きいてわかる、せかいのふしぎ! | ベビーバス | 子供向け


10分で理科脳を育てる!不思議な科学世界へようこそ! この番組は、恐竜時代の伝説や太陽系の秘密、または命の不思議など、自然に隠されたさまざまな謎を、物語の形でやさしく解き明かします。 さあ、未知の世界に挑戦する準備はいいですか?一緒に科学の謎に迫り、驚きと発見の旅に出かけましょう! 毎週金曜日配信! #ベビーバス #babybus #おやすみ #朗読 #読み聞かせ #科学 #動物 #サイエンス #宇宙 #恐竜 #教育 #子供向け #ポッドキャスト #オーディオブック

Fantastic Science Lab 丨Fun Stories for Curious Kids


A bunch of super cool story podcasts just waiting for you: Play with cute animals in fairy tales>>>"Wonder Tales in Magical Realms | Dreamy Fairytale Fables for Little Ears" Time-travel to dinosaur battles>>> "Dinosaur Friends: Kids' Adventures with Dino" Solve mysteries cases and learn safety tips>>> "Sheriff Labrador's Mystery Files: Sunflower Kindergarten" Embark a journey about courage and friendship >>>"Spotty Dinosaur and Friends丨Funny Stories for Kids" Thrilling adventures? Don't miss >>> "Adventure Journey of Courage and Imagination | Funny Quest for Kids" So, what are you waiting for? Let's dive into a world of stories that'll take you on the coolest adventures ever! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Curiosity is human nature. From infancy on, people like to observe new things and ask questions: "Why do people eat?" "Why does it rain?" So Many Whys is a science podcast of the kids, by the kids, for the kids, to be enjoyed by the whole family at any time, anywhere. Do your children never stop asking questions, like hundreds of questions about how our world works every day, and it drives you crazy? You can finally exhale a sigh of relief. You'll find all the answers you and your curious kids need here, and you'll be able to stop "googling" for a while...



てくてくラジオはtanakenとcobachieがしごとの合間にするようなゆるい雑談を配信するPodcastです。 書き起こし: https://listen.style/p/tektek-radio?wrcL9dBX

わんにゃんジャーナル NHKラジオ「NHKジャーナル」

NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)

NHKラジオ第一で放送している「NHKジャーナル」の人気コーナー「わんにゃんジャーナル」をポッドキャストでお送りします。 ペットや動物は、私たちの家族といっても過言ではない存在です。動物に関する話題や知っておきたいことについてお伝えします。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーー ポッドキャストと共に、是非、下記番組もお聴き下さい。 【NHKジャーナル】NHKラジオ第1 月~金 22:05~55OA https://nhk.jp/nhkjournal キャスター:打越裕樹/結野亜希

JAGA とかちウーマンフロンティア!


北海道帯広のラジオ局JAGA(じゃが)で毎週土曜日8:30~9:00放送! 「十勝の酪農業の女性たちはとってもキラキラしています!」 担当パーソナリティは、 広尾町で牧場を経営する、角倉円佳(すみくらまどか)さん! 酪農業に携わる女性目線で、十勝の酪農、畜産、農業の魅力や楽しさ、やりがい、 そして十勝の農産物、乳製品等をはじめ、十勝~北海道の魅力を伝えます。



覺得生活枯燥乏味嗎?來聽我們聊聊生活大小事,人生啟發、深夜談心,還有獸醫小故事喔٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و 喜歡我們的節目, 歡迎分享、訂閱、留言、追蹤我們喔 ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧ https://www.instagram.com/gunieapighomepod/ 📍天竺鼠領養管道 愛兔協會、愛鼠協會、fb🔍天竺鼠認養社團



大参もりえは猫が大好き! 愛猫のソラを可愛がるあまり、「猫と会話が出来る」とうそぶくほど。 そんな猫好きな大参もりえが、猫にまっしぐらず15分の番組をお送りします。 グリーティングの猫エピソードや、我が家の猫自慢、猫についての疑問・質問を募集。 猫にそんなに興味がない方も、聞けばきっと猫が好きになる。

Amazing Wildlife: A San Diego Zoo Podcast


Did you know that in the world of elephants the females are the ones in charge? Or that a grizzly bear's bite is strong enough to crush a bowling ball? Amazing Wildlife gives a behind-the-scenes look inside the San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park to gain insight on rare species and to explore the ongoing conservation efforts to save endangered wildlife no matter how big or small. Join us as hosts Rick Schwartz and now Marco Wendt transport listeners around the globe to highlight the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s collaborative efforts with local communities to drive positive change for the future of animals and plants. Through one-of-a-kind stories, you’ll hear what it takes to create a healthy next chapter for not only wildlife, but also for the people that share their habitats.

Lone Duck’s Gun Dog Chronicles

Bob Owens

Welcome to Lone Duck’s Gun Dog Chronicles. We’re here to talk all things related to bird hunting, gun dogs and trade stories between friends, pro trainers and hunting buddies.

Call the Vet - an insider's guide to dog and cat health

Dr Alex Avery

Pets are family, and knowing the best way to care for your dog or cat can be a real challenge for even the most experienced pet parent. Join veterinarian Dr. Alex Avery, and his expert guests, as he shares his years of pet health experience with you, while also diving into the topics you really need to know about to ensure your pet is living their best life! From preventing disease and daily healthcare tips, all the way through to understanding the best options for treatment if sickness or injury strikes. Be confident that you are making the best choices possible so that your dog and cat can live the full and happy life you want for them. This podcast is a must-listen for every dog and cat owner who wants the very best for their pet!

Shaped by Dog with Susan Garrett

Susan Garrett

Susan Garrett, world-renowned dog trainer, multi-time champion of dog agility, and leading educator on all things canine shares everything related to dogs! Susan understands dog behaviour and wants you and your dog to have the best life together possible.



