10分!?天体ばなし ~宙が好きすぎて~

“星空案内人”北里麻実 & “星のおじさま”森雄一




文筆家で編集者のぼくいずみと フリーでwriter/prをおこなう初音がお届けする わたしたちが好きになったものやこと、場所についてをお話しする、やわらかであたたかな場所です。



コペテンナイトは春名まことと葦原みづほでお送りする、宇宙系おしゃべりポッドキャストです。 科学の視点が、これまでのものの見方を変える。コペテンの可能性を秘めた、広大な宇宙の旅へ。 毎週水曜更新!

This Week in Space (Audio)


The new space age is upon us, and This Week in Space leaves no topic untouched. Every Friday, join Editor-in-Chief of Ad Astra magazine, Rod Pyle and Managing Editor of Space.com, Tariq Malik as they explore everything related to the cosmos. New episodes posted every Friday.



『星空を、もっと身近な存在に。』 私たちが星空を楽しむハードルは、年々高くなってしまっています。それでも実は、街明かりがあるような都会からでも明るい星は見えるんです。 私たちが夕焼けを眺めるのと同じくらい、星空を見ることを身近な存在にしていきたいです! ★「リコットの夕焼け天文部」おたより専用フォーム https://forms.gle/38gvWDo9Y4b1cYEX7 ★メールアドレス(部員名と内容を含めてください) ricot.club@gmail.com ★YouTube「リコットの夕焼け天文部」 映像を活用して動画を投稿中! https://www.youtube.com/c/ricot_astro ★プレミア部員 詳細はこちらから! https://ci-en.net/creator/15043 ★Twitter(@ricot_astro) #夕焼け天文部 で感想を募集中! https://twitter.com/ricot_astro




Crash Course Pods: The Universe

Crash Course Pods, Complexly

Dr. Katie Mack, a theoretical astrophysicist, walks #1 New York Times bestselling author John Green through the history of the entire universe - including the parts that haven’t been written yet.

The 365 Days of Astronomy


The 365 Days of Astronomy podcast launched in 2009 as part of the International Year of Astronomy. This community podcast continues to bring you day after day of content across the years. Everyday, a new voice, helping you see the universe we share in a new way. This show is managed by Avivah Yamani, edited by Richard Drumm. This podcast is funded through Patreon.com/CosmoQuestX and produced out of the Planetary Science Institute.

Universe Today Podcast

Fraser Cain

Space news, interviews, Q&As, and exclusive content from Universe Today. Audio versions of Fraser Cain YouTube channel.

The Supermassive Podcast

The Royal Astronomical Society

This is The Supermassive Podcast from the Royal Astronomical Society. Every month, science journalist Izzie Clarke and astrophysicist Dr Becky Smethurst take you through the universe with the latest research, history from the society’s archives and astronomy you can do from your own home. Support the team by buying their book, The Year in Space - https://geni.us/jNcrw You can send your questions to the team via podcast@ras.ac.uk or follow them on Instagram @SupermassivePod. The Supermassive Podcast is a Boffin Media Production by Izzie Clarke and Richard Hollingham.


Paul & Dr Jeni

Awesome Astronomy explores the frontiers of science, space and our evolving understanding of the universe. Join Ralph, Paul & Jeni for informative and fun astronomy programmes dedicated to space and astronomy news and monthly podcast extras covering hot topics and special interviews in the world of science and astronomy.

Space Nuts

Professor Fred Watson and Andrew Dunkley

Join Professor Fred Watson, world-renowned Astronomer at Large, and Sci-Fi Author and Broadcaster Andrew Dunkley, on their captivating podcast, Space Nuts. Dive into the vast universe of space, astronomy and astrophysics as they discuss the latest news, exciting space travel adventures, groundbreaking discoveries, and unravel the enduring mysteries of the cosmos. This engaging series offers a unique blend of expert insights and imaginative storytelling and listener input, making it a must-listen for space enthusiasts and science fiction fans alike. Two episodes a week with news and explainer focused editions published on Thursday's and our Listener Q&A focused edition on Monday's. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/space-nuts--2631155/support.

SpaceTime with Stuart Gary

Stuart Gary

19 years on Australian Public Radio (as StarStuff), 8 years of podcasting and counting. We have a lot of content to share with you. Recognized worldwide by our listeners and industry experts as one of the best and most thoroughly researched programs on Astronomy, Space, and Science News. Hosted by Stuart Gary, a veteran radio science reporter, broadcaster and now podcaster. Keep up-to-date and learn something new with every episode. New episodes weekly. Three new episodes are published on Mondays for our subscribers and individual episodes publicly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Show your support for SpaceTime, help us reach our goals with early access to commercial-free episodes and bonuses via Supercast, Patreon, Apple Podcasts and YouTube. Links at https://spacetimewithstuartgary.com/about Enjoy! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/spacetime-with-stuart-gary--2458531/support.


