1555 你最喜欢感受什么样的情绪?


现在你可以到 Fly with Lily 网站免费参与我们的30日赢得早起挑战!Day 11: What is your favourite emotion to feel?第十一天:你最喜欢感受什么样的情绪?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I am your new friend, Bibiana Ford. My business name is called True Amor. Originally from the beautiful island of St. Lucia, I am currently living in London, England, because my mom wanted a better life for me and my siblings. I am a healing coach who helps women to fall in love with themselves wholeheartedly so that they can live and lead their best life from a place of true love. In my free time, I enjoy reading books on healing mindset and transformation. I do enjoy going on solo walks and giving quality time to my loved ones. My dream is to help as much(many) people to heal from past pain and to step into their beautiful self by giving themselves permission to fall in love with themselves wholeheartedly. Today, I'll be answering a question posed by Lily. What is your favourite emotion to feel? That will be love because you can make peace with your past life, find courage to live and enjoy your present life and future. That's it. Thank you for listening.你好。你正在收听《学英语环游世界》。我是你的新朋友,Bibiana Ford。我的公司名字叫True Amor。我原籍圣卢西亚美丽的岛屿,目前居住在英格兰伦敦,因为我妈妈希望我和我的兄弟姐妹能过上更好的生活。我是一位療癒教练,帮助女性全心全意地爱上自己,以便她们可以从真爱的状态中过上并引领她们最美好的生活。在业余时间,我喜欢阅读有关治疗思维和转变的书籍。我喜欢独自散步,花时间陪伴我所爱的人。我的梦想是帮助尽可能多的人从过去的伤痛中康复,通过允许自己全心全意地爱上自己,迈向美好的自己。今天,我将回答莉莉提出的一个问题:你最喜欢感受的情绪是什么,那肯定是爱。因为你可以与过去和解,找到勇气过好现在的生活并享受未来。就是这样。感谢你的倾听。Bibiana Forde, founder of True Amore, helping women to fall in love with themselves so that they can live their best life and know that they are worthy of achieving whatever they want in their life单词记忆:1.wholeheartedly (全心全意)(adverb) With complete sincerity and commitment.2.healing coach (治疗教练)(noun) Someone who guides and supports individuals in their journey toward emotional and physical healing.3.mindset (心态)(noun) A set of attitudes or beliefs that shape one's behavior and thinking.4.transformation (转变)(noun) A profound change in form or appearance; a metamorphosis.5.solo (单独的)(adjective) Alone; without companions.6.wholeheartedly (全心全意)(adverb) With complete sincerity and commitment.7.permission (允许)(noun) Authorization or consent; the act of allowing.8.fall in love with oneself (爱上自己)(phrase) Developing a deep and positive connection with oneself.9.courage (勇气)(noun) The ability to confront fear or adversity with bravery.10.past pain (过去的痛苦)(phrase) Emotional distress or suffering experienced in the past.

1555 你最喜欢感受什么样的情绪?

1555 你最喜欢感受什么样的情绪?
