Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

Dr Rangan Chatterjee: GP & Author

“Health has become overcomplicated. I aim to simplify it” In this podcast, we hear stories from leading health experts and exciting personalities who offer easy health life-hacks, expert advice and debunk common health myths giving you the tools to revolutionise how you eat, sleep, move and relax. Hosted by Dr Chatterjee - one of the most influential GPs in the country with nearly 20 years experience, star of BBC 1’s Doctor In the House, and author of 5 internationally best-selling books, including ‘The 4 Pillar Plan’ – Feel Better, Live More aims to inspire, empower and transform the way we feel. When we are healthier we are happier because when we feel better we live more. Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com. https://www.drchatterjee.com/podcast https://www.instagram.com/drchatterjee https://www.twitter.com/drchatterjeeuk https://www.facebook.com/DrChatterjee Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.




The School of Greatness

Lewis Howes

Lewis Howes is a New York Times best-selling author, 2x All-American athlete, keynote speaker, and entrepreneur. The School of Greatness shares inspiring interviews from the most successful people on the planet—world-renowned leaders in business, entertainment, sports, science, health, and literature—to inspire YOU to unlock your inner greatness and live your best life.

大人に効く 漢方うるおいセラピー


40代以上の大人女性(または男性)が心地よく過ごすためのヒント 漢方のこと、心とからだのうるおいについて、陰陽五行論のエッセンス、中国茶にまつわるエピソードや、日々の中で感じたことを織り交ぜながらお話しています。 YUMIKO 国際中医師・漢方養生指導士/中国茶芸師/四柱推命鑑定士 番組についてのご感想やご質問、サロンについてのお問い合わせ、セミナーのご依頼等は、InstagramのDMまたはe-mail : miu0615@nifty.comまでお願いいたします。 https://instagram.com/ichino.yumiko?r=nametag  (Ichino.yumiko) https://instagram.com/lesalonxianghua?r=nametag (ル・サロン・シャンホア) 🔸著書 (Amazon他 にて販売中) ・現代を生きるバブル世代のためのさからわないエイジング&インナービューティ・レシピ 〜昔よりがんばれなくなった自分にもがいている貴女へ〜 ・ちょうどいい場所で自分らしく生きる 〜40代からしなやかに生きるための心とからだの処方箋〜 🔸ル・サロン・シャンホア (中国茶・漢方サロン) website. https://lesalonx.amebaownd.com




Get Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories

Slumber Studios

Come relax with the #1 Sleep Podcast. Our unique stories help calm the mind and relax the body. Press play, it's time to Get Sleepy... Become a premium member for access to bonus episodes and ad free listening.

An Amber a Day: The Functional PCOS Podcast

Amber Fischer, MS, CNS, LDN

Welcome to "An Amber a Day," your ultimate guide to functional nutrition approaches for managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) with Amber Fischer,  leading functional nutritionist, Certified Nutrition Specialist, and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist. Join Amber as she delves deep into the root causes of PCOS, shedding light on the underlying systemic issues and empowering you to understand your condition better. With a focus on nutrition, lifestyle, mental health, and the holistic PCOS health journey, Amber offers realistic, honest, and vulnerable insights, infused with her signature sense of humor.*All the information expressed in An Amber a Day is for information purposes only. Always consult your doctor and nutritionist for any medical advice and before making any diet and lifestyle changes. 

Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep


Having trouble sleeping?  Join Yoga and meditation teacher Kathryn Nicolai for bedtime stories where nothing much happens to help you relax and sleep peacefully. The stories are a soft landing spot for your mind. Rather than letting your brain race through the same thoughts you’ve been chasing all day, we are taking a detour to a calm and comfy place. We tell the story twice and go a bit slower the second time. You can find our book, "Nothing Much Happens," in over 20 languages. Request your local bookseller to shelve it: https://bit.ly/Nothing-Much-Happens




Lo-Fi Lounge

Lo-Fi Lounge

Step into the Lo-Fi Lounge – your daily retreat to mind-blowing, chill, and cool vibes. Immerse yourself in enchanting LoFi melodies that bring relaxation, calmness, and good vibes to your day. Whether you're a seasoned listener or new to the Lounge, join our community for a journey to unwind, destress, and stay vibing. Subscribe now and make every day a little more enchanting with the LoFi Lounge. Don't forget to rate our show—it really helps me understand if you're enjoying the content. Become Premium for an ADS-Free Experience: https://lofilounge.supercast.com Join Our Community and Follow Our Blog: https://lofilounge.show For Inquiries, reach us at: lofiloungeshow@gmail.com

The PCOS Podcast by A Cyster & Her Mister

PCOS Weight Loss

Learn all about PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) with your hosts Tallene & Sirak! We are a husband and wife duo who specialize as a PCOS dietitian & a PCOS personal trainer to help break down the root causes of PCOS and provide you the best information on PCOS treatments, supplements, and much more! www.PCOSweightloss.org



この番組はあなたの潜在能力である治癒力や免疫力、才能、可能性を発動させて自立した理想のライフスタイルを実現するヒントをお届けする番組です。 人生100年時代のサバイブを視野に、あまり世間では耳にしないお話が多いので尖った方に好評です。聞き流しでお楽しみください! パーソナリティːなお 整体師14年、ライフスタイルコンサルタント。 施術人数1000人以上、3人の子育てしながら月収100万円達成。 2019年家族でオランダ移住し、永住権を目指しオランダ語勉強中。 クライアントの才能を見つけて生かすのが得意。 虚弱体質、HSP、適応障害、過食嘔吐、うつ状態経験者。 続けられる健康習慣、無理ないはたらき方とは。 弱者が100年時代をどう生きるか?は今の選択にかかってます。一緒によりよい人生を進んでいきましょ。 ☆各種メディア一覧 https://linktr.ee/naostyle ☆無料セルフケアメルマガ https://bit.ly/3YwRKtS ☆無料インナーチャイルドメルマガ http://energy-n.info/innerchildenter ☆治癒力特化型エネルギー整体講座(オンライン) https://energy-n.info/energytherapyfirst ☆セカンドPodcast https://open.spotify.com/show/7mV


管理栄養士&生まれつきヒーラー 川端真由美

管理栄養士&生まれつきヒーラー の川端真由美がお送りする、本来のあなたらしさを取りもどすためのお話しです。 【プロフィール】 Udemy講師。2016年起業。食品添加物、予防医学専門家&15歳からヒーリングで自分や身近な人の病気や不調改善。ひとりひとりに合ったヘルスケアサポートや、食品事業者さん向けに調理・食品表示コンサル、管理栄養士監修、ヒーリングセッションをしています。日本経済新聞に取材掲載歴あり。 HP: https://blueplantsi.com/syokuhin/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MamiFreedom

Dr. Joseph Mercola - Take Control of Your Health

Dr. Mercola

Listen to Dr. Mercola’s Weekly Podcast, as the legendary natural health pioneer continues to lead you on your journey towards optimal health.