寵物溝通師維尼與Leslie嘰嘰喳喳的聊天室, 聊所有跟毛小孩有關的話題,但可能參雜許多垃圾話及幹話, 請帶著愉悅的心情跟我們一起開心度過! 好窩寵物溝通合作連絡 E-Mail:wellwuo@gmail.com 維尼:www.facebook.com/purringtalk Leslie:www.facebook.com/leslietalkstoanimals 想聊更多歡迎來粉絲專頁找我們呦~ -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


:D wellnessafe dog training

:D wellnessafe dog training 【blueskywan.com/about-us/profile】 各種サービス【mosh.jp/306396/home】 嫌われること覚悟。ぶっちゃけ本音を放送します。



動物世界紀行略して「どぶせか」にようこそ。動物は好きだけど、いまいちよく分かっていない動物好き野郎こと私「どぶ野郎」が、動物のあれこれ調べた内容をただべちゃくちゃ喋っている番組になります。 基本的には、一つ一つの動物にフォーカスして放送しています。また進化論とかの話もしていきたいと思っております。 動物園でただ動物を眺めるだけだと物足りないなぁって思ったら、音声ガイド的な感じで利用していただければなと思います。(にしても放送時間が長くなりがち。) Youtubeでも頑張って放送してます。https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ4UaH6j218EG3nxd1G83tg

獣医Sara先生のペットの暮らしと健康 No.2(Podcast with Holistic Vet Sara)


ー動物たちが健康的に、毎日笑顔で過ごせますようにー イギリスからお届け! 動物のホリスティックケア・健康情報を発信! ホリスティックケアとは? ⇒ 全体をみて手をかける世話のこと アロマセラピー・ハーブ・ホメオパシー・漢方・鍼灸だけでなく、標準的な治療法となる西洋医学も含まれます。 私にとって、動物たちを助けることは、私を獣医師にしてくれた愛犬テリーへの恩返し・・ ◆略歴: ホリスティック医療を実践するイギリスの動物病院にて研修し帰国。 イギリスと日本を行き来しながら往診やSkype/LINEビデオ電話・メール相談にて犬・猫・小動物に対する【オーダーメイド】の医療やホリスティックケア(西洋医学やホメオパシー・アロマ・ハーブなどの植物療法・食事指導など)を提案! セミナー活動・飼い主さまとの交流会などイベントを定期的に開催、海外書籍やビデオの翻訳に携わる。 初めて飼育した動物が犬であり、そのあと鳥(文鳥4羽・ムクドリ)・猫などの世話をしながら子供の頃から動物と共に成長してきた。 現在は2頭の兄弟猫と一緒に暮らす。 診療は犬・猫のほか、フェレット・うさぎ・ハムスター・鳥・フクロウなどのエキゾチックアニマルも担当。 飼い主さんからのご質問にもお答えしてます^^ ⇒ 質問箱: https://bit.ly/2VYOqst コメント・シェアはお気軽にどうぞ!



愛犬のお悩みの飼い主さんに、私が一番最初にやってもらうことは「犬をしつけるという感覚」を手放し、「犬という動物を理解する」という感覚を身につけてもらうことです。 犬は人と共存できる素晴らしい生き物です。でも、物事の見え方、感じ方、は人間とは少し違います。 この番組ではその違いを楽しく知るための情報をお届けします。 ホームページ:https://f-side.pro/

The Community Cats Podcast

The Community Cats Podcast

Our mission is to provide education, information and dialogue that will create a supportive environment empowering people to help cats in their community. *For transcripts of most shows, visit https://www.communitycatspodcast.com/podcast/.

犬の幼稚園 犬幸村(けんこうむら)


「吠える咬むから飼い主を救い、ワンコの心と体の負担をゼロに。」 この番組では犬の躾でお悩みの飼い主さんからよくある質問や話題をランダムにお届けします。




Positively Dog Training - The Official Victoria Stilwell Podcast

Victoria Stilwell

World-renowned dog trainer Victoria Stilwell (It’s Me or the Dog) talks pet topics, answers fan questions, and gives dog training and behavior advice.

人と犬 with 金子真弓 ■犬のしつけとトレーニング■

Mayumi Kaneko

ドッグトレーナーの金子真弓です。 業界30年の豊富な経験と知識、幅広い知識を持っています。クリッカートレーニング、Tタッチなど多岐に渡る技術で、人にも犬にもわかりやすい方法と高い技術をご提供しています! 神奈川県藤沢市辻堂のしつけ教室「パップスフレンズ」主宰。 www.pupsfriends.com #犬のしつけ #ドッグトレーニング #犬の問題行動 #ドッグトレーナー

Spirit Dog Training Podcast

Steffi Trott

Spirit Dog Training brings you science-based, modern and effective dog training advice, explaining why your dog acts the way he acts, and how to approach training efficiently.



