08/21 TOP NEWS | 结构性货币政策工具聚焦重点/上海邮轮市场加速重振/交通部约谈滴滴


NEWS ON 08/181. PBOC VOWS REASONABLE LIQUIDITY, AID FOR INNOVATION, INCLUSIVE FINANCING央行报告:结构性工具持续支持重点领域和薄弱环节2. FROM BUILDING SHIPS TO GREETING PASSENGERS SHANGHAI RULES THE WAVES上海推进国际邮轮经济高质量发展3. DIDI TOLD TO STOP UNFAIR PRICING PRACTICES交通部约谈滴滴:停止非法定价行为----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. PBOC VOWS REASONABLE LIQUIDITY, AIDFOR INNOVATION, INCLUSIVE FINANCING央行报告:结构性工具持续支持重点领域和薄弱环节The central bank has vowed to continue using monetary policy tools to maintain reasonable and ample【充裕的】 liquidity in financial markets.央行承诺将继续运用货币政策工具,保持金融体系流动性合理充裕。The People's Bank of China reaffirmed in its quarterly monetary policy report that it would keep money supply growth and total social financing largely in line with nominal economic growth. It said open market operations would be used flexibly to ensure that liquidity in the banking system and money market interest rates remain stable as well. The central bank also said in its report that China's outstanding balance of structural monetary policy tools had reached 6.9 trillion yuan at the end of June, accounting for 16 percent of its total assets. It said these tools prioritized fields that most needed financial support, including low-carbon development, scientific and technological innovation, and inclusive financing.中国人民银行在2023年第二季度中国货币政策执行报告中重申,将保持货币供应量和社会融资规模增速同名义经济增速基本匹配,灵活运用多种工具开展公开市场操作,维护市场预期稳定和运行平稳。报告称,截至6月末,我国结构性货币政策工具余额6.9万亿元,约占央行总资产的16%。结构性货币政策工具优先用于最需银行资金支持的领域,持续支持普惠金融、绿色低碳、科技创新等领域。2. FROM BUILDING SHIPS TO GREETING PASSENGERS SHANGHAI RULES THE WAVES上海推进国际邮轮经济高质量发展The Shanghai government this morning released a city action plan to promote high-quality development in the international cruise line industry. The plan says the city aims to become a high-end cruise line port, a headquarters hub for cruise ship companies, high-end service environment and a world-class consumption cluster. Even now the resumption in the cruise ship industry here is gaining pace. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan visited one of the city's cruise terminals to find out the details.   今天(08/18)上午,上海市政府发布《推进国际邮轮经济高质量发展上海行动方案》。该行动方案称,要将上海打造成为高端邮轮港口、邮轮公司总部枢纽、高端服务环境和世界级消费集群。如今,这里的邮轮产业复工步伐不断加快。记者张诗旋来到码头一探究竟。 At around 12 pm, Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal 1 was full of travelers - the first group tour with Shanghai as its home port to depart in 3 years.中午12点左右,吴淞口国际邮轮一号码头挤满了游客,这是三年来首个以上海为母港出发的邮轮旅行团。“我们是四口之家,一家人一起乘坐邮轮真的很开心,非常棒。听说这是今年第一个恢复航行的团体邮轮,所以想试一试。”“We are a family of 4, and we're really happy to take a cruise as a family.It's a great thing to do. We heard that this is the first group tour cruise to have resumed sailing this year so we wanted to give it a try.”“我真的很高兴,也很激动。终于可以出国旅行了。”“I'm really happy and excited. We can finally travel abroad.”“I'm from Ukraine.. It's gonna be first time. I'm expecting very good level.”“我来自乌克兰。这是我第一次在中国坐邮轮。我有很高的期待。”Luo Tong, Deputy General ManagerZhejiang Everbrightstar International Travel骆彤 浙江光大星辰国际旅行社副总经理“现在都是组团来的,一次3到4个家庭或7到8个年轻人。在此之前,邮轮旅游以中老年人为主,但经过3年的发展,年轻人逐渐成为新市场的主力军。