オーストラリアで活躍する 現役自然医療療法士、ナチュロパスさや。 代替医療で 「疾患を根本から治すからこそ また同じ症状に悩まないようになれる!」 患者様が続出中。 世界最新の研究を用いて 健康になりたい人がチェックしたい 「あまり知られていない不調の本当の原因」 に着眼点を置いたラジオです。 慢性便秘、潰瘍性大腸炎、憩室炎、不妊、子宮内膜症、PCOSなどなど、様々な患者様のエピソードをシェア。 毎週月水金 あさ7時配信 世界中どこからでも受診可能 ナチュロパスさやのオンライン診療 https://www.hummingbird-naturalorganic.com/consultation 《ナチュロパスさやに直接質問し放題❗》 手頃な値段で気軽に健康習慣が身に付くオンラインサロン https://www.hummingbird-naturalorganic.com/after-live インスタグラム https://instagram.com/naturopath_saya


clair rose 優美薬膳

あなたも一緒にはじめてみませんか? 美しさの秘訣は食習慣(薬膳・ホリスティック)〝Inner beauty・positive aging〟 20年前の30代に自己流から始め、中医学理論・薬膳を本格的に学び、食は全てにつながると体感、またその変化を間近で見ていた友人達も一緒に始める🍀 この体験を元に clair rose 優美薬膳は ホリスティック(holistic)、 健康(body)・肌(beauty)・五感(sense)・心(mind)も整う、美しさの秘訣である食習慣のご提案をする、あなたのサポーター❣️ 薬膳・食習慣を手軽に続けると 〝美容に表れた!〟 〝美容のための食習慣で年齢を感じさせない美しさと健康〟 続けたことで過去と比較出来る、その変化がインナービューティ✨ ✪ 聴くブログPodcast 毎週金曜朝配信 🎧内容を樹木に例えると 【S-1・幹と根(ホリスティック・東洋医学の基本的なことを知る)】 【S-2・枝(心と身体のバランスを知る・セルフケア&セルフカウンセリングが出来る)】 【S-3・葉(食材の効能などを知る)】 🌳 clair rose 優美薬膳は 手軽で自由に楽しくポジティブエイジング🌹 https://passion4happy8.blog.fc2.com/

Remedy life FM


この番組は「ありのままの自分」で心地よく生き抜くための意識が高まるPodcastです。 レメディというのは、本来の自分に癒して戻すもの、言葉、気づき、きっかけ、といったすべてを表す言葉。 ここでは、ロンドンの大学でホメオパシーを学び、ホメオパス・レメディ選択家として活動している私が、ホメオパシー、フラワーエッセンス他自然療法のことから、日々の気づきや学びなどを、ざっくばらんにシェアしています。 この配信が、必要な誰かのちょっとした気づき、レメディとなりますように💗 ▶︎HP/SNS: https://lit.link/rajatonremedies ▶︎ブログ:レメディのある暮らしのヒント帖 https://rajatonblog.com ▶︎人生が180度変わったMy Story http://eepurl.com/hf2tBH

High Performance Health

Angela Foster

The High-Performance Health Podcast is all about optimising your body, mind and lifestyle for high performance.  Packed full of actionable insights, strategies, bio hacks, lifestyle hacks, mindset strategies and expert performance advice, Angela Foster is on a mission to optimise your human potential. Featuring interviews with some of the top experts on the planet in the fields of health, performance and business, this show aims to inspire, educate and empower you to live an energetic, healthful and limitless life.

ねる前にきくアロマ - Aromatherapy for sleep


今日も一日お疲れさまでした。 今日はどんな一日でしたか? 一日のしめくくりに、アロマのお話しで、ほっと一息。 からだもこころも癒してあげましょう。 香りだけでない、アロマの力で、あなたの可能性の扉を開きます。 2022年12月スタート、ラジオ川越 FM88.7 MHz 毎週水曜日 朝8時からの15分番組「みんなできくアロマ」。 過去放送分はこちらから聴くことができます。 はらみなこ  ー メディカルアロマ・リフレクソロジーサロン ホップラ  セラピスト  ー NARDアロマテラピー協会 アロマ・インストラクター 

Essential Oil Solutions with dōTERRA

doTERRA International LLC.

Presented by experts, these episodes show the benefits and uses of essential oils and natural solutions. Each week, they bring you fun tips and teach you how to apply and use doTERRA products. We're always posting something new so subscribe and don't miss an episode.

The Aaron Doughty Podcast

Aaron Doughty

Hello, my name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness by making daily content intended to help people raise their vibration and shift to a new level of consciousness. I believe there is a consciousness shift happening on the planet, an awakening where more and more people are becoming aware of who they are at a greater level as well as how to create the life they always dreamed of. New episodes go live every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Youtube audio will be posted daily as well. On this podcast I will share practical tools, techniques and perspectives that have the potential to shift your level of consciousness and listening to this podcast daily will accelerate that process in a very powerful way.

Spiritual Wellness Podcast


このポッドキャストではいろんな視点を持つゲストを呼んで、一緒にウェルネスに対する意識を高め、自分らしさ、自分の可能性、自分の人生の目標の見つけ方、それを達成するための方法やツールをシェアします。 私にとってウェルネスとは三つの部分が一致することから始まります。 体、心、精神. または、体、感情、思考とも呼べます。 この三つの部分は気づいていても気づいてなくても、深く繋り連動しています。私にとってウェルネスとはこの全てが一致し、一つ一つに意識を持てて、そして深めて、自分の真髄(エッセンス)に気づき、世の中に表現できる事です。そうすれば、自分らしさを表現でき、自分の可能性を開き、自分にとって一番の幸せを感じられかと思います。この旅は一生つづく旅であるかもしれませんが、色んなウェルネスへのアプローチ、ツール、視点などをこのPodcastを通して皆さんとシェアし、一緒に意識を高めていけば、より楽しくて、スムーズな旅になると信じます。 スピリチュアルなアプローチもとても役立ったので、そちらもシェアします。でもご心配無く、私にとってスピリチュアルの意味は精神に持つ、エネルギーに持つ内容とその感じ方です。でも最終的にはあなた自身が一番自分に関して知ってるので、ピントくる方法や、考えに取り組んで、合わないひびかないものはスルーしてくださいね! 私と一緒に意識を高めるための旅にでませんか?ユキコ

Relaxed Rachel 放鬆瑞秋

Relaxed Rachel

歡迎來到最舒適寧靜的中文Podcast🍀 專注於製作引導放鬆/催眠/療愈/冥想🙏🏼 合作/疑問請洽: relaxedrachel@gmail.com





xy studio


From Pain to Possibility

Susi Hately

You are a yoga teacher or a health professional who wants to integrate yoga therapeutically. You want a more holistic, biopsychosocial approach to helping your clients heal. You want to empower them to listen and to learn about their bodies. In From Pain to Possibility, Susi Hately, B.Sc. Kinesiology blends modern understanding of anatomy and biomechanics with the ancient wisdom of yoga. This weekly show will share Susi's best ideas from over 25 years of helping her clients reduce and eradicate pain.



布団でそのまま眠れるレッスンです。部屋を暗くしたまま、パジャマでOKです。ゆっくり優しく動いてぐっすり眠れるでしょう。 リハビリとしてヨーロッパで始まったフェルデンクライスメソッドや、操体法という日本の健康体操や呼吸法、それにKJ法という言葉の技術を基礎としています。 ハーモニーとは協調という意味ですが、いろいろな筋肉が協力・協調して動くことで、特定の部分にかかる負担を減らしていきます。キーワードは「やさしく」「ゆっくり」「心地よく」。インストラクターの声にしたがって楽に動いていくうちに、カラダの緊張がとれ、ぐっすり眠れるやさしい体操です。 「なかなか眠りに入れない」 「ベッドに行くまでに時間がかかる」 「朝までぐっすり眠れていない気がする」 という方はぜひお試しください。 気持ちよく眠りにつくためのレッスンですので、クラスを最後まで完結しなくてもOKです。途中で眠りに落ちてしまったら、そのままおやすみ下さい。 #ハーモニー体操 #おやすみハーモニー #フェルデンクライス #睡眠 #マインドフルネス #瞑想



中医学の視点から日常の出来事をつぶやきます。「健康のためにと思ってしていること」が、実は中医学の視点からは「寿命を短くしている行為」だったというのはよくある話です。そんな【中医学あるある】を配信します。 インスタグラム instagram.com/kuko.natsume ブログ https://ameblo.jp/kukonatsume/ プロフィール 国際中医薬膳師。自分の体力がなくて始めた薬膳。食事と漢方薬を併用して、体がみるみる楽になるのを実感。一念発起して中医中薬科へ通い本格的に中医学を学ぶ。現在、国際中医師受験勉強中。

The mindbodygreen Podcast


The mindbodygreen podcast explores the infinite possibilities of health & well-being. Hosted by founder and co-CEO Jason Wachob, each episode features a thought-provoking interview with a leader in the health space. Whether you’re thinking about changing what’s on your plate, how you move, or how you think, these conversations are sure to offer solutions in whole-body health.