15年以上、800頭以上のわんちゃんを見てきた【犬の保育園】の先生🐶【あなたと愛犬の10年を、より良く変える】がモットー💛犬の事がもっとわかる❣️好きになる❣️幅広い観点から犬のお話しています。 大好きな旅の話、子育て話、雑談ライブも💛 《飼い主さんが学べば犬が変わる!》 犬との10数年を本気で楽しむために、 あなたも【犬育てのプロ】になりませんか⁉️ #なおちゃん先生の犬バナ で検索❣️ 犬が好き!犬の仕事に!と単身イギリスに渡りトレーナーさんの元に住込み修行。SPP承認🙇‍♀️ ✿.•¨•.¸¸.•¨•.¸¸❀✿❀.•¨•.¸¸.•¨•.✿✿.•¨•.¸¸.•¨•.¸¸❀✿❀.•¨•.¸¸ 《あなたも犬育てのプロになる❣️オンラインセミナー》月1回開催中🐶➡️メンバー無料中😘 🐶しつけ方やトレーニングの実践編、アニマルコミュニケーション、裏話はメンバーシップで配信中✨(月額600円) ✿.•¨•.¸¸.•¨•.¸¸❀✿❀.•¨•.¸¸.•¨•.✿✿.•¨•.¸¸.•¨•.¸¸❀✿❀.•¨•.¸¸ 旅が大好き💕過去30カ国以上を旅行した思い出等 配信中✨ #なおちゃん先生の旅バナ で検索❣️ Kindle本📕✨104日間世界一周の船旅🚢🌎✈ 1巻《アジア編》 2巻《ヨーロッパ前編》 3巻《ヨーロッパ後編》 4巻《ガラパゴス・中南米編》 5巻《北米~帰港編》 ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://onl.la/PC8PSq5 ✻*˸ꕤ*˸*⋆。✻*˸ꕤ*˸*⋆。✻*˸ꕤ*˸*⋆。✿.•¨•.¸¸.•¨•.¸¸❀✿❀.•¨•.¸ 🌸《オンラインしつけカウンセリング》開催中❗️ ワンちゃんの事🐶何でもお話してください😘 ✻*˸ꕤ*˸*⋆。✻*˸ꕤ*˸*⋆。✻*˸ꕤ*˸*⋆。✻*˸ꕤ*˸*⋆。✻*˸ꕤ*˸*⋆。✻*˸ꕤ 🌸【アニマルコミュニケーション受付中】💛 お申込みはレター 公式LINEまたは、インスタのDMにて🥰 【ホームページ《エヌワンクラブワンコのひみつきち》】https://n-wanclub.com/ 【公式LINE】 @xat.0000148577.s1a 【Instagram】 【note】https://note.com/sanaojing 【人生は、運と縁とタイミング】 ここまで読んでくださった皆様に感謝✨ レターやコメント、お気軽に✌️

Cat ASMR【eating,purring,grooming】

Takayuki Kariu




動物紹介系Vtuber名無しのアデリーペンギンです。 世界の動物の情報や動物園の取り組みを発信する事で、現代の人々の 大切なスキマ時間を奪ってやろうという目的で喋っております。

Morelia Python Radio

MPR Network

A podcast that focuses on the keeping, breeding, and current events of the world of Morelia and other pythons of the world

Tom's Big Spiders - Tarantulas and Inverts

Tom Moran

A podcast devoted to the proper care and upkeep of tarantulas and other inverts. After keeping a G. porteri for over 16 years, I decided that I wanted to add another tarantula to my collection. Several years later, I now keep over 100 specimens and 90+ different species. It’s safe to say that I am now completely addicted to the hobby.I’m NOT an expert, and I’m currently still learning about keeping these fascinating creatures. In fact, there are so many species, that I suspect that I’ll still be learning years from now. This blog is a bit of a journal to track my interest in the hobby and to share some of the information I’ve learned. A teacher by trade, I enjoy passing along what I’ve information and techniques I’ve discovered and helping others in their successful pursuit of this hobby. I enjoy hearing from folks, whether through comments on the blog or email.I have done and continue to do a lot of research, and I will only be discussing animals I personally keep, so the information I present should be current and accurate. I also regularly update older posts with current photos, observations, and information. However, this is an ever-evolving hobby, so I implore anyone interested in keeping these animals to use whatever they find here as a springboard for further research on techniques or species-specific care.



單純分享生活,沒什麼目的,只為了分大家一起笑! 如果你覺得不好笑,那...就不好笑吧!我又沒差~哈哈 email:666eggs@gmail.com 臉書粉絲團:上發條俱樂部 IG:wia627 YOUTUBE頻道:https://reurl.cc/8np4Wo Powered by Firstory Hosting

Furtune 毛知音 - 寵物新鮮事

獸醫師 Josh & 零動物飼養經驗路人 Hugh

寵物新聞|貓狗衛教|實用知識|動物議題 👉獸醫師專業分享👨‍⚕️ 👍跟著我們一起成為毛小孩的知音🎵 IG: newsfurtune -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

No Bad Dogs Podcast

Tom Davis

Hey, there dog folk! Welcome to the No Bad Dogs Podcast, hosted by Tom Davis. Do you often wonder what your dog is thinking? Join Tom as he teams up with dog trainers, dog lovers, dog enthusiasts and EVERYTHING in between to bring you the No Bad Dogs Podcast! Each episode will be PACKED full of dog training information and tips. Don't miss the weekly Q&A segment where you can call in and ask your own dog-related questions! Some of the topics we'll cover include dog/puppy training, dog/canine behaviors, advanced training techniques, teaching and more! Follow Thomas on Instagram - @tomdavis @nobadogs Youtube - youtube.com/AmericasCanineEd

Anna und die wilden Tiere

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Ihr kennt "Anna und die wilden Tiere" aus dem Fernsehen? Auch hier im Podcast kommt Anna wilden Tieren ganz nah - egal ob Pferden, Haien, Elefanten oder Schlangen. Ihr erfahrt dabei vieles über Tiere, das ihr garantiert noch nicht wusstet - zum Beispiel über superstarke Abwehrtechniken gegenüber Feinden oder mit welchen schlauen Mitteln sie an ihr Lieblingsfutter gelangen. Und an Annas Seite ist immer: die Hyäne. Sie erzählt Witze, puh, die sind manchmal richtig schlecht und ... ach, hört einfach rein!

DogCast Radio - for everyone who loves dogs

DogCast Radio

www.DogCastRadio.com We seek to cover anything and everything dog related. We profile dog breeds, have interviews with dog owners, breeders and others connected with dogs. We have training tips from professional dog trainers, from the basic to the impressive party piece trick. For younger listeners we have Puppy Play Time, with items of interest for them, competitions and training tips too. We have news, Buddy's diary, website reviews and more.

