1530 远离电子设备|30日赢得早起挑战|Day 8


标题:Day 8|远离电子设备 Unplug“Every morning starts a new page in your story. Make it a great one today.” — Doe Zantamata每一个早晨都会在你的故事展开新的一页,让它变成最棒的一页。Our smartphones and other devices can often begin to take over our morning and night routines. However, it can be a great idea to start having a set time where you "unplug" from these devices and give your brain a rest. Not only can this help you sleep better for the next day, but it can also improve your mornings. Use the space below to come up with times for each day that you can start to unplug and set your mornings up for success.我们的智能手机和其他设备往往会开始占据我们的早晨和晚间日常生活。然而,定期设定一个时间段,让你从这些设备中“解脱”并让大脑休息,这是一个很好的主意。这不仅可以帮助你更好地入睡,迎接新的一天,还可以改善你的早晨。请使用以下空间来为每天设定一个可以开始断开连接并为早晨成功做准备的时间。How do you feel about unplugging? Write any thoughts you have and the results of your actions. 对于断开连结,你有什么感受吗?写下你的感觉!1.smartphone 智能手机2.take over 占据3. Brain 脑袋4. Unplug 断开免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战https://flywithlily.com/30申请加入迷你退休营https://flywithlily.com/discover早起具乐部:云雀实验室https://flywithlily.com/5am一对一谘询服务https://flywithlily.com/coachingFly with Lily Podcasthttps://flywithlily.com/mypodcast/我的网站https://flywithlily.com

1530 远离电子设备|30日赢得早起挑战|Day 8

1530 远离电子设备|30日赢得早起挑战|Day 8