Sleepy Stories: To help you sleep

Sleepy Stories

Hi, there, come and join us every Friday to read you sleepy stories from all around the world. Read in soft tones to help you drift off to sleep or aid you in feeling relaxed and tranquil. We will be reading folktales, fairy tales and all kind of stories from different countries and cultures. So, sit back, close your eyes, relax and enjoy.If you enjoy this podcast, please leave a rating and review on Apple so it can reach more people.

The Darin Olien Show

Darin Olien

I’m Darin Olien, the “Superfood Hunter.” If you’re looking for motivation to take the next step towards a happier, healthier life then you’re in the right place. On this podcast, you’ll hear honest conversations with extraordinary people that educate and inspire me. We cover everything from nutrition and mental health to sustainable ways of living. We also dive into life's Fatal Conveniences™. These are the things that we're doing or consuming in our day-to-day life that may actually be harming us, or the Earth.

Dr. Ruscio Radio, DC: Health, Nutrition and Functional Healthcare

Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC

Clinician, researcher, and gut-geek Dr. Michael Ruscio DC covers the ever-changing world of functional health science. From debunking trends to research deep dives to practical takeaways, Dr. Ruscio DC Radio is health science made digestible. These [podcasts] are educational and informational only and are not medical, chiropractic, psychological, or other professional advice of any kind. They do not create or constitute any professional relationship between us and you. Always consult your licensed healthcare providers and never disregard or delay obtaining medical advice based on information in our [podcast]. Please review our full terms of use and disclaimers posted on our Website at https://drruscio.com/privacy-policy.

The Cure for Chronic Pain with Nicole Sachs, LCSW

Nicole Sachs, LCSW

Nicole J. Sachs, LCSW is a speaker, writer, and psychotherapist who has dedicated her life and her practice to the treatment of chronic pain and conditions. She is the author of The Meaning of Truth, and the online course: FREEDOM FROM CHRONIC PAIN. Through her personal journey working directly with Dr. John Sarno as well as counseling hundreds of clients, she's shaped and evolved theories which serve to teach those suffering how to heal themselves, completely, with no medication or surgery. Learn more about Nicole's work at http://www.thecureforchronicpain.com, and check out her YouTube channel The Cure for Chronic Pain with Nicole Sachs, LCSW. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-tz1Du69PhcBkC3-9_Mgmw?view_as=subscriber)



ここは架空のおひとりさま喫茶室。 店主のひかりがお茶を飲みながら、植物•自然療法、セルフケア、料理、音楽、洋服、コスメ、心、人生など様々なテーマで何気ない日々のひとこまをお話しします。 「暮らしの喫茶室」に集う人が少しでもホッとしたり、明日から少し足取り軽やかに過ごせるような気持ちになればいいなという思いで開店しました。 ふらっと気軽な気持ちでご来店お待ちしております。 ※ケアの体感や効果は個人差があります。ご自身の状態に合わせて、不安をお持ちの方は専門家にご相談ください。 ▶︎お便り募集中✉️ 日々の暮らしのこと、喫茶室でちょっと話してみたいことなどお気軽にお寄せください。 📍Instagram https://instagram.com/aoteora_official?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== アカウント名 aoteora_offical 📍X(Twitter) https://x.com/nay6jwpkfa88471?s=21&t=XJPQtat4GcBBOR6Rgggxsw 📍Gmail aoteora.official@gmail.com 📍Googleフォーム https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ApfTZ-bAmFQQuFHBNjdep7BgdLXnzPdvUnRdPvQcR4Y/edit



母が始めて35年!十勝均整社の河村文雄先生にご指導を受け家族ぐるみのお付き合いをさせて いただき治療院で手作り酵素を指導しています。 コロナで講習会が開催できなくなったので、SNSで情報を発信中! お断り 手作り酵素愛好家のための情報発信になります。 酵素や海の精の使い方などを紹介していますが、薬ではないので効果・効能はありません。あくまで経験談で、科学的根拠は何もありません。使用にあたってはすべて自己責任においてお試しください。 「ほんまでっか?」のお気持ちで、こちらご理解いただけた方のみご聴取ください

Fat-Burning Man with Abel James

Abel James, FatBurningMan.com

Want to drop fat by eating ridiculously well and exercising less? Abel James answers your questions and interviews thought leaders to transform your body, mind, and life with cutting-edge science and common-sense wisdom. Whether you’re into Intermittent Fasting, Keto, Paleo, Plant-Based, Wild, Carnivore or completely clueless, we’re here to help you eat right, train smarter, and transform your body and mind to be your absolute best. This show is family-friendly. Winner of 4 awards and rated #1 in Health in 8+ countries.

J. Brown Yoga Talks

J. Brown Yoga

Yoga teacher and writer J. Brown is leading the way in the Slow Yoga Revolution, advocating for more intimate, breath-centered, therapeutic yoga practices. J interviews guests from old-school yoga teachers to other yoga revolutionists about philosophy and the business of yoga.

The Ultimate Health Podcast

Jesse Chappus

Jesse Chappus has in-depth conversations with health and wellness leaders from around the world. Topics include lifestyle, nutrition, fitness, self-help, sleep, meditation, spirituality and so much more. Tune in weekly to take your health to the next level!

Ayurvedic Healing & Beyond

Dr Vignesh Devraj

In Ayurveda we say, health is the foundation to enjoy the beauty of life. This podcast is a guide for you to reconnect with the most powerful, natural healing resources in order to benefit from optimal health and vitality. We will give you simple tools and practical advice to easily integrate herbal remedies and ancient healing methods such as meditation, breathing practices and ayurvedic nutrition into your modern lifestyle. Tune in and be inspired by enlightening stories from genuine healers around the world and individuals sharing how natural healing transformed their life.

Eighty Twenty

Eighty Twenty

How do you Eighty Twenty? Shanina Shaik and Georgia Sinclair have made it their mission to answer that question, not just for themselves but for their listeners too. Hosted by model-turned-fashion icon Shanina Shaik and international DJ Georgia Sinclair. Join the duo weekly as they chat with celebrities and wellness experts, sharing tips on maintaining a healthy mind, staying motivated, and navigating life's challenges. Your go-to podcast for candid, entertaining discussions on wellness and lifestyle. Tune in, relax, and embrace the Eighty Twenty lifestyle.






Relax, fast, slow, ASMR… 🇺🇸 and 🇫🇷

Dhru Purohit Show

Dhru Purohit

Hi, I'm Dhru (like Drew), and every week, I interview the top experts in health, medicine, and mindset to provide you with in-depth, step-by-step protocols to take your health to the next level.