许多人都是和朋友一起来的。”“People are now coming in groups - 3 to 4 families or 7 to 8 young people at a time. Before this cruise line travel was dominated by middle aged and elderly people, but now after these 3 years young people are defining a new market. A lot of them come with their friends.”The ship carries more than 600 passengers, heading to Nagasaki in Japan. Majority of them are group tour travelers. Luo says while previously young people took up around 15% of the entirecruise group tour, the one departed fron Shanghai today has40% of the group membersyoung people. The travel agency is nothing but excited about the resumption of group tours to 78 countries that was announced by the government earlier this month.这艘邮轮载有600多名乘客,正驶往日本长崎。大多数乘客都是跟团游。骆彤表示,以前年轻人约占邮轮团队游的15%,而今天从上海出发的邮轮上40%都是年轻人。政府本月初宣布恢复78个出境团队游的国家和地区,旅行社对此感到非常兴奋。Luo Tong, Deputy General ManagerZhejiang Everbrightstar International Travel骆彤 浙江光大星辰国际旅行社副总经理“邮轮旅游曾经占我们整个公司业务的20%左右,高峰期每年有8万到9万名游客。自8月10日恢复赴日韩出境团队游以来,前来咨询的人突然多了起来。我们的合作伙伴甚至向我们寻求帮助。”“Cruise travel used to take up around 20% of our entire company's business, 80,000 to 90,000 tourists a year at peak time. Since August 10th, when group tours to Japan and South Korea were resumed, all of sudden more people have come to ask about them. Our partners are even reaching out to us forpfuture plans.”Zhang Shixuan, Reporter张诗旋 记者Since Shanghai became a cruise line home port, the city has managed to take up more than half of the industry's market share in China. It is now the only city in Chinathat can offer the whole industrial chain covering cruise ship R&D and manufacturing, operation and port services. Official data released this morning shows that, since the resumption of cruise line sailing, ticket sales revenue【收入】 has topped more than 300 million yuan.自上海成为邮轮母港以来,该市已成功占据中国邮轮业一半以上的市场份额。目前,上海是全国唯一能够提供邮轮研发制造、运营和港口服务全产业链的城市。今天(08/18)上午发布的官方数据显示,自今年邮轮航线恢复以来,门票销售收入已突破3亿元。Ma Yingjie, Deputy DirectorPujiang Immigration Inspection Station,Shanghai General Station of Immigration Inspection马英杰 浦江边检站边防检查处副处长“文化和旅游部公布的恢复出境团队游第三批名单包括日本和韩国。这对邮轮行业来说是个好消息,预计邮轮和游客数量肯定会增长。我们一直在优化工作、改进程序。”“The third batch of resumed group tour destinations list released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism includes Japan and South Korea. That was good news for the cruise line industry. We expect ship and tourist numbers will definitely grow. We have been optimizing【优化】 our work, and improving our procedures.”Shanghai's Wusongkou International Cruise Liner Port aims to become a major destination for international cruise ships, targeting 300 ship visits and 2.7 million visitors annually by 2025. The Shanghai government announced this morning that the resumption of cruise line sailing has created more than 4,000 jobs already, and that the number is expected to reach around 20,000 by next year.  上海吴淞口国际邮轮港旨在成为国际邮轮的主要目的地,目标是到2025年,每年接待300艘邮轮和270万游客。上海市政府今天(08/18)上午宣布,邮轮复航已经创造了4000多个就业岗位,这一数字预计到明年将达到2万个左右。