1557 (苏格兰口音)什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子?


暫用的公众微信:EnglishfitDay 10: What has helped you become more of who you are?第十天:什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend Graham. I'm from Scotland. I'm in Chiang Mai. Now, because of work, I'm in advertising, and in my free time, I love to keep myself occupied with reading, with writing, and with watching movies. Today I'm asked a question by Lily, and that question is, what has helped you become more of who you are? Which is actually a great question, and I would answer that most simply by curiosity. Where I am right now in my career is an executive creative director, where I have to do advertising, communications for all kinds of things. Could be a mobile phone, one week, could be a hotel. So I always need to learn, always need to find out more about new products and people and cultures. And that has helped me not just professionally, but I would say, in my private life, curiosity, learning new things, meeting new people. I would say that's the main driver of becoming who I am. Thank you. 你好。你正在收听《学英语环游世界》。我是你的新朋友格雷厄姆。我来自苏格兰,现在我在清迈。因为我的工作是在广告领域,业余时间里,我喜欢通过阅读、写作和观看电影来保持自己的兴趣。今天莉莉问了我一个问题,那个问题是,是什么帮助你更多地成为了你自己?这实际上是一个很好的问题,我会简单地回答是好奇心。我现在的职业是执行创意总监,我需要为各种各样的事情做广告和传播,可能是一部手机,可能是一家酒店。因此,我总是需要学习,总是需要了解更多关于新产品、人物和文化的知识。这不仅在职业生涯上对我有帮助,我会说在我的私人生活中,好奇心、学习新事物和结交新朋友是我成为现在的主要动力。谢谢。单词记忆1.Occupied (忙碌)2.Executive Creative Director (执行创意总监)3.Communications (传播)4.Curiosity (好奇心)5.Professionally (职业上)6.Driver (动力)7.Cultures (文化)8.Mobile Phone (手机)9.Advertising (广告)10.Overseeing (监督)今日感想:今天和泰语班同学一起吃饭,特别是其中有位同年的女同学已经当上了三宝妈。听她分享最近带小孩的烦心和喜悦,真的让我感受到生活的多彩。虽然我目前还没有家庭,但她的分享提醒了我,让我更珍惜眼前拥有的一切。尤其是她强调,不论我们身处何种处境,做了什么选择,我们都可以对自己说:“我现在正处于我应该在的地方,I'm exactly where I need to be.” 我并不是那么相信生命不能重来的说法,我深信每一天都有可能成为最好的一天。嗯,有时候生活可能会感到孤独,但我持续积极地生活,为自己赋予生命的深意。我喜欢追随自己的兴趣,探索新事物,并在学习成长的过程中不断丰富自己。希望这样的分享能够触动在听这个播客的朋友们,提醒大家每天都有机会创造属于自己的最美好的时光。

1557 (苏格兰口音)什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子?

1557 (苏格兰口音)什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子?
