11/21 TOP NEWS|加快外商投资绿色低碳升级/近300件马蒂斯真迹来沪展出


NEWS ON 11/211. FOREIGN-INVESTED FIRMS STEPPING UP GREEN TRANSFORMATION加快外商投资绿色低碳升级2. HENRI MATISSE EXHIBITION COMES TO SHANGHAI近300件马蒂斯真迹来沪展出-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. FOREIGN-INVESTED FIRMS STEPPING UP GREEN TRANSFORMATION加快外商投资绿色低碳升级An action plan released by the Shanghai government calls for the city to have 150 demonstration green manufacturing firms by 2025. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan talked to 2 foreign industrial giants and finds out more about their green solutions.上海市政府发布了一项计划,即到 2025年,上海将拥有150家绿色制造示范企业。记者张诗旋采访了两家外国工业巨头,了解它们的绿色转型方案。The 13 buildings at this factory in Shanghai's Minhang District bring a combined rooftop area of almost 46,000 square meters. They provide a natural advantage for green transformation for the pump manufacturer housed here, to install photovoltaic【光伏的】 panels. The first phase of the installation project was completed in September - more than 7,000 photovoltaic panels have been installed, all from a local supplier. They were put into use last week.位于上海闵行区的这家工厂拥有13栋建筑,屋顶面积总计近46,000平方米。为这家水泵制造商提供了绿色转型的天然优势,即安装光伏电池板。安装项目的第一阶段已于9月完成,共安装了7000多块光伏板,全部由当地供应商提供。它们已于上周投入使用。Stephan Timmermann, Chairman of the Executive Board KSB GroupStephan Timmermann 凯士比集团首席执行官“We are absolute specialists for pumps, for valves and of course for service. We are no specialist for green technology solar panels. And here in China, the partner who helped us to build the solar panales on the roof here in our Shanghai plant, he's just an expert. And we benefit from this expertise in a win-win situation. And I must say the job that was done is absolutely amazing.”“我们绝对是泵、阀门、服务领域的专家。我们不是绿色技术太阳能电池板方面的专家。而在中国,帮助我们在上海工厂的屋顶上建造太阳能电池板的合作伙伴是一位专家,我们从他的专业知识中获益,实现了双赢。他们所做的工作绝对令人惊叹。”By 2025, the company estimates the solar panels will be responsible for 50% of the electricity consumption at the factory. KSB is not alone. foreign pharmaceutical companies are also stepping up their green transformation. With its production lines running non-stop throughout the year, pharmaceutical【制药的】 giant Boehringer Ingelheim now has a zero carbon certificate from the Shanghai Government for its factory in Shanghai's Zhangjiang Science City. Much of the factory's air conditioning system has now been upgraded. The company has introduced new equipment like heat pumps and heat pipes to recycle the heat, as well as a new carbon emission management system.该公司预计,到 2025 年,太阳能电池板的用电量将占工厂用电量的 50%。 不仅是凯士比,国外制药公司也在加紧绿色转型。制药巨头勃林格殷格翰位于上海张江科学城的工厂全年不间断生产,现已获得上海市政府颁发的零碳证书。工厂的大部分空调系统现已升级。该公司引进了热泵和热管等新设备来回收热量,并采用了新的碳排放管理系统。Yin Xuelin, General Manager Boehringer Ingelheim Shanghai Pharmaceuticals殷雪林 勃林格殷格翰总经理“Our heat pipes have the highest investment return rate. We got our costs back in just a few months. For those with slower investment returns like photovoltaic panels, we made our investment back in 6 or 7 years, but they can be used for more than 20 years, which means that after we get our costs back we can be operating at no cost but only saving money for more than ten years.”“我们的三维热管是投资回报率是最高的,大概几个月就收回成本了。像投资回报率比较低的,比如说光伏、屋顶光伏,那我们基本上也是6-7年可以收回我们的投资,它的寿命至少在20年以上。也就是说我6-7年收回投资以后,我后面的十几年其实它就是没有成本在运营,只会给我产生效益。”As of 2021 the factory had already saved 31 million yuan in energy costs, more than 4 times the money spent on its upgrades.   截至 2021 年,该工厂已节约能源成本3100万元,是升级改造费用的4倍多。2.HENRI MATISSE EXHIBITION COMES TO SHANGHAI近300件马蒂斯真迹来沪展出Matisse by Matisse, an exhibition of French modern art master Henri Matisse is now on display at the UCCA Edge gallery in Shanghai, bringing together more than 280 works by Matisse, along with other objects he collected. Reporter Zhang Yue spoke to the exhibition's curator【馆长】 to learn more...