1534 开始一个感恩列表|30日赢得早起挑战|Day 12


“Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who do not.” — Christy Chung"生命太短,不要早上醒来感到后悔/遗憾。所以,爱那些对你好的人,忘记那些不对你好的人。" 标题:Start a Gratitude List|开始一个感恩的列表|Day 12第十二天赢得早起的信息One of the most important ways to make your mornings better is to start them off with the right mindset. A great way to do this is to think of things that you are grateful for each day when you first wake up. However, this doesn’t have to be a chore where you feel like you have to come up with 20 things to be thankful for every morning. You can choose to write down as few or as many things as you want for this morning routine. It's all about what makes you feel like you are winning your mornings. One of the easiest ways to start a gratitude list is to just keep adding to the same one each day. This way, not only can you be inspired by the things you already wrote down, but you can keep that momentum going as you add to it. Use the space below to start a list of things you can be grateful for every day:让早晨变得更美好的其中一个最重要的方法是以正确的心态开始它们。一个很好的方法是在你刚醒来时思考每天你感到感激的事情。然而,这不必成为一个负担,让你觉得你每天早上都必须找出20个值得感激的事情。对于这个早晨的习惯,你可以选择写下您想要的少量或大量的事情。重要的是要让你感觉自己正在赢得早晨。开始感恩清单的最简单方法之一是每天都继续添加到同一个清单中。这样,你不仅可以受到你已经写下的事情的启发,还可以在持续添加新事物时保持动力。请使用以下空间开始一个你每天都可以感恩的事物清单。I’m grateful for my healthy body.我感恩有健康的身体 2. I’m grateful for a job I love. 我感恩有一份热爱的工作3. I’m grateful for having a female community that supports me. 我感恩有一个支持我的女性社群4. I’m grateful for having some good friends. 我感恩有一些好朋友5.  I’m grateful for the freedom to travel the world. 感恩有行走世界的自由6. I’m grateful for the convenience of the internet to help me connect with the world. 感恩网际网络的便利。免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战https://flywithlily.com/30申请加入迷你退休营https://flywithlily.com/discover早起具乐部:云雀实验室https://flywithlily.com/5am一对一谘询服务https://flywithlily.com/coachingFly with Lily Podcasthttps://flywithlily.com/mypodcast/我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK https://facebook.com/flywithlilyLINE官方帐号 https://line.me/R/ti/p/{flywithlily}Instagram https://instagram.com/flywithlily我在好学校的Podcast课程https://hahow.in/cr/lily-podcaster

1534 开始一个感恩列表|30日赢得早起挑战|Day 12

1534 开始一个感恩列表|30日赢得早起挑战|Day 12