Maggie UFOradio

本節目是由飛碟電台主持人Maggie 邀請吳福河老師與聽眾分享天文古今話題。 吳老師曾長期擔任台北市立天文科學教育館推廣組組長,退休後依舊熱衷於天文推廣活動,除了在社大上課,亦受邀至營隊、研習活動等,分享各類天文話題,是大人們心中最博學多聞的吳組長,也是孩子心中最幽默有趣的小河河。擅長以輕鬆幽默的方式,旁徵博引帶領大家輕鬆遨遊天文領域。

Star Diary

BBC Sky at Night Magazine

The weekly astronomy podcast from the makers of BBC Sky at Night Magazine.


Billy Henry

StarDate, the longest-running national radio science feature in the U.S., tells listeners what to look for in the night sky.

ESA Explores

European Space Agency

Meet the space makers as we journey across Europe and into the cosmos to build a future beyond Earth alone. From astronauts to space doctors, engineers and mission controllers, ESA Explores goes behind the scenes of Europe’s greatest adventure yet.

Sleep Space from Astrum

Alex McColgan

Welcome to the Astrum Sleep Space podcast; the perfect place to come and wind down for the evening while you learn more about the grandeur of the universe. I’m Alex McColgan, the founder of the Astrum brand, and your host on this podcast. Come and listen as I tell you about incredible missions, fascinating discoveries, and everything I’ve come to love about space.If you like what you're listening to, be sure to check out my YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/@astrumspace for more great space content.


Carrie Nugent

Hear stories about the alien moons orbiting our Sun, of cold stars, and the future of space exploration. Every week, scientist Dr. Carrie Nugent chats about an amazing part of our universe with an expert guest. Spacepod is the podcast that gives you an inside look into space exploration. Learn more: http://listentospacepod.com

Evrim Ağacı ile Bilime Dair Her Şey!

Evrim Ağacı

Bu yayın listemizde, Evrim Ağacı'nda yayınladığımız içeriklerden seçilmiş yazılarımızı yazarlarımızın kendileri, diğer yazarlarımız veya ses sanatçıları seslendirerek, sizlerin kulaklarına ulaştırıyor.

Home stars 星のある暮らしを、あなたに

Home stars 星のある暮らしを、あなたに

『Home stars 星のある暮らしを、あなたに』 みなさんには、どんな星空との思い出がありますか? この番組は、家庭用プラネタリウム、ホームスターがお送りする、 ご自宅に星空のある暮らしを感じていただくPodcast番組です。 さあ、本日も一緒に、星が瞬く旅へと出掛けていきましょう。

NASA 逐工一幅天文圖 APOD Taigi

NASA 逐工一幅天文圖 APOD Taigi

「逐工一幅天文圖 APOD Taigi」Podcast 是 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 台語版的有聲頻道。逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者為你解說。 https://apod.tw/ Powered by Firstory Hosting

Kielder Observatory Podcast

Kielder Observatory Astronomical Society

The official monthly podcast from Kielder Observatory in Northumberland UK, situated under some of the darkest skies in the world. If you've ever wondered what happens when you fall into a black hole, if intelligent life is watching us from other galaxies, or how the North East is at the forefront of the British Space programme, then you can find out more in this series! Each month we also update you on the things to look out for in the night sky wherever you are, and of course update you on what's happening at the observatory too! Subscribe now, and maybe we'll see you at Kielder soon!

Settle the Stars: The Science of Space Exploration

Edgeworks Nebula

Exploring and terraforming Mars will be the greatest scientific and engineering challenge in the history of our species. From landfall and building the first cities to manipulating an entire planetary environment, this podcast will dive into the science of space exploration, settlement and terraforming! Join Alexander Winn, creator of TerraGenesis and founder of Edgeworks Entertainment, as he walks you through the real science behind his hit indie terraforming game, TerraGenesis, and how those same concepts will work in real life.


Einstein's Cross


Ciel & Espace

Ciel & Espace

À la fois ludique et original avec ses contenus audios présentés par les plus grands spécialistes français, Ciel et Espace radio vous propose de découvrir et d'approfondir vos connaissances sur le ciel, la Terre et l'Univers.




