1603 成功的关键是什么?|找到IKIGAI|Day 10


今日格言"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer 成功不是快乐的关键,快乐才是成功的关键。如果你热爱自己正在做的事情,你将会成功。Day 10 问题挑战What can you be paid for? What skills do you bring to the table?你能获得报酬的是什么?你拥有哪些技能?Before starting my podcast, I worked in sales and teaching, acquiring skills through public speaking engagements. After starting the podcast, I realized that various skills I possessed could be leveraged, and I could even package them together. Over the past 10 years, I've written e-books, created online courses, offered consulting services, and conducted various training programs. For instance, my experience in learning foreign languages over the years, coupled with my ability to lead activities such as early morning meditation, exercise, gratitude journaling, and reading, as well as my knack for inspiring others, have been valuable assets. During my travels, I've also taught podcasting and even learned Thai massage and aromatherapy massage, hoping to integrate them into my journeys.在制作播客之前,我从事销售和教学工作,并通过演讲获得了技能。制作播客后,我发现我所拥有的各种技能都能够帮助我,甚至我可以将它们打包在一起,过去10年,我曾经撰写电子书、制作线上课程、创造谘询服务以及各式各样的训练营。例如,我多年来学习外语的经验,以及带领早起冥想、运动、写感恩日记和阅读等活动的能力,以及帮助他人激发心灵的能力。在旅行的时候,我还靠教授如何制作播客,甚至也学习了泰式按摩和芳疗按摩,希望可以在旅行中运用起来。为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 flywithlily.com/30 下载想要参与我的英语训练营和英语课程的同学可以预约一个免费的30分钟通话了,flywithlily.com 

1603 成功的关键是什么?|找到IKIGAI|Day 10

1603 成功的关键是什么?|找到IKIGAI|Day 10