Bondi Vet Podcast

Bondi Vet

Official Podcast of the hit television series Bondi Vet. Every week Dr Alex Hynes brings you everything you need to know about having a health and happy life with your pets, including expert interviews, episode reviews and listener questions.

朝みみ! Precious Family


ペットのいる生活の豊かさや、ペットにまつわる“みみ”よりな情報をお届け! 動物愛護社会検定基礎級や小動物介護士、動物取扱責任者(保管/ペットシッター)の資格を活かし、Webサイト【DOG BLESS YOU】にてペットライフにまつわる様々な情報を発信しているラジオパーソナリティ、DJ mapi松本ともこが、リスナーやゲストとともにペットと暮らすことの楽しさ、豊かさを共感しあったり、週末にペットと一緒に行けるスポットの情報をお届けするほか、ペットと暮らしていると心配な災害時の備えなど、ペットを取り巻く様々な情報、話題をお届けしていきます。



💬歡迎來到𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤說寵物,寵物聽我說.ᐟ‪‪.ᐟ 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤自𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟓年成立以來,一直致力於宣導正確的寵物健康及醫療知識! 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐏𝐨𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭節目每集都邀請到專業獸醫師來跟我們討論、分享寵物飼養小知識,想了解寵物健康大小事,千萬別錯過! 每週二晚上𝟗:𝟎𝟎|各大𝐏𝐨𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭平台準時上架|歡迎大家收聽⸝⸝⸝♡︎ \ 歡迎追蹤𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤了解更多資訊 / ✦ 官方網站| https://www.pettalk.tw/ ✦ 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤粉專| https://www.facebook.com/PetTalkTaiwan ✦ 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐓𝐮𝐛𝐞頻道| https://www.youtube.com/@pettalk1824 ✦ 線上獸醫師諮詢服務,立即詢問毛孩問題| https://lihi1.cc/snVXV Powered by Firstory Hosting

Dog Walk Meditation

As It Should Be Productions

The Dog Walk Meditation podcast has been designed to calm your mind and connect with your dog during daily walks. These meditations will help release distractions, reduce stress, and focus on being present with your dog. Personal time spent with a dog is key to strengthening your mutual connection. When you feel calm, your dog feels calm, too. Season 2 is guided by Annette McGivney, an award-winning journalist, book author, and lifelong meditator. Season 1 was guided by certified meditation teacher John Bartlett, best known for his work as a fashion designer and animal activist. This show is a spinoff series of the Dog Save The People (dogsavethepeople.com) podcast, which features uplifting interview stories about how life is better with a dog. Both shows are original podcast series created by As It Should Be Productions (asitshouldbe.tv).



一種米養百種寵物美容師,我將用最接地氣的方式, 國語台語雙聲道,偶爾落英文 這也是我自己的方式,乾淨俐落 沒文案沒訪綱,直接"尬聊" Facebook: 寵物范特西Pet Fantasy Powered by Firstory Hosting

Nobody is Pawfect - Echte Geschichten von Hund und Halter

Undine von @sammy.thefoxdog

Wenn der eigene Hund nicht in die gesellschaftliche Norm passt, dann kann man sich schnell allein und blöd fühlen. Dabei ist das völliger Quatsch, denn JEDER macht Fehler und KEIN Hund ist perfekt! Als mich mein Hund Sammy zum ersten Mal in die Hand biss, ist meine Illusion eines perfekten Bilderbuchhundes schnell zerplatzt. Ich suchte den Austausch mit anderen Hundehalter:innen und erkannte: Ich bin nicht allein! In meinen Podcast lade ich Hund und Halter:in von nebenan ein, ihre echten Geschichten zu teilen. Aber auch “Profis” wie Hundetrainer, Influencer, Dogwalker, Tierärzte und Co. erzählen von ihren Fuckup-Momenten und Fehlern. Gemeinsam lachen wir über lustige Anekdoten und teilen wertvolle Tipps. Denn so ist das Leben mit Hund nun einmal wirklich und Nobody is Pawfect!


Lavo Dog


Alvin and the Chipmunks

Fun Kids

Meet the chipmunks, listen to interviews and loads more here.

Wildverse Poems from Fun Kids

Fun Kids

Listen to the winning poems in this year's childrens wildlife poetry competition on Fun Kids, the UK's only radio station dedicated to children.

A to Z of Wildlife for Kids

Fun Kids

Find out about all the wildlife in our animal series from the children's radio station Fun Kids.

Animal Radio®

Animal Radio®

Animal Radio® is America's "most-listened-to" animal programming; created to educate, reduce surrenders and to help animals live long, healthy and happier lives. Animal Radio® airs on 100+ AM-FM stations across the nation and XM Satellite Radio.

Healing Pet Loss Podcast

Marianne Soucy

Marianne Soucy shares practical steps for coping with the loss of a beloved pet and comforting messages of love and peace from pets in the afterlife. If you like the podcast, visit https://www.HealingPetLoss.com for further healing pet loss support.

The Pet Loss Companion

Kenneth Dolan-Del Vecchio & Nancy Saxton-Lopez

Hosted by family therapists Nancy Saxton-Lopez and Ken Dolan-Del Vecchio, authors of the bestselling book The Pet Loss Companion: Healing Advice from Family Therapists Who Lead Pet Loss Groups, this podcast shares experiences, recommendations, and reflections that help listeners with the loss of their animal companions. Ken and Nancy help listeners celebrate the gifts and navigate the challenges that come when we share our lives with beloved pets. Contact us at nsaxtonlopez@csmpc.com and kenddv@gmail.com. https://www.amazon.com/Pet-Loss-Companion-Healing-Therapists/dp/1484918266/ref=sr_1_3?dch Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kenneth-dolan-del-vecchio/support


Sebasti�n Alejandro Mesa Beltr�n

El día de hoy estaré haciendo un podcast sobre los reptiles mas peligrosos que habitaron en el planeta.

