1550 拥有一个每天都可以盼望的兴趣或活动|30日贏得早起|Day28


“I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world.” – E. B. White"早晨醒来,我总是在改善世界的欲望和享受世界的欲望之间徘徊。" — E. B.怀特标题: Have an activity/hobby to look forward to each day|拥有一个每天都可以盼望的兴趣或活动|Day 28这是第二十八天“赢得早起”的任务信息:No matter how many great things you do every morning, it can still be overwhelming to know that the rest of your day will be full of important things that you have to do. Having an activity or hobby to look forward to each day can help you stay motivated, and even inspire you to get all your responsibilities finished early! Knowing that you will be able to: do something fun at the end of your day can be a huge boost to your morale in the mornings.无论你每天早上做多少出色的事情,都可能感到不知所措,因为你知道一天的其余时间将充满你必须完成的重要事情。每天都有一个期待的活动或爱好可以帮助你保持动力,甚至激发你提前完成所有责任的动力!知道你将能够在一天结束时做一些有趣的事情可能会大大提高你早上的士气。What are some things you enjoy doing but stopped? 有哪些事是你曾喜欢作但停止的?What are some hobbies you think would be interesting to try? 有哪些爱好是你觉得可以尝试的?

1550 拥有一个每天都可以盼望的兴趣或活动|30日贏得早起|Day28

1550 拥有一个每天都可以盼望的兴趣或活动|30日贏得早起|Day28
