency
Ed Balls and George Osborne take us behind closed doors into the rooms where decisions are made. Having battled it out across the despatch box, the former Chancellor and shadow chancellor now meet in the studio to discuss the decisions that affect the nation’s pockets. Our frenemies have the knowledge and experience to explain how good politics follows the economics - and expose how the powerful become powerless when faced with market forces and political currents they can’t control. Join us every Thursday. Send your messages or voice notes to questions@politicalcurrency.co.uk Find us on social media @polcurrency Political Currency is a Persephonica production. Subscribe now on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
【政論用聽的】觀點激盪不同的想法,讓時事在不同來賓的觀點中,還原出最接近真實的原貌。 歡迎訂閱 ❤️️ #SoundOn 【iNEWS每日快訊 】 https://sndn.link/setnews #SoundOn【政發生】政論用聽的 https://sndn.link/TALKSHOW -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Will Media - ISPI
Il mondo non è mai stato così veloce, complesso, in crisi. Le storie da raccontare sono tante e serve chiarezza. Questo è Globally, il nuovo podcast di Will e ISPI dove spieghiamo la geopolitica in modo chiaro. Seguici anche su Instagram @will_ita
The Critical Hour
Sputnik International
The Critical Hour uses clear, cutting edge insight and analysis to examine national and international issues impacting the global village in which we live.
Talking Politics: HISTORY OF IDEAS
Talking Politics
A new series of talks by David Runciman, in which he explores some of the most important thinkers and prominent ideas lying behind modern politics – from Hobbes to Gandhi, from democracy to patriarchy, from revolution to lock down. Plus, he talks about the crises – revolutions, wars, depressions, pandemics – that generated these new ways of political thinking. From the team that brought you Talking Politics: a history of ideas to help make sense of what’s happening today. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Kamala: Next in Line
Wondery | MSNBC
With Kamala Harris at the center of the 2024 Presidential election, it’s time to listen to this series that goes deep into her rise to the pinnacle of national politics. From Wondery and MSNBC, host Joy Reid paints an intimate and immersive portrait of Kamala Harris’ journey, from her humble roots to becoming the first Black woman elected Vice-President. From Oakland to Howard University, from California to Washington D.C., experience Kamala’s story as it has never been told before, and gain a deeper understand of what shaped her and what drives her today. Listen to Kamala: Next in Line on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Punters Politics
Punter Konrad & Punter James
Welcome to the Punters Politics podcast, making politics simple for the everyday punter. Join Everyday Punter's Konrad & James each week as they expose the hidden agendas, break down the odds stacked against us and explore a new way to do politics. Power to the punters.
Shuji Inatomi
福岡の衆議院議員、いなとみ修二のポッドキャストです。 「政治って意外と面白い?」「私とのつながりって?」 毎回、地域のみなさんや学生さん、国会議員や地方議員、松下政経塾の先輩など、多様なジャンルの人との対話を通して、社会の課題や未来についてゆるく・たのしく・真剣に考えていくポッドキャストです。
Chronicled: Who Is Kamala Harris?
San Francisco Chronicle
She was raised in Berkeley by civil rights activists and became politically active during anti-Apartheid protests at Howard University. Then she turned a career as a prosecutor into being one of the most progressive members of the Senate. She was the first Black woman and first South Asian person on a major-party presidential ticket, and is the first to be elected vice president. But who is she? Cop or progressive? Berkeley radical or Beltway insider? A six-part series on the making of a candidate — now a vice president — by reporters Joe Garofoli and Tal Kopan of the San Francisco Chronicle, which has been covering Harris from the beginning.
Mirada Semanal
Mirada Semanal
Todos los domingos hacemos selección y análisis de los principales acontecimientos políticos ocurridos durante la semana en América Latina. Para lo cual contamos con el respaldo intelectual de Manuel Alcántara Sáez y María Isabel Puerta-Riera. Mirada Semanal es el podcast de actualidad de Latinoamérica21 y conducido por Xavier Rodríguez Franco. Disponible en Spotify y en las principales plataformas de audio, así como también en el canal de L21 de Youtube. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latinoamerica21/support
No Gods No Mayors
The Office of the Mayor
Municipal government: a trap that catches those too incompetent, too corrupt, too incompetent even for national politics. And the greatest of these, the mayor - the highest political office one can hope to reach with a truly oppositional personality or a crack addiction. Mattie Lubchansky, Riley Quinn and November Kelly are teaming up to make a podcast investigating these mayors. From petty Bonapartes to flagrant mafiosi, these are their stories. Every other week, we'll have an episode on the free feed. For more Mayoral goodness, check out the bonus episodes on our Patreon.