Wise Traditions

Weston A. Price Foundation w/ Hilda Labrada Gore

The Wise Traditions podcast is for those who seek optimal health, based on ancient wisdom. We believe that vibrant health cannot be cultivated in a lab, engineered through modern technology or found through “improving” nature. On the contrary, “life in all its fullness is mother nature obeyed,” as Dr. Price put it. We thrive when we live as our ancestors did, and we can look to the past for clues on how to go about it. This show, sponsored by the Weston A. Price Foundation, is an invitation to follow ancient health ways and to embrace alternative healing modalities to live our best lives. Our host, Hilda Labrada Gore, known as Holistic Hilda, interviews experts on a wide variety of topics—ranging from nutrient-dense foods to improving mental health to homesteading to detoxing to healing emotional trauma to the power of sunshine and mitigating EMFs. Every episode offers the listener a new (ancient) way to heal, grow, and live a happy life, brimming with vitality.

Welcome to Wellness

Ashley Deeley

The mission of my podcast is to tackle the pressing health challenges of our time. My show features forward thinking doctors, nurse practitioners, naturopaths, and non clinicians alike to explore effective strategies and biohacking practices which can enhance your health and overall well-being, empower you to make informed choices, prioritize self-care, and cultivate a balanced lifestyle. My purpose is to share cutting edge health information with high-performing individuals who are interested in living a meaningful and impactful life with a genuine focus on well-being.

The Plant Path

with Sajah & Whitney Popham, founders of The School of Evolutionary Herbalism. Herbalist, Spagyricist, Medical Astrologer

The Plant Path is a window into the world of the herbal medicine. With perspectives gleaned from traditional western herbalism, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, Alchemy, Medical Astrology, and traditional cultures from around the world, The Plant Path provides unique insights, skills and strategies for the practice of true holistic herbalism. From clinical to spiritual perspectives, we don't just focus on what herbs are "good for," but rather who they are as intelligent beings, and how we can work with them to heal and consciously evolve.

Well Now

Saje Natural Wellness

Well Now is an integrative health series that gets real about the difference between basic health and fully empowered, personal wellness. By creating a dialogue between traditional doctors, alternative therapists and real people telling their real stories, we want to give you access to a holistic understanding of healing and what it means to be well. Powered by Saje Natural Wellness http://www.saje.com/

What Doctors Don’t Tell You Podcast

Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard

Join WDDTY Editors Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard for in-depth interviews with leading practitioners and pioneers, across a range of alternative and natural health topics. This podcast will not only form part of your daily health regime, but will also provide you information about natural ways to control your health, helping you to get well and stay well.

The Blonde Files Podcast

Dear Media

Host Arielle Lorre knows you have questions about all things wellness, and she’s answering them for you. From how to achieve optimal health, well-being and fulfillment, to the best beauty hacks and even cosmetic procedures — she covers it all through meaningful conversations with experts and inspirational guests. Arielle's distinct voice and unique candor make you feel like you're getting the inside scoop on all the latest from your best friend, and her multifaceted interests make this show a must for anyone who wants to live their best life — and look good doing it.

The Self Love Fix

Beatrice Kamau

Welcome to The Self Love Fix Podcast. I’m your host, Beatrice -an embodiment coach, teacher, and mentor, and founder of The Self Love Over Codependency Program. Are you ready to finally step into your worthiness and magnetism? Are you tired of your limiting beliefs and self-doubt affecting every aspect of your life? You deserve to live an abundant life, you deserve to desire and achieve all of your dreams, and most importantly, you deserve to embody unshakable self-confidence. Believe it or not, I didn’t always embody self-trust. Most of my life, I lived at the mercy of what other people thought of me. It was only during a very low point I experienced during grad school where I asked myself, “Where does your need for perfectionism come from?” This was a game-changing moment for me. For the first time in my life, I asked myself about the origins of my behavior instead of blaming myself for them. From then on, I promised to live out my passion and mission for embodying my true essence and to teach others to do the same. That’s exactly why I created this podcast. This podcast is all about helping you shift from shame, people-pleasing, codependency, low self-esteem, and self-doubt and into alignment, expansion, and unapologetic self-trust through spirituality and healing the inner-child. For more information about the podcast, or other ways you can work with me, visit: www.beatricekamau.com I would love to connect with you more on social media! You can find me at: IG: @theselflovefix Website: beatricekamau.com

Guided Sleep Meditation

Deep Sleep Meditation Podcast | Sleep Stories | Sleep With Me | Sleep Sounds | Sleep Hypnosis | Sleep Magic | Sleep Sounds | Sleep Hypnosis | Sleep Meditation | Sleep Music | Sleep Tight Stories | Sleep Magic

This collection of soothing sounds is carefully curated to create an environment conducive to restful sleep, deep meditation, and overall relaxation. Subscribe to Premium: All-Access Pass to Better Sleep in 30 Days. English: | Sleep Meditation Podcast-Sleep Stories-Sleep Hypnosis-Guided Sleep Meditation-Deep Sleep Sounds-Relaxing Sleep Music Spanish: | Meditación para dormir, sonidos para dormir, historias para dormir, hipnosis para dormir, sonidos para dormir profundo, meditación para dormir profundo, podcast de meditación para dormir French: | Podcast de Méditation pour le Sommeil-Histoires pour Dormir-Hypnose pour le Sommeil-Méditation Guidée pour le Sommeil-Sons Profonds du Sommeil-Musique Relaxante pour le Sommeil German: | Schlafmeditations-Podcast-Schlafgeschichten-Schlafhypnose-Geführte Schlafmeditation-Tiefe Schlafgeräusche-Entspannende Schlafmusik Japanese: | 睡眠瞑想ポッドキャスト-睡眠ストーリー-睡眠催眠-ガイド付き睡眠瞑想-深い睡眠音-リラックスする睡眠音楽 Italian: | Podcast di Meditazione del Sonno-Storie del Sonno-Ipnosi del Sonno-Meditazione Guidata del Sonno-Suoni Profondi del Sonno-Musica Rilassante per il Sonno Korean: | 수면 명상 팟캐스트-수면 이야기-수면 최면-안내된 수면 명상-깊은 수면 소리-수면에 이로운 음악 Polish: | Podcast Medytacji Snu-Historie do Snu-Hipnoza do Snu-Prowadzona Medytacja do Snu-Głębokie Dźwięki Snu-Relaksująca Muzyka do Snu Swedish: | Sömnmusik-Podcast-Sömnberättelser-Sömnhypnos-Guidad Sömnmusik-Djupa Sömn Ljud-Avslappnande Sömn Musik Turkish: | Uyku Meditasyonu Podcast-Uyku Hikayeleri-Uyku Hipnozu-Rehberli Uyku Meditasyonu-Derin Uyku Sesleri-Rahatlatıcı Uyku Müziği Vietnamese: | Podcast Thiền Giấc Ngủ-Câu Chuyện Giấc Ngủ-Hypnosis Giấc Ngủ-Thiền Dẫn Giấc Ngủ-Những Âm Thanh Giấc Ngủ Sâu-Nhạc Thư Giãn Giấc Ngủ Romanian: | Podcast de Meditație pentru Somn-Povești pentru Somn-Hipnoză pentru Somn-Meditație Ghidată pentru Somn-Sunete pentru Somn Adânc-Muzică Linistitoare pentru Somn Chinese: | 睡眠冥想播客-睡眠故事-睡眠催眠-引导入眠冥想-深度睡眠声音-舒缓的睡眠音乐 Norwegian: | Søvnmeditasjonspodcast-Søvnhistorier-Søvnhypnose-Guidet søvnmeditasjon-Dype søvnlyder-Beroligende søvnmusikk Slovak: | Podcast Meditácie pre Spánok-Príbehy pre Spánok-Hypnóza pre Spánok-Vedená Meditácia pre Spánok-Hlboké Zvuky Spánku-Ukludňujúca Hudba pre Spánok Bengali: | ঘুমের মেডিটেশন পডকাস্ট-ঘুমের গল্প-ঘুমের হাইপনোসিস-নির্দেশিত ঘুমের মেডিটেশন-গভীর ঘুমের শব্দ-শান্তিপ্রদ ঘুমের সঙ্গীত Arabic: | بودكاست التأمل في النوم-قصص النوم-تنويم النوم-التأمل الموجه للنوم-أصوات النوم العميق-موسيقى هادئة للنوم Hindi: | सोने की ध्यान संगीत पॉडकास्ट-सोने की कहानियाँ-सोने की सम्मोहन-निर्देशित सो #sleep, #sleepmeditationpodcast, #sleepstories, #sleepwithme, #sleepsounds, #sleephypnosis, sleepmusic, the sleepy bookshelf, #sleeptightstories, #sleepwave, #sleepcove, rain sounds for sleep, #whitenoise, #brownnoise, #asmr, #relaxing music, #calming music, #lullaby, #ambient, #bedtime, #sleepy, #relax podcast de meditación para dormir podcast to fall asleep to quiet bedtime stories rain and thunder rain sounds - 10 hour rain storm relajación sleep meditation for women relajante relaxation relaxing music for deep sleep relaxing nature sounds relaxing white noise ritmos binaurales ruido blanco send me to sleep: books & stories for bedtime sleep Better Sleep Starts Here: https://plus.acast.com/s/decisions-the-ultimate-guide-to-confi

