1549 保持工作区的清洁|30日赢得早起|Day 27


“I like my coffee black and my mornings bright.” – Terri Guillemets"我喜欢喝黑咖啡,也喜欢明亮的清晨。" — 特里·吉列梅特标题:Keep a Neat Workspace|保持工作区的清洁|Day 27这是第二十七天“赢得早起”的任务信息:Whatever you do for work, there is a space where it happens; and this space can become very cluttered over time. This clutter can slow you down as you try to get your day started, and make it much more difficult to accomplish the tasks you need to. However, by taking the time to straighten up every day, you can show up for work knowing that you have set yourself up for success instead of stress. Below, create a checklist of things to run through each day before leaving your office and make this your routine.不论你从事什么工作,都会有一个发生工作的地方;而这个地方随着时间的推移可能变得非常混乱。这种混乱可能会在你试图开始一天的工作时使您变得缓慢,并且使你更难完成所需的任务。然而,只要每天花点时间整理一下,你就可以准备好投入工作,知道自己已经为成功而不是压力做好了准备。在下面,创建一个每天在离开办公室之前需要检查的事项清单,并将其纳入你的例行程序中。例如:Define tomorrow's focus 想好明天工作需要专注的主题、List your smaller to dos for tomorrow 列出明天较小的必做清单、Note tomorrow's appointments 纪录明天的会议、Clear the desk 整理书桌、Open/Sort mail 打开/整理邮件、Empty your inbox 清空邮箱免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战https://flywithlily.com/30申请加入迷你退休营https://flywithlily.com/discover早起俱乐部:云雀实验室https://flywithlily.com/5am一对一谘询服务https://flywithlily.com/coachingFly with Lily Podcasthttps://flywithlily.com/mypodcast/我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK https://facebook.com/flywithlilyLINE官方帐号 https://line.me/R/ti/p/{flywithlily}Instagram https://instagram.com/flywithlily我在好学校的Podcast课程https://hahow.in/cr/lily-podcaster

1549 保持工作区的清洁|30日赢得早起|Day 27

1549 保持工作区的清洁|30日赢得早起|Day 27
