1544 听一些积极正面的播客和有声书|30日赢得早起|Day 22


“I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.” – Larry King"我每天早上提醒自己:在这一天,我不会因我所说的任何话学到东西。所以,如果我要学到东西,必须通过倾听来实现。" — 拉里·金标题:Listen to Something Positive |听一些积极正面的播客和有声书|Day 22这是第二十二天“赢得早起”的任务信息:What we listen to has an impact on how we feel. If you are listening to things that consistently create negative feelings, you're going to be much more sensitive to situations that could be stressful. However, by starting your day with some positive listening, you are essentially building a foundation of positive thoughts and emotions that will help you be better equipped to deal with problems as they arise. Use the space below to come up with some ideas of what to listen to that makes you feel positive.我们听的内容会影响我们的情绪。如果你一直在听那些让你产生负面情感的内容,那么你对可能会带来压力的情况会更加敏感。然而,通过聆听一些积极的播客或有声书来开始你的一天,实际上你就是正在建立积极思维和情感的基础,这将会帮助你更好地应对问题的出现。使用以下空间来想出一些使你感到积极的音乐/播客和有声书的想法。免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战https://flywithlily.com/30申请加入迷你退休营https://flywithlily.com/discover早起俱乐部:云雀实验室https://flywithlily.com/5am一对一谘询服务https://flywithlily.com/coachingFly with Lily Podcasthttps://flywithlily.com/mypodcast/我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK https://facebook.com/flywithlilyLINE官方帐号 https://line.me/R/ti/p/{flywithlily}Instagram https://instagram.com/flywithlily我在好学校的Podcast课程https://hahow.in/cr/lily-podcaster

1544 听一些积极正面的播客和有声书|30日赢得早起|Day 22

1544 听一些积极正面的播客和有声书|30日赢得早起|Day 22