Almost 30

Krista Williams & Lindsey Simcik

Welcome to Almost 30 - a supportive space to fuel your conscious evolution. Join us, LA-based best friends Krista Williams and Lindsey Simcik, for heart-centered, hilarious conversations and real, raw, impactful interviews with brilliant guests. We dive deep into topics like modern spirituality to health and wellness, aliens to entrepreneurship, social justice, and self development.  With every episode, our mission is to empower you, expand what you think is possible and,  make you laugh - a lot. We are honest, open, and above all, human. We are committed to learning right alongside you in real time so we can all find growth in every moment together.  With millions of listeners around the world, Almost 30 has grown from a pioneering leader in the podcast space to a highly engaged global community. #Almost30Nation is full of purposeful dreamers who are curious, passionate, and constantly seeking growth in every aspect of our lives.  Join us for new episodes every Tuesday + Thursday! This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy Podsights - https://podsights.com/privacy

for the healthy hoes.

Ri Turner + Sunset Tim

a (safe) space dedicated to providing resourceful wellness information via casual + everyday chats about mindfulness, intentionality, and self-awareness. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/forthehealthyhoes/support

The Simple Ayurveda Podcast

Angela Perger

Simple Ayurveda is here to make ancient science easy to understand, relatable and totally possible for you to apply into your modern day life so that you can be your healthiest, most vibrant self. Angela Perger is an Ayurveda practitioner, professor of holistic health and mother of two. Grab the free resources over at simpleayurveda.com or follow @simple_ayurveda on Instagram.

Radical Remission Project ”Stories That Heal” Podcast

Radical Remission Project

The Radical Remission Project - Stories That Heal Podcast is dedicated to sharing true stories of people who have overcome the odds of their diagnosis as well as, the personal experiences witnessed by their doctors and healers.



普段、私たちはどれだけ「感じられて」いるでしょうか? 自分の内の、そして外界の、言葉なき声、声なき声に、耳を傾けているでしょうか? この番組のテーマは、「感じることを大切にして生きていく」。 感じること、感覚を信じること、が難しくなった現代では、感じることを大切にして生きていくのは旅路のようなものかもしれません。自分という不思議の真実に出会い、自分らしい人生を、自分を愛して生きていく、に続く旅路です。 「感じることを大切にして生きていく」ための様々な方法を、この番組では「レメディ」として、お届けしていきます。それは例えば、季節の巡りや月の満ち欠けの暦だったり、日記を書くことだったり、マッサージや食べ物だったり、詩だったり、考え方だったり。 古来から旅人が夜空の星を道標とするように、この番組が、それぞれの旅路をゆく、私を含めた人々が、空を見上げればいつでもそこにある星のようになることを願っています。 毎週日曜日に、新しいエピソードをお届け予定です。

The Yoga Nidra Podcast

Khushbu Vyas

The Yoga Nidra Podcast by Aatmalife creator Khushbu Vyas is a guided meditation practice for deep relaxation. Yoga Nidra means “yogic sleep” and is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. A powerfully restorative practice to restore your mind, body, and soul. Join my exclusive monthly membership, The Aatma Practice at www.aatmalife.com/theaatmapractice Check out www.aatmalife.com for more New season coming out this spring!

Rain Sounds - 10 Hour

Sol Good Media

https://www.solgood.org - Check out our ad free collection of audiobooks, short stories, & sounds for sleep at our website raindrops, rain, nature sounds, relaxation, meditation, sleep, calming, soothing, peaceful, tranquility, ambient, white noise, mindfulness, stress relief, wellness, mental health, sound therapy, healing, serenity, atmospheric sounds

What's The Juice

Olivia Amitrano

Welcome to the juiciest conversations in wellness with Olivia Amitrano, founder of Organic Olivia. “What’s The Juice” is a podcast as multifaceted as its listeners — a fierce community on a courageous path of self improvement, learning, and healing. Here we share conversations that bridge traditional wisdom and modern science, offering a balance of tangible advice and perspective-shifting philosophies that will optimize your health and change the way you see the world. One week we’ll spill the (herbal) tea on functional medicine for hormone imbalance, while the next we’ll dive deep into psychedelic assisted therapy, codependency and learning how to say no. Olivia is a clinical herbalist, formulator, entrepreneur, and, most notably, an educator. Each episode is an opportunity to synthesize her education in herbalism, psychology, and a lifetime of health issues into actionable tips on how to not only heal but thrive. Interviews with doctors, therapists, holistic practitioners, astrologers, artists, and storytellers are brimming with raw, human moments and empowering information. Candid and ever curious, Olivia is on a mission to understand the human condition and share what she learns along the way. Above all, her goal is to connect you with the paradigms, practitioners and teachers you can rely on to help get you to the next level. Peeling back the layers isn’t always pretty, but the juice is worth the squeeze.


Alfa Vedic

Airing live every Thursday at 10am PT, Alfacast has become a cultural phenomenon for those seeking verification that the spirit sciences do in fact exist and play an important role in our day to day lives. Dr. Barre Lando and Mike Winner, along with their weekly guests dive deep into the esoteric nature of true health, science and what it means to be a living man and woman; all while grounding it in actionable solutions for our present condition.

Good Sleep: Positive Affirmations

Optimal Living Daily | Sleepy Meditation

Unwind now with our positive sleep affirmations podcast. Our soothing affirmations relax the mind and prepare the body for rest. Hit play, and drift into Good Sleep...