The Astro Ben Podcast

Ben Gamble

Whether you work in the Space industry or dreamed about becoming an astronaut as a kid, we all have some sort of a connection to Space. Space enthusiast, Ben Gamble, brings you a weekly podcast all about Space. Although Ben currently works in events and hospitality, he has always had an interest in the Space industry. As a preliminary jump into the Space world, Ben created this podcast to explore what goes on in the industry with the dream of launching his own Space tech company later in life. Ben hopes to connect people of all ages and encourage them to get involved in Space. AstroBen will be a podcast to empower Space enthusiasts, as well as discussing difficult topics. From rockstars to CEO's, astronomers to actors, expect to hear from diverse perspectives all with the shared obsession with the stars!

Cosmic Latte

Eva Pech, Jana Steuer, Elka Xharo

Willkommen beim Cosmic Latte Podcast! Begleite Eva, wenn sie mit Jana und Elka bei einem Kaffeehausgespräch, über Galaxien, Sterne und die faszinierenden Wunder unseres Universums plaudert. Ihre Leidenschaft für Astronomie und Wissenschaftskommunikation verbindet die Podcasterinnen miteinander. Eva studiert Astronomie an der Universität Wien. Sie hat einen Abschluss in Kommunikationswissenschaften und erst vor kurzem ihre Masterarbeit über Wissenschaftskommunikation geschrieben. Sie ist neben diesem Podcast auch im Podcast „Das Universum“ zu hören, wo sie über Science in Science-Fiction Filmen redet. Sie träumt davon, eines Tages ins Weltall fliegen zu können. Elka ist zur Zeit FH-Lektorin und hat eine Ausbildung zur Medizinphysikerin abgeschlossen. Außerdem beitreibt sie als @thesciencyfeminist auf Instagram einen erfolgreichen Wissenschaftskommunikationskanal, der vor allem Frauen in der Wissenschaft sichtbar machen soll. Sie träumt davon, eines Tages Evas Weltraumflug programmieren zu dürfen. Jana ist unser neuer Zugang bei Cosmic Latte. Sie hat nach ihrem Masterabschluss in Astrophysik nach Exoplaneten geforscht, bevor sie in die Wissenschaftskommunikation wechselte. Heute ist sie Redaktionsmitglied des YouTube-Kanals „Terra X Lesch & Co“. Neben Cosmic Latte ist sie auch in den beiden Podcasts „translunar“ und „Ein großer Schritt für die Menschheit“ zu hören. Tauche in diesem Podcast in spannende astronomische Gespräche ein. Mach es dir gemütlich und erfahre Interessantes über die Geheimnisse des Kosmos! Falls du Fragen hast oder mit uns in Kontakt treten möchtest, erreichst du uns jederzeit per E-Mail unter: kontakt@cosmiclatte.at. Du kannst uns gerne unterstützen und zwar bei Steady (https://steadyhq.com/de/cosmiclatte/), Patreon (https://patreon.com/CosmiclattePodcast), Paypal (https://paypal.me/cosmiclattepod)!

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

American Astronomical Society

When you head outdoors tonight, take Sky & Telescope's Sky Tour astronomy podcast with you for a guided tour to the night sky. Learn what constellations are visible, find out where and when you'll see the planets, and catch each month's celestial highlights, from meteor showers to eclipses.




Looking Up

Dean Regas

Join Dean Regas, astronomer, author, and space expert on a journey through the stars! Guests from all over the globe bring their knowledge and passion about today’s latest scientific discoveries and advancements. From eclipses to supernovas, from rockets to rovers; there’s a whole universe to explore! Dean is the author of “How to Teach Grown-Ups About Pluto” and “100 Things to See in the Night Sky” and was the longtime host of PBS' Stargazers television program. Looking Up is a production of Cincinnati Public Radio.

The Vector

Space Foundation

The global economy is launching into space - are you? Tune into the Vector, Space Commerce Institute’s monthly show exploring the trends, topics, and insights driving the space ecosystem. Engage live on LinkedIn or listen later on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube Music.



