

公眾微信號:EnglishfitDay 19: What have you manifested that you are super grateful for?第十九天:目前发生在你生命中最感谢的人/事是什么?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend Michael. I'm from Colorado in the United States. I'm in Chiang Mai, Thailand, now because this is where I have been dreaming of coming. I am learning to code right now, and in my free time, I like to do lots of things hiking, biking, and in Chiang Mai, motorbiking. My dream is to be here now in Chiang Mai in the winter. And today I'm asked a question by Lily, which is what have you manifested that you are super grateful for? And actually being here in Chiang Mai is the thing that I've manifested that I'm super grateful for. I have been living in climates with winter for my whole life and have been wanting to experience a year without winter. And so I'm here in Southeast Asia and am living my dream of being warm and not experiencing any snow. And, yeah, I feel really grateful for that and for all of the people that have helped me make that happen. So that's it. Thanks for listening.你好。你正在收听《与莉莉一起飞》。我是你的新朋友迈克尔。我来自美国科罗拉多州。我现在身处泰国清迈,因为这是我一直梦想来的地方。我目前正在学习编程,业余时间喜欢做很多事情,比如徒步、骑自行车,在清迈还喜欢骑摩托车。我的梦想是在冬天能够在清迈。今天,莉莉问了我一个问题,那就是你已经实现了什么让你非常感激的愿景?实际上,能够在清迈这个地方是我实现的让我非常感激的事情。我一直生活在有冬天的气候中,一直想体验一年没有冬天的生活。所以我来到了东南亚,正在实现我温暖、不见雪的梦想。是的,我为此感到非常感激,也感激所有帮助我实现这个梦想的人。就是这样。谢谢你的聆听。单词记忆:1.Motorbiking (骑摩托车)Definition: Riding a motorcycle or engaging in the activity of motorcycling.2.Manifested (实现)Definition: Brought into reality; made evident or certain.3.Grateful (感激的)Definition: Feeling or showing appreciation and thankfulness for something.4.Climate (气候)Definition: The long-term pattern of weather in a particular area.5.Experiencing (经历)Definition: Going through or participating in events, situations, or activities.6.Southeast Asia (东南亚)Definition: The region of Asia that includes countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and others.7.Climates (气候)Definition: The prevailing or typical weather conditions of a region.8.Yearn (渴望)Definition: Have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from.今日感想:选择在东南亚打造自己的线上生意有许多原因,其中首要的是这里的生活成本相对较低,加上来自世界各地的人带来的文化多元,以及宜人的气候,尤其是没有冬天。和Michael一样,我非常感激能在这里生活,并且有机会结交志同道合的人,进而学习新语言和提升英语能力。今天和一位来自瑞士的朋友一同品尝咖啡,我们竟然在咖啡厅里用西班牙语、英语以及泰语进行轻松的交谈,这样的体验真的让我感到不可思议!若我身处台湾,除非在大城市,或许有机会创造这样的多元交流,但我并不是特别喜欢大都市的环境。相较之下,清迈虽然是泰国的第二大城市,但步调相对较慢,人们更愿意交流,更亲切热情。这真的是一个特别宜人的地方。