Cat Talk Radio

Molly DeVoss and Dewey Vaughn

Cat Talk Radio is all about cats, what makes them do what they do, why they occasionally misbehave and what cat guardians can do to fix it. We educate you on how to modify unwanted cat behavior by providing the proper environment and stimulation, enabling cats to express their natural behaviors in ways that are preferable for both the humans and cats. You will learn how to have fun with your cat, fascinating cat facts and be inspired to try new things, which will lead to a happier relationship and closer bond with your cat. We’ll also call attention to the plight of cats in our country, feel compassion for their challenges and share the message.



🐶狗派網美主播 Renee & 小孟 陪你遛狗撸貓聊聊天! ⭐每週一更新,拜託肉墊按下關注+五顆星鼓勵,歡迎留言聊各種奴才心事 ⭐有點毛毛的IG https://bit.ly/3t88jvd ⭐邀約合作 podcast@ettoday.net 👉來粉絲團找我們ETtoday Podcast 👉寵物雲頻道: https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

ねこの健康リテラシー向上ラジオ 〜家庭の獣医師ゆう〜



Bêtes de science


Bêtes de Science, c'est le podcast de l'intelligence animale pour les enfants et la famille (et pour les grands qui n'ont pas oublié de rester curieux !). Un mardi sur deux, partez à la découverte d'un nouvel animal et de ses comportements les plus étonnants en compagnie de Gaby Fabresse et Agatha Liévin-Bazin. Rencontrez des oiseaux architectes, des poissons dessinateurs, des insectes cartographes et bien d'autres créatures, suivez la trace des scientifiques qui les étudient, et apprenez à protéger cette incroyable biodiversité dans Bêtes de Science ! 👉Abonnez-vous sur votre apps et plateformes audio préférées 🎙️

Animals Are Calling

World Animal Protection

Animals Are Calling is World Animal Protection’s brand-new podcast.  Each week Carly Squires will be joined by a panel of experts from the organisation, including its CEO, Steve McIvor, to discuss the biggest issues affecting animals, people and the planet. From global pandemics to the climate crisis – we’ll hold the systems behind the cruelty responsible, and discover practical ways in which we, together, can change the way the world works to end animal suffering. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.




Constructional Approach to Animal Welfare and Training

Maasa, Sean

A podcast bringing you the latest information to help build stronger relationships with our animal companions, enhance training, assist shelter animals, and address other important issues related to animal welfare and training. If you are like us who love, live, and work with animals, this is the show for you! Please enjoy! Please contact us or find more information at Facebook page "Constructional Approach to Animal Welfare and Training" or email us at caawtcontact@gmail.com

animal rights

Kaitlyn Swims

about animal rights

こちらペット相談室 兵庫ペット医療センター


兵庫ペット医療センターのスタッフがペットのお悩みを解決します! FMいたみ 79.4mhz

How To Train Your Dog With Love And Science - Dog Training with Annie Grossman, School For The Dogs

Annie Grossman

Journalist-turned-dog trainer Annie Grossman, owner of NYC-based dog training center School For The Dogs and author of How To Train Your Dog With Love & Science (Sourcebooks, 6/2024), is obsessed with positive reinforcement dog training and thinks you should be, too. This podcast will help dog owners become literate in the basics of behavioral science in order to help their dogs and themselves . Tune in to learn how to use science-based methods to train dogs (and people) without pain, force, or coercion! Show notes at http://s4td.com/pcast (Formerly known as School For The Dogs Podcast)



用輔導員的角度,以聲音紀錄無尾香蕉動物學校動物同學們的日常故事想跟大家一起分享故事,陪伴貓狗同學們的成長學習。 ▍兒少動物教育計畫 https://reurl.cc/97OK4d ▍官網 https://notailbanana.com.tw/ ▍合作邀約寄信到 hello@notailbanana.com Powered by Firstory Hosting

Rocker Dog Podcast

Tim Dill

Rocker Dog Podcast talks to popular musicians about their canine companions and the value these creatures bring to our everyday lives in a fresh and revealing interview.

Bande de Chiens !

Esprit Dog

Le podcast d'Esprit Dog qui vous permet d'en apprendre toujours plus sur vos chiens !  Découvrez nos formations en ligne (https://www.espritdog.com)   Suivez nous sur nos réseaux sociaux (https://linktr.ee/EspritDog)   Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.


Hitoshi Katayama


Dog Tails: Conversations with the Pet Dog Trainers of Europe

Pet Dog Trainers of Europe

Honest, in depth conversations with dog experts around the globe. Join hosts Sarina and Harriet as we explore the amazing relationship between dogs and humans and delve into the canine point of view. We'll go beyond basic training and help you deepen your understanding of your dog.



這個播客除了分享跟貓咪有關的小常識,還有我常被問到關於貓咪的問題之外,另外分享我看過的一些不錯的貓咪的書籍哦! 如果喜歡我的分享,請在評論區點五顆星喔!★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ❤︎非常感謝❤︎ 🐯想問醬棒問題,請來信:jbcat2020520@gmail.com 關注醬棒: FB臉書: 醬醬與棒棒的日常&jb貓旅 https://ppt.cc/faohgx 醬棒的IG :https://ppt.cc/fOJQvx  醬棒的抖音:https://ppt.cc/f1nTZx 請醬棒吃肉泥:https://jbcat2020520.bobaboba.me



サザナミインコのスイちゃんと一緒に春じまと春子が、鳥の飼育に役立つ情報を配信!YouTubeでスイちゃんの姿をチェック! 「インコのいるラジオ」→鳥関連情報をお届け! 「鳥のお悩み相談所」→リスナーのお悩みに回答!