3. DIDI TOLD TO STOP UNFAIR PRICING PRACTICES交通部约谈滴滴:停止非法定价行为Multiple city government departments, including the Road Transportation Bureau and the police, summoned more than 20 ride-hailing apps earlier this week over illicit pricing practices. Authorities said they aim to put a stop to such practices for a better market environment and protect the rights of drivers. Sun Siqi takes a look at what came out of that meeting.本周早些时候,包括道路交通局和警方在内的多个市政府部门就非法定价行为传唤了20多家叫车软件,并制止此类行为,以营造更好的市场环境,保护司机权益。记者孙思奇带来详细报道。Authorities say car-hailing industry leader Didi has about 80,000 vehicles on the road per day, but less than half are properly licensed. Out of 140,000 monthly active vehicles, a little over 50,000 had a business license.有关部门表示,滴滴作为网约车行业的领头羊,每天在道路上行驶的车辆约8万辆,但只有不到一半取得了合法牌照。在每月14万辆活跃车辆中,仅有5万余辆有营业执照。Didi has a schedule to remove unqualified drivers, but officials say it's falling behind.滴滴计划淘汰不合规的司机,但有关部门反映进度缓慢。Didi's Shanghai Representative滴滴上海代表“我们的计划是在8月至9月间淘汰2.5万辆不合格车辆。”“Our plan is to dismiss 25,000 unqualified vehicles between August and September.”“现在已经是8月中旬了,你们只淘汰了4000辆,能在9月底前完成目标吗?”“It's already mid-August, and you've only dismissed 4,000. Can you meet your goal by the end of September?”At least 80 percent of the vehicles on the car-hailing apps must be licensed by the end of the year, according to a city regulation.根据市政府的规定,到今年年底,网约车软件上至少要有80%的车辆取得牌照。Wu Xuecheng, Passenger Transport OfficeShanghai Road Transportation Bureau吴学成 上海市道路运输管理局客运处“每天约有200万人次出行,包括出租打车。根据道路拥堵情况和司机收入水平,我们计算出网约车总数约10万辆。”“Around 2 million rides are taken a day, including taxi and car-hail rides. Based on road congestion and proper driver income levels, we calculate the total number of cars at around 100,000.”Authorities say they are mostly concerned about fair pricing practices. For example, in Didi's "Discount Fast Ride" category, fares are cheaper and sometimes offered at a flat rate, which is more attractive to customers. But the drivers receive a smaller cut of the fare.有关部门表示,他们主要关注的是公平定价行为。例如,在滴滴的“打折快车”类别中,车费更便宜,有时还提供统一价格,这对乘客更具吸引力,但司机从中获得的分成较少。Earlier this month, Didi opened an option for a driver to take only Discount rides.  本月早些时候,滴滴为司机提供了只接单“打折快车”的选项。Didi's Shanghai Representative滴滴上海代表“You make less for each ride, but you get more customers.”“每次赚得更少,但会拥有更多的顾客。”Authorities said this steers drivers towards taking discount rides, which could eventually hurt them.有关部门表示,这将引导司机更多选择接单“打折快车”,而这最终可能会损害他们的利益。“价格战可能引发许多其他问题,包括延长司机的工作时间,这是不安全的。”“A price war could trigger many other problems, including longer working hours for drivers, which is unsafe.”Officials have also spoken to other car-hailing apps and set a schedule to remove unlicensed drivers from each one, saying that they will be checking on the progress. The Shanghai Transportation Commission said penalties【处罚】 will ensue if the company is still registering unqualified vehicles or drivers.官方还与其他网约车软件进行了沟通,并制定了时间表,将无证司机逐一清除,并检查进展情况。上海市交通委员会表示,如果公司仍在注册不合格的车辆或司机,将对其进行处罚。#热词加油站ample/ˈæmp(ə)l/【充裕的】revenue/ˈrevənuː/【收入】optimize/ˈɑːptɪmaɪz/【优化】penalty/ˈpenəlti/【处罚】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~

08/21 TOP NEWS | 结构性货币政策工具聚焦重点/上海邮轮市场加速重振/交通部约谈滴滴

08/21 TOP NEWS | 结构性货币政策工具聚焦重点/上海邮轮市场加速重振/交通部约谈滴滴