Zweiwöchentlicher Podcast der Volkssternwarte München. Was kann man im Moment am Himmel beobachten? Welche gigantischen Spektakel lassen sich von unserem Staubkorn Erde aus miterleben? Wir informieren euch über die neusten astronomischen Ereignisse und gehen auf besonders spannende Themen näher ein. Lasst uns abtauchen in die Tiefen des Alls und astrophysikalische Zusammenhänge ergründen. Wir erkunden ferne Exoplaneten und rote Riesen, erforschen die klitzekleinen, finsteren Welten der Kometen und Asteroiden und reisen zurück, zu den Anfängen des Universums! Lust auf noch mehr Astronomie mit Jana? Schaut mal bei Ein großer Schritt für die Menschheit vorbei: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ein-grosser-schritt

Pale Blue Pod


Pale Blue Pod is an astronomy podcast for people who are overwhelmed by the universe but want to be its friend. Astrophysicist Dr. Moiya McTier and comedian Corinne Caputo demystify space one topic at a time with open eyes, open arms, and open mouths (from so much laughing and jaw-dropping). By the end of each episode, the cosmos will feel a little less “ahhh too scary” and a lot more “ohhh, so cool!” New episodes every Monday.

Astronomy Cast

Fraser Cain and Dr. Pamela Gay

Take a fact-based journey through the cosmos. Tune in to hear weekly discussions on astronomical topics ranging from planets to cosmology. Hosted by Fraser Cain (Universe Today) and Dr. Pamela L. Gay (Planetary Science Institute), this show brings the questions of an avid astronomy lover direct to an astronomer. Together Fraser and Pamela explore what is known and being discovered about the universe around us. Astronomy Cast is supported thru patreon.com/AstronomyCast.

The Jodcast

Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics

The Jodcast is an astronomy podcast created by students and staff from the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics. The episodes include the latest astronomy news, interviews with astronomers, stargazing information, and more.

Astronomy Minute

Ata Sarajedini

Learn the basics of astronomy in one-to-two minute packets of concise information about specific topics. You are a busy person with a short attention span, and you want to learn about astronomical topics in a short amount of time. Your host Professor Ata is a PhD research astronomer and astrophysicist and a noted authority on stellar and galactic astronomy. I welcome your feedback at ata.sarajedini@gmail.com. See the web site astronomyminute.org for more. The podcast logo is courtesy of Zachary Greathouse and shows a globular cluster photo taken by the author with the Hubble Space Telescope.

This Week in Space (Video)


The new space age is upon us, and This Week in Space leaves no topic untouched. Every Friday, join Editor-in-Chief of Ad Astra magazine, Rod Pyle and Managing Editor of Space.com, Tariq Malik as they explore everything related to the cosmos. New episodes posted every Friday.

The Cosmic Savannah

The Cosmic Savannah

Welcome to The Cosmic Savannah, a podcast giving you a behind-the-scenes peek into the world-class astronomy and astrophysics happening in Africa. Each episode, hosts Dr Jacinta Delhaize and Dr Daniel Cunnama chat to different guests and introduce you to the people, the technology, the science and the fascinating discoveries emerging from African astronomy. No matter who you are or where you're from, we welcome you to join us on a safari through the skies!

Space to Grow


Looking up to the skies once presented a world completely unknown, but we now know what lies beyond this planet. Space is both mysterious and essential to life on Earth, but what does space sustainability really mean?

Ask Science


How do astronomers photograph a black hole? How often do planes get hit by lightning? What does the EPA actually do? Science is all around us and transforming our world at a rapid pace. Extragalactic astrophysicist Sabrina Stierwalt is here to guide you through it. She'll help you make sense of the everyday and the once-in-a-lifetime. Rights of Albert Einstein are used with permission of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Represented exclusively by Greenlight.

AstroGeo - Geschichten aus Astronomie und Geologie

Karl Urban und Franziska Konitzer

Im AstroGeo Podcast erzählen sich die Wissenschaftsjournalisten Franziskia Konitzer und Karl Urban alle zwei Wochen eine Geschichte, die ihnen entweder die Steine unseres kosmischen Vorgartens eingeflüstert – oder die sie in den Tiefen und Untiefen des Universums aufgestöbert haben. Es sind wahre Geschichten aus Astronomie und Astrophysik, Geologie und Geowissenschaften.