Global India
The Brookings Institution
How does India deal with its friends and rivals, and see its role in the world? On Global India, host Tanvi Madan and guests unpack India’s foreign policy and its international impact for experts and new learners alike.
Talking Thai Politics
New Books Network
Talking Thai Politics brings conversations about the politics of Thailand to a global audience. Created by the Generation Thailand project at Nanyang Technological University, the podcast is co-hosted by Duncan McCargo and Chayata Sripanich. Our production assistant is Li Xinruo.
DW News Brief
Up-to-the-minute news from around the world.
Radio Atlantic
The Atlantic
The Atlantic has long been known as an ideas-driven magazine. Now we’re bringing that same ethos to audio. Like the magazine, the show will “road test” the big ideas that both drive the news and shape our culture. Through conversations—and sometimes sharp debates—with the most insightful thinkers and writers on topics of the day, Radio Atlantic will complicate overly simplistic views. It will cut through the noise with clarifying, personal narratives. It will, hopefully, help listeners make up their own mind about certain ideas. The national conversation right now can be chaotic, reckless, and stuck. Radio Atlantic aims to bring some order to our thinking—and encourage listeners to be purposeful about how they unstick their mind.
The ReidOut with Joy Reid
Joy Reid, MSNBC
Joy Reid conducts one-on-one conversations with politicians and newsmakers while addressing provocative political issues both inside and outside of the beltway. Reid, who is also a best-selling author and public speaker, joined MSNBC in 2011 as a contributor. Drawing from her decades-long experience in politics, passion for addressing the intersection of race, justice and culture, as well as her signature tenacious interviewing style, Reid kicks off MSNBC’s primetime lineup by delving into American politics as it unfolds.
ちょ、しゃべろや 政治をゆるく語りたい
ニュージーランド在住のけん、れんた、あかり、なつきの20代4人が、政治や社会問題、今世界で起きていることについて若者ももっと気軽に興味を持っていいんじゃない?という考えをもとに、気軽におしゃべりしていきます。 正しい答えや解決策を求める場ではなく、あくまで気軽な意見交換がメインです。 リスナーの皆さんを含め、みんなで情報を更新していくことを目標にしているので、番組内で間違った情報を話していたときは、教えていただけると嬉しいです! X(旧Twitter):@ChoShaberoya
Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan
CBS News
CBS News’ Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan is America’s premier Sunday morning public affairs program. For nearly 70 years, Face the Nation has sought to help audiences understand how current events affect their lives. Today, that mission remains the same. Hear moderator Margaret Brennan’s illuminating and informative interviews with elected officials, policy experts and foreign leaders. Face the Nation airs Sundays at 10:30 AM, ET on the CBS Television Network and at 12 PM, ET on the CBS News Streaming Network. Face the Nation is also available on Paramount+.
Greg Kelly Reports - Newsmax TV
Newsmax Podcasts
Podcast audio version of Newsmax TV’s Greg Kelly Reports. Greg and guests discuss politics and news of the day. Greg has been a successful host on Fox and Newsmax and he is a best selling author as well as radio host. His journalistic background includes covering the Gulf War and is a retired Lt. Col. In the US Marine Corps Reserve.
Mark Kaye Saves The Republic
Kayetriot Media
I'm saving the Republic! And having fun doin' it!
The Trawl
Jemma Forte & Marina Purkiss
Broadcaster, Jemma Forte, and political commentator, Marina Purkiss, scroll through Twitter so you don’t have to. For advertising opportunities on this podcast email: dax@global.com
The New Statesman: politics, ideas and interviews
The New Statesman
Hannah Barnes, Andrew Marr and the New Statesman politics team discuss the latest in UK politics, global affairs and the ideas that shape the world. -- Send us a question: www.newstatesman.com/youaskus Become a New Statesman subscriber: https://www.newstatesman.com/subscribe Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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