Overeaters Anonymous of San Francisco

San Francisco Intergroup of OA

Members of OA in San Francisco share what it was like, what happened, and what life is like now. Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is a community of people who through shared experience, strength and hope are recovering from unhealthy relationships with food and body image. OA's twelve-step program works like Alcoholics Anonymous except it helps us deal with food. OA in San Francisco: https://www.oasf.org/ More about Overeaters Anonymous: https://oa.org/

The Vital Veda Podcast: Ayurveda | Holistic Health | Cosmic and Natural Law

Dylan Smith: Ayurvedic Practitioner, Holistic Health Educator, Conscious Entrepreneur

The Vital Veda Podcast is a show for people who intend to live the most evolutionary life at their highest potential, while experiencing total wellness and bliss. Our host Dylan Smith brings you the most inspiring interviews with thought leaders and experts from around the world in the fields of health, spirituality, personal development and natural law. Dylan Smith is an Ayurvedic practitioner, holistic health educator and exponent of Vedic wisdom. He is devoted to learning, sharing and radiating this profound knowledge for everyone to utilise and enjoy. Enliven your natural capability to tune into your own body and mind, awaken your instincts and engage in life in a frictionless flow. Find out more at www.vitalveda.com.au

The Mind-Body Couple

Tanner Murtagh and Anne Hampson

Tanner Murtagh and Anne Hampson are therapists who treat neuroplastic pain and mind-body concerns. They are also married! Tanner in his 20s overcame chronic pain using psychological techniques after recognizing his pain was only occurring in his brain due to learned neural pathways and his emotional state. Tanner and Anne worked together in their relationship to cultivate healing. Since then Tanner and Anne have dedicated their lives to treating neuroplastic pain, mind-body concerns, and educating the public about this common type of chronic pain. This podcast is meant to help you overcome chronic pain and symptoms! Tanner and Anne have a therapy agency in Calgary, Alberta, Canada called Pain Psychotherapy Canada. Learn more about Tanner and Anne’s work on their agencies website: https://www.painpsychotherapy.ca/ Also check out Tanner's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-Fl6WaFHnh4ponuexaMbFQ They also post daily on instagram: @painpsychotherapy This podcast is produced by Alex Klassen, who is one of the wonderful therapists at Pain Psychotherapy Canada. Disclaimer: The information provided by Anne and Tanner on this podcast is for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice, psychotherapy, or counselling. If you choose to utilize any of the education, strategies, or techniques in this podcast you are doing so at your own risk.

The MediHerb Podcast

Integria Healthcare

Introducing the MediHerb podcast, where we discuss all things related to herbal medicine, nutrition, and lifestyle practices. From ancient wisdom to the latest in scientific research, join us for conversations with leading experts, practitioners, and pioneers in the field of natural healthcare.

オイルセラピーでバラ色の人生 宇宙と繋がるMio Radio

ムーミオセラピー 内田未央

オイルセラピスト歴20年の経験から、健康のこと、美容のこと、オイルのことなどについて語ります。 ガチガチの健康法ではなく、楽しくゆるく生きるための健康観や、考え方をお伝えします。 健康のほうが良いに決まっているけど、「健康=幸せ」ではありません。 ストレスを抱えている人、難しいことやりたくない人、厳しいのが嫌な人、簡単にできることしかやりたくない人におすすめの番組です! 継続することが大切なので、いつでも、だれでも、どこでもできることを伝えます。 ムーミオセラピー https://moomio.jp LINE公式 https://lin.ee/dlc7CJw

First This

Kathryn Nicolai

First This is a short mindfulness and meditation podcast by Kathryn Nicolai, creator of Nothing Much Happens. Take ten minutes to settle your mind, observe your breath and be gently lead through a meditation practice. First this, then that.

Mindful In Minutes Meditation

Mindful In Minutes Meditation

Short, weekly guided meditations to help you stress less and live more. Each week join Kelly Smith, founder of Yoga For You, for simple and grounded guided meditations that are 20 minutes or less and cover an array of topics that will help you with real life like anxiety, insomnia, self-esteem and manifestation.

Tracks To Relax - Sleep Meditations


Listen without ads at www.patreon.com/trackstorelax Tracks To Relax Sleep Meditations can help calm your mind and body at bedtime so you can get to sleep fast. With guided meditations, bedtime stories and relaxing ambient audio Tracks To Relax offers something for everyone. New sleep meditation episodes available every Tuesday and most weekends! Listening to guided sleep meditations offers a multitude of benefits for both the mind and body, contributing to overall well-being and improved sleep quality. Here are some of the key benefits associated with this practice: Promotes Relaxation: Guided sleep meditations typically involve soothing voices, calming music, and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation. These elements help induce a state of relaxation, making it easier to let go of stress and tension accumulated throughout the day. Reduces Anxiety and Stress: By guiding the listener through relaxation exercises and mindfulness techniques, guided sleep meditations can alleviate anxiety and reduce stress levels. The focus on the present moment and the gentle encouragement to let go of worries can help quiet the mind and ease racing thoughts, facilitating a sense of calmness and inner peace. Improves Sleep Quality: One of the primary benefits of guided sleep meditations is their ability to promote better sleep quality. By helping the body and mind unwind before bedtime, these meditations can facilitate a smoother transition into sleep and reduce the likelihood of tossing and turning throughout the night. The deep relaxation induced by guided meditations can also help improve the overall duration and depth of sleep. Enhances Mindfulness: Many guided sleep meditations incorporate mindfulness practices, such as body scans and breath awareness, which cultivate present moment awareness and mindfulness. Regular practice of mindfulness can lead to increased self-awareness, emotional regulation, and a greater appreciation for life's experiences. Encourages Positive Thinking: Guided sleep meditations often include affirmations and visualizations aimed at promoting positive thinking and self-empowerment. By repeatedly exposing the mind to positive statements and images, listeners can gradually shift their mindset toward one of optimism, gratitude, and self-love, which can have profound effects on mental well-being and overall outlook on life. Supports Mental Health: Engaging in guided sleep meditations can be particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or insomnia. The combination of relaxation techniques, mindfulness practices, and positive affirmations can help alleviate symptoms, reduce rumination, and improve overall psychological resilience. Facilitates Self-Care: Taking time to listen to guided sleep meditations before bed can serve as a form of self-care, allowing individuals to prioritize their mental and emotional well-being. This simple yet powerful practice encourages self-compassion and nurtures a deeper connection with oneself, ultimately fostering greater levels of self-awareness and self-love. Overall, incorporating guided sleep meditations into your bedtime routine can have profound benefits for both your physical and mental health, promoting relaxation, reducing stress, improving sleep quality, and supporting overall well-being. Tracks To Relax is Made in Canada with Love! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

10 Hour Sleep Music

Chel Hamilton

Wrap yourself in a cozy blanket of sleep with 10 hours of soothing sleep music. 100% original sleep music crafted for you with care by fellow struggler with sleep. And while I totally understand that everybody's body and mind is different I hope you are able to find a few tracks that work for yours. May you find deeper, more healing sleep with these 10 hour sleep music episodes. All my love, Chel 💕 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chel-hamilton/support

bluemind ASMR

blue skies

Welcome to bluemind ASMR, your personal relaxation station. Here you’ll find lots of no-talking trigger compilations, unique sci-fi and fantasy roleplays, spa visits, whispered and soft-spoken rambles, affirmations, and meditations. What are you waiting for? Come and get cozy with me. bluemind ASMR is a listener-supported podcast brought to you by listeners just like you. This means no ads, no sponsorships. To find out how you can support the show, check out the show notes. All roleplays are intended to be gender-neutral unless otherwise stated. *Updates every other Tuesday*

Relax with the Music

Sandeep Khurana

Tranquil Music for Relaxation

Hay House Live!® Podcast

Hay House

Enjoy insightful and inspiring lectures from Hay House Live!® live events featuring leading experts in the fields of alternative health, nutrition, intuitive medicine, psychology, spirituality, success and personal development. This podcast program will help you get motivated to live your best life possible and open your mind to some new ideas. Hay House, founded by Louise Hay, is an international leader in self-help and transformational publishing and offers books, audios, videos, online courses and live events worldwide. Visit www.hayhouse.com for additional resources in self-development.