法国现代艺术大师亨利·马蒂斯的作品展“马蒂斯的马蒂斯”正在上海UCCA Edge画廊展出,展览汇集了马蒂斯的280多件作品以及他收藏的其他物品。记者张乐采访了此次展览的策展人,带来更多信息。The 11 part exhibit invites visitors to explore how Matisse began as an artist, how he invented Fauvism, and the inspiration he gained from his voyage to Tahiti in the 1930s. All of the exhibits, including the oil paintings, sculptures, and prints, were brought by the Matisse Museum in Le Cateau, the museum is in the artist's hometown in Northern France, and houses one of the world's largest collections of Matisse's works, alongside the Matisse Museum in Nice and the Baltimore Museum of Art in the Unites States. 展览共分11个部分,参观者可以探索马蒂斯如何开始成为一名艺术家、他如何发明野兽派以及他在20世纪30年代塔希提岛之旅中获得的灵感。包括油画、雕塑和版画在内的所有展品均由勒卡托·康布雷齐的马蒂斯美术馆带来,该博物馆位于艺术家的故乡法国北部,是世界上收藏马蒂斯作品最多的博物馆之一,与尼斯马蒂斯博物馆和美国巴尔的摩艺术博物馆齐名。Sophie Le Flamanc, deputy director of Musée Matisse in Le Cateau, said 'Collioure, Sun Street' is one of her favorites.马蒂斯美术馆副馆长 Sophie Le Flamanc 说,《科利乌尔,太阳街》是她最喜欢的作品之一。Sophie Le Flamanc, Deputy Director Musée MatisseSophie Le Flamanc马蒂斯美术馆副馆长“It was the first discovery of the sunlight because Matisse was born in the north of France, and the weather is not very fine. When the first time he went to the south of France in summer, it was a discovery with the color with the light and it changes completely his way of painting, his technique of painting.”“这是第一次发现阳光,因为马蒂斯出生在法国北部,那里的天气不是很好。当他第一次在夏天去法国南部时,他发现了阳光下的色彩,这彻底改变了他的绘画方式和技巧。”Born into a textile family that had been in the business for over 300 years, Matisse studied law in Paris and after gaining his qualification he became a court administrator in his hometown. In 1889, he took to painting while recuperating【康复】from appendicitis.马蒂斯出生于一个有300多年历史的纺织世家,他曾在巴黎学习法律,获得资格后成为家乡的一名法院行政官。1889年,他在阑尾炎休养期间开始画画。Philip Tinari, Director UCCA Center for Contemporary Art田霏宇 尤伦斯当代艺术中心馆长“He's just constantly experimenting, trying new things and finding and he was always in bad health. He had multiple health problems who's in a wheelchair and he's still making these paper cuts when he's well into his 80s.”“他不断尝试新的东西和新的发现,而且他的身体一直不好。他有多种健康问题,现在坐在轮椅上,80多岁了还在做这些剪纸作品。”Matisse's paper cut-outs, were part of work in the later years of his artistic career, is another highlight. This exhibition is the first time that this collection has left the museum and been shipped abroad from France. Before coming to Shanghai, the exhibition was very well received in Beijing earlier this year. 马蒂斯的剪纸作品是其艺术生涯晚期作品的一部分,也是另一大亮点。此次展览是这些藏品首次离开博物馆,从法国运往国外。在来上海之前,该展览于今年早些时候在北京举办,反响强烈。观众“We're just so excited because Matisse is such an important artist, but for so many reasons, he's never really had a comprehensive show in China before and certainly in shanghai. And yet 100 years ago there were modern artists in shanghai discussing the work of Matisse. So he has this very long history in this city even compared with Beijing.”“我们感到非常兴奋,因为马蒂斯是一位如此重要的艺术家,但由于种种原因,他从未在中国举办过真正意义上的全面展览,当然也从未在上海举办过。然而100年前,上海就有现代艺术家在讨论马蒂斯的作品。因此,与北京相比,他在这座城市的历史更加悠久。”The influence of Matisse on China's modern art is also a big highlight. Through works and archival materials by artists including Liu Haisu and Guan Liang, visitors will be able to trace how Matisse's influence spread to China, and its effect on artists in China between the 1920s and 1940s. 马蒂斯对中国现代艺术的影响也是一大亮点。通过刘海粟和关良等艺术家的作品和档案资料,参观者可以追溯马蒂斯的影响如何传播到中国,以及马蒂斯在20世纪20年代至40年代对中国艺术家的影响。The exhibition will run to February 18th next year.展览将持续到明年2月18日。#热词加油站photovoltaic /ˌfəʊtəʊvɒlˈteɪɪk/【光伏的】pharmaceutical /ˌfɑːməˈsuːtɪkl/【制药的】curator /kjʊəˈreɪtə(r) /【馆长】recuperating /rɪˈkuːpəreɪt/【康复】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~

11/21 TOP NEWS|加快外商投资绿色低碳升级/近300件马蒂斯真迹来沪展出

11/21 TOP NEWS|加快外商投资绿色低碳升级/近300件马蒂斯真迹来沪展出