Das Universum

Florian Freistetter, Ruth Grützbauch, Evi Pech

Ruth und Florian reden über das Universum. Mit Fragen. Und Antworten. Die Astronomin Ruth (Spezialgebiet Galaxien) und der Astronom Florian (Spezialgebiet Asteroiden) reden über das Universum. Ruth betreibt ein mobiles Planetarium; Florian erzählt auf Bühnen, in Büchern und in Podcasts über den Kosmos und beide plaudern gemeinsam über alles, was dort so abgeht. In jeder Folge erzählen sie einander eine spannende Geschichte aus der aktuellen Forschung. Und beantworten Fragen aus der Hörerschaft zu allem was man gerne über das Universum wissen möchte. In der Rubrik "Science Frames" untersucht Evi die Verbindungen zwischen Science Fiction und echter Wissenschaft. Spenden gerne unter paypal.me/PodcastDasUniversum oder steadyhq.com/dasuniversum oder patreon.com/dasuniversum


nanako komatsu

ダンサー/振付家の小松菜々子のPodcast♡ 読書会してます。

Horizonte de Eventos

Sérgio Sacani Sancevero

Podcast dedicado exclusivamente para a astronomia e ciências correlatas.

Naked Astronomy, from the Naked Scientists

The Naked Scientists

Naked Astronomy: the Naked Scientists' Astronomy and Space Science Podcast - audio that's out of this world...

Mystères & Étoiles


Mystère é Étoiles est un podcast sur l'astronomie de plusieurs épisodes extraits de vidéos de ma chaîne "Zebroloss". Nous partons à la recherche des plus grandes énigmes, des plus grands mystères de l'univers et tentons de les comprendre. Expliqué simplement avec une ambiance sonore, laissez vous portez dans cet univers...

Stories From Space

ITSPmagazine, Matthew S Williams

Stories From Space Podcast With Matthew S Williams is an examination of the past, present, and future of human spaceflight. Throughout the series, we'll examine the breakthroughs that revolutionized our understanding of the Universe and our place in it. We'll take a look at the brave individuals who work tirelessly to advance the frontiers of our understanding. We'll analyze the time-honored concepts that are getting closer and closer to realization. And we will talk to the esteemed people who continue to push the boundaries of the unknown. There are some fascinating stories up there. Listen up!

Simply Mars

Simply News from Qurrent

Every day, a team of AIs deliver simple, straightforward news from the world of Mars.

Space Weather Facts & Forecast

Isaac Bredeman

Join amateur space weather enthusiast Isaac Bredeman for the current space weather conditions, a forecast for the next few days and beyond, and to learn details about fascinating space weather phenomena. This podcast is released on the third Saturday of every month.

Black Hole

Quiet. Please

A podcast about black holes would explore the most mysterious and captivating phenomena in the universe. Each episode would delve into the science behind black holes, from their formation through the collapse of massive stars to their immense gravitational pull that warps space and time. Listeners would learn about the different types of black holes, such as stellar, supermassive, and primordial, and hear from astrophysicists who study these enigmatic objects. The podcast would also cover the latest discoveries, theories, and the technology used to observe black holes, making complex concepts accessible and intriguing for all audiences.

Gemeinsam durch die Galaxis

Planetarium Bochum

 „Gemeinsam durch die Galaxis“ heißt der astronomische Plauder-Podcast mit Bochumer Planetariumsleiterin und Astronomin Prof. Dr. Susanne Hüttemeister und ihren galaktischen Mitreisen, darunter der stimmgewaltig-wortgewandte Kabarettist und Hobby-Astronom Jochen Malmsheimer in Staffel eins bis zweieinhalb, Astrophysiker Michael Büker bis in Staffel drei und Susannes langjähriger Freund und Astronomiekenner Paul Hombach ab Staffel vier. 

EVSN: Escape Velocity Space News

Dr. Pamela Gay, Erik Madaus, Ally Pelphrey

Get your weekly dose of all that's new in space and astronomy with Escape Velocity Space News. The sky is not the limit, as we bring you the latest scientific discoveries and rocket launches. EVSN is brought to you by the team behind CosmoQuest at the Planetary Science Institute, and features hosts Dr. Pamela L. Gay and Erik Madaus with special guest interviews by Beth Johnson and audio engineering by Ally Pelphrey. EVSN is supported through Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/CosmoQuestX.


Paul Miller & Blake Brown

Weekly Space for Everyday People -  SpaceWeek is a news podcast to bring you everything currently happening in our galactic backyard. Join us each week to discuss topics such as Astronomy, Exploration, Research, and ongoing programs from industry leaders like NASA and SpaceX.We present things in an easy and fun way that makes listening to our podcast enjoyable for everyone! 

تكية في الفضاء


بودكاست تكية في الفضاء هو لنشر العلم! وهذا لقلة المصادر العربية المختصة بعلوم الفلك. أغلب أسماء النجوم عربية. أفضل علماء الفلك عرب. الأوائل اعتمدوا على علم الفلك لممارسة الدين والحياة بشكل عام. وبتكية في الفضاء، أقل ما يمكنني فعله هو أن أنقل لكم هذا العلم باللغة العربية.