Keen on Yoga Podcast

Adam Keen

Adam Keen hosts the Keen On Yoga Podcast where he engages in a deep level of discussion with Ashtanga yoga teachers as well as others involved in inquiry, wellness, diet, or simply people he finds interesting. The podcast is nonformulaic; there is no pre-list of questions, and the guests are encouraged into an open-ended chat in order to really get a feel for them and their approach to their subject. The emphasis is always on depth, with actual topics of discussion prioritised over the life-story or more familiar, surface-level questions we are used to hearing. To this end, the conversations are often quite honest and surprising. Approaching quickly towards one-hundred episodes, the keen on yoga podcast was started at the beginning of the first lockdown of 2021. We have now released one episode a week for the las year and are as enthusiastic as ever to bring you a wide range of voices to inspire and support your greater journey with yoga. If you enjoy the podcast and would like to support us you can do so by liking, sharing, rating and donating at https://keenonyoga.com/donate/

Raw Health Rebel with Lisa Strbac

Lisa Strbac

Shining a light on homeopathy, health and more. Find out more about Lisa Strbac and her 'Homeopathy Heals' courses at www.lisastrbac.com

Apricity with Sian Camille

sian camille

apricity- the warmth of the sun in the winter sian camille takes you along her explorations in the realms of self-optimization, life changes, philosophy, wellness, spirituality, and mental health. a safe space 3



氣とは何か、氣に関することわざなど私達の身近にある氣のお話、日常生活に役立つ氣の知識、目に見えない世界のお話など、真氣光を知らない方にもわかりやすい話題をお届けしています。 どなたでもお聴きいただけますので、お友達やご家族など、真氣光をまだ知らない方々にも是非ご紹介ください。


Mike Maher

An entire podcast dedicated to Breathwork, Breathing, and The Power of Your Breath. Join Mike Maher as he talks to the worlds leading experts, scientists, yoga instructors, and explorers of this thing we call The Breath.

Sleep Whispers - whispered bedtime stories and meditations for relaxing & sleeping

Whispering Harris | ASMR & Insomnia Network

Whispered readings and ramblings for relaxation and sleeping. Includes soothing meditations, interesting stories, tranquil poems, educational Wikipedia articles, and listener feedback.

EXPANDED Podcast by To Be Magnetic™

To Be Magnetic™

The Expanded Podcast is the leading manifestation podcast, hosted by Lacy Phillips, founder of To Be Magnetic™ and co-hosted by TBM’s Chief Content Officer, Jessica Gill. It’s based on Neural Manifestation™, TBM’s unique process that’s rooted in neuroscience, psychology, epigenetics, and energetics– with a little spirituality sprinkled on top. While Expanded ranks as one of the best spiritual podcasts, our focus is really on the science and psychology behind manifestation. Our goal is to normalize the practice of manifestation and empower you to get into the driver's seat of your life in order to manifest the experiences, relationships, and things that most align with your authenticity. We cover topics like inner child healing, shadow work, boundaries, how to reprogram your subconscious mind (and why this is so important), clarity, how to manifest dreams, create magnetism, and harness intuition. Part of our manifestation process entails “expanding” past your limiting subconscious beliefs. So, by tuning into this podcast with interviews from experts, thought leaders, spiritual teachers, scientists, and those with Neural Manifestation™ success stories, you are starting the process of “Expanding” your subconscious in order to ‘see to believe’ that anything you desire is possible. And by pressing play, the process begins! Create your daily manifestation practice in The Pathway, our all-access workshop membership, found on tobemagnetic.com.

Radiant Rest Podcast with Tracee Stanley

Tracee Stanley

Inspired by the desire to reclaim our collective birthright of deep rest, author and spiritual teacher Tracee Stanley explores tools, practices, and techniques that lead to deep rest. She shares her candid conversations with inspiring teachers and thought leaders about the power of rest, lucid dreaming, yoga nidra, self-care, napping as a path to liberation, restorative yoga, and sleep. Tracee is the best-selling author of Radiant Rest and The Luminous Self. She lives in Northern New Mexico, where she leads rest and writing retreats. Music Composition by Baron Rinzler on Season 1. Season 2 Muci and composition by Baron Rinzler and Edwin "Pupa" Santiago. Season 2, produced by Edgard Rivera

Sleep Magic - Sleep Hypnosis & Meditations

Sleepiest & Jessica Porter

✨ Sleep Magic ✨ is a podcast that harnesses the power of Sleep Hypnosis and Meditation to help you fall asleep easily every night, hosted by hypnotherapist Jessica Porter. Alongside helping you drift off into a deep sleep, we’re also going to spend time talking about all the different things that go into being, well, human! From releasing worries to building self-love, we’ll dive deep into how we can improve our relationship with ourselves, as well as our sleep, one night at a time.🌙 Free episodes every Wednesday and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or via https://sleepmagic.supercast.com/ for Jessica's entire Sleep Wave back catalogue and an ad-free, Super Sleepy experience.

The Sakara Life Podcast

Sakara Life

Curated conversations that dig deep into the ancient rituals and modern research we can all use to build lives we love living. Each week, Sakara Life founders, Whitney & Danielle, sit down with today's top physicists, mystics, chefs, healers, and CEOs, to explore the areas of life where science and spirituality coexist and thoughts turn into real, live things.  Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



中醫究竟是博大精深的國粹,還是有意無意地欺騙? #蕭御醫講透中醫 帶你探索中醫的世界! 中醫知識x心理觀察 ⭐每週五更新 🔎Facebook|蕭御醫講透中醫 歡迎敲碗主題留言給我們,我們會於節目中解答唷! Podcast by 蕭御醫、Sean Powered by Firstory Hosting

8 Hour Sleep Music

8 Hour Sleep Music

Welcome to the 8 Hour Sleep Music Podcast: 8 hours of relaxing meditation music, nature sounds, binaural beats, and guided meditations to help you get to sleep fast and stay asleep all night. This podcast may contain 2 ads at the very beginning of each episode. There will be NO ads in the middle of the episode to wake you up. If you'd like to remove the intro/ads and support the podcast, you can unlock the premium version of the show for only $2.99 per month or $24.99 per year. Click here or visit 8hoursleepmusic.supportingcast.fm to subscribe. The 8 Hour Sleep Music Podcast was started to help those who suffer from sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep anxiety. Listeners get better and more restful sleep, fall asleep quicker, and have longer REM sleep cycles with the use of our relaxing sleep music and soothing nature sounds. Our 8-hour long episodes will last for the entire night, ensuring you enjoy deep and uninterrupted sleep. We release new episodes twice per week on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Be sure to follow or subscribe to always catch the latest episodes, and leave a rating or a review if you've been enjoying the show! Email us at 8hoursleepmusic@gmail.com with any questions or comments. Thanks for listening and sleep well! Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://8hoursleepmusic.supportingcast.fm

SLEEP MEDITATION with Lauren Ostrowski Fenton

Lauren Ostrowski Fenton

Would you like to fall asleep faster, sleep more deeply, and more easily? These GUIDED SLEEP MEDITATIONS and softly spoken talks are suited to adults, parents, children, students, and babies who are looking for help and guidance with achieving a night of deep sound sleep or are looking for comfort, relaxation and soothing. Welcome to Lauren Ostrowski Fenton’s deep sleep guided meditations with positive suggestions for encouraging a restorative, natural healing rest and sleep, together with a peaceful experience of total mind and body relaxation. Fall asleep fast at bedtime with this guided sleep meditation and wake up mindfully clear and focussed ready to face your day. Suitable for all ages, mothers, fathers, children, and babies tailored to help with sleep, insomnia, stress, and relaxation This guided meditation experience is recommended for repeated and ritualized listening. Develop a daily sleep meditation ritualized practice and with regular listening this guided meditation will encourage positive sleep suggestions and positive cognitive sleep patterns. Lauren is a mother of four, podcaster, life coach, writer, meditation teacher & YouTuber