Urban Zoo


Each week Urban Zoo host Bill McBain welcomes vets, care-givers, researchers, spiritual leaders, suppliers, enforcement officers, pet-lovers and companions, etc., who share their stories and expertise. There is cuteness, joy, practical advice, expert insight and probing into some uncomfortable and challenging corners of our relationship with animal life. Biped-quadruped, carnivore-herbivore-omnivore-insectivore, invertebrate-vertebrate, pet-working or livestock, tame-feral, on wings-foot-hoof or fin: Peel is as bio-diverse as its’ people. We are a region where river valleys, woodland and farms bump up against ever expanding urban neighbourhoods. Some animals thrive, others are threatened but together they comprise the rich bio heritage of Peel. The Urban Zoo examines and celebrates the depth and power of the animal-human bond and the many facets of our interrelationship with the creatures we share our lives with. We want to hear your stories: are you a caregiver, owner, parent, supplier, veterinary health professional, or do you work or volunteer with a rescue group, shelter or rehabilitation centre? Or are you simply a lover of animals? The Urban Zoo would love to hear from you: your thoughts and your stories.



一個關於奶哥之家的故事 想要預約動物溝通 或是想要學習動物溝通課程 都可以私訊我們的IG🔍hellomilkcats Powered by Firstory Hosting

Cool Facts About Animals

Cool Facts About Animals Podcast

This is a podcast by and for kids giving you the coolest facts about the coolest animals. We research our episodes carefully, distilling the information into manageable segments, focusing on the things that really make these animals unusual. Thanks for listening!

The Long Leash with James Jacobson

Dog Podcast Network

Dogs know that the most delicious and nourishing treats are often found on the ground. In “The Long Leash,” we rescue tasty scraps from the editing room floor in an unscripted interview show. Listen in as James Jacobson, founder of Dog Podcast Network, chats with newsmakers and celebrated dog lovers. Go behind the scenes of a fledgling podcast network dedicated to helping improve the quality of life for dogs and the people who love them.

Horse Racing

Isabelle Hackler

Behind the scenes of the race track

The Raw Dog Food Truth

The Raw Dog Food Truth

Pets with skin issues, allergies, digestive issues can heal with the right food. Don't be fooled by pretty pictures on the bag. Learn why so many pets are eating a species appropriate diet and living longer healthier lives. Your Pet's Health Is Our Business "Friends Don't Let Friends Feed Kibble"



5点ラジオ「第二の道端ドコカオーディション」で、ひなちゃん賞を受賞! 猫と暮らしたいけど暮らしていない、そんなあなたへ、イマジナリーキャットとの日常をお届けします。一緒に暮らしたいキャットを思い浮かべながらお聴きください。 なお、TAIDAなヒューマンが更新しているため配信は不定期の予定です。 キャットと暮らすヒューマンの何らかもお届けするかも知れません。 【出演】???(あなたのイマジナリーキャット)

Collars And Cents

Doc Halligan

Dr. Karen “Doc” Halligan is a renowned veterinarian, animal welfare advocate, and pet care expert, holding a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of California, Davis. With a deep commitment to animal health, she has dedicated her career to providing exceptional care for pets and educating owners on responsible pet ownership. You can reach Doc Halligan with comments and ideas at info@dochalligan.com.

Drinking From the Toilet: Real dogs, Real training

Hannah Branigan

A behind-the-scenes look into the reality of dog training, behavior, teaching, and learning. We love our dogs, we love our jobs, but sometimes it's not all unicorns and rainbows. Sometimes at the end of the day, you just need a drink and friend who gets it. We'll keep it fun, and keep it real.


VETAHEAD with Dr. Laila Proença

YOUR GATEWAY TO INSIGHTFUL CONVERSATIONS! Join Dr. Proença, the visionary CEO and founder of VETAHEAD, on an enriching journey with the VetaheadPod, our dedicated Podcast Hub where you refuel your professional brain and nourish your human soul. At Vetahead Pod, we offer two different programs, the “15 Minutes with Dr. Proença”, with bite-sized, thought-provoking, evidence based ZooMed content (exotic animal medicine), and The Honest, by Vetahead, with insightful conversations and unique perspectives connecting us through shared narratives and the messy, beautiful journey of life.

Frog of the Week

Frog of the Week

Every week we'll choose and highlight one frog to be the frog of the week! Doesn't that sound fun?

MurMur VET|獸醫碎碎念


在這裡你們能身歷其境融入我們的工作日常,不時會有荒謬離奇的動物醫院怪奇物語,當然更少不了專業的寵物醫療相關知識分享。 無論你是專業的獸醫、準獸醫,家中有毛小孩的飼主,或者你只是想知道動物醫院在做什麼的平凡人,都歡迎你成為我們的聽眾。 🐕 獸醫師-馬克Mark 🐈 動物醫院櫃檯-小榆 ✨每週四 晚間6點更新✨ 🚀✨🚀✨IG ➫ MurmurVet Powered by Firstory Hosting

The Dog Show

Will Blunt

The Dog Show is a podcast for health-conscious dog owners who like to pamper their pets. The show is hosted by Will Blunt, founder of The Dog Book Company and a lifelong dog lover. Will interviews global experts on dog wellbeing, nutrition, behaviour, trends, and much more.

У меня лапки

БФ "Собаки, которые любят"

Как найти сбежавшую собаку? И что делать, если нашли на улице чужую? Чем можно заразиться от животных и как этого избежать? И как продлить жизнь своему питомцу и защитить от невзгод? Эти и другие вопросы мы обсуждаем как с владельцами животных, так и с ветеринарами и зоопсихологами. У собак и кошек лапки, поэтому они не могут о себе позаботиться сами и очень надеются на нас. Мы расскажет как правильно это делать, а еще – посмеемся над их проделками, без стыда признаемся, что они не всегда слушаются, и поделимся самым сокровенным. https://instagram.com/paws_podcast

Doggy Dojo

Susan Light

Follow Los Angeles-based Certified Dog Trainer Susan Light as she seeks to learn from the industry's best and become worthy of the title: Sensei of the Doggy Dojo!! Susan interviews experts from all over the world about their specialties in the Dog world and shares the conversations with you, the dog lover!

