09/04 TOP NEWS |台风“苏拉”登陆广东/房贷利率降低/中小学生和幼儿迎新学期


NEWS ON 09/011.SUPER TYPHOON “SAOLA” TO CROSS GUANGDONG TONIGHT超强台风“苏拉”在广东沿海登陆2.CHINA EASES MORTGAGE POLICIES, CUTTING EXISTING RATES央行、国家金融监管总局:降低存量首套房贷利率3. KIDS HIT THE BOOKS AS IT’S BACK TO SCHOOL上海220万中小学生和幼儿迎新学期开学第一课各具特色----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SUPER TYPHOON “SAOLA” TO CROSS GUANGDONG TONIGHT超强台风“苏拉”在广东沿海登陆Super Typhoon Saola is hitting China's Guangdong Province head-on ... The National Meteorological Center renewed a red storm warning this morning. Multiple cities in Guangdong and Fujian have relocated people from high-risk areas. Sun Siqi has the details.超强台风“苏拉”正面袭击中国广东……国家气象中心今晨(09/01)再次发布暴雨红色预警。广东和福建的多个城市已将高风险区域人员转移。记者孙思奇为您详细报道。The city of Shanwei on the coast of Guangdong is now close enough to the storm center where wind speeds are up to 100 kilometers-per-hour. A level-one warning for strong winds has been activated.广东沿海的汕尾市目前离台风中心很近,中心附近风力可达每小时100 公里。全市已经进入防汛防台风一级应急响应状态。All businesses, construction sites, public transport networks and schools were closed this morning. Work has stopped at the city's close to 300 construction sites. 8,000 fishing boats were called into port. 从今天上午起,全市采取停业、停工、停产、停运、停课措施。近300个建筑工地停工,8000艘渔船被召回港口。Close to 10,000 people were relocated to 700 indoor shelters【避难所】.近一万人被转移到700个室内避难所。The city of Huizhou, which is farther away from the storm center, is still dealing winds of up to 60 kilometers an hour. Local forecasters have issued a hazardous marine weather alert.距离台风中心较远的惠州市也正遭受高达每小时 60 公里的风力袭击。当地气象台已经发布台风红色预警。Su Zhuwen, Party Secretary, Huidong County Beachside Resort Village苏珠文 惠州市惠东县港口滨海旅游度假区新村村党总支部书记“We've put up this fence so no guests can go out to the sea. We have to make sure everyone is ashore.”“这些都是我们做的防护网,主要作用就是不让游客下海。我们要确保每个人都在岸上。”All boats in Huizhou have returned to port. The airport is now closed as well as some beach side highways. Most high-speed trains along the coast have been suspended. 惠州市的所有船只都已返港。惠州市机场和部分沿海高速已经封闭。大部分沿海动车已停运。In Fujian, a level-two typhoon alert and a most basic severe rainfall alert have been activated. The city of Zhangzhou on the border with Guangdong is being battered【连续猛击】by strong winds. Some trees have fallen in the beach side areas. 福建已经启动二级台风预警和四级暴雨预警。与广东省交界的漳州市正遭受强风袭击,临港树木倒伏。More than 100,000 people were relocated across the province as last night. More than 100 resorts were closed, along with 23 river ferry routes and 42 island boat routes. 截至昨晚,全省超过 10 万人被转移。100 多个度假村停业,23 条内河渡轮航线和 42 条海岛游船航线停运。At the same time, storm system "Haikui" is still approaching from the east.与此同时,台风“海葵”正从东部逼近。Forecasters say Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang should prepare for heavy showers, as the rain bands thrown off by the storm meet up with cooler air descendingfrom the north, it could lead to some very intense rainfall.气象员称,上海、江苏和浙江等地应准备好应对强降雨,因为台风引起的雨带与从北方南下的冷空气相撞,可能会导致超强降雨。Xin Xin, Forecaster, China Meteorological Administration信欣 中国气象局气象分析师“Saola will be affecting Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao between today and tomorrow. On the other hand, "Haikui" is likely to make a landfall in Taiwan and then head for Fujian. Eastern China should expect rain on Sunday and Monday.”“今天(09/01)和明天(09/02),台风“苏拉”会影响粤港澳,台风“海葵” 未来可能先登陆台湾,再奔向福建,对华东地区的影响重点是在周日(09/03)和下周一(09/04)。”2. CHINA EASES MORTGAGE POLICIES, CUTTING EXISTING RATES央行、国家金融监管总局:降低存量首套房贷利率China's top financial regulators yesterday ordered a cut to down-payments for both first- and second-time homebuyers, while further cutting interest rates on existing mortgages【按揭】.国家金融监督管理总局昨日(08/31)发布降低首套和二套住房最低首付款比例,同时进一步降低存量住房贷款利率。According to a notice issued by the People's Bank of China and the National Administration of Financial Regulation, starting from September 25th borrowers will be able to negotiate【协商】a mortgagte rate change with banks or a swap for a new loan plan. The new interest rates will be based on the central bank's current loan prime rate, and shall be no lower than the city's first-home mortgage rate policy where the original loan was issued. Xinhua reports, citing analysts' estimates, that the lowering of mortgage rates will benefit about 40 million borrowers.