Rina Ohkuma

ちょっと面白い生き方をしている方々をゲストに招いて色んな人生観に触れるポッドキャスト🎙 いろんなヒントが隠れているかも!?ぜひお耳を傾けてみてください💕 Bi!Crewオンラインサロン ▶︎ https://mosh.jp/services/111800 YouTube ▶︎ http://youtube.com/c/BiEssentialMovement Instagram ▶︎ http://instagram.com/rinaohkuma

Dear Superwomen/スーパーウーマン達へ

Mariko Imada

一人のストーリーは皆のストーリー。 生理コーチの今田まり子が様々なジャンルのゲストのストーリーを通して 皆さん自身のスーパーパワーに気づくためのヒントをお届けします。 そして、ビーガン、マクロビ、サプリ、低糖質ダイエット、パレオ、ケトジェニック。。。 といろいろ試したみたけれど、生理痛や生理不順が全然治らない! そんな方達のために身体のFeeling Goodヒントもお届けする番組です。 ホームページ marikoimada.com 生理痛・生理不順を整えるためのお買い物リストはこちら(無料ダウンロード) https://www.subscribepage.com/g2b5l3 インスタグラム(日本語) @mariko__imada108 #生理 #コーチング #生理痛 #PMS

Feminist Wellness

Victoria Albina

The Feminist Wellness podcast offers empowering holistic medicine, psychology and life coaching advice for smart women who believe they can live powerful, fulfilling lives with more self-worth, self-love, and true self-care. Equal parts nervous system science and witchy woo, Victoria brings it all together to help you see how your socialization, conditioning, and family blueprint are keeping you feeling stuck in life. If you’re ready to shake the codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing thoughts that keep you searching for external validation, putting yourself last and everyone else’s needs and opinions of you first, this is the show for you. Download my free suite of meditations at https://victoriaalbina.com/freemeditationdownload/ as a thank you for reviewing the show!



カナダのビクトリア在住、西洋ハーブ療法(フィトセラピー)を学ぶ元バックパッカー魔女のポッドキャスト。メディカルハーブ、西洋占星術、メディカルアストロロジー、人を治すこと、伝統医療、魔術等々のディープなトピックについて話しています。質問、ご要望はこちらのフォームまで。https://forms.gle/eKKdnnFCYYkjqMHj6 note: https://note.com/herbalistakina Instagram: @herbalistakina Twitter: @herbalistakina


Misato 王茗萱

東方有中醫,西方有芳香療法! 萃取自植物精華的天然精油,除了散發自然清新的香氣,點綴生活品味外,更棒的是能帶給我們全方位的健康守護! 跟著Misato的腳步,發掘出生活中常見的健康問題,探討發生的原因,再了解如何運用簡單好上手的芳香療法來維持身、心、靈三方面的健康,擁有美好的植感生活,找回那失落已久與大自然的香知香息~ Powered by Firstory Hosting

The Period Party

Nicole Jardim

The Period Party, hosted by Nicole Jardim, is what happens when you get the world's leading women’s health experts unscripted, uncensored, and on the air. Think of it as girl talk gone menstrual!

Alana Podcast ココロとカラダの栄養補給🍯

Marie M

このPodcastは、ココロとカラダの栄養補給を合言葉に、 ホリステックヘルスや食のこと、ココロのこと、カラダのことに、 日本の文化やルーツなどのエッセンスを加えて、今日から使えるtipsや新たな視点をシェアしています。 あなたの内側からじんわりと温かい優しさや愛を感じ、 心も身体も健やかな日々を過ごせるように、愛をこめてお届けしています💖 ほっと深く呼吸ができるような安心感、そして内側からエネルギーが溢れる感覚をあなたのココロとカラダで感じられますように。Love, Marie 

The NUSKIN Podcast


As the premier podcast analytics and SEO agency, we know that podcasts that have been on the platform longer have a better chance of ranking on the podcast charts and improves their overall podcast SEO. Which is the whole reason for creating this placeholder; as a way to leverage the current podcast algorithm. If you are part of this organization, we would be more than happy to deliver this RSS feed and podcast domain AS we have no intent of making content surrounding your brand, instead focussing on giving your show a leg up in creating a high profile podcast. Something we have considerable experience in as one of the largest private podcast companies in the U.S. Please feel free to reach out to us at Sales@launchpod.media or our website LaunchPod.media to get this show transferred to you, completely free of charge, as a gift. Lastly, While this podcast is currently not live, please make sure to subscribe to know when the podcast launches. Thank you.



オーガニック植物療法ジェモセラピーのショップオーナーで、現役薬剤師のErikoの「TENUKIオーガニックライフ」をお届けします。 TENUKI(手抜き)の語源は、囲碁の用語で、元来は「相手に惑わされず、一番価値の高い手を打つという」前向きな意味で使われます。 私自身、妊娠をきっかけに始めた「あれもダメ、これもダメ」という窮屈なオーガニックライフを経て、多くの知識を得る中で、些末なことには手を抜く「TENUKIオーガニックライフ」をすることで生きやすくなりました。 ジェモは私のTENUKIオーガニックライフを支える大事なアイテムの一つです。 ▶番組の中で質問やお便りにお答えします。お便りは公式LINEにお願いいたします。 https://lin.ee/Y4js6uo

Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support

Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support

We share effective tips and practices for working with Adult ADD / Adult ADHD in a natural, holistic way, without the use of medications. Hosted by Bahman Sarram and Michael Joseph Ferguson. For more info, visit: http://www.DrummerAndTheGreatMountain.com. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The information shared on this podcast is intended solely for the purpose of personal growth, and not as a replacement for professional psychological support. The views and opinions of the hosts and guests of our podcast are not meant to be taken as medical advice. It is very important seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner when making any shifts to psychiatric medication you may be taking, or if you are experiencing extreme psychological distress.



毎日、ちょっとカラダにイイコト。キレイも健康も日々の積み重ね・・・ 過去音声をYouTubeに移行中です、移行が済んだものから こちらから削除されます。ご了承ください。 2〜16話まで引越ししました!(姉SNSリンクを参照してください) 栄養士の姉(東倫衣・ヒガシトモエ)とヨガインストラクターの妹(あずまっくす、東恭衣・ヒガシユキエ)がお送りする賢く健康に美しくなるためのヒント。 全ての病気は腸で始まり、未来は腸から変えられる。食事を変えれば人生が変わるをモットーに姉妹の体験からお伝えできる情報を面白く、簡単にお送りする番組です! 情報社会の情報に溺れ、流されるのではなく、自ら情報を掴みに行く、掴み取る力をつけ、中から輝く自信を、そして魅力的な人になっていきましょう! 姉のSNSまとめ https://linktr.ee/theworldoftomoe 妹あずまっくすのSNSまとめ https://linktr.ee/yukie.higashi

週刊 ジャン・バルネ 博士の芳香療法

Meets Nature LLC

みねいアロマ音楽メディケアの新城と坂元でお送りする前代未聞のアロマテラピー情報のトーク番組「週刊 ジャン・バルネ 博士の芳香療法」。 アロマテラピーの巨匠ジャン・バルネ博士が残した「植物=芳香療法」をテーマにした、寄り道満載の楽しいポッドキャスト番組です。 絶版になって久しいアロマテラピーの大家ジャン・バルネ博士の著書 「ジャン・バルネ博士の植物=芳香療法」。 歴史的名著を世に広めようと、アロマテラピーや音楽の小ネタを織り交ぜながら章を追って解説していきます。 オフィシャルサイト http://www.meetsnature.com/podcast/dr-jean-valnet/

Touching Into Presence

Global Community of Bodyworkers

Authentic and genuine conversations with bodyworkers, yoga teachers, healers and more. Listening to what inspires them, what brought them to where they are, and how they see the future of bodywork and health to go.