The podcast taking you far beyond the solar system to explore exotic exoplanets around distant stars. Featuring exoplanet astronomers Hugh Osborn, Andrew Rushby and Hannah Wakeford.



本书由宇宙奇观、宇宙谜团、宇宙探索等内容组成, 打破单纯猎奇地介绍奇闻怪象的单一性, 去伪存真地将未解之谜与科学研究结合起来, 启迪思考、增加知识、开阔视野。

Astrum Podcast

Dennis Ariel | Astrum Brasil

Astrum Podcast | Astrum Ad Somnum | Astrum Brasil para dormir 💤 Uma lista de conteúdo feita especialmente para você que curte se informar antes de dormir. Ou que acha a voz do Dennis Ariel relaxante :)


Quiet. Please

Planet Jupiter: Exploring the Giant of the Solar SystemWelcome to "Planet Jupiter," the podcast dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the largest planet in our solar system. Join us as we journey through the fascinating world of Jupiter, exploring its massive storms, iconic Great Red Spot, and intriguing moons. Each episode features interviews with leading astronomers, planetary scientists, and space mission experts who share their latest findings and insights. Stay informed about the newest discoveries, scientific missions, and technological advancements that help us understand Jupiter's complex atmosphere and magnetic field. Whether you're a space enthusiast or a curious learner, "Planet Jupiter" offers a captivating and educational experience. Subscribe now and embark on a journey to explore the wonders of Jupiter. FOr more info https://www.quietperiodplease.com/


Riku Fukuta


Astro Podcast

Astro Podcast

Un podcast ligero para conocer el firmamento. Con @soyjairocosta en locución, @alfonsotakles al guión, y @karakatuchi en la edición y montaje. Síguenos en Twitter e Instagram: @AstroPodcast__

Astronomia em Meia Hora


Astronomia em Meia Hora é um podcast com uma linguagem simplificada que tenta te ajudar a montar o quebra-cabeça do universo.

Astronomy Daily - The Podcast


The Astronomy Daily Podcast team brings you a summary of the days Space and Astronomy News so you never feel left behind. There's a lot going on 'out there ,' and we endeavour to bring it all to you. The team consists of Steve and Hallie on Mondays and Anna on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. For more visit, our website and sign up for the free daily newsletter and check out our continually updated newsfeed. www.astronomydaily.io. Follow us on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, YouTube and TikTok ...just search for AstroDailyPod. Enjoy! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/astronomy-daily-the-podcast--5648921/support.

Astrochem Coffee

Brett McGuire

A monthly stroll through the latest discoveries in astrochemistry - the study of molecules in space: where they are, how they got there, and what they are doing! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Cosmic Vertigo

ABC listen

Do you ever feel dizzy when you think about the incomprehensible scale of space? We call that feeling Cosmic Vertigo. Welcome to a head-spinning conversation between two friends about the sparkly -- and not so sparkly -- stuff in the sky.


Øystein Runde & Nitro

If life stays on one planet, then one day that planet will be uninhabitable and that will be the end of all life in the universe.We should get out more.Wunderdog is a collection of talks with people who have ideas about how to do this.

The bluedot Podcast


Explore music, science and cosmic culture with the bluedot team. Subscribe for new interviews, conversations, panels, festival highlights and more. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Missão Exoplaneta

Julia Brazolim

Um podcast que explora o Universo para você conhecer, aprender e ficar mais perto da astronomia brasileira!

Big Bang

josue Sandoval

En este podcast hablo sobre la teoría del big bang

Space Boffins, from the Naked Scientists

Richard Hollingham, Sue Nelson

Publishing monthly, Space Boffins brings you cutting edge conversation and debate about the past, present and future of space science.

Les mardis de l'espace


Écoutez dans une atmosphère détendue, des experts et personnalités du spatial répondre aux interrogations du moment et intervenez pour poser la question qui vous brûle les lèvres, une fois par mois.

Coffee Break: Señal y Ruido

Coffee Break: Señal y Ruido

¡Vótame en los Premios iVoox 2024! Coffee Break: Señal y Ruido es la tertulia semanal en la que, medio en broma medio en serio, repasamos las últimas noticias de la actualidad científica. Separando la paja del trigo o, como nos gusta decirlo, la señal del ruido, nos leemos los papers para que usted no tenga que hacerlo. Sírvete un café y acompáñanos en nuestra tertulia. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