中国人民银行和国家金融监督管理总局日前发布通知,自9月25日起,存量首套住房商业性个人住房贷款的借款人可向银行申请调整合同约定的利率水平或协商变更新的贷款方案。新的利率将以央行现行贷款最优惠利率为基础,且不得低于原贷款所在城市的首套住房贷款利率政策。新华社称,据分析师估算,存量房贷利率下调将使约4000万户借款人受益。The central bank has cut its foreign exchange reserve requirement ratio in a move to support the Chinese currency's exchange rate.央行已下调金融机构外汇存款准备金率以稳汇率。The People's Bank of China announced today that it would cut the ratio by 2 percentage points to 4 percent on September 15th. The figure sets the amount of foreign currency that banks must hold as reserves against foreign exchange trades. The upcoming adjustment will be the third such reduction, following similar cuts in May and in September last year, when the yuan was under depreciation pressure. Data from financial information platform Wind showed that the offshore exchange rate of the Renminbi against the US dollar was strengthened by the announcement, reaching 7.24 at one point, its highest level in since August 11th. Analysts expect the move will help boost onshore dollar liquidity and ease depreciation pressure on the yuan.央行决定,自9月15日起,下调金融机构外汇存款准备金率2个百分点至4%。数据显示了银行所持的外汇储备量。这是继去年五月和九月人民币面临贬值压力时的下调之后的第三次调整。金融信息平台Wind的数据显示,这一政策令人民币对美元汇率应声上涨,离岸人民币汇率一度达到7.24,为8月11日以来的最高水平。分析师预计,此举将有助于提振在岸美元流动性,缓解人民币贬值压力。3. KIDS HIT THE BOOKS AS IT’S BACK TO SCHOOL上海220万中小学生和幼儿迎新学期开学第一课各具特色Kindergarten kids, as well as primary and middle schools had their first day of the new school year. Zhang Hong tells us more about how things went.幼儿园和中小学的孩子们迎来了新学期的第一天。记者张泓向我们详细介绍了开学第一天的情况。At Shanghai Normal University Demonstration Primary School Luwan, some students put on clothing worn by different ethnic groups in the country as they gave a performance.在上海师范大学附属卢湾实验小学,学生们身穿全国各民族的服装进行表演。Student, SHNU Demonstration Primary School Luwan上海师范大学附属卢湾实验小学学生“We have performances with Uygur and Tibetan style dancing. We're wearing traditional clothing for Han ethnicity.”“我们有维吾尔族、藏族风格的舞蹈表演,我们穿的是汉服。”Yu Yiling, Headmaster, SHNU Demonstration Primary School Luwan虞怡玲 上海师范大学附属卢湾实验小学校长“We want students to feel the great changes of our country and embrace the new semester in high spirits.”“我们要带着学生感受到祖国的巨大变化,用最好的最新的迎接新学期的到来。”Shanghai Yao Lian Sheng Middle School held a fire drill today. Changning Fire Brigade taught students how to act in an emergency and invited them to try the work of a firefighter.上海市姚连生中学今天举行了消防演习。长宁消防支队的消防员们教学生们如何在紧急情况下避险,并邀请他们体验消防员的工作。He Yuetong, 7th-Grader, Shanghai Yao Lian Sheng Middle School何钥彤 上海市姚连生中学初一4班学生“We learned how firefighters put out a fire. Maybe some of my schoolmates will become firefighters one day.”“我们体验了如何救火,说不定有朝一日,我们当中也有同学能成为消防员。”In Fengxian, Lingang Fengxian Branch of No.2 High School of East China Normal University opened its doors to students for the first time. 在奉贤,华东师大二附中临港奉贤分校迎来首批新生。Hao Jinghong, Lingang Fengxian Branch, No.2 High School of East China Normal University郝敬宏 华东师大二附中临港奉贤分校负责人“We welcome students from all over the city, especially those living in Fengxian and Lingang. We want students who are excellent at science, and with all-round development.”“我们欢迎来自全市各地的学生,主要是居住在奉贤和临港的学生。我们的重点是培养理科精进、特色鲜明、全面和谐发展的人才。”32 new primary and middle schools opened across the city, but most are in suburban districts as the government aims to allocate more quality education resources there. In Fengxian, police used a drone to monitor traffic conditions. Police also visited a few classrooms and taught students simple self-defense skills and how to avoid telephone fraud【诈骗】.  全市新开设了32所中小学,大部分位于郊区,因为政府希望在郊区分配更多优质教育资源。在奉贤,警方使用无人机监控交通状况。他们还走访了许多学校班级,向学生传授简单的自卫技能和如何避免电话诈骗。#热词加油站shelters / ˈʃeltəz /【避难所】battered /ˈbætər/【连续猛击】mortgage /ˈmɔːɡɪdʒɪz/【按揭】negotiate /nɪˈɡoʊʃieɪt/【协商】fraud /frɔːd/【诈骗】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~

09/04 TOP NEWS |台风“苏拉”登陆广东/房贷利率降低/中小学生和幼儿迎新学期

09/04 TOP NEWS |台风“苏拉”登陆广东/房贷利率降低/中小学生和幼儿迎新学期
