1548 即使在家上班也准备好|30日贏得早起|Day 26


"Whether the day is for writing, designing, or painting, the consistent practice of a morning routine is the doorway into it all." – Elle Luna"无论这一天是用来写作、设计还是绘画,每天早上持之以恒的例行程序的是通向一切的大门。" — 艾莉·露娜标题:Prepare for the Day if you work from home|即使在家上班也准备好|Day 26这是第二十六天“赢得早起”的任务信息:Most people would probably enjoy the idea of not having to “get ready” every morning. However, even if you work from home, changing your clothes and preparing for the day in a more formal way can help you feel better and more motivated to tackle the day ahead. This routine of getting ready will look different for everyone based on the nature of your work, but having a little list of things you do to get ready is another way to win your mornings back. Create a “get ready“ routine for yourself.大多数人可能都喜欢不必每天早上都"准备好"的想法。然而,即使你在家工作,更正式地更换衣服和准备一天的方式可以帮助你感觉更好,更有动力应对前面的一天。根据你工作的性质,准备工作的例行程序对每个人都会有所不同,但拥有一个小清单,列出你准备工作时要做的事情,是赢得早晨的另一种方式。为自己创建一个"准备好"的例行程序。例如:Shower 洗澡、Get Dressed 穿衣服、Makeup/Shave 化妆或刮胡子、Hair 整理头发、Brush Teeth 刷牙冰島歌單播放列表:https://open.spotify.com/playlist/72U9wNe1fkxYW68gh0TbO3?si=6d093929ce95495f免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战https://flywithlily.com/30申请加入迷你退休营https://flywithlily.com/discover早起俱乐部:云雀实验室https://flywithlily.com/5am一对一谘询服务https://flywithlily.com/coachingFly with Lily Podcasthttps://flywithlily.com/mypodcast/我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK https://facebook.com/flywithlilyLINE官方帐号 https://line.me/R/ti/p/{flywithlily}Instagram https://instagram.com/flywithlily我在好学校的Podcast课程https://hahow.in/cr/lily-podcaster

1548 即使在家上班也准备好|30日贏得早起|Day 26

1548 即使在家上班也准备好|30日贏得早起|Day 26