Riivattu Rakki

Stefanie Lindroos

Kaunistelematonta, rohkeaa ja rehellistä keskustelua koirista ja koiranomistajuudesta nykytieteen valossa. Podcastin juontajana toimii koiriin erikoistunut toimittaja Stefanie Lindroos, ja jaksoissa vierailee vaihtelevia eläinalan ammattilaisia keskustelemassa polttavista ja joskus ristiriitaisistakin koiramaailman aiheista.



業界初!?イヌやネコがメインMCを務め、その飼い主がアシスタントを務めるラジオ番組が朝日放送ラジオでスタート! ワンちゃんはじめ動物たちがラジオパーソナリティを務め、飼い主をアシスタントに迎えトークする、アニマルASMRで癒される動物ラジオ番組。初回のラジオパーソナリティはボストンテリアのブブとビビ、アシスタントはブブ・ビビの飼い主であり、人気Youtuberパパラピーズのタナカガさん。 初回放送では、アシスタント・タナカガさんの質問にMCワンちゃんたちが鼻息やペロペロ音で答えたり、犬用手作りフレッシュフード・ココグルメを実食して食レポしたりなど、可愛いワンちゃんのASMRで癒しをお届けします!



※頻道由【全國動物醫院連鎖體系】製播※ 想找資料又懶得看落落長的文章嗎? 那就來聽聽專業獸醫師的閒聊吧~輕鬆的談話中讓你獲得滿滿乾貨,瑣碎的通勤時間裡就可以了解毛孩的衛教知識。 頻道包含以下系列 ✨毛孩百科:各種毛孩的疑難雜症、冷知識或迷思破解,獸醫師不藏私大聲說 ✨疾病研究室:艱深的醫療問題就該由專業獸醫師親自解說! ✨季節特輯:每個季節都有該注意的細節,讓寵宇宙準時提醒你 ✨動物醫院日誌:最Deep的動物醫院面貌,原來獸醫師跟助理們都在處理室裡...?!! ✨你的看法我的想法:歡迎留言與我們互動,讓獸醫師在空中與你聲音會面 想知道更多毛孩大小事,歡迎在各社群平台搜尋「全國動物醫院連鎖體系」 合作請來信:nvh@vet.com.tw Powered by Firstory Hosting

The Everything Pup Podcast

Holly Montgomery, BrindleBerry Acres

Are you a pup-parent who’s dedicated to improving the health and well-being of your best friend so that they can live a long, happy and healthy life? Welcome to the Everything Pup Podcast! Here you’ll find valuable dog-centric tips; interviews with trusted industry experts AND your favourite dog brands; and everything else you need to become an informed advocate for your best friend. Your host, Holly Montgomery, has over 15 years experience in the pet industry as the co-owner of 2 holistic pet food franchises. She’s also an award-winning, certified and accredited dog photographer. She’s dedicated her life and career to helping pet parents understand and care for dogs of all ages and dispositions. In this show, you will find answers to all the most common dog-rearing questions. You’ll get expert opinions on holistic health and nutrition and force-free training methods, AND you’ll discover the hottest new dog products and brands - ALL with a healthy dose humour and a little woo woo thrown in for good measure!



ネコと話す人🐱さぼてんです。あなたのうちのペットさんは、あなたと話したい事があるから傍にいます。ペットの声をぜひあなたに届けさせてください。動物と話して心の声を届けるお仕事をさせて頂いています。 アニマルコミュニケーターとして活動させて頂く中で、文藝春秋のライフスタイル誌「CREA」の2023年冬号に掲載して頂きました。 ネコとヒトを繋ぐ活動に対しての想いを丁寧に表現して頂けて嬉しく思っております。 配信では、動物と話す事や、ネコの事。ネコとヒトとの関係や、共に暮らすからこそネコ達も影響を受ける飼い主さん達のココロ。その飼い主さんの不安や不調の解消にも寄り添えたらと思っております。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。 またご依頼、ご質問は公式LINEにで受け付けております。そちらも宜しくお願い致します。 公式LINE https://lin.ee/ZSOqJ0J

Found It, Fetched It - Your Weekly Dose of Gundog Wisdom from the LWDG

The Ladies Working Dog Group

Welcome to the Found It, Fetched It Podcast by the Ladies Working Dog Group. Join us weekly as the LWDG Group and Guest Experts talk about all things working dog and gundog! Your podcast for online and on-air dog training. This podcast was formally known as LWDG POD DOGMore about the Ladies Working Dog Group: The LWDG supports ladies nationwide (and in other countries) with a wealth of support and information, including masterclasses, featured expert support, training tips, and tools. With regular online coaching and meet-ups in our virtual 'Ask Us Anything', these resources are aimed at supporting lady handlers to get the absolute best from their dogs whilst growing confidence and belief in themselves so that they can become a team. www.thelwdg.com

Bloom your Sunflower Mind

Akari Kimura

“人と動物を繋げるPodcast” アニマルコミュニケーションを通して動物から学んだことや、テリントンTタッチの考え、愛犬あずきとの日常生活などをシェアし、人も動物もみんな一緒に楽しい生活を送ることを目的とした番組です。 私の話が、動物と暮らしていく皆さんの人生にとって大切な気付きにもなればと思っています。 It’s time to bloom your sunflower mind! ひまわりの花言葉:あなたを見つめる、光輝、情熱 IG: @akari.sunflower_mind


Yasuyuki Ishida

イタグレKozyの成長日記です。 毎日Kozyママが記している日記をパパとママ二人でゆるく読み上げていきたいと思います。 その日の出来事や体調、お出かけ先や犬を飼うことで変わった心情、イタグレや犬の豆知識等々様々な思いをお送りします! Kozyのプロフィール 2021年2月17日生まれ 男の子 ■YoutubeとInstagramもやっています。 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG2UBiiUzYZAm_HS5SqNxZQ https://www.instagram.com/kozy_cozy0217/

The Everyday Trainer Podcast

Meghan Dougherty

Join Meg, a Pet Dog Trainer in Orlando Florida, as she chats about all things dogs. From training tools and techniques to mindfulness and habit formation, Meg's got all the insight you need to help you form a better relationship with your dog.

貓貓腳印 Catprint

茶獸醫 & 綠獸醫

茶獸醫及綠獸醫的專長分別是犬貓及特寵醫療。在貓貓腳印的節目中,你可以找到犬貓及特寵相關的醫療知識,我們希望深入淺出的跟大家討論那些看診中飼主常見的問題及煩惱,養寵物其實快樂又有趣! Powered by Firstory Hosting

Curious Equestrian

Curious Equestrian

🎙️ Curious Equestrian: Your Gateway to Equestrian Excellence Are you a passionate horse owner or rider seeking a deeper connection with your equine companion? Do you want to enhance your equestrian journey with valuable insights and expert advice? If you've ever found yourself yearning for a podcast that caters to your love for horses, look no further!

The Farah DeJohnette Whole Horsemanship Podcast


Welcome to the Farah DeJohnette Whole Horsemanship podcast where I'll help you Liberate your Horsemanship! Holistic Relationship based Horsemanship because The Relationship Is EVERYTHING! #horselistener

Farm Dog

Aaron Steele

The podcast about the working dogs of farming, ranching, homesteading, and rural living. Presented by Goats On The Go® and hosted by its founder, Aaron Steele. We discuss the fascinating history and current practice of humans working with dogs to make a living from the land. Our chats with experts cover breeds, training, on-farm experiences, and more. Herding dogs (stockdogs) and livestock guardian dogs are frequent topics, but terriers, hunting dogs, and good ol' all-around farm dogs are up for discussion, too. If it produces, protects, or provides for our rural lives, we'll talk about it.

Vet Nurse Support Okinawa



Help! My Dog: The Podcast. Dog Behaviour & Training Strategies that Work!

Dr Tom Mitchell

The Brand New podcast from vet, behaviourist and trainer, Dr Tom Mitchell! We'll be covering all things dog behaviour to unlock the life you dream of with your dog, transforming behaviour struggles and levelling up your relationship with your dog. If you get excited about learning about dog behaviour and want the practical, effective (and fun) strategies that we know transform struggles from barking to reactivity to separation anxiety to simply not listening, welcome home!

Baleine sous Gravillon (BSG)

Marc Mortelmans

Baleine sous Gravillon raconte le Vivant et nous reconnecte avec ce qui vit autour de nous. BSG diffuse, un mercredi sur deux, une série de 4 épisodes d’environ 15 minutes. Des experts reconnus et passionnés viennent y partager leurs connaissances sur un thème précis. _______   BSG est le grand frère d'une famille de 3 podcasts complémentaires: Combats, Nomen et Petit Poisson deviendra Podcast (PPDP). _______   Nous cherchons des partenaires, et nous proposons / animons des conférences dans les écoles et les universités, les entreprises et les institutions. _______   Tous les liens en un seul : https://baleinesousgravillon.com/liens-2 _______    Contact: Marc Mortelmans 06 52 49 13 71 marc@baleinesousgravillon.com _______  Toutes les infos :  https://bit.ly/prez_ecosyst_BSG   Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Animal Behavior Conversations: The Podcast of The ABMA

Shane Gorbett, Board of Directors, The Animal Behavior Management Alliance

The Animal Behavior Management Alliance (ABMA) strives to spread knowledge throughout the animal care field to help enhance animal care through operant conditioning. Each episode we will discuss a topic in the world of animal care and break down the science of behavior change. To achieve this, the podcast’s host, Shane Gorbett, will interview fellow trainers and experts from across the world to discuss all things training, behavior, enrichment, welfare, and much more! This podcast will be a great resource for all trainers. Let's talk some training and banter about behavior!

Tropical Fish Keeping UK

Ruth McDonald

Join me for chats about fish, stuff about fish, and some stuff that might just interest fish keepers.

Veterinary Viewfinder Podcast

Dr. Ernie Ward & Beckie Mossor, RVT

Weekly podcast dedicated to "tackling the toughest topics in veterinary medicine." Hosted by veterinarian Dr. Ernie Ward and registered veterinary technician Beckie Mossor. Candid, irreverent, provocative, educational, and occasionally funny conversations about issues that impact the veterinary profession. Non-stop since 2016.

Sexier Than A Squirrel: Dog Training That Gets Real Life Results


In Sexier Than a Squirrel, the Official AbsoluteDogs Podcast, join us here at Absolute Dogs as we talk training your dog, transforming your dog training struggles and getting real-life results through GAMES!

The Parrot Podcast


Hi, I’m Sandra! Welcome to the Parrot podcast, where we talk all things parrots! Whether you're a new parrot owner or a seasoned bird enthusiast, this podcast is for you. We aim to provide valuable information to help you care for your birbs! Join us as we discuss a wide range of topics, including diet and nutrition, toys and cage setups, health and enrichment, training tips, and much more. We'll share our knowledge and expertise to help you give your parrot the best possible life and help you be the best parront you can be! Some episodes will feature interviews with experts in the field, as well as real-life stories and experiences from me and parrot owners like you. I believe that by sharing our collective knowledge, we can create a community of informed and compassionate parrot owners. So, whether you have a conure, cockatiel, macaw, budgie, african grey or any other type of parrot, join us on the Parrot podcast and let's learn together how to give our feathered friends the best care and love they deserve!

The Whoa Post


A place to talk about birds, people, and the dogs that bring them together. From upland to lowland, yard training to tests and trials, and everything in between. Oh, and we'll talk a little hunting too!
